{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-} -- | -- Module : Foreign.CUDA.FFT.Plan -- Copyright : [2013..2018] Robert Clifton-Everest, Trevor L. McDonell -- License : BSD3 -- -- Maintainer : Trevor L. McDonell <tmcdonell@cse.unsw.edu.au> -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- module Foreign.CUDA.FFT.Plan ( Handle(..), Type(..), plan1D, plan2D, plan3D, planMany, destroy, ) where -- Friends import Foreign.CUDA.FFT.Error import Foreign.CUDA.FFT.Internal.C2HS -- System import Foreign import Foreign.C import Control.Monad ( liftM ) import Data.Maybe #include <cbits/wrap.h> {# context lib="cufft" #} -- | A handle used to store and access cuFFT plans. -- -- A handle is created by the FFT planning functions (e.g. 'plan1D') and used -- during execution of the transforms (e.g. 'Foreign.CUDA.FFT.Execute.execC2C'). -- -- The handle may be reused, but should be 'destroy'ed once it is no longer -- required, in order to release associated GPU memory and other resources. -- newtype Handle = Handle { useHandle :: {# type cufftHandle #}} -- | The cuFFT library supports complex- and real-valued transforms. This data -- type enumerates the kind of transform a plan will execute. -- -- Key: -- -- * __R__: real (32-bit float) -- * __D__: double (64-bit float) -- * __C__: single-precision complex numbers (32-bit, interleaved) -- * __Z__: double-precision complex numbers (64-bit, interleaved) -- {# enum cufftType as Type {} with prefix="CUFFT" deriving (Eq, Show) #} -- Context management ---------------------------------------------------------- -- -- | -- | Creates a 1D FFT plan configured for a specified signal size and data type. -- -- The third argument tells cuFFT how many 1D transforms, of size given by the -- first argument, to configure. Consider using 'planMany' for multiple -- transforms instead. -- -- <http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cufft/index.html#function-cufftplan1d> -- {-# INLINEABLE plan1D #-} {# fun unsafe cufftPlan1d as plan1D { alloca- `Handle' peekHdl* , `Int' -- ^ Size of the transformation , cFromEnum `Type' -- ^ Transformation data type , `Int' -- ^ Number of one-dimensional transforms to configure } -> `()' checkStatus*- #} where peekHdl = liftM Handle . peek -- | Creates a 2D FFT plan configuration for a specified signal size and data type. -- -- <http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cufft/index.html#function-cufftplan2d> -- {-# INLINEABLE plan2D #-} {# fun unsafe cufftPlan2d as plan2D { alloca- `Handle' peekHdl* , `Int' -- ^ The transform size in the /x/-dimension. This is the slowest changing dimension of a transform (strided in memory) , `Int' -- ^ The transform size in the /y/-dimension. This is the fastest changing dimension of a transform (contiguous in memory) , cFromEnum `Type' -- ^ Transformation data type } -> `()' checkStatus*- #} where peekHdl = liftM Handle . peek -- | Creates a 3D FFT plan configuration for a specified signal size and data type. -- -- <http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cufft/index.html#function-cufftplan3d> -- {-# INLINEABLE plan3D #-} {# fun unsafe cufftPlan3d as plan3D { alloca- `Handle' peekHdl* , `Int' -- ^ The transform size in the /x/-dimension. This is the slowest changing dimension of the transform (strided in memory) , `Int' -- ^ The transform size in the /y/-dimension. , `Int' -- ^ The transform size in the /z/-dimension. This is the fastest changing dimension of the transform (contiguous in memory) , cFromEnum `Type' -- ^ Transformation data type } -> `()' checkStatus*- #} where peekHdl = liftM Handle . peek -- | Creates a batched plan configuration for many signals of a specified size -- and data type in either 1, 2 or 3 dimensions. -- -- This function supports more complicated input and output data layouts. If not -- specified (that is, 'Nothing' is passed for either of the second or third -- parameters), contiguous data arrays are assumed. -- -- Data layout configuration consists of three fields, respectively: -- -- * storage dimensions of the input data in memory -- * the distance between two successive input elements in the innermost (least significant) dimension -- * the distance between the first element of two consecutive signals in a batch of the input data -- -- <http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cufft/index.html#function-cufftplanmany> -- planMany :: [Int] -- ^ The size of the transform in each dimension, where @(n !! 0)@ is the size of the outermost dimension, and @(n !! rank-1)@ the size of the innermost (contiguous) dimension of the transform. -> Maybe ([Int], Int, Int) -- ^ Input data layout. If 'Nothing', the data is assumed to be contiguous. -> Maybe ([Int], Int, Int) -- ^ Output data layout. If 'Nothing', the data is stored contiguously. -> Type -- ^ Transformation type -> Int -- ^ Batch size for this transform -> IO Handle planMany n ilayout olayout t batch = cufftPlanMany (length n) n inembed istride idist onembed ostride odist t batch where (inembed, istride, idist) = fromMaybe ([], 0, 0) ilayout (onembed, ostride, odist) = fromMaybe ([], 0, 0) olayout peekHdl = liftM Handle . peek asArray [] f = f nullPtr asArray xs f = withArray (map fromIntegral xs) f {# fun unsafe cufftPlanMany { alloca- `Handle' peekHdl* , `Int' , asArray* `[Int]' , asArray* `[Int]' , `Int' , `Int' , asArray* `[Int]' , `Int' , `Int' , cFromEnum `Type' , `Int' } -> `()' checkStatus*- #} -- | Release resources associated with the given plan. This function should be -- called once a plan is no longer needed, to avoid wasting GPU memory. -- -- <http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cufft/index.html#function-cufftdestroy> -- {-# INLINEABLE destroy #-} {# fun unsafe cufftDestroy as destroy { useHandle `Handle' } -> `()' checkStatus*- #}