-- | -- Module : Cryptol.REPL.Command -- Copyright : (c) 2013-2016 Galois, Inc. -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : cryptol@galois.com -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Cryptol.REPL.Command ( -- * Commands Command(..), CommandDescr(..), CommandBody(..), CommandExitCode(..) , parseCommand , runCommand , splitCommand , findCommand , findCommandExact , findNbCommand , commandList , moduleCmd, loadCmd, loadPrelude, setOptionCmd -- Parsing , interactiveConfig , replParseExpr -- Evaluation and Typechecking , replEvalExpr , replCheckExpr -- Check, SAT, and prove , qcCmd, QCMode(..) , satCmd , proveCmd , onlineProveSat , offlineProveSat -- Misc utilities , handleCtrlC , sanitize -- To support Notebook interface (might need to refactor) , replParse , liftModuleCmd , moduleCmdResult ) where import Cryptol.REPL.Monad import Cryptol.REPL.Trie import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem as M import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name as M import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.NamingEnv as M import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Renamer as M (RenamerWarning(SymbolShadowed)) import qualified Cryptol.Utils.Ident as M import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Env as M import qualified Cryptol.Eval.Monad as E import qualified Cryptol.Eval.Value as E import qualified Cryptol.Eval.Reference as R import Cryptol.Testing.Concrete import qualified Cryptol.Testing.Random as TestR import Cryptol.Parser (parseExprWith,parseReplWith,ParseError(),Config(..),defaultConfig ,parseModName,parseHelpName) import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST as T import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Error as T import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Parseable as T import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst as T import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solve(defaultReplExpr) import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.SMT as SMT import Cryptol.TypeCheck.PP (dump,ppWithNames,emptyNameMap,backticks) import Cryptol.Utils.PP import Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic) import qualified Cryptol.Parser.AST as P import qualified Cryptol.Transform.Specialize as S import Cryptol.Symbolic (ProverCommand(..), QueryType(..), SatNum(..),ProverStats) import qualified Cryptol.Symbolic as Symbolic import qualified Control.Exception as X import Control.Monad hiding (mapM, mapM) import Control.Monad.IO.Class(liftIO) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8 import Data.Bits ((.&.)) import Data.Char (isSpace,isPunctuation,isSymbol,isAlphaNum,isAscii) import Data.Function (on) import Data.List (intercalate, nub, sortBy, partition, isPrefixOf,intersperse) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe,mapMaybe,isNothing) import System.Environment (lookupEnv) import System.Exit (ExitCode(ExitSuccess)) import System.Process (shell,createProcess,waitForProcess) import qualified System.Process as Process(runCommand) import System.FilePath((), isPathSeparator) import System.Directory(getHomeDirectory,setCurrentDirectory,doesDirectoryExist ,getTemporaryDirectory,setPermissions,removeFile ,emptyPermissions,setOwnerReadable) import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import System.IO(hFlush,stdout,openTempFile,hClose) import System.Random.TF(newTFGen) import Numeric (showFFloat) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.IORef(newIORef,readIORef) import GHC.Float (log1p, expm1) import Prelude () import Prelude.Compat import qualified Data.SBV as SBV (Solver) import qualified Data.SBV.Internals as SBV (showTDiff) -- Commands -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Commands. data Command = Command (REPL ()) -- ^ Successfully parsed command | Ambiguous String [String] -- ^ Ambiguous command, list of conflicting -- commands | Unknown String -- ^ The unknown command -- | Command builder. data CommandDescr = CommandDescr { cNames :: [String] , cArgs :: [String] , cBody :: CommandBody , cHelp :: String } instance Show CommandDescr where show = show . cNames instance Eq CommandDescr where (==) = (==) `on` cNames instance Ord CommandDescr where compare = compare `on` cNames data CommandBody = ExprArg (String -> REPL ()) | FileExprArg (FilePath -> String -> REPL ()) | DeclsArg (String -> REPL ()) | ExprTypeArg (String -> REPL ()) | ModNameArg (String -> REPL ()) | FilenameArg (FilePath -> REPL ()) | OptionArg (String -> REPL ()) | ShellArg (String -> REPL ()) | HelpArg (String -> REPL ()) | NoArg (REPL ()) data CommandExitCode = CommandOk | CommandError -- XXX: More? -- | REPL command parsing. commands :: CommandMap commands = foldl insert emptyTrie commandList where insert m d = foldl (insertOne d) m (cNames d) insertOne d m name = insertTrie name d m -- | Notebook command parsing. nbCommands :: CommandMap nbCommands = foldl insert emptyTrie nbCommandList where insert m d = foldl (insertOne d) m (cNames d) insertOne d m name = insertTrie name d m -- | A subset of commands safe for Notebook execution nbCommandList :: [CommandDescr] nbCommandList = [ CommandDescr [ ":t", ":type" ] ["EXPR"] (ExprArg typeOfCmd) "Check the type of an expression." , CommandDescr [ ":b", ":browse" ] ["[ MODULE ]"] (ModNameArg browseCmd) "Display environment for all loaded modules, or for a specific module." , CommandDescr [ ":?", ":help" ] ["[ TOPIC ]"] (HelpArg helpCmd) "Display a brief description of a function, type, or command." , CommandDescr [ ":s", ":set" ] ["[ OPTION [ = VALUE ] ]"] (OptionArg setOptionCmd) "Set an environmental option (:set on its own displays current values)." , CommandDescr [ ":check" ] ["[ EXPR ]"] (ExprArg (void . qcCmd QCRandom)) "Use random testing to check that the argument always returns true.