-- |
-- Module      : Crypto.Store.CMS
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : Olivier Chéron <olivier.cheron@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
-- Cryptographic Message Syntax
-- * <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5652 RFC 5652>: Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS)
-- * <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3370 RFC 3370>: Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) Algorithms
-- * <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3560 RFC 3560>: Use of the RSAES-OAEP Key Transport Algorithm in the Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS)
-- * <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4056 RFC 4056>: Use of the RSASSA-PSS Signature Algorithm in Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS)
-- * <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3565 RFC 3565>: Use of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Encryption Algorithm in Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS)
-- * <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5753 RFC 5753>: Use of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Algorithms in Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS)
-- * <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5754 RFC 5754>: Using SHA2 Algorithms with Cryptographic Message Syntax
-- * <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3211 RFC 3211>: Password-based Encryption for CMS
-- * <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5083 RFC 5083>: Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) Authenticated-Enveloped-Data Content Type
-- * <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5084 RFC 5084>: Using AES-CCM and AES-GCM Authenticated Encryption in the Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS)
-- * <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6476 RFC 6476>: Using Message Authentication Code (MAC) Encryption in the Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS)
-- * <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8103 RFC 8103>: Using ChaCha20-Poly1305 Authenticated Encryption in the Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS)
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Crypto.Store.CMS
    ( ContentType(..)
    , ContentInfo(..)
    , getContentType
    -- * Reading and writing PEM files
    , module Crypto.Store.CMS.PEM
    -- * Signed data
    , SignatureValue
    , SignatureAlg(..)
    , SignedData(..)
    , ProducerOfSI
    , ConsumerOfSI
    , signData
    , verifySignedData
    -- ** Signer information
    , SignerInfo(..)
    , SignerIdentifier(..)
    , IssuerAndSerialNumber(..)
    , certSigner
    , withPublicKey
    , withSignerKey
    , withSignerCertificate
    -- * Enveloped data
    , EncryptedKey
    , KeyEncryptionParams(..)
    , KeyTransportParams(..)
    , KeyAgreementParams(..)
    , RecipientInfo(..)
    , EnvelopedData(..)
    , ProducerOfRI
    , ConsumerOfRI
    , envelopData
    , openEnvelopedData
    -- ** Key Transport recipients
    , KTRecipientInfo(..)
    , RecipientIdentifier(..)
    , forKeyTransRecipient
    , withRecipientKeyTrans
    -- ** Key Agreement recipients
    , KARecipientInfo(..)
    , OriginatorIdentifierOrKey(..)
    , OriginatorPublicKey
    , RecipientEncryptedKey(..)
    , KeyAgreeRecipientIdentifier(..)
    , UserKeyingMaterial
    , forKeyAgreeRecipient
    , withRecipientKeyAgree
    -- ** Key Encryption Key recipients
    , KEKRecipientInfo(..)
    , KeyIdentifier(..)
    , OtherKeyAttribute(..)
    , KeyEncryptionKey
    , forKeyRecipient
    , withRecipientKey
     -- ** Password recipients
   , PasswordRecipientInfo(..)
    , forPasswordRecipient
    , withRecipientPassword
    -- * Digested data
    , DigestProxy(..)
    , DigestAlgorithm(..)
    , DigestedData(..)
    , digestData
    , digestVerify
    -- * Encrypted data
    , ContentEncryptionKey
    , ContentEncryptionCipher(..)
    , ContentEncryptionAlg(..)
    , ContentEncryptionParams
    , EncryptedContent
    , EncryptedData(..)
    , generateEncryptionParams
    , generateRC2EncryptionParams
    , getContentEncryptionAlg
    , encryptData
    , decryptData
    -- * Authenticated data
    , AuthenticationKey
    , MACAlgorithm(..)
    , MessageAuthenticationCode
    , AuthenticatedData(..)
    , generateAuthenticatedData
    , verifyAuthenticatedData
    -- * Authenticated-enveloped data
    , AuthContentEncryptionAlg(..)
    , AuthContentEncryptionParams
    , AuthEnvelopedData(..)
    , generateAuthEnc128Params
    , generateAuthEnc256Params
    , generateChaChaPoly1305Params
    , generateCCMParams
    , generateGCMParams
    , authEnvelopData
    , openAuthEnvelopedData
    -- * Key derivation
    , Salt
    , generateSalt
    , KeyDerivationFunc(..)
    , PBKDF2_PRF(..)
    -- * Secret-key algorithms
    , HasKeySize(..)
    , generateKey
    -- * RSA padding modes
    , MaskGenerationFunc(..)
    , OAEPParams(..)
    , PSSParams(..)
    -- * CMS attributes
    , Attribute(..)
    , findAttribute
    , setAttribute
    , filterAttributes
    -- * Originator information
    , OriginatorInfo(..)
    , CertificateChoice(..)
    , OtherCertificateFormat(..)
    , RevocationInfoChoice(..)
    , OtherRevocationInfoFormat(..)
    -- * ASN.1 representation
    , ASN1ObjectExact
    ) where

