csound-expression-opcodes-0.0.2: opcodes for the library csound-expression

Safe HaskellNone





flGroup :: Str -> D -> D -> D -> D -> SE () Source

A FLTK container opcode that groups child widgets.

 FLgroup  "label", iwidth, iheight, ix, iy [, iborder] [, image]

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLgroup.html

flGroupEnd :: SE () Source

Marks the end of a group of FLTK child widgets.


csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLgroupEnd.html

flPack :: D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> SE () Source

Provides the functionality of compressing and aligning FLTK widgets.

FLpack provides the functionality of compressing and aligning widgets.

 FLpack  iwidth, iheight, ix, iy, itype, ispace, iborder

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLpack.html

flPackEnd :: SE () Source

Marks the end of a group of compressed or aligned FLTK widgets.


csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLpackEnd.html

flPanel :: Str -> D -> D -> SE () Source

Creates a window that contains FLTK widgets.

 FLpanel  "label", iwidth, iheight [, ix] [, iy] [, iborder] [, ikbdcapture] [, iclose]

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLpanel.html

flPanelEnd :: SE () Source

Marks the end of a group of FLTK widgets contained inside of a window (panel).


csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLpanelEnd.html

flScroll :: D -> D -> SE () Source

A FLTK opcode that adds scroll bars to an area.

FLscroll adds scroll bars to an area.

 FLscroll  iwidth, iheight [, ix] [, iy]

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLscroll.html

flScrollEnd :: SE () Source

A FLTK opcode that marks the end of an area with scrollbars.


csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLscrollEnd.html

flTabs :: D -> D -> D -> D -> SE () Source

Creates a tabbed FLTK interface.

FLtabs is a “file card tabs” interface that is useful to display several areas containing widgets in the same windows, alternatively. It must be used together with FLgroup, another container that groups child widgets.

 FLtabs  iwidth, iheight, ix, iy

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLtabs.html

flTabsEnd :: SE () Source

Marks the end of a tabbed FLTK interface.


csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLtabsEnd.html


flCount :: Str -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> SE (Sig, D) Source

A FLTK widget opcode that creates a counter.

Allows the user to increase/decrease a value with mouse clicks on a corresponding arrow button.

kout, ihandle  FLcount  "label", imin, imax, istep1, istep2, itype, \
          iwidth, iheight, ix, iy, iopcode [, kp1] [, kp2] [, kp3] [...] [, kpN]

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLcount.html

flJoy :: Str -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> SE (Sig, Sig, D, D) Source

A FLTK opcode that acts like a joystick.

FLjoy is a squared area that allows the user to modify two output values at the same time. It acts like a joystick.

koutx, kouty, ihandlex, ihandley  FLjoy  "label", iminx, imaxx, iminy, \
          imaxy, iexpx, iexpy, idispx, idispy, iwidth, iheight, ix, iy

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLjoy.html

flKnob :: Str -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> SE (Sig, D) Source

A FLTK widget opcode that creates a knob.

kout, ihandle  FLknob  "label", imin, imax, iexp, itype, idisp, iwidth, \
          ix, iy [, icursorsize]

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLknob.html

flRoller :: Str -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> SE (Sig, D) Source

A FLTK widget that creates a transversal knob.

FLroller is a sort of knob, but put transversally.

kout, ihandle  FLroller  "label", imin, imax, istep, iexp, itype, idisp, \
          iwidth, iheight, ix, iy

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLroller.html

flSlider :: Str -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> SE (Sig, D) Source

Puts a slider into the corresponding FLTK container.

FLslider puts a slider into the corresponding container.

kout, ihandle  FLslider  "label", imin, imax, iexp, itype, idisp, iwidth, \
          iheight, ix, iy

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLslider.html

flText :: Str -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> SE (Sig, D) Source

A FLTK widget opcode that creates a textbox.

FLtext allows the user to modify a parameter value by directly typing it into a text field.

kout, ihandle  FLtext  "label", imin, imax, istep, itype, iwidth, \
          iheight, ix, iy

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLtext.html


flBox :: Str -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> SE D Source

A FLTK widget that displays text inside of a box.

ihandle  FLbox  "label", itype, ifont, isize, iwidth, iheight, ix, iy [, image]

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLbox.html

flButBank :: D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> SE (Sig, D) Source

A FLTK widget opcode that creates a bank of buttons.

kout, ihandle  FLbutBank  itype, inumx, inumy, iwidth, iheight, ix, iy, \
          iopcode [, kp1] [, kp2] [, kp3] [, kp4] [, kp5] [....] [, kpN]

