{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} module BlockCipher ( KAT_ECB(..) , KAT_CBC(..) , KAT_CFB(..) , KAT_CTR(..) , KAT_XTS(..) , KAT_AEAD(..) , KATs(..) , defaultKATs , testBlockCipher , CipherInfo ) where import Imports import Data.Maybe import Crypto.Error import Crypto.Cipher.Types import Data.ByteArray as B hiding (pack, null) import qualified Data.ByteString as B ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- KAT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ type BlockSize = Int type KeySize = Int type CipherInfo a = (BlockSize, KeySize, ByteString -> a) instance Show (IV c) where show _ = "IV" -- | ECB KAT data KAT_ECB = KAT_ECB { ecbKey :: ByteString -- ^ Key , ecbPlaintext :: ByteString -- ^ Plaintext , ecbCiphertext :: ByteString -- ^ Ciphertext } deriving (Show,Eq) -- | CBC KAT data KAT_CBC = KAT_CBC { cbcKey :: ByteString -- ^ Key , cbcIV :: ByteString -- ^ IV , cbcPlaintext :: ByteString -- ^ Plaintext , cbcCiphertext :: ByteString -- ^ Ciphertext } deriving (Show,Eq) -- | CFB KAT data KAT_CFB = KAT_CFB { cfbKey :: ByteString -- ^ Key , cfbIV :: ByteString -- ^ IV , cfbPlaintext :: ByteString -- ^ Plaintext , cfbCiphertext :: ByteString -- ^ Ciphertext } deriving (Show,Eq) -- | CTR KAT data KAT_CTR = KAT_CTR { ctrKey :: ByteString -- ^ Key , ctrIV :: ByteString -- ^ IV (usually represented as a 128 bits integer) , ctrPlaintext :: ByteString -- ^ Plaintext , ctrCiphertext :: ByteString -- ^ Ciphertext } deriving (Show,Eq) -- | XTS KAT data KAT_XTS = KAT_XTS { xtsKey1 :: ByteString -- ^ 1st XTS key , xtsKey2 :: ByteString -- ^ 2nd XTS key , xtsIV :: ByteString -- ^ XTS IV , xtsPlaintext :: ByteString -- ^ plaintext , xtsCiphertext :: ByteString -- ^ Ciphertext } deriving (Show,Eq) -- | AEAD KAT data KAT_AEAD = KAT_AEAD { aeadMode :: AEADMode , aeadKey :: ByteString -- ^ Key , aeadIV :: ByteString -- ^ IV for initialization , aeadHeader :: ByteString -- ^ Authentificated Header , aeadPlaintext :: ByteString -- ^ Plaintext , aeadCiphertext :: ByteString -- ^ Ciphertext , aeadTaglen :: Int -- ^ aead tag len , aeadTag :: ByteString -- ^ expected tag } deriving (Show,Eq) -- | all the KATs. use defaultKATs to prevent compilation error -- from future expansion of this data structure data KATs = KATs { kat_ECB :: [KAT_ECB] , kat_CBC :: [KAT_CBC] , kat_CFB :: [KAT_CFB] , kat_CTR :: [KAT_CTR] , kat_XTS :: [KAT_XTS] , kat_AEAD :: [KAT_AEAD] } deriving (Show,Eq) defaultKATs = KATs [] [] [] [] [] [] {- testECB (_, _, cipherInit) ecbEncrypt ecbDecrypt kats = testGroup "ECB" (concatMap katTest (zip is kats) {- ++ propTests-}) where katTest (i,d) = [ testCase ("E" ++ show i) (ecbEncrypt ctx (ecbPlaintext d) @?= ecbCiphertext d) , testCase ("D" ++ show i) (ecbDecrypt ctx (ecbCiphertext d) @?= ecbPlaintext d) ] where ctx = cipherInit (ecbKey d) --propTest = testProperty "decrypt.encrypt" (ECBUnit key plaintext) = --testProperty_ECB (ECBUnit (cipherInit -> ctx) (toBytes -> plaintext)) = -- plaintext `assertEq` ecbDecrypt ctx (ecbEncrypt ctx plaintext) testKatCBC cbcInit cbcEncrypt cbcDecrypt (i,d) = [ testCase ("E" ++ show i) (cbcEncrypt ctx iv (cbcPlaintext d) @?= cbcCiphertext d) , testCase ("D" ++ show i) (cbcDecrypt ctx iv (cbcCiphertext d) @?