-- |
-- Module      :  $Header$
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2013-2016 Galois, Inc.
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  cryptol@galois.com
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable
-- This module implements a transformation, which tries to avoid exponential
-- slow down in some cases.  What's the problem?  Consider the following (common)
-- patterns:
--     fibs = [0,1] # [ x + y | x <- fibs, y <- drop`{1} fibs ]
-- The type of `fibs` is:
--     {a} (a >= 1, fin a) => [inf][a]
-- Here `a` is the number of bits to be used in the values computed by `fibs`.
-- When we evaluate `fibs`, `a` becomes a parameter to `fibs`, which works
-- except that now `fibs` is a function, and we don't get any of the memoization
-- we might expect!  What looked like an efficient implementation has all
-- of a sudden become exponential!
-- Note that this is only a problem for polymorphic values: if `fibs` was
-- already a function, it would not be that surprising that it does not
-- get cached.
-- So, to avoid this, we try to spot recursive polymorphic values,
-- where the recursive occurrences have the exact same type parameters
-- as the definition.  For example, this is the case in `fibs`: each
-- recursive call to `fibs` is instantiated with exactly the same
-- type parameter (i.e., `a`).  The rewrite we do is as follows:
--     fibs : {a} (a >= 1, fin a) => [inf][a]
--     fibs = \{a} (a >= 1, fin a) -> fibs'
--       where fibs' : [inf][a]
--             fibs' = [0,1] # [ x + y | x <- fibs', y <- drop`{1} fibs' ]
-- After the rewrite, the recursion is monomorphic (i.e., we are always using
-- the same type).  As a result, `fibs'` is an ordinary recursive value,
-- where we get the benefit of caching.
-- The rewrite is a bit more complex, when there are multiple mutually
-- recursive functions.  Here is an example:
--     zig : {a} (a >= 2, fin a) => [inf][a]
--     zig = [1] # zag
--     zag : {a} (a >= 2, fin a) => [inf][a]
--     zag = [2] # zig
-- This gets rewritten to:
--     newName : {a} (a >= 2, fin a) => ([inf][a], [inf][a])
--     newName = \{a} (a >= 2, fin a) -> (zig', zag')
--       where
--       zig' : [inf][a]
--       zig' = [1] # zag'
--       zag' : [inf][a]
--       zag' = [2] # zig'
--     zig : {a} (a >= 2, fin a) => [inf][a]
--     zig = \{a} (a >= 2, fin a) -> (newName a <> <> ).1
--     zag : {a} (a >= 2, fin a) => [inf][a]
--     zag = \{a} (a >= 2, fin a) -> (newName a <> <> ).2
-- NOTE:  We are assuming that no capture would occur with binders.
-- For values, this is because we replaces things with freshly chosen variables.
-- For types, this should be because there should be no shadowing in the types.
-- XXX: Make sure that this really is the case for types!!

{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Cryptol.Transform.MonoValues (rewModule) where

import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name (SupplyM,liftSupply,Supply,mkDeclared)
import Cryptol.Parser.Position (emptyRange)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.TypeMap
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (ModName)
import Data.List(sortBy,groupBy)
import Data.Either(partitionEithers)
import Data.Map (Map)
import MonadLib hiding (mapM)

import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat

{- (f,t,n) |--> x  means that when we spot instantiations of `f` with `ts` and
`n` proof argument, we should replace them with `Var x` -}
newtype RewMap' a = RM (Map Name (TypesMap (Map Int a)))
type RewMap = RewMap' Name

instance TrieMap RewMap' (Name,[Type],Int) where
  emptyTM  = RM emptyTM

  nullTM (RM m) = nullTM m

  lookupTM (x,ts,n) (RM m) = do tM <- lookupTM x m
                                tP <- lookupTM ts tM
                                lookupTM n tP

  alterTM (x,ts,n) f (RM m) = RM (alterTM x f1 m)
    f1 Nothing   = do a <- f Nothing
                      return (insertTM ts (insertTM n a emptyTM) emptyTM)

    f1 (Just tM) = Just (alterTM ts f2 tM)

    f2 Nothing   = do a <- f Nothing
                      return (insertTM n a emptyTM)

    f2 (Just pM) = Just (alterTM n f pM)

  unionTM f (RM a) (RM b) = RM (unionTM (unionTM (unionTM f)) a b)

  toListTM (RM m) = [ ((x,ts,n),y) | (x,tM)  <- toListTM m
                                   , (ts,pM) <- toListTM tM
                                   , (n,y)   <- toListTM pM ]

  mapMaybeWithKeyTM f (RM m) =
    RM (mapWithKeyTM      (\qn  tm ->
        mapWithKeyTM      (\tys is ->
        mapMaybeWithKeyTM (\i   a  -> f (qn,tys,i) a) is) tm) m)