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLbutBank.html

flButton :: Str -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> SE (Sig, D) Source

A FLTK widget opcode that creates a button.

kout, ihandle  FLbutton  "label", ion, ioff, itype, iwidth, iheight, ix, \
          iy, iopcode [, kp1] [, kp2] [, kp3] [, kp4] [, kp5] [....] [, kpN]

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLbutton.html

flCloseButton :: Str -> D -> D -> D -> D -> SE D Source

A FLTK widget opcode that creates a button that will close the panel window it is a part of.

ihandle  FLcloseButton  "label", iwidth, iheight, ix, iy

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLcloseButton.html

flExecButton :: Str -> D -> D -> D -> D -> SE D Source

A FLTK widget opcode that creates a button that executes a command.

A FLTK widget opcode that creates a button that executes a command. Useful for opening up HTML documentation as About text or to start a separate program from an FLTK widget interface.

ihandle  FLexecButton  "command", iwidth, iheight, ix, iy

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLexecButton.html

flGetsnap :: D -> SE D Source

Retrieves a previously stored FLTK snapshot.

Retrieves a previously stored snapshot (in memory), i.e. sets all valuator to the corresponding values stored in that snaphot.

inumsnap  FLgetsnap  index [, igroup]

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLgetsnap.html

flHvsBox :: D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> SE D Source

Displays a box with a grid useful for visualizing two-dimensional Hyper Vectorial Synthesis.

FLhvsBox displays a box with a grid useful for visualizing two-dimensional Hyper Vectorial Synthesis.

ihandle  FLhvsBox  inumlinesX, inumlinesY, iwidth, iheight, ix, iy [, image]

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLhvsBox.html

flHvsBoxSetValue :: Sig -> Sig -> D -> SE () Source

Sets the cursor position of a previously-declared FLhvsBox widget.

FLhvsBoxSetValue sets the cursor position of a previously-declared FLhvsBox widget.

 FLhvsBoxSetValue  kx, ky, ihandle

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLhvsBoxSetValue.html

flKeyIn :: SE Sig Source

Reports keys pressed (on alphanumeric keyboard) when an FLTK panel has focus.

FLkeyIn informs about the status of a key pressed by the user on the alphanumeric keyboard when an FLTK panel has got the focus.

kascii  FLkeyIn  [ifn]

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLkeyIn.html

flLoadsnap :: Str -> SE () Source

Loads all snapshots into the memory bank of the current orchestra.

FLloadsnap loads all the snapshots contained in a file into the memory bank of the current orchestra.

 FLloadsnap  "filename" [, igroup]

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLloadsnap.html

flMouse :: Tuple a => SE a Source

Returns the mouse position and the state of the three mouse buttons.

FLmouse returns the coordinates of the mouse position within an FLTK panel and the state of the three mouse buttons.

kx, ky, kb1, kb2, kb3  FLmouse  [imode]

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLmouse.html

flPrintk :: D -> Sig -> D -> SE () Source

A FLTK opcode that prints a k-rate value at specified intervals.

FLprintk is similar to printk but shows values of a k-rate signal in a text field instead of on the console.

 FLprintk  itime, kval, idisp

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLprintk.html

flPrintk2 :: Sig -> D -> SE () Source

A FLTK opcode that prints a new value every time a control-rate variable changes.

FLprintk2 is similar to FLprintk but shows a k-rate variable's value only when it changes.

 FLprintk2  kval, idisp

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLprintk2.html

flRun :: SE () Source

Starts the FLTK widget thread.


csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLrun.html

flSavesnap :: Str -> SE () Source

Saves all snapshots currently created into a file.

FLsavesnap saves all snapshots currently created (i.e. the entire memory bank) into a file.

 FLsavesnap  "filename" [, igroup]

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLsavesnap.html

flSetsnap :: D -> SE (D, D) Source

Stores the current status of all FLTK valuators into a snapshot location.

FLsetsnap stores the current status of all valuators present in the orchestra into a snapshot location (in memory).

inumsnap, inumval  FLsetsnap  index [, ifn, igroup]

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLsetsnap.html

flSetSnapGroup :: D -> SE () Source

Determines the snapshot group for FL valuators.

FLsetSnapGroup determines the snapshot group of valuators declared after it.

 FLsetSnapGroup  igroup

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLsetSnapGroup.html

flSetVal :: Sig -> Sig -> D -> SE () Source

Sets the value of a FLTK valuator at control-rate.

