-- | -- Module : Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Class -- Copyright : (c) 2013-2016 Galois, Inc. -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : cryptol@galois.com -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable -- -- Solving class constraints. {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, OverloadedStrings #-} module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Class ( classStep , solveZeroInst , solveLogicInst , solveArithInst , solveCmpInst , solveSignedCmpInst , solveLiteralInst , expandProp ) where import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Type import Cryptol.TypeCheck.SimpType (tAdd,tWidth) import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Types import Cryptol.TypeCheck.PP -- | Solve class constraints. -- If not, then we return 'Nothing'. -- If solved, then we return 'Just' a list of sub-goals. classStep :: Prop -> Solved classStep p = case tNoUser p of TCon (PC PLogic) [ty] -> solveLogicInst (tNoUser ty) TCon (PC PArith) [ty] -> solveArithInst (tNoUser ty) TCon (PC PCmp) [ty] -> solveCmpInst (tNoUser ty) _ -> Unsolved -- | Solve a Zero constraint by instance, if possible. solveZeroInst :: Type -> Solved solveZeroInst ty = case tNoUser ty of -- Zero Error -> fails TCon (TError _ e) _ -> Unsolvable e -- Zero Bit TCon (TC TCBit) [] -> SolvedIf [] -- Zero Integer TCon (TC TCInteger) [] -> SolvedIf [] -- Zero (Z n) TCon (TC TCIntMod) [n] -> SolvedIf [ pFin n, n >== tOne ] -- Zero a => Zero [n]a TCon (TC TCSeq) [_, a] -> SolvedIf [ pZero a ] -- Zero b => Zero (a -> b) TCon (TC TCFun) [_, b] -> SolvedIf [ pZero b ] -- (Zero a, Zero b) => Zero (a,b) TCon (TC (TCTuple _)) es -> SolvedIf [ pZero e | e <- es ] -- (Zero a, Zero b) => Zero { x1 : a, x2 : b } TRec fs -> SolvedIf [ pZero ety | (_,ety) <- fs ] _ -> Unsolved -- | Solve a Logic constraint by instance, if possible. solveLogicInst :: Type -> Solved solveLogicInst ty = case tNoUser ty of -- Logic Error -> fails TCon (TError _ e) _ -> Unsolvable e -- Logic Bit TCon (TC TCBit) [] -> SolvedIf [] -- Logic a => Logic [n]a TCon (TC TCSeq) [_, a] -> SolvedIf [ pLogic a ] -- Logic b => Logic (a -> b) TCon (TC TCFun) [_, b] -> SolvedIf [ pLogic b ] -- (Logic a, Logic b) => Logic (a,b) TCon (TC (TCTuple _)) es -> SolvedIf [ pLogic e | e <- es ] -- (Logic a, Logic b) => Logic { x1 : a, x2 : b } TRec fs -> SolvedIf [ pLogic ety | (_,ety) <- fs ] _ -> Unsolved -- | Solve an Arith constraint by instance, if possible. solveArithInst :: Type -> Solved solveArithInst ty = case tNoUser ty of -- Arith Error -> fails TCon (TError _ e) _ -> Unsolvable e -- Arith [n]e TCon (TC TCSeq) [n, e] -> solveArithSeq n e -- Arith b => Arith (a -> b) TCon (TC TCFun) [_,b] -> SolvedIf [ pArith b ] -- (Arith a, Arith b) => Arith (a,b) TCon (TC (TCTuple _)) es -> SolvedIf [ pArith e | e <- es ] -- Arith Bit fails TCon (TC TCBit) [] -> Unsolvable $ TCErrorMessage "Arithmetic cannot be done on individual bits." -- Arith Integer TCon (TC TCInteger) [] -> SolvedIf [] -- Arith (Z n) TCon (TC TCIntMod) [n] -> SolvedIf [ pFin n, n >== tOne ] -- (Arith a, Arith b) => Arith { x1 : a, x2 : b } TRec fs -> SolvedIf [ pArith ety | (_,ety) <- fs ] _ -> Unsolved -- | Solve an Arith constraint for a sequence. The type passed here is the -- element type of the sequence. solveArithSeq :: Type -> Type -> Solved solveArithSeq n ty = case tNoUser ty of -- fin n => Arith [n]Bit TCon (TC TCBit) [] -> SolvedIf [ pFin n ] -- variables are not solvable. TVar {} -> Unsolved -- Arith ty => Arith [n]ty _ -> SolvedIf [ pArith ty ] -- | Solve Cmp constraints. solveCmpInst :: Type -> Solved solveCmpInst ty = case tNoUser ty of -- Cmp Error -> fails TCon (TError _ e) _ -> Unsolvable e -- Cmp Bit TCon (TC TCBit) [] -> SolvedIf [] -- Cmp Integer TCon (TC TCInteger) [] -> SolvedIf [] -- Cmp (Z n) TCon (TC TCIntMod) [n] -> SolvedIf [ pFin n, n >== tOne ] -- (fin n, Cmp a) => Cmp [n]a TCon (TC TCSeq) [n,a] -> SolvedIf [ pFin n, pCmp a ] -- (Cmp a, Cmp b) => Cmp (a,b) TCon (TC (TCTuple _)) es -> SolvedIf (map pCmp es) -- Cmp (a -> b) fails TCon (TC TCFun) [_,_] -> Unsolvable $ TCErrorMessage "Comparisons may not be performed on functions." -- (Cmp a, Cmp b) => Cmp { x:a, y:b } TRec fs -> SolvedIf [ pCmp e | (_,e) <- fs ] _ -> Unsolved -- | Solve a SignedCmp constraint for a sequence. The type passed here is the -- element type of the sequence. solveSignedCmpSeq :: Type -> Type -> Solved solveSignedCmpSeq n ty = case tNoUser ty of -- (fin n, n >=1 ) => SignedCmp [n]Bit TCon (TC TCBit) [] -> SolvedIf [ pFin n, n >== tNum (1 :: Integer) ] -- variables are not solvable. TVar {} -> Unsolved -- (fin n, SignedCmp ty) => SignedCmp [n]ty, when ty != Bit _ -> SolvedIf [ pFin n, pSignedCmp ty ] -- | Solve SignedCmp constraints. solveSignedCmpInst :: Type -> Solved solveSignedCmpInst ty = case tNoUser ty of -- SignedCmp Error -> fails TCon (TError _ e) _ -> Unsolvable e -- SignedCmp Bit TCon (TC TCBit) [] -> Unsolvable $ TCErrorMessage "Signed comparisons may not be performed on bits" -- SignedCmp for sequences TCon (TC TCSeq) [n,a] -> solveSignedCmpSeq n a -- (SignedCmp a, SignedCmp b) => SignedCmp (a,b) TCon (TC (TCTuple _)) es -> SolvedIf (map pSignedCmp es) -- SignedCmp (a -> b) fails TCon (TC TCFun) [_,_] -> Unsolvable $ TCErrorMessage "Signed comparisons may not be performed on functions." -- (SignedCmp a, SignedCmp b) => SignedCmp { x:a, y:b } TRec fs -> SolvedIf [ pSignedCmp e | (_,e) <- fs ] _ -> Unsolved -- | Solve Literal constraints. solveLiteralInst :: Type -> Type -> Solved solveLiteralInst val ty | TCon (TError _ e) _ <- tNoUser val = Unsolvable e | otherwise = case tNoUser ty of -- Literal n Error -> fails TCon (TError _ e) _ -> Unsolvable e -- (fin val) => Literal val Integer TCon (TC TCInteger) [] -> SolvedIf [ pFin val ] -- (fin val, fin m, m >= val + 1) => Literal val (Z m) TCon (TC TCIntMod) [modulus] -> SolvedIf [ pFin val, pFin modulus, modulus >== tAdd val tOne ] -- (fin bits, bits => width n) => Literal n [bits] TCon (TC TCSeq) [bits, elTy] | TCon (TC TCBit) [] <- ety -> SolvedIf [ pFin val, pFin bits, bits >== tWidth val ] | TVar _ <- ety -> Unsolved where ety = tNoUser elTy TVar _ -> Unsolved _ -> Unsolvable $ TCErrorMessage $ show $ "Type" <+> quotes (pp ty) <+> "does not support literals." -- | Add propositions that are implied by the given one. -- The result contains the orignal proposition, and maybe some more. expandProp :: Prop -> [Prop] expandProp prop = prop : case tNoUser prop of TCon (PC pc) [ty] -> case (pc, tNoUser ty) of -- Arith [n]Bit => fin n -- (Arith [n]a, a/=Bit) => Arith a (PArith, TCon (TC TCSeq) [n,a]) | TCon (TC TCBit) _ <- ty1 -> [pFin n] | TCon _ _ <- ty1 -> expandProp (pArith ty1) | TRec {} <- ty1 -> expandProp (pArith ty1) where ty1 = tNoUser a -- Arith (a -> b) => Arith b (PArith, TCon (TC TCFun) [_,b]) -> expandProp (pArith b) -- Arith (a,b) => (Arith a, Arith b) (PArith, TCon (TC (TCTuple _)) ts) -> concatMap (expandProp . pArith) ts -- Arith { x1 : a, x2 : b } => (Arith a, Arith b) (PArith, TRec fs) -> concatMap (expandProp . pArith. snd) fs -- Cmp [n]a => (fin n, Cmp a) (PCmp, TCon (TC TCSeq) [n,a]) -> pFin n : expandProp (pCmp a) -- Cmp (a,b) => (Cmp a, Cmp b) (PCmp, TCon (TC (TCTuple _)) ts) -> concatMap (expandProp . pCmp) ts -- Cmp { x:a, y:b } => (Cmp a, Cmp b) (PCmp, TRec fs) -> concatMap (expandProp . pCmp . snd) fs _ -> [] _ -> []