= cbcPlaintext d) ] where ctx = cbcInit $ cbcKey d iv = cbcIV d testKatCFB cfbInit cfbEncrypt cfbDecrypt (i,d) = [ testCase ("E" ++ show i) (cfbEncrypt ctx iv (cfbPlaintext d) @?= cfbCiphertext d) , testCase ("D" ++ show i) (cfbDecrypt ctx iv (cfbCiphertext d) @?= cfbPlaintext d) ] where ctx = cfbInit $ cfbKey d iv = cfbIV d testKatCTR ctrInit ctrCombine (i,d) = [ testCase ("E" ++ i) (ctrCombine ctx iv (ctrPlaintext d) @?= ctrCiphertext d) , testCase ("D" ++ i) (ctrCombine ctx iv (ctrCiphertext d) @?= ctrPlaintext d) ] where ctx = ctrInit $ ctrKey d iv = ctrIV d testKatXTS xtsInit xtsEncrypt xtsDecrypt (i,d) = [ testCase ("E" ++ i) (xtsEncrypt ctx iv 0 (xtsPlaintext d) @?= xtsCiphertext d) , testCase ("D" ++ i) (xtsDecrypt ctx iv 0 (xtsCiphertext d) @?= xtsPlaintext d) ] where ctx = xtsInit (xtsKey1 d, xtsKey2 d) iv = xtsIV d testKatAEAD cipherInit aeadInit aeadAppendHeader aeadEncrypt aeadDecrypt aeadFinalize (i,d) = [ testCase ("AE" ++ i) (etag @?= aeadTag d) , testCase ("AD" ++ i) (dtag @?= aeadTag d) , testCase ("E" ++ i) (ebs @?= aeadCiphertext d) , testCase ("D" ++ i) (dbs @?= aeadPlaintext d) ] where ctx = cipherInit $ aeadKey d (Just aead) = aeadInit ctx (aeadIV d) aeadHeaded = aeadAppendHeader aead (aeadHeader d) (ebs,aeadEFinal) = aeadEncrypt aeadHeaded (aeadPlaintext d) (dbs,aeadDFinal) = aeadDecrypt aeadHeaded (aeadCiphertext d) etag = aeadFinalize aeadEFinal (aeadTaglen d) dtag = aeadFinalize aeadDFinal (aeadTaglen d) -} testKATs :: BlockCipher cipher => KATs -> cipher -> TestTree testKATs kats cipher = testGroup "KAT" ( maybeGroup makeECBTest "ECB" (kat_ECB kats) ++ maybeGroup makeCBCTest "CBC" (kat_CBC kats) ++ maybeGroup makeCFBTest "CFB" (kat_CFB kats) ++ maybeGroup makeCTRTest "CTR" (kat_CTR kats) -- ++ maybeGroup makeXTSTest "XTS" (kat_XTS kats) -- ++ maybeGroup makeAEADTest "AEAD" (kat_AEAD kats) ) where makeECBTest i d = [ testCase ("E" ++ i) (ecbEncrypt ctx (ecbPlaintext d) @?= ecbCiphertext d) , testCase ("D" ++ i) (ecbDecrypt ctx (ecbCiphertext d) @?= ecbPlaintext d) ] where ctx = cipherInitNoErr (cipherMakeKey cipher $ ecbKey d) makeCBCTest i d = [ testCase ("E" ++ i) (cbcEncrypt ctx iv (cbcPlaintext d) @?= cbcCiphertext d) , testCase ("D" ++ i) (cbcDecrypt ctx iv (cbcCiphertext d) @?= cbcPlaintext d) ] where ctx = cipherInitNoErr (cipherMakeKey cipher $ cbcKey d) iv = cipherMakeIV cipher $ cbcIV d makeCFBTest i d = [ testCase ("E" ++ i) (cfbEncrypt ctx iv (cfbPlaintext d) @?= cfbCiphertext d) , testCase ("D" ++ i) (cfbDecrypt ctx iv (cfbCiphertext d) @?= cfbPlaintext d) ] where ctx = cipherInitNoErr (cipherMakeKey cipher $ cfbKey d) iv = cipherMakeIV cipher $ cfbIV d makeCTRTest i d = [ testCase ("E" ++ i) (ctrCombine ctx iv (ctrPlaintext d) @?= ctrCiphertext d) , testCase ("D" ++ i) (ctrCombine ctx iv (ctrCiphertext d) @?= ctrPlaintext d) ] where ctx = cipherInitNoErr (cipherMakeKey cipher $ ctrKey d) iv = cipherMakeIV cipher $ ctrIV d {- makeXTSTest i d = [ testCase ("E" ++ i) (xtsEncrypt ctx iv 0 (xtsPlaintext d) @?= xtsCiphertext d) , testCase ("D" ++ i) (xtsDecrypt ctx iv 0 (xtsCiphertext d) @?= xtsPlaintext d) ] where ctx1 = cipherInit (cipherMakeKey cipher $ xtsKey1 d) ctx2 = cipherInit (cipherMakeKey cipher $ xtsKey2 d) ctx = (ctx1, ctx2) iv = cipherMakeIV cipher $ xtsIV d makeAEADTest i d = [ testCase ("AE" ++ i) (etag @?