FLsetVal is almost identical to FLsetVal_i. Except it operates at k-rate and it affects the target valuator only when ktrig is set to a non-zero value.

 FLsetVal  ktrig, kvalue, ihandle

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLsetVal.html

flSetVal_i :: D -> D -> SE () Source

Sets the value of a FLTK valuator to a number provided by the user.

FLsetVal_i forces the value of a valuator to a number provided by the user.

 FLsetVal_i  ivalue, ihandle

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLsetVal_i.html

flSlidBnk :: Str -> D -> SE () Source

A FLTK widget containing a bank of horizontal sliders.

FLslidBnk is a widget containing a bank of horizontal sliders.

 FLslidBnk  "names", inumsliders [, ioutable] [, iwidth] [, iheight] [, ix] \
          [, iy] [, itypetable] [, iexptable] [, istart_index] [, iminmaxtable]

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLslidBnk.html

flSlidBnk2 :: Str -> D -> D -> D -> SE () Source

A FLTK widget containing a bank of horizontal sliders.

FLslidBnk2 is a widget containing a bank of horizontal sliders.

 FLslidBnk2  "names", inumsliders, ioutable, iconfigtable [,iwidth, iheight, ix, iy, istart_index] 

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLslidBnk2.html

flSlidBnk2Set :: D -> Tab -> SE () Source

modify the values of a slider bank.

FLslidBnk2Set modifies the values of a slider bank according to an array of values stored in a table.

 FLslidBnk2Set  ihandle, ifn [, istartIndex, istartSlid, inumSlid]

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLslidBnk2Set.html

flSlidBnk2Setk :: Sig -> D -> Tab -> SE () Source

modify the values of a slider bank.

FLslidBnk2Setk modifies the values of a slider bank according to an array of values stored in a table.

 FLslidBnk2Setk   ktrig, ihandle, ifn [, istartIndex, istartSlid, inumSlid]

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLslidBnk2Setk.html

flSlidBnkGetHandle :: SE D Source

gets the handle of last slider bank created.

FLslidBnkGetHandle gets the handle of last slider bank created.

ihandle  FLslidBnkGetHandle  

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLslidBnkGetHandle.html

flSlidBnkSet :: D -> Tab -> SE () Source

modify the values of a slider bank.

FLslidBnkSet modifies the values of a slider bank according to an array of values stored in a table.

 FLslidBnkSet  ihandle, ifn [, istartIndex, istartSlid, inumSlid]

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLslidBnkSet.html

flSlidBnkSetk :: Sig -> D -> Tab -> SE () Source

modify the values of a slider bank.

FLslidBnkSetk modifies the values of a slider bank according to an array of values stored in a table.

 FLslidBnkSetk   ktrig, ihandle, ifn [, istartIndex, istartSlid, inumSlid]

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLslidBnkSetk.html

flUpdate :: SE () Source

Same as the FLrun opcode.


csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLupdate.html

flValue :: Str -> D -> D -> D -> D -> SE D Source

Shows the current value of a FLTK valuator.

FLvalue shows current the value of a valuator in a text field.

ihandle  FLvalue  "label", iwidth, iheight, ix, iy

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLvalue.html

flVkeybd :: Str -> D -> D -> D -> D -> SE () Source

An FLTK widget opcode that creates a virtual keyboard widget.

An FLTK widget opcode that creates a virtual keyboard widget. This must be used in conjunction with the virtual midi keyboard driver for this to operate correctly. The purpose of this opcode is for making demo versions of MIDI orchestras with the virtual keyboard embedded within the main window.

 FLvkeybd  "keyboard.map", iwidth, iheight, ix, iy

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLvkeybd.html

flVslidBnk :: Str -> D -> SE () Source

A FLTK widget containing a bank of vertical sliders.

FLvslidBnk is a widget containing a bank of vertical sliders.

 FLvslidBnk  "names", inumsliders [, ioutable] [, iwidth] [, iheight] [, ix] \
          [, iy] [, itypetable] [, iexptable] [, istart_index] [, iminmaxtable]

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLvslidBnk.html

flVslidBnk2 :: Str -> D -> D -> D -> SE () Source

A FLTK widget containing a bank of vertical sliders.

FLvslidBnk2 is a widget containing a bank of vertical sliders.

 FLvslidBnk2  "names", inumsliders, ioutable, iconfigtable [,iwidth, iheight, ix, iy, istart_index]

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLvslidBnk2.html

flXyin :: D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> SE (Sig, Sig, Sig) Source

Senses the mouse cursor position in a user-defined area inside an FLpanel.

