-- | Csound's command line flags. See original documentation for detailed overview: <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/CommandFlagsCategory.html>
module Csound.Dynamic.Types.Flags(

    -- * Audio file output
    FormatHeader(..), FormatSamples(..), FormatType(..),
    Dither(..), IdTags(..),

    -- * Realtime Audio Input/Output
    Rtaudio(..), PulseAudio(..),

    -- * MIDI File Input/Ouput

    -- * MIDI Realtime Input/Ouput
    MidiRT(..), Rtmidi(..),

    -- * Display
    Displays(..), DisplayMode(..),

    -- * Performance Configuration and Control
) where

import Control.Applicative

import Data.Char
import Data.Default
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid

import Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen

mappendBool :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
mappendBool a b = getAny $ mappend (Any a) (Any b)

data Flags = Flags
    { audioFileOutput   :: AudioFileOutput
    , idTags            :: IdTags
    , rtaudio           :: Maybe Rtaudio
    , pulseAudio        :: Maybe PulseAudio
    , midiIO            :: MidiIO
    , midiRT            :: MidiRT
    , rtmidi            :: Maybe Rtmidi
    , displays          :: Displays
    , config            :: Config
    , flagsVerbatim     :: Maybe String
    } deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

instance Default Flags where
    def = Flags def def def def def def def def def def

instance Monoid Flags where
    mempty = def
    mappend a b = Flags
        { audioFileOutput   = mappend (audioFileOutput a) (audioFileOutput b)
        , idTags            = mappend (idTags a) (idTags b)
        , rtaudio           = rtaudio a <|> rtaudio b
        , pulseAudio        = pulseAudio a <|> pulseAudio b
        , midiIO            = mappend (midiIO a) (midiIO b)
        , midiRT            = mappend (midiRT a) (midiRT b)
        , rtmidi            = rtmidi a <|> rtmidi b
        , displays          = mappend (displays a) (displays b)
        , config            = mappend (config a) (config b)
        , flagsVerbatim     = mappend (flagsVerbatim a) (flagsVerbatim b)

-- Audio file output

data AudioFileOutput = AudioFileOutput
    { formatSamples     :: Maybe FormatSamples
    , formatType        :: Maybe FormatType
    , output            :: Maybe String
    , input             :: Maybe String
    , nosound           :: Bool
    , nopeaks           :: Bool
    , dither            :: Maybe Dither
    } deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

instance Default AudioFileOutput where
    def = AudioFileOutput def def def def False False def

instance Monoid AudioFileOutput where
    mempty = def
    mappend a b = AudioFileOutput
        { formatSamples     = formatSamples a <|> formatSamples b
        , formatType        = formatType a <|> formatType b
        , output            = output a <|> output b
        , input             = input a <|> input b
        , nosound           = mappendBool (nosound a) (nosound b)
        , nopeaks           = mappendBool (nopeaks a) (nopeaks b)
        , dither            = dither a <|> dither b }

data FormatHeader = NoHeader | RewriteHeader
    deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

data FormatSamples
    = Bit24 | Alaw | Uchar | Schar
    | FloatSamples | Ulaw | Short | Long
    deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

data Dither = Triangular | Uniform
    deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

data FormatType
    = Aiff | Au | Avr | Caf | Flac | Htk
    | Ircam | Mat4 | Mat5 | Nis | Paf | Pvf
    | Raw | Sd2 | Sds | Svx | Voc | W64
    | Wav | Wavex | Xi
    deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

-- Output file id tags

data IdTags = IdTags
    { idArtist      :: Maybe String
    , idComment     :: Maybe String
    , idCopyright   :: Maybe String
    , idDate        :: Maybe String
    , idSoftware    :: Maybe String
    , idTitle       :: Maybe String
    } deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

instance Default IdTags where
    def = IdTags def def def def def def

instance Monoid IdTags where
    mempty = def
    mappend a b = IdTags
        { idArtist      = idArtist a <|> idArtist b
        , idComment     = idComment a <|> idComment b
        , idCopyright   = idCopyright a <|> idCopyright b
        , idDate        = idDate a <|> idDate b
        , idSoftware    = idSoftware a <|> idSoftware b
        , idTitle       = idTitle a <|> idTitle b }

