name: cubical version: 0.1.0 synopsis: Implementation of Univalence in Cubical Sets description: Cubical implements an experimental simple type checker for type theory with univalence with an evaluator for closed terms. homepage: extra-source-files: Makefile,,, examples/*.cub license: MIT license-file: LICENSE author: Cyril Cohen, Thierry Coquand, Simon Huber, Anders Mörtberg maintainer: -- copyright: category: Dependent Types build-type: Custom -- extra-source-files: cabal-version: >=1.10 executable cubical main-is: Main.hs other-modules: Exp.Lex, Exp.Par other-extensions: TupleSections, CPP, MagicHash build-depends: base >=4.5 && < 5, transformers >=0.3, mtl >=2.1, haskeline >=0.7, directory >=1.2, array >=0.4, BNFC >= 2.6 -- hs-source-dirs: build-tools: alex, happy default-language: Haskell2010 hs-source-dirs: . other-modules: CTT, Concrete, Eval, MTT, MTTtoCTT, Pretty