import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.List (nub, unzip3)

import Crypto.Hash

import Crypto.Store.CMS.Algorithms
import Crypto.Store.CMS.Attribute
import Crypto.Store.CMS.AuthEnveloped
import Crypto.Store.CMS.Encrypted
import Crypto.Store.CMS.Enveloped
import Crypto.Store.CMS.OriginatorInfo
import Crypto.Store.CMS.Info
import Crypto.Store.CMS.PEM
import Crypto.Store.CMS.Signed
import Crypto.Store.CMS.Type
import Crypto.Store.CMS.Util
import Crypto.Store.Error

-- DigestedData

-- | Add a digested-data layer on the specified content info.
digestData :: DigestAlgorithm -> ContentInfo -> ContentInfo
digestData (DigestAlgorithm alg) ci = DigestedDataCI dd
  where dd = DigestedData
                 { ddDigestAlgorithm = alg
                 , ddContentInfo     = ci
                 , ddDigest          = hash (encapsulate ci)

-- | Return the inner content info but only if the digest is valid.
digestVerify :: DigestedData -> Maybe ContentInfo
digestVerify DigestedData{..} =
    if ddDigest == hash (encapsulate ddContentInfo)
        then Just ddContentInfo
        else Nothing

-- EncryptedData

-- | Add an encrypted-data layer on the specified content info.  The content is
-- encrypted with specified key and algorithm.
-- Some optional attributes can be added but will not be encrypted.
encryptData :: ContentEncryptionKey
            -> ContentEncryptionParams
            -> [Attribute]
            -> ContentInfo
            -> Either StoreError ContentInfo
encryptData key params attrs ci =
    EncryptedDataCI . build <$> contentEncrypt key params (encapsulate ci)
    build ec = EncryptedData
                   { edContentType = getContentType ci
                   , edContentEncryptionParams = params
                   , edEncryptedContent = ec
                   , edUnprotectedAttrs = attrs

-- | Decrypt an encrypted content info using the specified key.
decryptData :: ContentEncryptionKey
            -> EncryptedData
            -> Either StoreError ContentInfo
decryptData key EncryptedData{..} = do
    decrypted <- contentDecrypt key edContentEncryptionParams edEncryptedContent
    decapsulate edContentType decrypted

-- EnvelopedData

-- | Add an enveloped-data layer on the specified content info.  The content is
-- encrypted with specified key and algorithm.  The key is then processed by
-- one or several 'ProducerOfRI' functions to create recipient info elements.
-- Some optional attributes can be added but will not be encrypted.
envelopData :: Applicative f
            => OriginatorInfo
            -> ContentEncryptionKey
            -> ContentEncryptionParams
            -> [ProducerOfRI f]
            -> [Attribute]
            -> ContentInfo
            -> f (Either StoreError ContentInfo)
envelopData oinfo key params envFns attrs ci =
    f <$> (sequence <$> traverse ($ key) envFns)
    ebs = contentEncrypt key params (encapsulate ci)
    f ris = EnvelopedDataCI <$> (build <$> ebs <*> ris)
    build bs ris = EnvelopedData
                       { evOriginatorInfo = oinfo
                       , evRecipientInfos = ris
                       , evContentType = getContentType ci
                       , evContentEncryptionParams = params
                       , evEncryptedContent = bs
                       , evUnprotectedAttrs = attrs