Similar to xyin, sense the mouse cursor position in a user-defined area inside an FLpanel.

koutx, kouty, kinside   FLxyin  ioutx_min, ioutx_max, iouty_min, iouty_max, \
          iwindx_min, iwindx_max, iwindy_min, iwindy_max [, iexpx, iexpy, ioutx, iouty]

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLxyin.html

vphaseseg :: Sig -> D -> D -> [D] -> SE () Source

Allows one-dimensional HVS (Hyper-Vectorial Synthesis).

vphaseseg allows one-dimensional HVS (Hyper-Vectorial Synthesis).

 vphaseseg  kphase, ioutab, ielems, itab1,idist1,itab2 \
          [,idist2,itab3, ... ,idistN-1,itabN]

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/vphaseseg.html


flColor :: D -> D -> D -> SE () Source

A FLTK opcode that sets the primary colors.

Sets the primary colors to RGB values given by the user.

 FLcolor  ired, igreen, iblue [, ired2, igreen2, iblue2]

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLcolor.html

flColor2 :: D -> D -> D -> SE () Source

A FLTK opcode that sets the secondary (selection) color.

FLcolor2 is the same of FLcolor except it affects the secondary (selection) color.

 FLcolor2  ired, igreen, iblue

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLcolor2.html

flHide :: D -> SE () Source

Hides the target FLTK widget.

Hides the target FLTK widget, making it invisible.

 FLhide  ihandle

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLhide.html

flLabel :: D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> SE () Source

A FLTK opcode that modifies the appearance of a text label.

Modifies a set of parameters related to the text label appearence of a widget (i.e. size, font, alignment and color of corresponding text).

 FLlabel  isize, ifont, ialign, ired, igreen, iblue

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLlabel.html

flSetAlign :: D -> D -> SE () Source

Sets the text alignment of a label of a FLTK widget.

FLsetAlign sets the text alignment of the label of the target widget.

 FLsetAlign  ialign, ihandle

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLsetAlign.html

flSetBox :: D -> D -> SE () Source

Sets the appearance of a box surrounding a FLTK widget.

FLsetBox sets the appearance of a box surrounding the target widget.

 FLsetBox  itype, ihandle

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLsetBox.html

flSetColor :: D -> D -> D -> D -> SE () Source

Sets the primary color of a FLTK widget.

FLsetColor sets the primary color of the target widget.

 FLsetColor  ired, igreen, iblue, ihandle

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLsetColor.html

flSetColor2 :: D -> D -> D -> D -> SE () Source

Sets the secondary (or selection) color of a FLTK widget.

FLsetColor2 sets the secondary (or selection) color of the target widget.

 FLsetColor2  ired, igreen, iblue, ihandle

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLsetColor2.html

flSetFont :: D -> D -> SE () Source

Sets the font type of a FLTK widget.

FLsetFont sets the font type of the target widget.

 FLsetFont  ifont, ihandle

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLsetFont.html

flSetPosition :: D -> D -> D -> SE () Source

Sets the position of a FLTK widget.

FLsetPosition sets the position of the target widget according to the ix and iy arguments.

 FLsetPosition  ix, iy, ihandle

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLsetPosition.html

flSetSize :: D -> D -> D -> SE () Source

Resizes a FLTK widget.

FLsetSize resizes the target widget (not the size of its text) according to the iwidth and iheight arguments.

 FLsetSize  iwidth, iheight, ihandle

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLsetSize.html

flSetText :: Str -> D -> SE () Source

Sets the label of a FLTK widget.

FLsetText sets the label of the target widget to the double-quoted text string provided with the itext argument.

 FLsetText  "itext", ihandle

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLsetText.html

flSetTextColor :: D -> D -> D -> D -> SE () Source

Sets the color of the text label of a FLTK widget.

FLsetTextColor sets the color of the text label of the target widget.

 FLsetTextColor  ired, iblue, igreen, ihandle

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLsetTextColor.html

flSetTextSize :: D -> D -> SE () Source

Sets the size of the text label of a FLTK widget.

FLsetTextSize sets the size of the text label of the target widget.

 FLsetTextSize  isize, ihandle

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLsetTextSize.html

flSetTextType :: D -> D -> SE () Source

Sets some font attributes of the text label of a FLTK widget.

FLsetTextType sets some attributes related to the fonts of the text label of the target widget.

 FLsetTextType  itype, ihandle

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLsetTextType.html

flShow :: D -> SE () Source

Restores the visibility of a previously hidden FLTK widget.

FLshow restores the visibility of a previously hidden widget.

 FLshow  ihandle

csound doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLshow.html