{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} -- The MIN_VERSION_Cabal macro was introduced with Cabal-1.24 (??) #ifndef MIN_VERSION_Cabal #define MIN_VERSION_Cabal(major1,major2,minor) 0 #endif import Distribution.PackageDescription import Distribution.Simple import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths import Distribution.Simple.Command import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo import Distribution.Simple.PreProcess import Distribution.Simple.Program import Distribution.Simple.Program.Db import Distribution.Simple.Program.Find import Distribution.Simple.Setup import Distribution.Simple.Utils import Distribution.System import Distribution.Verbosity #if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,25,0) import Distribution.PackageDescription.PrettyPrint import Distribution.Version #endif #if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,2,0) import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec #else import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse #endif import Control.Applicative import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import Language.Haskell.TH import Prelude import System.Directory import System.FilePath import Text.Printf import Foreign.CUDA.Path -- Configuration -- ------------- customBuildInfoFilePath :: FilePath customBuildInfoFilePath = "cufft" <.> "buildinfo" generatedBuildInfoFilePath :: FilePath generatedBuildInfoFilePath = customBuildInfoFilePath <.> "generated" -- http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cufft/index.html#static-library -- staticLibs :: Platform -> [String] staticLibs platform@(Platform _arch os) = case os of _ -> dynamicLibs platform -- TLM: I can't get this work at the moment. This package will build fine, -- but client packages (e.g. accelerate-fft) will fail with an error such as: -- -- > dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: ___cudaRegisterLinkedBinary_72_tmpxft_000005ef_00000000_15_fft_dimension_class_multi_compute_60_cpp1_ii_466e44ab -- -- Windows -> dynamicLibs platform -- _ -> ["cufft_static", "cudart_static", "culibos", "pthread", "dl"] dynamicLibs :: Platform -> [String] dynamicLibs _ = ["cufft"] -- Build setup -- ----------- main :: IO () main = defaultMainWithHooks customHooks where readHook get_verbosity args flags = do noExtraFlags args getHookedBuildInfo (fromFlag (get_verbosity flags)) preprocessors = hookedPreProcessors simpleUserHooks -- Our readHook implementation uses our getHookedBuildInfo. We can't rely on -- cabal's autoconfUserHooks since they don't handle user overwrites to -- buildinfo like we do. -- customHooks = simpleUserHooks { preBuild = preBuildHook -- not using 'readHook' here because 'build' takes extra args , preClean = readHook cleanVerbosity , preCopy = readHook copyVerbosity , preInst = readHook installVerbosity , preHscolour = readHook hscolourVerbosity , preHaddock = readHook haddockVerbosity , preReg = readHook regVerbosity , preUnreg = readHook regVerbosity , postConf = postConfHook -- , postBuild = postBuildHook , hookedPreProcessors = ("chs", pp_c2hs) : filter (\x -> fst x /= "chs") preprocessors } -- The hook just loads the HookedBuildInfo generated by postConfHook, unless -- there is user-provided info that overwrites it. -- preBuildHook :: Args -> BuildFlags -> IO HookedBuildInfo preBuildHook _ flags = getHookedBuildInfo $ fromFlag $ buildVerbosity flags -- The hook scans system in search for CUDA Toolkit. If the toolkit is not -- found, an error is raised. Otherwise the toolkit location is used to -- create a `cufft.buildinfo.generated` file with all the resulting flags. postConfHook :: Args -> ConfigFlags -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO () postConfHook args flags pkg_descr lbi = do let verbosity = fromFlagOrDefault normal (configVerbosity flags) profile = fromFlagOrDefault False (configProfLib flags) currentPlatform = hostPlatform lbi compilerId_ = compilerId (compiler lbi) -- noExtraFlags args generateAndStoreBuildInfo verbosity profile currentPlatform compilerId_ generatedBuildInfoFilePath validateLinker verbosity currentPlatform $ withPrograms lbi -- actualBuildInfoToUse <- getHookedBuildInfo verbosity let pkg_descr' = updatePackageDescription actualBuildInfoToUse pkg_descr postConf simpleUserHooks args flags pkg_descr' lbi -- This hook fixes the embedded LC_RPATHs in the generated .dylib on OSX. postBuildHook :: Args -> BuildFlags -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO () postBuildHook _ flags pkg_descr lbi = do let verbosity = fromFlag (buildVerbosity flags) platform = hostPlatform lbi cid = compilerId (compiler lbi) uid = #if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,25,0) localUnitId lbi #else $( case withinRange cabalVersion (orLaterVersion (Version [1,24] [])) of True -> return ( AppE (VarE (mkName "localUnitId")) (VarE (mkName "lbi")) ) False -> return ( AppE (VarE (mkName "head")) (AppE (VarE (mkName ("componentLibraries"))) (AppE (AppE (VarE (mkName "getComponentLocalBuildInfo")) (VarE (mkName "lbi"))) (ConE (mkName "CLibName")))) ) -- True -> [| localUnitId lbi |] -- False -> [| head (componentLibraries (getComponentLocalBuildInfo lbi CLibName)) |] ) #endif #if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,3,0) sharedLib = buildDir lbi </> mkSharedLibName platform cid uid #else sharedLib = buildDir lbi </> mkSharedLibName cid uid #endif Just extraLibDirs' = extraLibDirs . libBuildInfo <$> library pkg_descr -- updateLibraryRPATHs verbosity platform sharedLib extraLibDirs' -- It seems that the GHC and/or Cabal developers don't quite understand how -- dynamic linking works on OSX. Even though we have specified -- '-optl-Wl,-rpath,...' as part of the configuration, this (sometimes?) gets -- filtered out somewhere, and the resulting .dylib that is generated does not -- have this path embedded as an LC_RPATH. The result is that the cuFFT library -- will not be found, resulting in a link-time error. -- -- On *nix (and versions of OSX previous to El Capitan 10.11), we could use -- [DY]LD_LIBRARY_PATH to specify where to resolve @rpath locations, but that is -- no longer an option on OSX due to System Integrity Protection. -- -- An alternate argument is that the CUDA installer should have updated the -- install name (LC_ID_DYLIB) of its dynamic libraries to include the full -- absolute path, rather than relying on @rpath in the first place, which is -- what Apple's system libraries do for example. -- updateLibraryRPATHs :: Verbosity -> Platform -> FilePath -> [FilePath] -> IO () updateLibraryRPATHs verbosity (Platform _ os) sharedLib extraLibDirs' = when (os == OSX) $ do exists <- doesFileExist sharedLib unless exists $ die' verbosity $ printf "Unexpected failure: library does not exist: %s" sharedLib -- mint <- findProgram verbosity "install_name_tool" case mint of Nothing -> notice verbosity $ "Could not locate 'install_name_tool' in order to update LC_RPATH entries. This is likely to cause problems later on." Just install_name_tool -> forM_ extraLibDirs' $ \libDir -> runProgramInvocation verbosity $ simpleProgramInvocation install_name_tool ["-add_rpath", libDir, sharedLib] -- Runs CUDA detection procedure and stores .buildinfo to a file. -- generateAndStoreBuildInfo :: Verbosity -> Bool -> Platform -> CompilerId -> FilePath -> IO () generateAndStoreBuildInfo verbosity profile platform (CompilerId _ghcFlavor ghcVersion) path = storeHookedBuildInfo verbosity path =<< libraryBuildInfo profile platform ghcVersion storeHookedBuildInfo :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> HookedBuildInfo -> IO () storeHookedBuildInfo verbosity path hbi = do notice verbosity $ "Storing parameters to " ++ path writeHookedBuildInfo path hbi -- Reads user-provided `cufft.buildinfo` if present, otherwise loads -- `cufft.buildinfo.generated` Outputs message informing about the other -- possibility. Calls die when neither of the files is available. (generated one -- should be always present, as it is created in the post-conf step) -- getHookedBuildInfo :: Verbosity -> IO HookedBuildInfo getHookedBuildInfo verbosity = do customBuildInfoExists <- doesFileExist customBuildInfoFilePath if customBuildInfoExists then do notice verbosity $ printf "The user-provided buildinfo from file '%s' will be used. To use default settings, delete this file." customBuildInfoFilePath readHookedBuildInfo verbosity customBuildInfoFilePath else do generatedBuildInfoExists <- doesFileExist generatedBuildInfoFilePath if generatedBuildInfoExists then do notice verbosity $ printf "Using build information from '%s'" generatedBuildInfoFilePath notice verbosity $ printf "Provide a '%s' file to override this behaviour" customBuildInfoFilePath readHookedBuildInfo verbosity generatedBuildInfoFilePath else die' verbosity $ printf "Unexpected failure: neither the default '%s' nor custom '%s' exist" generatedBuildInfoFilePath customBuildInfoFilePath findProgram :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath) findProgram verbosity prog = findProgram_helper (findProgramOnSearchPath verbosity defaultProgramSearchPath prog) class FindProgram f where findProgram_helper :: f -> IO (Maybe FilePath) instance FindProgram (IO (Maybe (FilePath, [FilePath]))) where findProgram_helper f = fmap fst `fmap` f instance FindProgram (IO (Maybe FilePath)) where findProgram_helper f = f -- Generates build info with flags needed for CUDA Toolkit to be properly -- visible to underlying build tools. -- libraryBuildInfo :: Bool -> Platform -> Version -> IO HookedBuildInfo libraryBuildInfo profile platform@(Platform arch os) ghcVersion = do let -- options for GHC extraLibDirs' = [ cudaLibraryPath ] ccOptions' = [ "-I" ++ cudaIncludePath ] ldOptions' = [ "-L" ++ cudaLibraryPath ] ghcOptions = map ("-optc"++) ccOptions' ++ map ("-optl"++) ldOptions' ++ if os /= Windows && not profile then map ("-optl-Wl,-rpath,"++) extraLibDirs' else [] extraLibs' = staticLibs platform extraGHCiLibs' = dynamicLibs platform -- options for C2HS archFlag = case arch of I386 -> "-m32" X86_64 -> "-m64" _ -> "" emptyCase = ["-DUSE_EMPTY_CASE" | versionBranch ghcVersion >= [7,8]] blocksExtension = ["-U__BLOCKS__" | os == OSX ] c2hsOptions = unwords $ map ("--cppopts="++) ("-E" : archFlag : emptyCase ++ blocksExtension) c2hsExtraOptions = ("x-extra-c2hs-options", c2hsOptions) addSystemSpecificOptions :: BuildInfo -> IO BuildInfo addSystemSpecificOptions bi = case os of -- In the CUDA package this is used to populate the extraGHCiLibs -- field with the mangled .dll names. I'm not sure what those are for -- this library, so left out for the time being. _ -> return bi buildInfo' <- addSystemSpecificOptions $ emptyBuildInfo { ccOptions = ccOptions' , ldOptions = ldOptions' , extraLibs = extraLibs' , extraGHCiLibs = extraGHCiLibs' , extraLibDirs = extraLibDirs' #if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(3,0,0) , options = PerCompilerFlavor (if os /= Windows then ghcOptions else []) [] #else , options = [(GHC, ghcOptions) | os /= Windows] #endif , customFieldsBI = [c2hsExtraOptions] } return (Just buildInfo', []) -- On Windows platform the binutils linker targeting x64 is bugged and cannot -- properly link with import libraries generated by MS compiler (like the CUDA ones). -- The programs would correctly compile and crash as soon as the first FFI call is made. -- -- Therefore we fail configure process if the linker is too old and provide user -- with guidelines on how to fix the problem. -- validateLinker :: Verbosity -> Platform -> ProgramDb -> IO () validateLinker verbosity (Platform X86_64 Windows) db = do let say msg = printf "%s. If generated executables crash when making calls to CUFFT please see: %s" msg windowsHelpPage -- maybeLdPath <- getRealLdPath verbosity db case maybeLdPath of Nothing -> warn verbosity $ say "Cannot find ld.exe to check if it is new enough" Just ldPath -> do debug verbosity $ "Checking if ld.exe at " ++ ldPath ++ " is new enough" maybeVersion <- getLdVersion verbosity ldPath case maybeVersion of Nothing -> warn verbosity $ say "Unknown ld.exe version" Just ldVersion -> do debug verbosity $ "Found ld.exe version: " ++ show ldVersion when (ldVersion < [2,25,1]) $ die' verbosity (windowsLinkerBugMsg ldPath) validateLinker _ _ _ = return () -- The linker bug is present only on Win64 platform -- On Windows GHC package comes with two copies of ld.exe. -- -- ProgramDb knows about the first one: ghcpath\mingw\bin\ld.exe -- This function returns the other one: ghcpath\mingw\x86_64-w64-mingw32\bin\ld.exe -- -- The second one is the one that does actual linking and code generation. -- See: https://github.com/tmcdonell/cuda/issues/31#issuecomment-149181376 -- -- The function is meant to be used only on 64-bit GHC distributions. -- getRealLdPath :: Verbosity -> ProgramDb -> IO (Maybe FilePath) getRealLdPath verbosity programDb = -- This should ideally work `programFindVersion ldProgram` but for some reason -- it does not. The issue should be investigated at some time. case lookupProgram ghcProgram programDb of Nothing -> return Nothing Just configuredGhc -> do let ghcPath = locationPath $ programLocation configuredGhc presumedLdPath = (takeDirectory . takeDirectory) ghcPath </> "mingw" </> "x86_64-w64-mingw32" </> "bin" </> "ld.exe" info