-- Realtime Audio Input/Output

data Rtaudio
    = PortAudio | Alsa
    | Jack
        { jackClient    :: String
        , jackInport    :: String
        , jackOutport   :: String }
    | Mme | CoreAudio
    | NoRtaudio
    deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

data PulseAudio = PulseAudio
    { paServer  :: String
    , paOutput  :: String
    , paInput   :: String
    } deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

-- MIDI File Input/Ouput

data MidiIO = MidiIO
    { midiFile          :: Maybe String
    , midiOutFile       :: Maybe String
    , muteTracks        :: Maybe String
    , rawControllerMode :: Bool
    , terminateOnMidi   :: Bool
    } deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

instance Default MidiIO where
    def = MidiIO def def def False False

instance Monoid MidiIO where
    mempty = def
    mappend a b = MidiIO
        { midiFile          = midiFile a <|> midiFile b
        , midiOutFile       = midiOutFile a <|> midiOutFile b
        , muteTracks        = muteTracks a <|> muteTracks b
        , rawControllerMode = mappendBool (rawControllerMode a)  (rawControllerMode b)
        , terminateOnMidi   = mappendBool (terminateOnMidi a) (terminateOnMidi b) }

-- MIDI Realtime Input/Ouput

data MidiRT = MidiRT
    { midiDevice        :: Maybe String
    , midiKey           :: Maybe Int
    , midiKeyCps        :: Maybe Int
    , midiKeyOct        :: Maybe Int
    , midiKeyPch        :: Maybe Int
    , midiVelocity      :: Maybe Int
    , midiVelocityAmp   :: Maybe Int
    , midiOutDevice     :: Maybe String
    } deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

instance Default MidiRT where
    def = MidiRT def def def def
                 def def def def

instance Monoid MidiRT where
    mempty = def
    mappend a b = MidiRT
        { midiDevice        = midiDevice a <|> midiDevice b
        , midiKey           = midiKey a <|> midiKey b
        , midiKeyCps        = midiKeyCps a <|> midiKeyCps b
        , midiKeyOct        = midiKeyOct a <|> midiKeyOct b
        , midiKeyPch        = midiKeyPch a <|> midiKeyPch b
        , midiVelocity      = midiVelocity a <|> midiVelocity b
        , midiVelocityAmp   = midiVelocityAmp a <|> midiVelocityAmp b
        , midiOutDevice     = midiOutDevice a <|> midiOutDevice b }

data Rtmidi = PortMidi | AlsaMidi | AlsaSeq | CoreMidi | MmeMidi | WinmmeMidi | VirtualMidi | NoRtmidi
    deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

-- Display

data Displays = Displays
    { csdLineNums       :: Maybe Int
    , displayMode       :: Maybe DisplayMode
    , displayHeartbeat  :: Maybe Int
    , messageLevel      :: Maybe Int
    , mAmps             :: Maybe Int
    , mRange            :: Maybe Int
    , mWarnings         :: Maybe Int
    , mDb               :: Maybe Int
    , mColours          :: Maybe Int
    , mBenchmarks       :: Maybe Int
    , msgColor          :: Bool
    , displayVerbose    :: Bool
    , listOpcodes       :: Maybe Int
    } deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

data DisplayMode = NoDisplay | PostScriptDisplay | AsciiDisplay
    deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

instance Default Displays where
    def = Displays def (Just NoDisplay)
            def def def def
            def def def def
            False False

instance Monoid Displays where
    mempty = def
    mappend a b = Displays
        { csdLineNums       = csdLineNums a <|> csdLineNums b
        , displayMode       = displayMode a <|> displayMode b
        , displayHeartbeat  = displayHeartbeat a <|> displayHeartbeat b
        , messageLevel      = messageLevel a <|> messageLevel b
        , mAmps             = mAmps a <|> mAmps b
        , mRange            = mRange a <|> mRange b
        , mWarnings         = mWarnings a <|> mWarnings b
        , mDb               = mDb a <|> mDb b
        , mColours          = mColours a <|> mColours b
        , mBenchmarks       = mBenchmarks a <|> mBenchmarks b
        , msgColor          = mappendBool (msgColor a) (msgColor b)
        , displayVerbose    = mappendBool (displayVerbose a) (displayVerbose b)
        , listOpcodes       = listOpcodes a <|> listOpcodes b }

