-- |
-- Module      : Crypto.Store.CMS.Info
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : Olivier Chéron <olivier.cheron@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
-- CMS content information.
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Crypto.Store.CMS.Info
    ( ContentInfo(..)
    , getContentType
    , SignedData(..)
    , DigestedData(..)
    , AuthenticatedData(..)
    , encapsulate
    , decapsulate
    ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad

import           Data.ASN1.BinaryEncoding
import           Data.ASN1.Encoding
import           Data.ASN1.Types
import           Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteArray as B
import           Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

import Crypto.Cipher.Types
import Crypto.Hash hiding (MD5)

import Crypto.Store.ASN1.Generate
import Crypto.Store.ASN1.Parse
import Crypto.Store.CMS.Algorithms
import Crypto.Store.CMS.Attribute
import Crypto.Store.CMS.AuthEnveloped
import Crypto.Store.CMS.Encrypted
import Crypto.Store.CMS.Enveloped
import Crypto.Store.CMS.OriginatorInfo
import Crypto.Store.CMS.Signed
import Crypto.Store.CMS.Type
import Crypto.Store.CMS.Util
import Crypto.Store.Error
import Crypto.Store.Util

-- | Get the type of a content info.
getContentType :: ContentInfo -> ContentType
getContentType (DataCI _)              = DataType
getContentType (SignedDataCI _)        = SignedDataType
getContentType (EnvelopedDataCI _)     = EnvelopedDataType
getContentType (DigestedDataCI _)      = DigestedDataType
getContentType (EncryptedDataCI _)     = EncryptedDataType
getContentType (AuthenticatedDataCI _) = AuthenticatedDataType
getContentType (AuthEnvelopedDataCI _) = AuthEnvelopedDataType

-- ContentInfo

-- | CMS content information.
data ContentInfo = DataCI ByteString                     -- ^ Arbitrary octet string
                 | SignedDataCI SignedData               -- ^ Signed content info
                 | EnvelopedDataCI EnvelopedData         -- ^ Enveloped content info
                 | DigestedDataCI DigestedData           -- ^ Content info with associated digest
                 | EncryptedDataCI EncryptedData         -- ^ Encrypted content info
                 | AuthenticatedDataCI AuthenticatedData -- ^ Authenticatedcontent info
                 | AuthEnvelopedDataCI AuthEnvelopedData -- ^ Authenticated-enveloped content info
                 deriving (Show,Eq)

instance ProduceASN1Object ASN1P ContentInfo where
    asn1s ci = asn1Container Sequence (oid . cont)
      where oid = gOID $ getObjectID $ getContentType ci
            cont = asn1Container (Container Context 0) inner
            inner =
                case ci of
                    DataCI bs              -> dataASN1S bs
                    SignedDataCI ed        -> asn1s ed
                    EnvelopedDataCI ed     -> asn1s ed
                    DigestedDataCI dd      -> asn1s dd
                    EncryptedDataCI ed     -> asn1s ed
                    AuthenticatedDataCI ad -> asn1s ad
                    AuthEnvelopedDataCI ae -> asn1s ae

instance ParseASN1Object [ASN1Event] ContentInfo where
    parse =
        onNextContainer Sequence $ do
            OID oid <- getNext
            withObjectID "content type" oid $ \ct ->
                onNextContainer (Container Context 0) (parseInner ct)
        parseInner DataType              = DataCI <$> parseData
        parseInner SignedDataType        = SignedDataCI <$> parse
        parseInner EnvelopedDataType     = EnvelopedDataCI <$> parse
        parseInner DigestedDataType      = DigestedDataCI <$> parse
        parseInner EncryptedDataType     = EncryptedDataCI <$> parse
        parseInner AuthenticatedDataType = AuthenticatedDataCI <$> parse
        parseInner AuthEnvelopedDataType = AuthEnvelopedDataCI <$> parse

-- Data

dataASN1S :: ASN1Elem e => ByteString -> ASN1Stream e
dataASN1S = gOctetString

parseData :: Monoid e => ParseASN1 e ByteString
parseData = do
    next <- getNext
    case next of
        OctetString bs -> return bs
        _              -> throwParseError "Data: parsed unexpected content"

isData :: ContentInfo -> Bool
isData (DataCI _) = True
isData _          = False

-- SignedData

-- | Signed content information.
data SignedData = SignedData
    { sdDigestAlgorithms :: [DigestAlgorithm] -- ^ Digest algorithms
    , sdContentInfo :: ContentInfo            -- ^ Inner content info
    , sdCertificates :: [CertificateChoice]   -- ^ The collection of certificates
    , sdCRLs  :: [RevocationInfoChoice]       -- ^ The collection of CRLs
    , sdSignerInfos :: [SignerInfo]           -- ^ Per-signer information
    deriving (Show,Eq)