\n(If no argument, check all properties.)" , CommandDescr [ ":exhaust" ] ["[ EXPR ]"] (ExprArg (void . qcCmd QCExhaust)) "Use exhaustive testing to prove that the argument always returns\ntrue. (If no argument, check all properties.)" , CommandDescr [ ":prove" ] ["[ EXPR ]"] (ExprArg proveCmd) "Use an external solver to prove that the argument always returns\ntrue. (If no argument, check all properties.)" , CommandDescr [ ":sat" ] ["[ EXPR ]"] (ExprArg satCmd) "Use a solver to find a satisfying assignment for which the argument\nreturns true. (If no argument, find an assignment for all properties.)" , CommandDescr [ ":debug_specialize" ] ["EXPR"](ExprArg specializeCmd) "Do type specialization on a closed expression." , CommandDescr [ ":eval" ] ["EXPR"] (ExprArg refEvalCmd) "Evaluate an expression with the reference evaluator." , CommandDescr [ ":ast" ] ["EXPR"] (ExprArg astOfCmd) "Print out the pre-typechecked AST of a given term." , CommandDescr [ ":extract-coq" ] [] (NoArg allTerms) "Print out the post-typechecked AST of all currently defined terms,\nin a Coq-parseable format." ] commandList :: [CommandDescr] commandList = nbCommandList ++ [ CommandDescr [ ":q", ":quit" ] [] (NoArg quitCmd) "Exit the REPL." , CommandDescr [ ":l", ":load" ] ["FILE"] (FilenameArg loadCmd) "Load a module by filename." , CommandDescr [ ":r", ":reload" ] [] (NoArg reloadCmd) "Reload the currently loaded module." , CommandDescr [ ":e", ":edit" ] ["[ FILE ]"] (FilenameArg editCmd) "Edit FILE or the currently loaded module." , CommandDescr [ ":!" ] ["COMMAND"] (ShellArg runShellCmd) "Execute a command in the shell." , CommandDescr [ ":cd" ] ["DIR"] (FilenameArg cdCmd) "Set the current working directory." , CommandDescr [ ":m", ":module" ] ["[ MODULE ]"] (FilenameArg moduleCmd) "Load a module by its name." , CommandDescr [ ":w", ":writeByteArray" ] ["FILE", "EXPR"] (FileExprArg writeFileCmd) "Write data of type 'fin n => [n][8]' to a file." , CommandDescr [ ":readByteArray" ] ["FILE"] (FilenameArg readFileCmd) "Read data from a file as type 'fin n => [n][8]', binding\nthe value to variable 'it'." , CommandDescr [ ":dumptests" ] ["FILE", "EXPR"] (FileExprArg dumpTestsCmd) (unlines [ "Dump a tab-separated collection of tests for the given" , "expression into a file. The first column in each line is" , "the expected output, and the remainder are the inputs. The" , "number of tests is determined by the \"tests\" option." ]) ] genHelp :: [CommandDescr] -> [String] genHelp cs = map cmdHelp cs where cmdHelp cmd = concat $ [ " ", cmdNames cmd, pad (cmdNames cmd), intercalate ("\n " ++ pad []) (lines (cHelp cmd)) ] cmdNames cmd = intercalate ", " (cNames cmd) padding = 2 + maximum (map (length . cmdNames) cs) pad n = replicate (max 0 (padding - length n)) ' ' -- Command Evaluation ---------------------------------------------------------- -- | Run a command. runCommand :: Command -> REPL CommandExitCode runCommand c = case c of Command cmd -> (cmd >> return CommandOk) `Cryptol.REPL.Monad.catch` handler where handler re = rPutStrLn "" >> rPrint (pp re) >> return CommandError Unknown cmd -> do rPutStrLn ("Unknown command: " ++ cmd) return CommandError Ambiguous cmd cmds -> do rPutStrLn (cmd ++ " is ambiguous, it could mean one of:") rPutStrLn ("\t" ++ intercalate ", " cmds) return CommandError -- Get the setting we should use for displaying values. getPPValOpts :: REPL E.PPOpts getPPValOpts = do base <- getKnownUser "base" ascii <- getKnownUser "ascii" infLength <- getKnownUser "infLength" return E.PPOpts { E.useBase = base , E.useAscii = ascii , E.useInfLength = infLength } getEvalOpts :: REPL E.EvalOpts getEvalOpts = do ppOpts <- getPPValOpts l <- getLogger return E.EvalOpts { E.evalPPOpts = ppOpts, E.evalLogger = l } evalCmd :: String -> REPL () evalCmd str = do letEnabled <- getLetEnabled ri <- if letEnabled then replParseInput str else P.ExprInput <$> replParseExpr str case ri of P.ExprInput expr -> do (val,_ty) <- replEvalExpr expr ppOpts <- getPPValOpts valDoc <- rEvalRethrow (E.ppValue ppOpts val) -- This is the point where the value gets forced. We deepseq the -- pretty-printed representation of it, rather than the value -- itself, leaving it up to the pretty-printer to determine how -- much of the value to force --out <- io $ rethrowEvalError -- $ return $!! show $ pp $ E.WithBase ppOpts val rPutStrLn (show valDoc) P.LetInput decl -> do -- explicitly make this a top-level declaration, so that it will -- be generalized if mono-binds is enabled replEvalDecl decl printCounterexample :: Bool -> P.Expr P.PName -> [E.Value] -> REPL () printCounterexample isSat pexpr vs = do ppOpts <- getPPValOpts docs <- mapM (rEval . E.ppValue ppOpts) vs let doc = ppPrec 3 pexpr -- function application has precedence 3 rPrint $ hang doc 2 (sep docs) <+> text (if isSat then "= True" else "= False") dumpTestsCmd :: FilePath -> String -> REPL () dumpTestsCmd outFile str = do expr <- replParseExpr str (val, ty) <- replEvalExpr expr evo <- getEvalOpts ppopts <- getPPValOpts testNum <- getKnownUser "tests" :: REPL Int g <- io newTFGen gens <- case TestR.dumpableType ty of Nothing -> raise (TypeNotTestable ty) Just gens -> return gens tests <- io $ TestR.returnTests g evo gens val testNum out <- forM tests $ \(args, x) -> do argOut <- mapM (rEval . E.ppValue ppopts) args resOut <- rEval (E.ppValue