-- | Recover an enveloped content info using the specified 'ConsumerOfRI'
-- function.
openEnvelopedData :: Monad m
                  => ConsumerOfRI m
                  -> EnvelopedData
                  -> m (Either StoreError ContentInfo)
openEnvelopedData devFn EnvelopedData{..} = do
    r <- riAttempts (map (fmap (>>= decr) . devFn) evRecipientInfos)
    return (r >>= decapsulate ct)
    ct       = evContentType
    params   = evContentEncryptionParams
    decr k   = contentDecrypt k params evEncryptedContent

-- AuthenticatedData

-- | Key used for authentication.
type AuthenticationKey = ContentEncryptionKey

-- | Add an authenticated-data layer on the specified content info.  The content
-- is MACed with the specified key and algorithms.  The key is then processed by
-- one or several 'ProducerOfRI' functions to create recipient info elements.
-- Two lists of optional attributes can be provided.  The attributes will be
-- part of message authentication when provided in the first list.
generateAuthenticatedData :: Applicative f
                          => OriginatorInfo
                          -> AuthenticationKey
                          -> MACAlgorithm
                          -> Maybe DigestAlgorithm
                          -> [ProducerOfRI f]
                          -> [Attribute]
                          -> [Attribute]
                          -> ContentInfo
                          -> f (Either StoreError ContentInfo)
generateAuthenticatedData oinfo key macAlg digAlg envFns aAttrs uAttrs ci =
    f <$> (sequence <$> traverse ($ key) envFns)
    msg = encapsulate ci
    ct  = getContentType ci

    (aAttrs', input) =
        case digAlg of
            Nothing  -> (aAttrs, msg)
            Just dig ->
                let md = digest dig msg
                    l  = setContentTypeAttr ct $ setMessageDigestAttr md aAttrs
                in (l, encodeAuthAttrs l)

    ebs   = mac macAlg key input
    f ris = AuthenticatedDataCI <$> (build ebs <$> ris)
    build authTag ris = AuthenticatedData
                            { adOriginatorInfo = oinfo
                            , adRecipientInfos = ris
                            , adMACAlgorithm = macAlg
                            , adDigestAlgorithm = digAlg
                            , adContentInfo = ci
                            , adAuthAttrs = aAttrs'
                            , adMAC = authTag
                            , adUnauthAttrs = uAttrs

-- | Verify the integrity of an authenticated content info using the specified
-- 'ConsumerOfRI' function.  The inner content info is returned only if the MAC
-- could be verified.
verifyAuthenticatedData :: Monad m
                        => ConsumerOfRI m
                        -> AuthenticatedData
                        -> m (Either StoreError ContentInfo)
verifyAuthenticatedData devFn AuthenticatedData{..} =
    riAttempts (map (fmap (>>= unwrap) . devFn) adRecipientInfos)
    msg = encapsulate adContentInfo
    ct  = getContentType adContentInfo

    noAttr    = null adAuthAttrs
    mdMatch   = case adDigestAlgorithm of
                    Nothing  -> False
                    Just dig -> mdAttr == Just (digest dig msg)
    attrMatch = ctAttr == Just ct && mdMatch
    mdAttr    = getMessageDigestAttr adAuthAttrs
    ctAttr    = getContentTypeAttr adAuthAttrs
    input     = if noAttr then msg else encodeAuthAttrs adAuthAttrs

    unwrap k
        | isJust adDigestAlgorithm && noAttr  = Left (InvalidInput "Missing auth attributes")
        | not noAttr && not attrMatch         = Left (InvalidInput "Invalid auth attributes")
        | adMAC /= mac adMACAlgorithm k input = Left BadContentMAC
        | otherwise                           = Right adContentInfo

