module Crypto.Number.Basic
( sqrti
, gcde
, areEven
, log2
, numBits
, numBytes
) where
import Crypto.Number.Compat
sqrti :: Integer -> (Integer, Integer)
sqrti i
| i < 0 = error "cannot compute negative square root"
| i == 0 = (0,0)
| i == 1 = (1,1)
| i == 2 = (1,2)
| otherwise = loop x0
nbdigits = length $ show i
x0n = (if even nbdigits then nbdigits 2 else nbdigits 1) `div` 2
x0 = if even nbdigits then 2 * 10 ^ x0n else 6 * 10 ^ x0n
loop x = case compare (sq x) i of
LT -> iterUp x
EQ -> (x, x)
GT -> iterDown x
iterUp lb = if sq ub >= i then iter lb ub else iterUp ub
where ub = lb * 2
iterDown ub = if sq lb >= i then iterDown lb else iter lb ub
where lb = ub `div` 2
iter lb ub
| lb == ub = (lb, ub)
| lb+1 == ub = (lb, ub)
| otherwise =
let d = (ub lb) `div` 2 in
if sq (lb + d) >= i
then iter lb (ubd)
else iter (lb+d) ub
sq a = a * a
gcde :: Integer -> Integer -> (Integer, Integer, Integer)
gcde a b = onGmpUnsupported (gmpGcde a b) $
if d < 0 then (x,y,d) else (x,y,d)
(d, x, y) = f (a,1,0) (b,0,1)
f t (0, _, _) = t
f (a', sa, ta) t@(b', sb, tb) =
let (q, r) = a' `divMod` b' in
f t (r, sa (q * sb), ta (q * tb))
areEven :: [Integer] -> Bool
areEven = and . map even
log2 :: Integer -> Int
log2 n = onGmpUnsupported (gmpLog2 n) $ imLog 2 n
imLog b x = if x < b then 0 else (x `div` b^l) `doDiv` l
l = 2 * imLog (b * b) x
doDiv x' l' = if x' < b then l' else (x' `div` b) `doDiv` (l' + 1)
numBits :: Integer -> Int
numBits n = gmpSizeInBits n `onGmpUnsupported` (if n == 0 then 1 else computeBits 0 n)
where computeBits !acc i
| q == 0 =
if r >= 0x80 then acc+8
else if r >= 0x40 then acc+7
else if r >= 0x20 then acc+6
else if r >= 0x10 then acc+5
else if r >= 0x08 then acc+4
else if r >= 0x04 then acc+3
else if r >= 0x02 then acc+2
else if r >= 0x01 then acc+1
else acc
| otherwise = computeBits (acc+8) q
where (q,r) = i `divMod` 256
numBytes :: Integer -> Int
numBytes n = gmpSizeInBytes n `onGmpUnsupported` ((numBits n + 7) `div` 8)