= aeadTag d) , testCase ("AD" ++ i) (dtag @?= aeadTag d) , testCase ("E" ++ i) (ebs @?= aeadCiphertext d) , testCase ("D" ++ i) (dbs @?= aeadPlaintext d) ] where ctx = cipherInit (cipherMakeKey cipher $ aeadKey d) aead = maybe (error $ "cipher doesn't support aead mode: " ++ show (aeadMode d)) id $ aeadInit (aeadMode d) ctx (aeadIV d) aeadHeaded = aeadAppendHeader aead (aeadHeader d) (ebs,aeadEFinal) = aeadEncrypt aeadHeaded (aeadPlaintext d) (dbs,aeadDFinal) = aeadDecrypt aeadHeaded (aeadCiphertext d) etag = aeadFinalize aeadEFinal (aeadTaglen d) dtag = aeadFinalize aeadDFinal (aeadTaglen d) -} cipherInitNoErr :: BlockCipher c => Key c -> c cipherInitNoErr (Key k) = case cipherInit k of CryptoPassed a -> a CryptoFailed e -> error (show e) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Properties ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | any sized bytestring newtype Plaintext a = Plaintext { unPlaintext :: B.ByteString } deriving (Show,Eq) -- | A multiple of blocksize bytestring newtype PlaintextBS a = PlaintextBS { unPlaintextBS :: B.ByteString } deriving (Show,Eq) newtype Key a = Key ByteString deriving (Show,Eq) -- | a ECB unit test data ECBUnit a = ECBUnit (Key a) (PlaintextBS a) deriving (Eq) -- | a CBC unit test data CBCUnit a = CBCUnit (Key a) (IV a) (PlaintextBS a) deriving (Eq) -- | a CBC unit test data CFBUnit a = CFBUnit (Key a) (IV a) (PlaintextBS a) deriving (Eq) -- | a CFB unit test data CFB8Unit a = CFB8Unit (Key a) (IV a) (Plaintext a) deriving (Eq) -- | a CTR unit test data CTRUnit a = CTRUnit (Key a) (IV a) (Plaintext a) deriving (Eq) -- | a XTS unit test data XTSUnit a = XTSUnit (Key a) (Key a) (IV a) (PlaintextBS a) deriving (Eq) -- | a AEAD unit test data AEADUnit a = AEADUnit (Key a) B.ByteString (Plaintext a) (Plaintext a) deriving (Eq) -- | Stream cipher unit test data StreamUnit a = StreamUnit (Key a) (Plaintext a) deriving (Eq) instance Show (ECBUnit a) where show (ECBUnit key b) = "ECB(key=" ++ show key ++ ",input=" ++ show b ++ ")" instance Show (CBCUnit a) where show (CBCUnit key iv b) = "CBC(key=" ++ show key ++ ",iv=" ++ show iv ++ ",input=" ++ show b ++ ")" instance Show (CFBUnit a) where show (CFBUnit key iv b) = "CFB(key=" ++ show key ++ ",iv=" ++ show iv ++ ",input=" ++ show b ++ ")" instance Show (CFB8Unit a) where show (CFB8Unit key iv b) = "CFB8(key=" ++ show key ++ ",iv=" ++ show iv ++ ",input=" ++ show b ++ ")" instance Show (CTRUnit a) where show (CTRUnit key iv b) = "CTR(key=" ++ show key ++ ",iv=" ++ show iv ++ ",input=" ++ show b ++ ")" instance Show (XTSUnit a) where show (XTSUnit key1 key2 iv b) = "XTS(key1=" ++ show key1 ++ ",key2=" ++ show key2 ++ ",iv=" ++ show iv ++ ",input=" ++ show b ++ ")" instance Show (AEADUnit a) where show (AEADUnit key iv aad b) = "AEAD(key=" ++ show key ++ ",iv=" ++ show iv ++ ",aad=" ++ show (unPlaintext aad) ++ ",input=" ++ show b ++ ")" instance Show (StreamUnit a) where show (StreamUnit key b) = "Stream(key=" ++ show key ++ ",input=" ++ show b ++ ")" -- | Generate an arbitrary valid key for a specific block cipher generateKey :: Cipher a => Gen (Key a) generateKey = keyFromCipher undefined where keyFromCipher :: Cipher a => a -> Gen (Key a) keyFromCipher cipher = do sz <- case cipherKeySize cipher of KeySizeRange low high -> choose (low, high) KeySizeFixed v -> return v KeySizeEnum l -> elements l Key . B.pack <$> replicateM sz arbitrary -- | Generate an arbitrary valid IV for a specific block cipher generateIv :: BlockCipher a => Gen (IV a) generateIv = ivFromCipher undefined where ivFromCipher :: BlockCipher a => a -> Gen (IV a) ivFromCipher cipher = fromJust . makeIV . B.pack <$> replicateM (blockSize cipher) arbitrary -- | Generate an arbitrary valid IV for AEAD for a specific block cipher generateIvAEAD :: Gen B.ByteString generateIvAEAD = choose (12,90) >>= \sz -> (B.pack <$> replicateM sz arbitrary) -- | Generate a plaintext multiple of blocksize bytes generatePlaintextMultipleBS :: BlockCipher a => Gen (PlaintextBS a) generatePlaintextMultipleBS = choose (1,128) >>= \size -> replicateM (size * 16) arbitrary >>= return . PlaintextBS . B.pack -- | Generate any sized plaintext generatePlaintext :: Gen (Plaintext a) generatePlaintext = choose (0,324) >>= \size -> replicateM size arbitrary >>= return . Plaintext . B.pack instance BlockCipher a => Arbitrary (ECBUnit a) where arbitrary = ECBUnit <$> generateKey <*> generatePlaintextMultipleBS instance BlockCipher a => Arbitrary (CBCUnit a) where arbitrary = CBCUnit <$> generateKey <*> generateIv <*> generatePlaintextMultipleBS instance BlockCipher a => Arbitrary (CFBUnit a) where arbitrary = CFBUnit <$> generateKey <*> generateIv <*> generatePlaintextMultipleBS instance BlockCipher a => Arbitrary (CFB8Unit a) where arbitrary = CFB8Unit <$> generateKey <*> generateIv <*> generatePlaintext instance BlockCipher a => Arbitrary (CTRUnit a) where arbitrary = CTRUnit <$> generateKey <*> generateIv <*> generatePlaintext instance BlockCipher a => Arbitrary (XTSUnit a) where arbitrary = XTSUnit <$> generateKey <*> generateKey <*> generateIv <*> generatePlaintextMultipleBS instance BlockCipher a => Arbitrary (AEADUnit a) where arbitrary = AEADUnit <$> generateKey <*> generateIvAEAD <*> generatePlaintext <*> generatePlaintext instance StreamCipher a => Arbitrary (StreamUnit a) where arbitrary = StreamUnit <$> generateKey <*> generatePlaintext testBlockCipherBasic :: BlockCipher a => a -> [TestTree] testBlockCipherBasic cipher = [ testProperty "ECB" ecbProp ] where ecbProp = toTests cipher toTests :: BlockCipher a => a -> (ECBUnit a -> Bool) toTests _ = testProperty_ECB testProperty_ECB (ECBUnit key (unPlaintextBS -> plaintext)) = withCtx key $ \ctx -> plaintext `assertEq` ecbDecrypt ctx (ecbEncrypt ctx plaintext) testBlockCipherModes :: BlockCipher a => a -> [TestTree] testBlockCipherModes cipher = [ testProperty "CBC" cbcProp , testProperty "CFB" cfbProp --, testProperty "CFB8" cfb8Prop , testProperty "CTR" ctrProp ] where (cbcProp,cfbProp,ctrProp) = toTests cipher toTests :: BlockCipher a => a -> ((CBCUnit a -> Bool), (CFBUnit a -> Bool), {-(CFB8Unit a -> Bool),-} (CTRUnit a -> Bool)) toTests _ = (testProperty_CBC ,testProperty_CFB --,testProperty_CFB8 ,testProperty_CTR ) testProperty_CBC (CBCUnit key testIV (unPlaintextBS -> plaintext)) = withCtx key $ \ctx -> plaintext `assertEq` cbcDecrypt ctx testIV (cbcEncrypt ctx testIV plaintext) testProperty_CFB (CFBUnit key testIV (unPlaintextBS -> plaintext)) = withCtx key $ \ctx -> plaintext `assertEq` cfbDecrypt ctx testIV (cfbEncrypt ctx testIV plaintext) {- testProperty_CFB8 (CFB8Unit (cipherInit -> ctx) testIV (unPlaintext -> plaintext)) = plaintext `assertEq` cfb8Decrypt ctx testIV (cfb8Encrypt ctx testIV plaintext) -} testProperty_CTR (CTRUnit key testIV (unPlaintext -> plaintext)) = withCtx key $ \ctx -> plaintext `assertEq` ctrCombine ctx testIV (ctrCombine ctx testIV plaintext) testBlockCipherAEAD :: BlockCipher a => a -> [TestTree] testBlockCipherAEAD cipher = [ testProperty "OCB" (aeadProp AEAD_OCB) , testProperty "CCM" (aeadProp AEAD_CCM) , testProperty "EAX" (aeadProp AEAD_EAX) , testProperty "CWC" (aeadProp AEAD_CWC) , testProperty "GCM" (aeadProp AEAD_GCM) ] where aeadProp = toTests cipher toTests :: BlockCipher a => a -> (AEADMode -> AEADUnit a -> Bool) toTests _ = testProperty_AEAD testProperty_AEAD mode (AEADUnit key testIV (unPlaintext -> aad) (unPlaintext -> plaintext)) = withCtx key $ \ctx -> case aeadInit mode ctx testIV of CryptoPassed iniAead -> let aead = aeadAppendHeader iniAead aad (eText, aeadE) = aeadEncrypt aead plaintext (dText, aeadD) = aeadDecrypt aead eText eTag = aeadFinalize aeadE (blockSize ctx) dTag = aeadFinalize aeadD (blockSize ctx) in (plaintext `assertEq` dText) && (eTag `B.eq` dTag) CryptoFailed err | err == CryptoError_AEADModeNotSupported -> True | otherwise -> error ("testProperty_AEAD: " ++ show err) withCtx :: Cipher c => Key c -> (c -> a) -> a withCtx (Key key) f = case cipherInit key of CryptoFailed e -> error ("init failed: " ++ show e) CryptoPassed ctx -> f ctx {- testBlockCipherXTS :: BlockCipher a => a -> [TestTree] testBlockCipherXTS cipher = [testProperty "XTS" xtsProp] where xtsProp = toTests cipher toTests :: BlockCipher a => a -> (XTSUnit a -> Bool) toTests _ = testProperty_XTS testProperty_XTS (XTSUnit (cipherInit -> ctx1) (cipherInit -> ctx2) testIV (toBytes -> plaintext)) | blockSize ctx1 == 16 = plaintext `assertEq` xtsDecrypt (ctx1, ctx2) testIV 0 (xtsEncrypt (ctx1, ctx2) testIV 0 plaintext) | otherwise = True -} -- | Test a generic block cipher for properties -- related to block cipher modes. testModes :: BlockCipher a => a -> [TestTree] testModes cipher = [ testGroup "decrypt.encrypt==id" -- (testBlockCipherBasic cipher ++ testBlockCipherModes cipher ++ testBlockCipherAEAD cipher ++ testBlockCipherXTS cipher) (testBlockCipherBasic cipher ++ testBlockCipherModes cipher ++ testBlockCipherAEAD cipher) ] -- | Return tests for a specific blockcipher and a list of KATs testBlockCipher :: BlockCipher a => KATs -> a -> TestTree testBlockCipher kats cipher = testGroup (cipherName cipher) ( (if kats == defaultKATs then [] else [testKATs kats cipher]) ++ testModes cipher ) cipherMakeKey :: Cipher cipher => cipher -> ByteString -> Key cipher cipherMakeKey _ bs = Key bs cipherMakeIV :: BlockCipher cipher => cipher -> ByteString -> IV cipher cipherMakeIV _ bs = fromJust $ makeIV bs maybeGroup :: (String -> t -> [TestTree]) -> TestName -> [t] -> [TestTree] maybeGroup mkTest groupName l | null l = [] | otherwise = [testGroup groupName (concatMap (\(i, d) -> mkTest (show i) d) $ zip nbs l)] where nbs :: [Int] nbs = [0..]