-- AuthEnvelopedData

-- | Add an authenticated-enveloped-data layer on the specified content info.
-- The content is encrypted with specified key and algorithm.  The key is then
-- processed by one or several 'ProducerOfRI' functions to create recipient info
-- elements.
-- Some attributes can be added but will not be encrypted.  The attributes
-- will be part of message authentication when provided in the first list.
authEnvelopData :: Applicative f
                => OriginatorInfo
                -> ContentEncryptionKey
                -> AuthContentEncryptionParams
                -> [ProducerOfRI f]
                -> [Attribute]
                -> [Attribute]
                -> ContentInfo
                -> f (Either StoreError ContentInfo)
authEnvelopData oinfo key params envFns aAttrs uAttrs ci =
    f <$> (sequence <$> traverse ($ key) envFns)
    raw = encodeASN1Object params
    aad = encodeAuthAttrs aAttrs
    ebs = authContentEncrypt key params raw aad (encapsulate ci)
    f ris = AuthEnvelopedDataCI <$> (build <$> ebs <*> ris)
    build (authTag, bs) ris = AuthEnvelopedData
                       { aeOriginatorInfo = oinfo
                       , aeRecipientInfos = ris
                       , aeContentType = getContentType ci
                       , aeContentEncryptionParams = ASN1ObjectExact params raw
                       , aeEncryptedContent = bs
                       , aeAuthAttrs = aAttrs
                       , aeMAC = authTag
                       , aeUnauthAttrs = uAttrs

-- | Recover an authenticated-enveloped content info using the specified
-- 'ConsumerOfRI' function.
openAuthEnvelopedData :: Monad m
                      => ConsumerOfRI m
                      -> AuthEnvelopedData
                      -> m (Either StoreError ContentInfo)
openAuthEnvelopedData devFn AuthEnvelopedData{..} = do
    r <- riAttempts (map (fmap (>>= decr) . devFn) aeRecipientInfos)
    return (r >>= decapsulate ct)
    ct       = aeContentType
    params   = exactObject aeContentEncryptionParams
    raw      = exactObjectRaw aeContentEncryptionParams
    aad      = encodeAuthAttrs aeAuthAttrs
    decr k   = authContentDecrypt k params raw aad aeEncryptedContent aeMAC

-- SignedData

-- | Add a signed-data layer on the specified content info.  The content is
-- processed by one or several 'ProducerOfSI' functions to create signer info
-- elements.
signData :: Applicative f
         => [ProducerOfSI f] -> ContentInfo -> f (Either StoreError ContentInfo)
signData sigFns ci =
    f <$> (sequence <$> traverse (\fn -> fn ct msg) sigFns)
    msg = encapsulate ci
    ct  = getContentType ci
    f   = fmap (SignedDataCI . build . unzip3)

    build (sis, certLists, crlLists) =
            { sdDigestAlgorithms = nub (map siDigestAlgorithm sis)
            , sdContentInfo = ci
            , sdCertificates = concat certLists
            , sdCRLs = concat crlLists
            , sdSignerInfos = sis

-- | Verify a signed content info using the specified 'ConsumerOfSI' function.
-- Verification of at least one signer info must be successful in order to
-- return the inner content info.
verifySignedData :: Monad m
                 => ConsumerOfSI m -> SignedData -> m (Maybe ContentInfo)
verifySignedData verFn SignedData{..} =
    f <$> siAttemps valid sdSignerInfos
    msg      = encapsulate sdContentInfo
    ct       = getContentType sdContentInfo
    valid si = verFn ct msg si sdCertificates sdCRLs
    f bool   = if bool then Just sdContentInfo else Nothing

-- Utilities

riAttempts :: Monad m => [m (Either StoreError b)] -> m (Either StoreError b)
riAttempts []       = return (Left NoRecipientInfoFound)
riAttempts [single] = single
riAttempts list     = loop list
    loop []     = return (Left NoRecipientInfoMatched)
    loop (x:xs) = x >>= orTail xs

    orTail xs (Left _)  = loop xs
    orTail _  success   = return success

siAttemps :: Monad m => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m Bool
siAttemps _ []     = pure False
siAttemps f (x:xs) = f x >>= orTail
  where orTail bool = if bool then return True else siAttemps f xs