-- Performance Configuration and Control

data Config = Config
    { hwBuf         :: Maybe Int
    , ioBuf         :: Maybe Int
    , newKr         :: Maybe Int
    , newSr         :: Maybe Int
    , scoreIn       :: Maybe String
    , omacro        :: Maybe (String, String)
    , smacro        :: Maybe (String, String)
    , setSched      :: Bool
    , schedNum      :: Maybe Int
    , strsetN       :: Maybe (Int, String)
    , skipSeconds   :: Maybe Double
    , setTempo      :: Maybe Int
    } deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

instance Default Config where
    def = Config def def def def def def def
                 def def def def

instance Monoid Config where
    mempty = def
    mappend a b = Config
        { hwBuf     = hwBuf a <|> hwBuf b
        , ioBuf     = ioBuf a <|> ioBuf b
        , newKr     = newKr a <|> newKr b
        , newSr     = newSr a <|> newSr b
        , scoreIn   = scoreIn a <|> scoreIn b
        , omacro    = omacro a <|> omacro b
        , smacro    = smacro a <|> smacro b
        , setSched  = mappendBool (setSched a) (setSched b)
        , schedNum  = schedNum a <|> schedNum b
        , strsetN   = strsetN a <|> strsetN b
        , skipSeconds  = skipSeconds a <|> skipSeconds b
        , setTempo  = setTempo a <|> setTempo b }

-- rendering

-- just an alias for 'pretty'
p :: Pretty b => (a -> Maybe b) -> (a -> Maybe Doc)
p = (fmap pretty . )

pe :: Pretty b => (a -> b) -> (a -> Maybe Doc)
pe f = phi . f
    where phi x
            | null (show res)   = Nothing
            | otherwise         = Just res
            where res = pretty x

bo :: String -> (a -> Bool) -> (a -> Maybe Doc)
bo property extract a
    | extract a = Just $ text property
    | otherwise = Nothing

mp :: (String -> String) -> (a -> Maybe String) -> (a -> Maybe Doc)
mp f a = p (fmap f . a)

mi :: (String -> String) -> (a -> Maybe Int) -> (a -> Maybe Doc)
mi f a = mp f (fmap show . a)

p1 :: String -> String -> String
p1 pref x = ('-' : pref) ++ (' ' : x)

p2 :: String -> String -> String
p2 pref x = ('-' : '-' : pref) ++ ('=' : x)

p3 :: String -> String -> String
p3 pref x = ('-' : '+' : pref) ++ ('=' : x)

fields :: [a -> Maybe Doc] -> a -> Doc
fields fs a = hsep $ catMaybes $ fmap ( $ a) fs

instance Pretty Flags where
    pretty = fields
        [ pe displays
        , pe config
        , pe audioFileOutput
        , pe idTags
        , p  rtaudio
        , p  pulseAudio
        , p  rtmidi
        , pe midiIO
        , pe midiRT
        , p  flagsVerbatim ]

instance Pretty AudioFileOutput where
    pretty = fields
        [ pSamplesAndType . (\x -> (formatSamples x, formatType x))
        , mp (p2 "output") output
        , mp (p2 "input")  input
        , bo "--nosound" nosound
        , bo "--nopeaks" nopeaks
        , mp (p2 "d/Mither") $ fmap (firstToLower . show) . dither ]

pSamplesAndType :: (Maybe FormatSamples, Maybe FormatType) -> Maybe Doc
pSamplesAndType (ma, mb) = fmap pretty $ case (ma, mb) of
    (Nothing, Nothing)  -> Nothing
    (Just a, Nothing)   -> Just $ p2 "format" $ samplesToStr a
    (Nothing, Just b)   -> Just $ p2 "format" $ typeToStr b
    (Just a, Just b)    -> Just $ p2 "format" $ samplesAndTypeToStr a b
        samplesToStr x = case x of
            Bit24   -> "24bit"
            FloatSamples -> "float"
            _   -> firstToLower $ show x

        typeToStr = firstToLower . show

        samplesAndTypeToStr a b = samplesToStr a ++ ":" ++ typeToStr b

instance Pretty Dither where
    pretty = pretty . p2 "dither" . show

instance Pretty IdTags where
    pretty = fields
        [ mp (p3' "id_artist")       idArtist
        , mp (p3' "id_comment")      idComment
        , mp (p3' "id_copyright")    idCopyright
        , mp (p3' "id_date")         idDate
        , mp (p3' "id_software")     idSoftware
        , mp (p3' "id_title")        idTitle ]
            p3' a b = fmap substSpaces $ p3 a b
            substSpaces x
                | isSpace x = '_'
                | otherwise = x