ppopts x) return (renderOneLine resOut ++ "\t" ++ intercalate "\t" (map renderOneLine argOut) ++ "\n") io $ writeFile outFile (concat out) `X.catch` handler where handler :: X.SomeException -> IO () handler e = putStrLn (X.displayException e) data QCMode = QCRandom | QCExhaust deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Randomly test a property, or exhaustively check it if the number -- of values in the type under test is smaller than the @tests@ -- environment variable, or we specify exhaustive testing. qcCmd :: QCMode -> String -> REPL [TestReport] qcCmd qcMode "" = do (xs,disp) <- getPropertyNames let nameStr x = show (fixNameDisp disp (pp x)) if null xs then rPutStrLn "There are no properties in scope." *> return [] else concat <$> (forM xs $ \x -> do let str = nameStr x rPutStr $ "property " ++ str ++ " " qcCmd qcMode str) qcCmd qcMode str = do expr <- replParseExpr str (val,ty) <- replEvalExpr expr testNum <- getKnownUser "tests" case testableType ty of Just (Just sz,tys,vss) | qcMode == QCExhaust || sz <= toInteger testNum -> do rPutStrLn "Using exhaustive testing." let f _ [] = panic "Cryptol.REPL.Command" ["Exhaustive testing ran out of test cases"] f _ (vs : vss1) = do evo <- getEvalOpts result <- io $ runOneTest evo val vs return (result, vss1) testSpec = TestSpec { testFn = f , testProp = str , testTotal = sz , testPossible = Just sz , testRptProgress = ppProgress , testClrProgress = delProgress , testRptFailure = ppFailure tys expr , testRptSuccess = do delTesting prtLn $ "Passed " ++ show sz ++ " tests." rPutStrLn "Q.E.D." } prt testingMsg report <- runTests testSpec vss return [report] Just (sz,tys,_) | qcMode == QCRandom -> case TestR.testableType ty of Nothing -> raise (TypeNotTestable ty) Just gens -> do rPutStrLn "Using random testing." evo <- getEvalOpts let testSpec = TestSpec { testFn = \sz' g -> io $ TestR.runOneTest evo val gens sz' g , testProp = str , testTotal = toInteger testNum , testPossible = sz , testRptProgress = ppProgress , testClrProgress = delProgress , testRptFailure = ppFailure tys expr , testRptSuccess = do delTesting prtLn $ "Passed " ++ show testNum ++ " tests." } prt testingMsg g <- io newTFGen report <- runTests testSpec g when (isPass (reportResult report)) $ case sz of Nothing -> return () Just n -> rPutStrLn $ coverageString testNum n return [report] _ -> raise (TypeNotTestable ty) where testingMsg = "Testing... " coverageString testNum sz = let (percent, expectedUnique) = expectedCoverage testNum sz showValNum | sz > 2 ^ (20::Integer) = "2^^" ++ show (lg2 sz) | otherwise = show sz in "Expected test coverage: " ++ showFFloat (Just 2) percent "% (" ++ showFFloat (Just 0) expectedUnique " of " ++ showValNum ++ " values)" totProgressWidth = 4 -- 100% lg2 :: Integer -> Integer lg2 x | x >= 2^(1024::Int) = 1024 + lg2 (x `div` 2^(1024::Int)) | x == 0 = 0 | otherwise = let valNumD = fromInteger x :: Double in round $ logBase 2 valNumD :: Integer prt msg = rPutStr msg >> io (hFlush stdout) prtLn msg = rPutStrLn msg >> io (hFlush stdout) ppProgress this tot = unlessBatch $ let percent = show (div (100 * this) tot) ++ "%" width = length percent pad = replicate (totProgressWidth - width) ' ' in prt (pad ++ percent) del n = unlessBatch $ prt (replicate n '\BS' ++ replicate n ' ' ++ replicate n '\BS') delTesting = del (length testingMsg) delProgress = del totProgressWidth ppFailure tys pexpr failure = do delTesting opts <- getPPValOpts case failure of FailFalse vs -> do let isSat = False printCounterexample isSat pexpr vs case (tys,vs) of ([t],[v]) -> bindItVariableVal t v _ -> let fs = [ M.packIdent ("arg" ++ show (i::Int)) | i <- [ 1 .. ] ] t = T.TRec (zip fs tys) v = E.VRecord (zip fs (map return vs)) in bindItVariableVal t v FailError err [] -> do prtLn "ERROR" rPrint (pp err) FailError err vs -> do prtLn "ERROR for the following inputs:" mapM_ (\v -> rPrint =<< (rEval $ E.ppValue opts v)) vs rPrint (pp err) Pass -> panic "Cryptol.REPL.Command" ["unexpected Test.Pass"] -- | This function computes the expected coverage percentage and -- expected number of unique test vectors when using random testing. -- -- The expected test coverage proportion is: -- @1 - ((n-1)/n)^k@ -- -- This formula takes into account the fact that test vectors are chosen -- uniformly at random _with replacement_, and thus the same vectors -- may be generated multiple times. If the test vectors were chosen -- randomly without replacement, the proportion would instead be @k/n@. -- -- We compute raising to the @k@ power in the log domain to improve -- numerical precision. The equivalant comptutation is: -- @-expm1( k * log1p (-1/n) )@ -- -- Where @expm1(x) = exp(x) - 1@ and @log1p(x) = log(1 + x)@. -- -- However, if @sz@ is large enough, even carefully preserving -- precision may not be enough to get sensible results. In such -- situations, we expect the naive approximation @k/n@ to be very -- close to accurate and the expected number of unique values is -- essentially equal to the number of tests. expectedCoverage :: Int -> Integer -> (Double, Double) expectedCoverage testNum sz = -- If the Double computation has enough precision, use the -- "with replacement" formula. if testNum > 0 && proportion > 0 then (100.0 * proportion, szD * proportion) else (100.0 * naiveProportion, numD) where szD :: Double szD = fromInteger sz numD :: Double numD = fromIntegral testNum naiveProportion = numD / szD proportion = negate (expm1 (numD * log1p (negate (recip szD)))) satCmd, proveCmd :: String -> REPL () satCmd = cmdProveSat True proveCmd = cmdProveSat False showProverStats :: Maybe SBV.Solver -> ProverStats -> REPL () showProverStats mprover stat = rPutStrLn msg where msg = "(Total Elapsed Time: " ++ SBV.showTDiff stat ++ maybe "" (\p -> ", using " ++ show p) mprover ++ ")" rethrowErrorCall :: REPL a -> REPL a rethrowErrorCall m = REPL (\r -> unREPL m r `X.catch` handler) where handler (X.ErrorCallWithLocation s _) = X.throwIO (SBVError s) -- | Console-specific version of 'proveSat'. Prints output to the -- console, and binds the @it@ variable to a record whose form depends -- on the expression given. See ticket #66 for a discussion of this -- design. cmdProveSat :: Bool -> String -> REPL () cmdProveSat isSat "" = do (xs,disp) <- getPropertyNames let nameStr x = show (fixNameDisp disp (pp x)) if null xs then rPutStrLn "There are no properties in scope." else forM_ xs $ \x -> do let str = nameStr x if isSat then rPutStr $ ":sat " ++ str ++ "\n\t" else rPutStr $ ":prove " ++ str ++ "\n\t" cmdProveSat isSat str cmdProveSat isSat str = do let cexStr | isSat = "satisfying assignment" | otherwise = "counterexample" proverName <- getKnownUser "prover" fileName <- getKnownUser "smtfile" let mfile = if fileName == "-" then Nothing else Just fileName case proverName :: String of "offline" -> do result <- offlineProveSat isSat str mfile case result of Left msg -> rPutStrLn msg Right smtlib -> do let filename = fromMaybe "standard output" mfile let satWord | isSat = "satisfiability" | otherwise = "validity" rPutStrLn $ "Writing to SMT-Lib file " ++ filename ++ "..." rPutStrLn $ "To determine the " ++ satWord ++ " of the expression, use an external SMT solver." case mfile of Just path -> io $ writeFile path smtlib Nothing -> rPutStr smtlib _ -> do (firstProver,result,stats) <- rethrowErrorCall (onlineProveSat isSat str mfile) case result of Symbolic.EmptyResult -> panic "REPL.Command" [ "got EmptyResult for online prover query" ] Symbolic.ProverError msg -> rPutStrLn msg Symbolic.ThmResult ts -> do rPutStrLn (if isSat then "Unsatisfiable" else "Q.E.D.") (t, e) <- mkSolverResult cexStr (not isSat) (Left ts) bindItVariable t e Symbolic.AllSatResult tevss -> do let tess = map (map $ \(t,e,_) -> (t,e)) tevss vss = map (map $ \(_,_,v) -> v) tevss resultRecs <- mapM (mkSolverResult cexStr isSat . Right) tess let collectTes tes = (t, es) where (ts, es) = unzip tes t = case nub ts of [t'] -> t' _ -> panic "REPL.Command.onlineProveSat" [ "satisfying assignments with different types" ] (ty, exprs) = case resultRecs of [] -> panic "REPL.Command.onlineProveSat" [ "no satisfying assignments after mkSolverResult" ] [(t, e)] -> (t, [e]) _ -> collectTes resultRecs pexpr <- replParseExpr str ~(EnvBool yes) <- getUser "show-examples" when yes $ forM_ vss (printCounterexample isSat pexpr) case (ty, exprs) of (t, [e]) -> bindItVariable t e (t, es ) -> bindItVariables t es seeStats <- getUserShowProverStats when seeStats (showProverStats firstProver stats) onlineProveSat :: Bool -> String -> Maybe FilePath -> REPL (Maybe SBV.Solver,Symbolic.ProverResult,ProverStats) onlineProveSat isSat str mfile = do proverName <- getKnownUser "prover" verbose <- getKnownUser "debug" satNum <- getUserSatNum modelValidate <- getUserProverValidate parseExpr <- replParseExpr str (_, expr, schema) <- replCheckExpr parseExpr validEvalContext expr validEvalContext schema decls <- fmap M.deDecls getDynEnv timing <- io (newIORef 0) let cmd = Symbolic.ProverCommand { pcQueryType = if isSat then SatQuery satNum else ProveQuery , pcProverName = proverName , pcVerbose = verbose , pcValidate = modelValidate , pcProverStats = timing , pcExtraDecls = decls , pcSmtFile = mfile , pcExpr = expr , pcSchema = schema } (firstProver, res) <- liftModuleCmd $ Symbolic.satProve cmd stas <- io (readIORef timing) return (firstProver,res,stas) offlineProveSat :: Bool -> String -> Maybe FilePath -> REPL (Either String String) offlineProveSat isSat str mfile = do verbose <- getKnownUser "debug" modelValidate <- getUserProverValidate parseExpr <- replParseExpr str (_, expr, schema) <- replCheckExpr parseExpr decls <- fmap M.deDecls getDynEnv timing <- io (newIORef 0) let cmd = Symbolic.ProverCommand { pcQueryType = if isSat then SatQuery (SomeSat 0) else ProveQuery , pcProverName = "offline" , pcVerbose = verbose , pcValidate = modelValidate , pcProverStats = timing , pcExtraDecls = decls , pcSmtFile = mfile , pcExpr = expr , pcSchema = schema } liftModuleCmd $ Symbolic.satProveOffline cmd rIdent :: M.Ident rIdent = M.packIdent "result" -- | Make a type/expression pair that is suitable for binding to @it@ -- after running @:sat@ or @:prove@ mkSolverResult :: String -> Bool -> Either [T.Type] [(T.Type, T.Expr)] -> REPL (T.Type, T.Expr) mkSolverResult thing result earg = do prims <- getPrimMap let addError t = (t, T.eError prims t ("no " ++ thing ++ " available")) argF = case earg of Left ts -> mkArgs (map addError ts) Right tes -> mkArgs tes eTrue = T.ePrim prims (M.packIdent "True") eFalse = T.ePrim prims (M.packIdent "False") resultE = if result then eTrue else eFalse rty = T.TRec $ [(rIdent, T.tBit )] ++ map fst argF re = T.ERec $ [(rIdent, resultE)] ++ map snd argF return (rty, re) where mkArgs tes = zipWith mkArg [1 :: Int ..] tes where mkArg n (t,e) = let argName = M.packIdent ("arg" ++ show n) in ((argName,t),(argName,e)) specializeCmd :: String -> REPL () specializeCmd str = do parseExpr <- replParseExpr str (_, expr, schema) <- replCheckExpr parseExpr spexpr <- replSpecExpr expr rPutStrLn "Expression type:" rPrint $ pp schema rPutStrLn "Original expression:" rPutStrLn $ dump expr rPutStrLn "Specialized expression:" rPutStrLn $ dump spexpr refEvalCmd :: String -> REPL () refEvalCmd str = do parseExpr <- replParseExpr str (_, expr, schema) <- replCheckExpr parseExpr validEvalContext expr validEvalContext schema val <- liftModuleCmd (rethrowEvalError . R.evaluate expr) opts <- getPPValOpts rPrint $ R.ppValue opts val astOfCmd :: String -> REPL () astOfCmd str = do expr <- replParseExpr str (re,_,_) <- replCheckExpr (P.noPos expr) rPrint (fmap M.nameUnique re) allTerms :: REPL () allTerms = do me <- getModuleEnv rPrint $ T.showParseable $ concatMap T.mDecls $ M.loadedModules me typeOfCmd :: String -> REPL () typeOfCmd str = do expr <- replParseExpr str (_re,def,sig) <- replCheckExpr expr -- XXX need more warnings from the module system whenDebug (rPutStrLn (dump def)) (_,_,_,names) <- getFocusedEnv -- type annotation ':' has precedence 2 rPrint $ runDoc names $ ppPrec 2 expr <+> text ":" <+> pp sig readFileCmd :: FilePath -> REPL () readFileCmd fp = do bytes <- replReadFile fp (\err -> rPutStrLn (show err) >> return Nothing) case bytes of Nothing -> return () Just bs -> do pm <- getPrimMap let expr = T.eString pm (map (toEnum . fromIntegral) (BS.unpack bs)) ty = T.tString (BS.length bs) bindItVariable ty expr writeFileCmd :: FilePath -> String -> REPL () writeFileCmd file str = do expr <- replParseExpr str (val,ty) <- replEvalExpr expr if not (tIsByteSeq ty) then rPrint $ "Cannot write expression of types other than [n][8]." <+> "Type was: " <+> pp ty else wf file =<< serializeValue val where wf fp bytes = replWriteFile fp bytes (rPutStrLn . show) tIsByteSeq x = maybe False (tIsByte . snd) (T.tIsSeq x) tIsByte x = maybe False (\(n,b) -> T.tIsBit b && T.tIsNum n == Just 8) (T.tIsSeq x) serializeValue (E.VSeq n vs) = do ws <- rEval (mapM (>>=E.fromVWord "serializeValue") $ E.enumerateSeqMap n vs) return $ BS.pack $ map serializeByte ws serializeValue _ = panic "Cryptol.REPL.Command.writeFileCmd" ["Impossible: Non-VSeq value of type [n][8]."] serializeByte (E.BV _ v) = fromIntegral (v .&. 0xFF) rEval :: E.Eval a -> REPL a rEval m = do ev <- getEvalOpts io (E.runEval ev m) rEvalRethrow :: E.Eval a -> REPL a rEvalRethrow m = do ev <- getEvalOpts io $ rethrowEvalError $ E.runEval ev m reloadCmd :: REPL () reloadCmd = do mb <- getLoadedMod case mb of Just lm -> case lName lm of Just m | M.isParamInstModName m -> loadHelper (M.loadModuleByName m) _ -> case lPath lm of M.InFile f -> loadCmd f _ -> return () Nothing -> return () editCmd :: String -> REPL () editCmd path = do mbE <- getEditPath mbL <- getLoadedMod if not (null path) then do when (isNothing mbL) $ setLoadedMod LoadedModule { lName = Nothing , lPath = M.InFile path } doEdit path else case msum [ M.InFile <$> mbE, lPath <$> mbL ] of Nothing -> rPutStrLn "No filed to edit." Just p -> case p of M.InFile f -> doEdit f M.InMem l bs -> withROTempFile l bs replEdit >> pure () where doEdit p = do setEditPath p _ <- replEdit p reloadCmd withROTempFile :: String -> ByteString -> (FilePath -> REPL a) -> REPL a withROTempFile name cnt k = do (path,h) <- mkTmp do mkFile path h k path `finally` liftIO (do hClose h removeFile path) where mkTmp = liftIO $ do tmp <- getTemporaryDirectory let esc c = if isAscii c && isAlphaNum c then c else '_' openTempFile tmp (map esc name ++ ".cry") mkFile path h = liftIO $ do BS8.hPutStrLn h cnt hFlush h setPermissions path (setOwnerReadable True emptyPermissions) moduleCmd :: String -> REPL () moduleCmd modString | null modString = return () | otherwise = do case parseModName modString of Just m -> loadHelper (M.loadModuleByName m) Nothing -> rPutStrLn "Invalid module name." loadPrelude :: REPL () loadPrelude = moduleCmd $ show $ pp M.preludeName loadCmd :: FilePath -> REPL () loadCmd path | null path = return () -- when `:load`, the edit and focused paths become the parameter | otherwise = do setEditPath path setLoadedMod LoadedModule { lName = Nothing , lPath = M.InFile path } loadHelper (M.loadModuleByPath path) loadHelper :: M.ModuleCmd (M.ModulePath,T.Module) -> REPL () loadHelper how = do clearLoadedMod (path,m) <- liftModuleCmd how whenDebug (rPutStrLn (dump m)) setLoadedMod LoadedModule { lName = Just (T.mName m) , lPath = path } -- after a successful load, the current module becomes the edit target case path of M.InFile f -> setEditPath f M.InMem {} -> clearEditPath setDynEnv mempty quitCmd :: REPL () quitCmd = stop browseCmd :: String -> REPL () browseCmd input = do (params, iface, fNames, disp) <- getFocusedEnv denv <- getDynEnv let names = M.deNames denv `M.shadowing` fNames let mnames = map (M.textToModName . T.pack) (words input) validModNames <- (:) M.interactiveName <$> getModNames let checkModName m = unless (m `elem` validModNames) $ rPutStrLn ("error: " ++ show m ++ " is not a loaded module.") mapM_ checkModName mnames let f &&& g = \x -> f x && g x isUser x = case M.nameInfo x of M.Declared _ M.SystemName -> False _ -> True inSet s x = x `Set.member` s let (visibleTypes,visibleDecls) = M.visibleNames names restricted = if null mnames then const True else hasAnyModName mnames visibleType = isUser &&& restricted &&& inSet visibleTypes visibleDecl = isUser &&& restricted &&& inSet visibleDecls browseMParams visibleType visibleDecl params disp browseTSyns visibleType iface disp browsePrimTys visibleType iface disp browseNewtypes visibleType iface disp browseVars visibleDecl iface disp browseMParams :: (M.Name -> Bool) -> (M.Name -> Bool) -> M.IfaceParams-> NameDisp -> REPL () browseMParams visT visD M.IfaceParams { .. } names = do ppBlock names ppParamTy "Type Parameters" (sorted visT T.mtpName ifParamTypes) ppBlock names ppParamFu "Value Parameters" (sorted