-- |
-- Module      :  $Header$
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2014-2016 Galois, Inc.
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  cryptol@galois.com
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable

{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Numeric.ImportExport
  ( ExportM
  , exportProp
  , exportType
  , runExportM
  , exportPropM
  , exportTypeM
  , importProp
  , importType
  ) where

import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Numeric.AST
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST as Cry
import           MonadLib

exportProp :: Cry.Prop -> Maybe Prop
exportProp = runExportM . exportPropM

exportType :: Cry.Prop -> Maybe Expr
exportType = runExportM . exportTypeM

runExportM :: ExportM a -> Maybe a
runExportM = either (\_ -> Nothing) Just
           . runId
           . runExceptionT

type ExportM = ExceptionT () Id

exportPropM :: Cry.Prop -> ExportM Prop
exportPropM ty =
  case ty of
    Cry.TUser _ _ t -> exportPropM t
    Cry.TRec {}     -> raise ()
    Cry.TVar {}     -> raise ()
    Cry.TCon (Cry.PC pc) ts ->
      mapM exportTypeM ts >>= \ets ->
      case (pc, ets) of
        (Cry.PFin,   [t])     -> return (Fin t)
        (Cry.PEqual, [t1,t2]) -> return (t1 :== t2)
        (Cry.PNeq,   [t1,t2]) -> return (Not (t1 :== t2))
        (Cry.PGeq,   [t1,t2]) -> return (t1 :>= t2)
        _                     -> raise ()
    Cry.TCon _ _ -> raise ()

exportTypeM :: Cry.Type -> ExportM Expr
exportTypeM ty =
  case ty of
    Cry.TUser _ _ t -> exportTypeM t
    Cry.TRec {}     -> raise ()
    Cry.TVar x      -> return $ Var $ UserName x
    Cry.TCon tc ts  ->
      case tc of
        Cry.TC Cry.TCInf     -> return (K Inf)
        Cry.TC (Cry.TCNum x) -> return (K (Nat x))
        Cry.TC _             -> raise ()

        Cry.TF f ->
          mapM exportTypeM ts >>= \ets ->
          case (f, ets) of
            (Cry.TCAdd, [t1,t2]) -> return (t1 :+ t2)
            (Cry.TCSub, [t1,t2]) -> return (t1 :- t2)
            (Cry.TCMul, [t1,t2]) -> return (t1 :* t2)
            (Cry.TCDiv, [t1,t2]) -> return (Div t1 t2)
            (Cry.TCMod, [t1,t2]) -> return (Mod t1 t2)
            (Cry.TCExp, [t1,t2]) -> return (t1 :^^ t2)
            (Cry.TCMin, [t1,t2]) -> return (Min t1 t2)
            (Cry.TCMax, [t1,t2]) -> return (Max t1 t2)
            (Cry.TCWidth, [t1])  -> return (Width t1)
            (Cry.TCLenFromThen,   [t1,t2,t3]) -> return (LenFromThen   t1 t2 t3)
            (Cry.TCLenFromThenTo, [t1,t2,t3]) -> return (LenFromThenTo t1 t2 t3)

            _ -> raise ()

        Cry.PC _ -> raise ()

importProp :: Prop -> Maybe [Cry.Prop]
importProp prop =
  case prop of
    PFalse    -> Nothing
    PTrue     -> Just []

    Not p     -> importProp =<< pNot p
    p1 :&& p2 -> do ps1 <- importProp p1
                    ps2 <- importProp p2
                    return (ps1 ++ ps2)
    _  :|| _  -> Nothing

    Fin expr -> do t <- importType expr
                   return [ Cry.pFin t ]

    e1 :==  e2 -> do t1 <- importType e1
                     t2 <- importType e2
                     return [t1 Cry.=#= t2]
    e1 :>=  e2 -> do t1 <- importType e1
                     t2 <- importType e2
                     return [t1 Cry.>== t2]
    _ :> _     -> Nothing
    e1 :==: e2 -> do t1 <- importType e1
                     t2 <- importType e2
                     -- XXX: Do we need to add fin?
                     return [t1 Cry.=#= t2]
    _ :>: _    -> Nothing

  pNot p =
    case p of
      PFalse  -> Just PTrue
      PTrue   -> Nothing

      Not a   -> Just a
      _ :&& _ -> Nothing
      a :|| b -> Just (Not a :&& Not b)

      Fin a    -> Just (a :== K Inf)
      _ :== _  -> Nothing
      _ :>= _  -> Nothing
      a :>  b  -> Just (b :>= a)
      _ :==: _ -> Nothing
      a :>: b  -> Just (b :>= a) 
      -- XXX: Do we need to add Fin on `a` and 'b'?

importType :: Expr -> Maybe Cry.Type
importType = go
  go expr =
    case expr of
      Var x               -> case x of
                               UserName v -> return (Cry.TVar v)
                               _          -> Nothing
      K n                 -> case n of
                               Nat x -> Just (Cry.tNum x)
                               Inf   -> Just (Cry.tInf)
      x :+ y              -> op2 Cry.TCAdd x y
      x :- y              -> op2 Cry.TCSub x y
      x :* y              -> op2 Cry.TCMul x y
      Div x y             -> op2 Cry.TCDiv x y
      Mod x y             -> op2 Cry.TCMod x y
      x :^^ y             -> op2 Cry.TCExp x y
      Min x y             -> op2 Cry.TCMin x y
      Max x y             -> op2 Cry.TCMax x y
      Width x             -> op1 Cry.TCWidth x
      LenFromThen   x y z -> op3 Cry.TCLenFromThen x y z
      LenFromThenTo x y z -> op3 Cry.TCLenFromThenTo x y z

  app f xs = Cry.TCon (Cry.TF f) xs

  op1 f x =
    do t <- go x
       return (app f [t])

  op2 f x y =
    do t1 <- go x
       t2 <- go y
       return (app f [t1,t2])

  op3 f x y z =
    do t1 <- go x
       t2 <- go y
       t3 <- go z
       return (app f [t1,t2,t3])