instance Pretty Rtaudio where
    pretty x = case x of
        PortAudio   -> rt "PortAudio"
        Jack name ins outs -> rt "jack" <+> jackFields name ins outs
        Mme -> rt "mme"
        Alsa  -> rt "alsa"
        CoreAudio -> rt "auhal"
        NoRtaudio   -> rt "0"
            rt = text . p3 "rtaudio"
            jackFields name ins outs = hsep
                [ text $ p3 "jack_client" name
                , text $ p3 "jack_inportname" ins
                , text $ p3 "jack_outportname" outs ]

instance Pretty PulseAudio where
    pretty a = hsep $ fmap text $
        [ p3 "server" $ paServer a
        , p3 "output_stream" $ paOutput a
        , p3 "input_stream" $ paInput a ]

instance Pretty MidiIO where
    pretty = fields
        [ mp (p2 "midifile") midiFile
        , mp (p2 "midioutfile") midiOutFile
        , mp (p3 "mute_tracks") muteTracks
        , bo "-+raw_controller_mode" rawControllerMode
        , bo "--terminate-on-midi" terminateOnMidi ]

instance Pretty MidiRT where
    pretty = fields
        [ mp (p2 "midi-device")         midiDevice
        , mi (p2 "midi-key")            midiKey
        , mi (p2 "midi-key-cps")        midiKeyCps
        , mi (p2 "midi-key-oct")        midiKeyOct
        , mi (p2 "midi-key-pch")        midiKeyPch
        , mi (p2 "midi-velocity")       midiVelocity
        , mi (p2 "midi-velocity-amp")   midiVelocityAmp
        , mp (p1 "Q")                   midiOutDevice ]

instance Pretty Rtmidi where
    pretty x = text $ p3 "rtmidi" $ case x of
        VirtualMidi -> "virtual"
        PortMidi    -> "PortMidi"
        AlsaMidi    -> "alsa"
        AlsaSeq     -> "alsaseq"
        CoreMidi    -> "coremidi"
        MmeMidi     -> "mme"
        WinmmeMidi  -> "winmme"
        NoRtmidi    -> "0"

instance Pretty Displays where
    pretty = fields
        [ mi (p2 "csd-line-nums")   csdLineNums
        , p                         displayMode
        , mi (p2 "heartbeat")       displayHeartbeat
        , mi (p2 "messagelevel")    messageLevel
        , mi (p2 "m-amps")          mAmps
        , mi (p2 "m-range")         mRange
        , mi (p2 "m-warnings")      mWarnings
        , mi (p2 "m-dB")            mDb
        , mi (p2 "m-colours")       mColours
        , mi (p2 "m-benchmarks")    mBenchmarks
        , bo "-+msg_color"          msgColor
        , bo "--verbose"            displayVerbose
        , mi (p2 "list-opcodes")    listOpcodes ]

instance Pretty DisplayMode where
    pretty x = text $ case x of
        NoDisplay           -> "--nodisplays"
        PostScriptDisplay   -> "--postscriptdisplay"
        AsciiDisplay        -> "--asciidisplay"

instance Pretty Config where
    pretty = fields
        [ mi (p2 "hardwarebufsamps")    hwBuf
        , mi (p2 "iobufsamps")          ioBuf
        , mi (p2 "control-rate")        newKr
        , mi (p2 "sample-rate")         newSr
        , mp (p2 "score-in")            scoreIn
        , macro "omacro"                omacro
        , macro "smacro"                smacro
        , bo "--sched"                  setSched
        , mi (p2 "sched")               schedNum
        , strset                        strsetN
        , mp (p3 "skip_seconds")        (fmap show . skipSeconds)
        , mi (p2 "tempo")               setTempo ]
            macro name f = fmap (pretty . phi) . f
                where phi (a, b) = "--" ++ name ++ ":" ++ a ++ "=" ++ b
            strset f = fmap (pretty . phi) . f
                where phi (n, a) = "--strset" ++ (show n) ++ "=" ++ a

-- utilities

firstToLower :: String -> String
firstToLower x = case x of
    a:as -> toLower a : as
    []   -> []