visD T.mvpName ifParamFuns) where ppParamTy T.ModTParam { .. } = hang ("type" <+> pp mtpName <+> ":") 2 (pp mtpKind) ppParamFu T.ModVParam { .. } = hang (pp mvpName <+> ":") 2 (pp mvpType) sorted vis nm mp = sortBy (M.cmpNameDisplay names `on` nm) $ filter (vis . nm) $ Map.elems mp browsePrimTys :: (M.Name -> Bool) -> M.IfaceDecls -> NameDisp -> REPL () browsePrimTys isVisible M.IfaceDecls { .. } names = do let pts = sortBy (M.cmpNameDisplay names `on` T.atName) [ ts | ts <- Map.elems ifAbstractTypes, isVisible (T.atName ts) ] ppBlock names ppA "Primitive Types" pts where ppA a = pp (T.atName a) <+> ":" <+> pp (T.atKind a) browseTSyns :: (M.Name -> Bool) -> M.IfaceDecls -> NameDisp -> REPL () browseTSyns isVisible M.IfaceDecls { .. } names = do let tsyns = sortBy (M.cmpNameDisplay names `on` T.tsName) [ ts | ts <- Map.elems ifTySyns, isVisible (T.tsName ts) ] (cts,tss) = partition isCtrait tsyns ppBlock names pp "Type Synonyms" tss ppBlock names pp "Constraint Synonyms" cts where isCtrait t = T.kindResult (T.kindOf (T.tsDef t)) == T.KProp browseNewtypes :: (M.Name -> Bool) -> M.IfaceDecls -> NameDisp -> REPL () browseNewtypes isVisible M.IfaceDecls { .. } names = do let nts = sortBy (M.cmpNameDisplay names `on` T.ntName) [ nt | nt <- Map.elems ifNewtypes, isVisible (T.ntName nt) ] unless (null nts) $ do rPutStrLn "Newtypes" rPutStrLn "========" rPrint (runDoc names (nest 4 (vcat (map T.ppNewtypeShort nts)))) rPutStrLn "" browseVars :: (M.Name -> Bool) -> M.IfaceDecls -> NameDisp -> REPL () browseVars isVisible M.IfaceDecls { .. } names = do let vars = sortBy (M.cmpNameDisplay names `on` M.ifDeclName) [ d | d <- Map.elems ifDecls, isVisible (M.ifDeclName d) ] let isProp p = T.PragmaProperty `elem` (M.ifDeclPragmas p) (props,syms) = partition isProp vars let ppVar M.IfaceDecl { .. } = hang (pp ifDeclName <+> char ':') 2 (pp ifDeclSig) ppBlock names ppVar "Properties" props ppBlock names ppVar "Symbols" syms ppBlock :: NameDisp -> (a -> Doc) -> String -> [a] -> REPL () ppBlock names ppFun name xs = unless (null xs) $ do rPutStrLn name rPutStrLn (replicate (length name) '=') rPrint (runDoc names (nest 4 (vcat (map ppFun xs)))) rPutStrLn "" setOptionCmd :: String -> REPL () setOptionCmd str | Just value <- mbValue = setUser key value | null key = mapM_ (describe . optName) (leaves userOptions) | otherwise = describe key where (before,after) = break (== '=') str key = trim before mbValue = case after of _ : stuff -> Just (trim stuff) _ -> Nothing describe k = do ev <- tryGetUser k case ev of Just v -> rPutStrLn (k ++ " = " ++ showEnvVal v) Nothing -> do rPutStrLn ("Unknown user option: `" ++ k ++ "`") when (any isSpace k) $ do let (k1, k2) = break isSpace k rPutStrLn ("Did you mean: `:set " ++ k1 ++ " =" ++ k2 ++ "`?") showEnvVal :: EnvVal -> String showEnvVal ev = case ev of EnvString s -> s EnvProg p as -> intercalate " " (p:as) EnvNum n -> show n EnvBool True -> "on" EnvBool False -> "off" -- XXX at the moment, this can only look at declarations. helpCmd :: String -> REPL () helpCmd cmd | null cmd = mapM_ rPutStrLn (genHelp commandList) | cmd0 : args <- words cmd, ":" `isPrefixOf` cmd0 = case findCommandExact cmd0 of [] -> void $ runCommand (Unknown cmd0) [c] -> showCmdHelp c args cs -> void $ runCommand (Ambiguous cmd0 (concatMap cNames cs)) | otherwise = case parseHelpName cmd of Just qname -> do (params,env,rnEnv,nameEnv) <- getFocusedEnv let vNames = M.lookupValNames qname rnEnv tNames = M.lookupTypeNames qname rnEnv let helps = map (showTypeHelp params env nameEnv) tNames ++ map (showValHelp params env nameEnv qname) vNames separ = rPutStrLn " ~~~ * ~~~" sequence_ (intersperse separ helps) when (null (vNames ++ tNames)) $ rPrint $ "Undefined name:" <+> pp qname Nothing -> rPutStrLn ("Unable to parse name: " ++ cmd) where noInfo nameEnv name = case M.nameInfo name of M.Declared m _ -> rPrint $runDoc nameEnv ("Name defined in module" <+> pp m) M.Parameter -> rPutStrLn "// No documentation is available." showTypeHelp params env nameEnv name = fromMaybe (noInfo nameEnv name) $ msum [ fromTySyn, fromPrimType, fromNewtype, fromTyParam ] where fromTySyn = do ts <- Map.lookup name (M.ifTySyns env) return (doShowTyHelp nameEnv (pp ts) (T.tsDoc ts)) fromNewtype = do nt <- Map.lookup name (M.ifNewtypes env) let decl = pp nt $$ (pp name <+> text ":" <+> pp (T.newtypeConType nt)) return $ doShowTyHelp nameEnv decl (T.ntDoc nt) fromPrimType = do a <- Map.lookup name (M.ifAbstractTypes env) pure $ do rPutStrLn "" rPrint $ runDoc nameEnv $ nest 4 $ "primitive type" <+> pp (T.atName a) <+> ":" <+> pp (T.atKind a) let (vs,cs) = T.atCtrs a unless (null cs) $ do let example = T.TCon (T.abstractTypeTC a) (map (T.TVar . T.tpVar) vs) ns = T.addTNames vs emptyNameMap rs = [ "•" <+> ppWithNames ns c | c <- cs ] rPutStrLn "" rPrint $ runDoc nameEnv $ nest 4 $ backticks (ppWithNames ns example) <+> "requires:" $$ nest 2 (vcat rs) doShowFix (T.atFixitiy a) case T.atDoc a of Nothing -> pure () Just d -> do rPutStrLn "" rPutStrLn d fromTyParam = do p <- Map.lookup name (M.ifParamTypes params) let uses c = T.TVBound (T.mtpParam p) `Set.member` T.fvs c ctrs = filter uses (map P.thing (M.ifParamConstraints params)) ctrDoc = case ctrs of [] -> empty [x] -> pp x xs -> parens $ hsep $ punctuate comma $ map pp xs decl = text "parameter" <+> pp name <+> text ":" <+> pp (T.mtpKind p) $$ ctrDoc return $ doShowTyHelp nameEnv decl (T.mtpDoc p) doShowTyHelp nameEnv decl doc = do rPutStrLn "" rPrint (runDoc nameEnv (nest 4 decl)) case doc of Nothing -> return () Just d -> rPutStrLn "" >> rPutStrLn d doShowFix fx = case fx of Just f -> let msg = "Precedence " ++ show (P.fLevel f) ++ ", " ++ (case P.fAssoc f of P.LeftAssoc -> "associates to the left." P.RightAssoc -> "associates to the right." P.NonAssoc -> "does not associate.") in rPutStrLn ('\n' : msg) Nothing -> return () showValHelp params env nameEnv qname name = fromMaybe (noInfo nameEnv name) (msum [ fromDecl, fromNewtype, fromParameter ]) where fromDecl = do M.IfaceDecl { .. } <- Map.lookup name (M.ifDecls env) return $ do rPutStrLn "" let property | P.PragmaProperty `elem` ifDeclPragmas = text "property" | otherwise = empty rPrint $ runDoc nameEnv $ nest 4 $ property <+> pp qname <+> colon <+> pp (ifDeclSig) doShowFix $ ifDeclFixity `mplus` (guard ifDeclInfix >> return P.defaultFixity) case ifDeclDoc of Just str -> rPutStrLn ('\n' : str) Nothing -> return () fromNewtype = do _ <- Map.lookup name (M.ifNewtypes env) return $ return () fromParameter = do p <- Map.lookup name (M.ifParamFuns params) return $ do rPutStrLn "" rPrint $ runDoc nameEnv $ nest 4 $ text "parameter" <+> pp qname <+> colon <+> pp (T.mvpType p) doShowFix (T.mvpFixity p) case T.mvpDoc p of Just str -> rPutStrLn ('\n' : str) Nothing -> return () showCmdHelp c [arg] | ":set" `elem` cNames c = showOptionHelp arg showCmdHelp c _args = do rPutStrLn ("\n " ++ intercalate ", " (cNames c) ++ " " ++ intercalate " " (cArgs c)) rPutStrLn "" rPutStrLn (cHelp c) rPutStrLn "" showOptionHelp arg = case lookupTrieExact arg userOptions of [opt] -> do let k = optName opt ev <- tryGetUser k rPutStrLn $ "\n " ++ k ++ " = " ++ maybe "???" showEnvVal ev rPutStrLn "" rPutStrLn ("Default value: " ++ showEnvVal (optDefault opt)) rPutStrLn "" rPutStrLn (optHelp opt) rPutStrLn "" [] -> rPutStrLn ("Unknown setting name `" ++ arg ++ "`") _ -> rPutStrLn ("Ambiguous setting name `" ++ arg ++ "`") runShellCmd :: String -> REPL () runShellCmd cmd = io $ do h <- Process.runCommand cmd _ <- waitForProcess h return () cdCmd :: FilePath -> REPL () cdCmd f | null f = rPutStrLn $ "[error] :cd requires a path argument" | otherwise = do exists <- io $ doesDirectoryExist f if exists then io $ setCurrentDirectory f else raise $ DirectoryNotFound f -- C-c Handlings --------------------------------------------------------------- -- XXX this should probably do something a bit more specific. handleCtrlC :: a -> REPL a handleCtrlC a = do rPutStrLn "Ctrl-C" return a -- Utilities ------------------------------------------------------------------- hasAnyModName :: [M.ModName] -> M.Name -> Bool hasAnyModName mnames n = case M.nameInfo n of M.Declared m _ -> m `elem` mnames M.Parameter -> False -- | Lift a parsing action into the REPL monad. replParse :: (String -> Either ParseError a) -> String -> REPL a replParse parse str = case parse str of Right a -> return a Left e -> raise (ParseError e) replParseInput :: String -> REPL (P.ReplInput P.PName) replParseInput = replParse (parseReplWith interactiveConfig . T.pack) replParseExpr :: String -> REPL (P.Expr P.PName) replParseExpr = replParse (parseExprWith interactiveConfig . T.pack) interactiveConfig :: Config interactiveConfig = defaultConfig { cfgSource = "" } getPrimMap :: REPL M.PrimMap getPrimMap = liftModuleCmd M.getPrimMap liftModuleCmd :: M.ModuleCmd a -> REPL a liftModuleCmd cmd = do evo <- getEvalOpts env <- getModuleEnv moduleCmdResult =<< io (cmd (evo,env)) moduleCmdResult :: M.ModuleRes a -> REPL a moduleCmdResult (res,ws0) = do warnDefaulting <- getKnownUser "warnDefaulting" warnShadowing <- getKnownUser "warnShadowing" -- XXX: let's generalize this pattern let isDefaultWarn (T.DefaultingTo _ _) = True isDefaultWarn _ = False filterDefaults w | warnDefaulting = Just w filterDefaults (M.TypeCheckWarnings xs) = case filter (not . isDefaultWarn . snd) xs of [] -> Nothing ys -> Just (M.TypeCheckWarnings ys) filterDefaults w = Just w isShadowWarn (M.SymbolShadowed {}) = True isShadowWarn _ = False filterShadowing w | warnShadowing = Just w filterShadowing (M.RenamerWarnings xs) = case filter (not . isShadowWarn) xs of [] -> Nothing ys -> Just (M.RenamerWarnings ys) filterShadowing w = Just w let ws = mapMaybe filterDefaults . mapMaybe filterShadowing $ ws0 (_,_,_,names) <- getFocusedEnv mapM_ (rPrint . runDoc names . pp) ws case res of Right (a,me') -> setModuleEnv me' >> return a Left err -> do e <- case err of M.ErrorInFile (M.InFile file) e -> -- on error, the file with the error becomes the edit -- target. Note, however, that the focused module is not -- changed. do setEditPath file return e _ -> return err raise (ModuleSystemError names e) replCheckExpr :: P.Expr P.PName -> REPL (P.Expr M.Name,T.Expr,T.Schema) replCheckExpr e = liftModuleCmd $ M.checkExpr e -- | Check declarations as though they were defined at the top-level. replCheckDecls :: [P.Decl P.PName] -> REPL [T.DeclGroup] replCheckDecls ds = do -- check the decls npds <- liftModuleCmd (M.noPat ds) let mkTop d = P.Decl P.TopLevel { P.tlExport = P.Public , P.tlDoc = Nothing , P.tlValue = d } (names,ds') <- liftModuleCmd (M.checkDecls (map mkTop npds)) -- extend the naming env denv <- getDynEnv setDynEnv denv { M.deNames = names `M.shadowing` M.deNames denv } return ds' replSpecExpr :: T.Expr -> REPL T.Expr replSpecExpr e = liftModuleCmd $ S.specialize e replEvalExpr :: P.Expr P.PName -> REPL (E.Value, T.Type) replEvalExpr expr = do (_,def,sig) <- replCheckExpr expr validEvalContext def validEvalContext sig me <- getModuleEnv let cfg = M.meSolverConfig me mbDef <- io $ SMT.withSolver cfg (\s -> defaultReplExpr s def sig) (def1,ty) <- case mbDef of Nothing -> raise (EvalPolyError sig) Just (tys,def1) -> do warnDefaults tys let su = T.listParamSubst tys return (def1, T.apSubst su (T.sType sig)) val <- liftModuleCmd (rethrowEvalError . M.evalExpr def1) whenDebug (rPutStrLn (dump def1)) -- add "it" to the namespace bindItVariable ty def1 return (val,ty) where warnDefaults ts = case ts of [] -> return () _ -> do warnDefaulting <- getKnownUser "warnDefaulting" when warnDefaulting $ do rPutStrLn "Showing a specific instance of polymorphic result:" mapM_ warnDefault ts warnDefault (x,t) = rPrint (" *" <+> nest 2 ("Using" <+> quotes (pp t) <+> "for" <+> pp (T.tvarDesc (T.tpInfo x)))) itIdent :: M.Ident itIdent = M.packIdent "it" replWriteFile :: FilePath -> BS.ByteString -> (X.SomeException -> REPL ()) -> REPL () replWriteFile fp bytes handler = do x <- io $ X.catch (BS.writeFile fp bytes >> return Nothing) (return . Just) maybe (return ()) handler x replReadFile :: FilePath -> (X.SomeException -> REPL (Maybe BS.ByteString)) -> REPL (Maybe BS.ByteString) replReadFile fp handler = do x <- io $ X.catch (Right `fmap` BS.readFile fp) (\e -> return $ Left e) either handler (return . Just) x -- | Creates a fresh binding of "it" to the expression given, and adds -- it to the current dynamic environment bindItVariable :: T.Type -> T.Expr -> REPL () bindItVariable ty expr = do freshIt <- freshName itIdent M.UserName let schema = T.Forall { T.sVars = [] , T.sProps = [] , T.sType = ty } decl = T.Decl { T.dName = freshIt , T.dSignature = schema , T.dDefinition = T.DExpr expr , T.dPragmas = [] , T.dInfix = False , T.dFixity = Nothing , T.dDoc = Nothing } liftModuleCmd (M.evalDecls [T.NonRecursive decl]) denv <- getDynEnv let nenv' = M.singletonE (P.UnQual itIdent) freshIt `M.shadowing` M.deNames denv setDynEnv $ denv { M.deNames = nenv' } -- | Extend the dynamic environment with a fresh binding for "it", -- as defined by the given value. If we cannot determine the definition -- of the value, then we don't bind `it`. bindItVariableVal :: T.Type -> E.Value -> REPL () bindItVariableVal ty val = do prims <- getPrimMap mb <- rEval (E.toExpr prims ty val) case mb of Nothing -> return () Just expr -> bindItVariable ty expr -- | Creates a fresh binding of "it" to a finite sequence of -- expressions of the same type, and adds that sequence to the current -- dynamic environment bindItVariables :: T.Type -> [T.Expr] -> REPL () bindItVariables ty exprs = bindItVariable seqTy seqExpr where len = length exprs seqTy = T.tSeq (T.tNum len) ty seqExpr = T.EList exprs ty replEvalDecl :: P.Decl P.PName -> REPL () replEvalDecl decl = do dgs <- replCheckDecls [decl] validEvalContext dgs whenDebug (mapM_ (\dg -> (rPutStrLn (dump dg))) dgs) liftModuleCmd (M.evalDecls dgs) replEdit :: String -> REPL Bool replEdit file = do mb <- io (lookupEnv "EDITOR") let editor = fromMaybe "vim" mb io $ do (_,_,_,ph) <- createProcess (shell (unwords [editor, file])) exit <- waitForProcess ph return (exit == ExitSuccess) type CommandMap = Trie CommandDescr -- Command Parsing ------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Strip leading space. sanitize :: String -> String sanitize = dropWhile isSpace -- | Strip trailing space. sanitizeEnd :: String -> String sanitizeEnd = reverse . sanitize . reverse trim :: String -> String trim = sanitizeEnd . sanitize -- | Split at the first word boundary. splitCommand :: String -> Maybe (String,String) splitCommand txt = case sanitize txt of ':' : more | (as,bs) <- span (\x -> isPunctuation x || isSymbol x) more , not (null as) -> Just (':' : as, sanitize bs) | (as,bs) <- break isSpace more , not (null as) -> Just (':' : as, sanitize bs) | otherwise -> Nothing expr -> guard (not (null expr)) >> return (expr,[]) -- | Uncons a list. uncons :: [a] -> Maybe (a,[a]) uncons as = case as of a:rest -> Just (a,rest) _ -> Nothing -- | Lookup a string in the command list. findCommand :: String -> [CommandDescr] findCommand str = lookupTrie str commands -- | Lookup a string in the command list, returning an exact match -- even if it's the prefix of another command. findCommandExact :: String -> [CommandDescr] findCommandExact str = lookupTrieExact str commands -- | Lookup a string in the notebook-safe command list. findNbCommand :: Bool -> String -> [CommandDescr] findNbCommand True str = lookupTrieExact str nbCommands findNbCommand False str = lookupTrie str nbCommands -- | Parse a line as a command. parseCommand :: (String -> [CommandDescr]) -> String -> Maybe Command parseCommand findCmd line = do (cmd,args) <- splitCommand line let args' = sanitizeEnd args case findCmd cmd of [c] -> case cBody c of ExprArg body -> Just (Command (body args')) DeclsArg body -> Just (Command (body args')) ExprTypeArg body -> Just (Command (body args')) ModNameArg body -> Just (Command (body args')) FilenameArg body -> Just (Command (body =<< expandHome args')) OptionArg body -> Just (Command (body args')) ShellArg body -> Just (Command (body args')) HelpArg body -> Just (Command (body args')) NoArg body -> Just (Command body) FileExprArg body -> case extractFilePath args' of Just (fp,expr) -> Just (Command (expandHome fp >>= flip body expr)) Nothing -> Nothing [] -> case uncons cmd of Just (':',_) -> Just (Unknown cmd) Just _ -> Just (Command (evalCmd line)) _ -> Nothing cs -> Just (Ambiguous cmd (concatMap cNames cs)) where expandHome path = case path of '~' : c : more | isPathSeparator c -> do dir <- io getHomeDirectory return (dir more) _ -> return path extractFilePath ipt = let quoted q = (\(a,b) -> (a, drop 1 b)) . break (== q) in case ipt of "" -> Nothing '\'':rest -> Just $ quoted '\'' rest '"':rest -> Just $ quoted '"' rest _ -> Just $ break isSpace ipt