# v0.3.2 (2023-12-30) * enable support for GHC 9.4 # v0.3.1 (2023-10-30) * enable TCP_NODELAY to reduce intermessage latency # v0.3.0 (2023-04-01) * require streamly 0.9.0+ # v0.2.2 (2022-08-17) * add support for GHC 9.2 # v0.2.1 (2021-12-28) * bump up streamly dependency to 0.8.1 due to streamly internals API change since 0.8.0 # v0.2 (2021-12-13) * update for streamly 0.8.0 (we are no longer pegged to a pre-release streamly) # v0.1 (2020-12-27) * initial release to support [Project:M36](https://github.com/agentm/project-m36)