instance ProduceASN1Object ASN1P SignedData where
    asn1s SignedData{..} =
        asn1Container Sequence (ver . dig . ci . certs . crls . sis)
        ver = gIntVal v
        dig = asn1Container Set (digestTypesASN1S sdDigestAlgorithms)
        ci  = encapsulatedContentInfoASN1S sdContentInfo
        certs = gen 0 sdCertificates
        crls  = gen 1 sdCRLs
        sis = asn1Container Set (asn1s sdSignerInfos)

        gen tag list
            | null list = id
            | otherwise = asn1Container (Container Context tag) (asn1s list)

        v | hasChoiceOther sdCertificates = 5
          | hasChoiceOther sdCRLs         = 5
          | any isVersion3 sdSignerInfos  = 3
          | isData sdContentInfo          = 1
          | otherwise                     = 3

instance ParseASN1Object [ASN1Event] SignedData where
    parse =
        onNextContainer Sequence $ do
            IntVal v <- getNext
            when (v > 5) $
                throwParseError ("SignedData: parsed invalid version: " ++ show v)
            dig <- onNextContainer Set parseDigestTypes
            inner <- parseEncapsulatedContentInfo
            certs <- parseOptList 0
            crls  <- parseOptList 1
            sis <- onNextContainer Set parse
            return SignedData { sdDigestAlgorithms = dig
                              , sdContentInfo = inner
                              , sdCertificates = certs
                              , sdCRLs = crls
                              , sdSignerInfos = sis
        parseOptList tag =
            fromMaybe [] <$> onNextContainerMaybe (Container Context tag) parse

digestTypesASN1S :: ASN1Elem e => [DigestAlgorithm] -> ASN1Stream e
digestTypesASN1S list cont = foldr (algorithmASN1S Sequence) cont list

parseDigestTypes :: Monoid e => ParseASN1 e [DigestAlgorithm]
parseDigestTypes = getMany (parseAlgorithm Sequence)

-- DigestedData

-- | Digested content information.
data DigestedData = forall hashAlg. HashAlgorithm hashAlg => DigestedData
    { ddDigestAlgorithm :: DigestProxy hashAlg     -- ^ Digest algorithm
    , ddContentInfo :: ContentInfo                 -- ^ Inner content info
    , ddDigest :: Digest hashAlg                   -- ^ Digest value

instance Show DigestedData where
    showsPrec d DigestedData{..} = showParen (d > 10) $
        showString "DigestedData "
            . showString "{ ddDigestAlgorithm = " . shows ddDigestAlgorithm
            . showString ", ddContentInfo = " . shows ddContentInfo
            . showString ", ddDigest = " . shows ddDigest
            . showString " }"

instance Eq DigestedData where
    DigestedData a1 i1 d1 == DigestedData a2 i2 d2 =
        DigestAlgorithm a1 == DigestAlgorithm a2 && d1 `B.eq` d2 && i1 == i2

instance ASN1Elem e => ProduceASN1Object e DigestedData where
    asn1s DigestedData{..} =
        asn1Container Sequence (ver . alg . ci . dig)
        v = if isData ddContentInfo then 0 else 2
        d = DigestAlgorithm ddDigestAlgorithm

        ver = gIntVal v
        alg = algorithmASN1S Sequence d
        ci  = encapsulatedContentInfoASN1S ddContentInfo
        dig = gOctetString (B.convert ddDigest)

instance Monoid e => ParseASN1Object e DigestedData where
    parse =
        onNextContainer Sequence $ do
            IntVal v <- getNext
            when (v /= 0 && v /= 2) $
                throwParseError ("DigestedData: parsed invalid version: " ++ show v)
            alg <- parseAlgorithm Sequence
            inner <- parseEncapsulatedContentInfo
            OctetString bs <- getNext
            case alg of
                DigestAlgorithm digAlg ->
                    case digestFromByteString bs of
                        Nothing -> throwParseError "DigestedData: parsed invalid digest"
                        Just d  ->
                            return DigestedData { ddDigestAlgorithm = digAlg
                                                , ddContentInfo = inner
                                                , ddDigest = d

-- Authenticated data

-- | Authenticated content information.
data AuthenticatedData = AuthenticatedData
    { adOriginatorInfo :: OriginatorInfo
      -- ^ Optional information about the originator
    , adRecipientInfos :: [RecipientInfo]
      -- ^ Information for recipients, allowing to authenticate the content
    , adMACAlgorithm :: MACAlgorithm
      -- ^ MAC algorithm
    , adDigestAlgorithm :: Maybe DigestAlgorithm
      -- ^ Optional digest algorithm
    , adContentInfo :: ContentInfo
      -- ^ Inner content info
    , adAuthAttrs :: [Attribute]
      -- ^ Optional authenticated attributes
    , adMAC :: MessageAuthenticationCode
      -- ^ Message authentication code
    , adUnauthAttrs :: [Attribute]
      -- ^ Optional unauthenticated attributes
    deriving (Show,Eq)