verbosity $ "Presuming ld location" ++ presumedLdPath presumedLdExists <- doesFileExist presumedLdPath return $ if presumedLdExists then Just presumedLdPath else Nothing -- Tries to obtain the version `ld`. Throws an exception on failure. -- getLdVersion :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe [Int]) getLdVersion verbosity ldPath = do -- Examples of version string format: -- * GNU ld (GNU Binutils) 2.25.1 -- * GNU ld (GNU Binutils) -- ldVersionString <- getProgramInvocationOutput normal (simpleProgramInvocation ldPath ["-v"]) let versionText = last $ words ldVersionString -- takes e.g. "2.25.1" versionParts = splitOn (== '.') versionText versionParsed = Just $ map read versionParts -- last and read above may throw and message would be not understandable for user, -- so we'll intercept exception and rethrow it with more useful message. let handleError :: SomeException -> IO (Maybe [Int]) handleError e = do warn verbosity $ printf "cannot parse ld version string: '%s'. Parsing exception: %s" ldVersionString (show e) return Nothing evaluate versionParsed `catch` handleError splitOn :: (Char -> Bool) -> String -> [String] splitOn p s = case dropWhile p s of [] -> [] ss -> let (w,s') = break p ss in w : splitOn p s' windowsHelpPage :: String windowsHelpPage = "https://github.com/robeverest/cufft/blob/master/WINDOWS.md" windowsLinkerBugMsg :: FilePath -> String windowsLinkerBugMsg ldPath = printf (unlines msg) windowsHelpPage ldPath where msg = [ "********************************************************************************" , "" , "The installed version of `ld.exe` has version < 2.25.1. This version has known bug on Windows x64 architecture, making it unable to correctly link programs using CUDA. The fix is available and MSys2 released fixed version of `ld.exe` as part of their binutils package (version 2.25.1)." , "" , "To fix this issue, replace the `ld.exe` in your GHC installation with the correct binary. See the following page for details:" , "" , " %s" , "" , "The full path to the outdated `ld.exe` detected in your installation:" , "" , "> %s" , "" , "Please download a recent version of binutils `ld.exe`, from, e.g.:" , "" , " http://repo.msys2.org/mingw/x86_64/mingw-w64-x86_64-binutils-2.25.1-1-any.pkg.tar.xz" , "" , "********************************************************************************" ] -- Replicate the default C2HS preprocessor hook here, and inject a value for -- extra-c2hs-options, if it was present in the buildinfo file -- -- This is largely copied from Distribution.Simple.PreProcess, with some hacks -- to make it work with different versions of Cabal-the-library. -- class PPC2HS f where pp_c2hs :: f instance PPC2HS (BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor) where pp_c2hs bi lbi _ = pp_c2hs bi lbi instance PPC2HS (BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor) where pp_c2hs bi lbi = PreProcessor { platformIndependent = False , runPreProcessor = \(inBaseDir, inRelativeFile) (outBaseDir, outRelativeFile) verbosity -> runDbProgram verbosity c2hsProgram (withPrograms lbi) . filter (not . null) $ maybe [] words (lookup "x-extra-c2hs-options" (customFieldsBI bi)) ++ ["--include=" ++ outBaseDir] ++ ["--cppopts=" ++ opt | opt <- getCppOptions bi lbi] ++ ["--output-dir=" ++ outBaseDir, "--output=" ++ outRelativeFile, inBaseDir </> inRelativeFile] } getCppOptions :: BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> [String] getCppOptions bi lbi = hcDefines (compiler lbi) ++ ["-I" ++ dir | dir <- includeDirs bi] ++ [opt | opt@('-':c:_) <- ccOptions bi, c `elem` "DIU"] hcDefines :: Compiler -> [String] hcDefines comp = case compilerFlavor comp of GHC -> ["-D__GLASGOW_HASKELL__=" ++ versionInt version] JHC -> ["-D__JHC__=" ++ versionInt version] NHC -> ["-D__NHC__=" ++ versionInt version] Hugs -> ["-D__HUGS__"] _ -> [] where version = compilerVersion comp -- TODO: move this into the compiler abstraction -- FIXME: this forces GHC's crazy 4.8.2 -> 408 convention on all the other -- compilers. Check if that's really what they want. versionInt :: Version -> String versionInt v = case versionBranch v of [] -> "1" [n] -> show n n1:n2:_ -> printf "%d%02d" n1 n2 #if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,25,0) versionBranch :: Version -> [Int] versionBranch = versionNumbers #endif #if !MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0) die' :: Verbosity -> String -> IO a die' _ = die #endif