instance ProduceASN1Object ASN1P AuthenticatedData where
    asn1s AuthenticatedData{..} =
        asn1Container Sequence (ver . oi . ris . alg . dig . ci . aa . tag . ua)
        ver = gIntVal v
        ris = asn1Container Set (asn1s adRecipientInfos)
        alg = algorithmASN1S Sequence adMACAlgorithm
        dig = algorithmMaybeASN1S (Container Context 1) adDigestAlgorithm
        ci  = encapsulatedContentInfoASN1S adContentInfo
        aa  = attributesASN1S(Container Context 2) adAuthAttrs
        tag = gOctetString (B.convert adMAC)
        ua  = attributesASN1S (Container Context 3) adUnauthAttrs

        oi | adOriginatorInfo == mempty = id
           | otherwise = originatorInfoASN1S (Container Context 0) adOriginatorInfo

        v | hasChoiceOther adOriginatorInfo = 3
          | otherwise                       = 0

instance ParseASN1Object [ASN1Event] AuthenticatedData where
    parse =
        onNextContainer Sequence $ do
            IntVal v <- getNext
            when (v `notElem` [0, 1, 3]) $
                throwParseError ("AuthenticatedData: parsed invalid version: " ++ show v)
            oi <- parseOriginatorInfo (Container Context 0) <|> return mempty
            ris <- onNextContainer Set parse
            alg <- parseAlgorithm Sequence
            dig <- parseAlgorithmMaybe (Container Context 1)
            inner <- parseEncapsulatedContentInfo
            aAttrs <- parseAttributes (Container Context 2)
            OctetString tag <- getNext
            uAttrs <- parseAttributes (Container Context 3)
            return AuthenticatedData { adOriginatorInfo = oi
                                     , adRecipientInfos = ris
                                     , adMACAlgorithm = alg
                                     , adDigestAlgorithm = dig
                                     , adContentInfo = inner
                                     , adAuthAttrs = aAttrs
                                     , adMAC = AuthTag $ B.convert tag
                                     , adUnauthAttrs = uAttrs

-- Utilities

decode :: ParseASN1 [ASN1Event] a -> ByteString -> Either StoreError a
decode parser bs = vals >>= mapLeft ParseFailure . runParseASN1_ parser
  where vals = mapLeft DecodingError (decodeASN1Repr' BER bs)

-- | Encode the information for encapsulation in another content info.
encapsulate :: ContentInfo -> ByteString
encapsulate (DataCI bs)              = bs
encapsulate (SignedDataCI ed)        = encodeASN1Object ed
encapsulate (EnvelopedDataCI ed)     = encodeASN1Object ed
encapsulate (DigestedDataCI dd)      = encodeASN1Object dd
encapsulate (EncryptedDataCI ed)     = encodeASN1Object ed
encapsulate (AuthenticatedDataCI ad) = encodeASN1Object ad
encapsulate (AuthEnvelopedDataCI ae) = encodeASN1Object ae

-- | Decode the information from encapsulated content.
decapsulate :: ContentType -> ByteString -> Either StoreError ContentInfo
decapsulate DataType bs              = pure (DataCI bs)
decapsulate SignedDataType bs        = SignedDataCI <$> decode parse bs
decapsulate EnvelopedDataType bs     = EnvelopedDataCI <$> decode parse bs
decapsulate DigestedDataType bs      = DigestedDataCI <$> decode parse bs
decapsulate EncryptedDataType bs     = EncryptedDataCI <$> decode parse bs
decapsulate AuthenticatedDataType bs = AuthenticatedDataCI <$> decode parse bs
decapsulate AuthEnvelopedDataType bs = AuthEnvelopedDataCI <$> decode parse bs

encapsulatedContentInfoASN1S :: ASN1Elem e => ContentInfo -> ASN1Stream e
encapsulatedContentInfoASN1S ci = asn1Container Sequence (oid . cont)
  where oid = gOID $ getObjectID $ getContentType ci
        cont = asn1Container (Container Context 0) inner
        inner = gOctetString (encapsulate ci)

parseEncapsulatedContentInfo :: Monoid e => ParseASN1 e ContentInfo
parseEncapsulatedContentInfo =
    onNextContainer Sequence $ do
        OID oid <- getNext
        withObjectID "content type" oid $ \ct ->
            onNextContainer (Container Context 0) (parseInner ct)
    parseInner ct = do
        bs <- parseContentSingle <|> parseContentChunks
        case decapsulate ct bs of
            Left err -> throwParseError
                ("Unable to decode and parse encapsulated ASN.1: " ++ show err)
            Right ci -> return ci

    parseContentSingle = do { OctetString bs <- getNext; return bs }
    parseContentChunks = onNextContainer (Container Universal 4) $
        B.concat <$> getMany parseContentSingle