-- | Note that this assumes that this pass will be run only once for each
-- module, otherwise we will get name collisions.
rewModule :: Supply -> Module -> (Module,Supply)
rewModule s m = runM body (mName m) s
  body = do ds <- mapM (rewDeclGroup emptyTM) (mDecls m)
            return m { mDecls = ds }


type M  = ReaderT RO SupplyM
type RO = ModName

-- | Produce a fresh top-level name.
newName :: M Name
newName  =
  do ns <- ask
     liftSupply (mkDeclared ns "$mono" emptyRange)

newTopOrLocalName :: M Name
newTopOrLocalName  = newName

-- | Not really any distinction between global and local, all names get the
-- module prefix added, and a unique id.
inLocal :: M a -> M a
inLocal  = id

rewE :: RewMap -> Expr -> M Expr   -- XXX: not IO
rewE rews = go

  tryRewrite (EVar x,tps,n) =
     do y <- lookupTM (x,tps,n) rews
        return (EVar y)
  tryRewrite _ = Nothing

  go expr =
    case expr of

      -- Interesting cases
      ETApp e t      -> case tryRewrite (splitTApp expr 0) of
                          Nothing  -> ETApp <$> go e <*> return t
                          Just yes -> return yes
      EProofApp e    -> case tryRewrite (splitTApp e 1) of
                          Nothing  -> EProofApp <$> go e
                          Just yes -> return yes

      EList es t      -> EList   <$> mapM go es <*> return t
      ETuple es       -> ETuple  <$> mapM go es
      ERec fs         -> ERec    <$> (forM fs $ \(f,e) -> do e1 <- go e
                                                             return (f,e1))
      ESel e s        -> ESel    <$> go e  <*> return s
      EIf e1 e2 e3    -> EIf     <$> go e1 <*> go e2 <*> go e3

      EComp t e mss   -> EComp t <$> go e  <*> mapM (mapM (rewM rews)) mss
      EVar _          -> return expr

      ETAbs x e       -> ETAbs x  <$> go e

      EApp e1 e2      -> EApp     <$> go e1 <*> go e2
      EAbs x t e      -> EAbs x t <$> go e

      EProofAbs x e   -> EProofAbs x <$> go e

      ECast e t       -> ECast       <$> go e <*> return t
      EWhere e dgs    -> EWhere      <$> go e <*> inLocal
                                                  (mapM (rewDeclGroup rews) dgs)

rewM :: RewMap -> Match -> M Match
rewM rews ma =
  case ma of
    From x t e -> From x t <$> rewE rews e

    -- These are not recursive.
    Let d      -> Let <$> rewD rews d

rewD :: RewMap -> Decl -> M Decl
rewD rews d = do e <- rewDef rews (dDefinition d)
                 return d { dDefinition = e }

rewDef :: RewMap -> DeclDef -> M DeclDef
rewDef rews (DExpr e) = DExpr <$> rewE rews e
rewDef _    DPrim     = return DPrim

rewDeclGroup :: RewMap -> DeclGroup -> M DeclGroup
rewDeclGroup rews dg =
  case dg of
    NonRecursive d -> NonRecursive <$> rewD rews d
    Recursive ds ->
      do let (leave,rew) = partitionEithers (map consider ds)
             rewGroups   = groupBy sameTParams
                         $ sortBy compareTParams rew
         ds1 <- mapM (rewD rews) leave
         ds2 <- mapM rewSame rewGroups
         return $ Recursive (ds1 ++ concat ds2)

  sameTParams    (_,tps1,x,_) (_,tps2,y,_) = tps1 == tps2 && x == y
  compareTParams (_,tps1,x,_) (_,tps2,y,_) = compare (x,tps1) (y,tps2)

  consider d   =
    case dDefinition d of
      DPrim   -> Left d
      DExpr e -> let (tps,props,e') = splitTParams e
                 in if not (null tps) && notFun e'
                     then Right (d, tps, props, e')
                     else Left d

  rewSame ds =
     do new <- forM ds $ \(d,_,_,e) ->
                 do x <- newName
                    return (d, x, e)
        let (_,tps,props,_) : _ = ds
            tys            = map (TVar . tpVar) tps
            proofNum       = length props
            addRew (d,x,_) = insertTM (dName d,tys,proofNum) x
            newRews        = foldr addRew rews new

        newDs <- forM new $ \(d,newN,e) ->
                   do e1 <- rewE newRews e
                      return ( d
                             , d { dName        = newN
                                 , dSignature   = (dSignature d)
                                         { sVars = [], sProps = [] }
                                 , dDefinition  = DExpr e1

        case newDs of
          [(f,f')] ->
              return  [ f { dDefinition =
                                let newBody = EVar (dName f')
                                    newE = EWhere newBody
                                              [ Recursive [f'] ]
                                in DExpr $ foldr ETAbs
                                   (foldr EProofAbs newE props) tps

          _ -> do tupName <- newTopOrLocalName
                  let (polyDs,monoDs) = unzip newDs

                      tupAr  = length monoDs
                      addTPs = flip (foldr ETAbs)     tps
                             . flip (foldr EProofAbs) props

                      -- tuple = \{a} p -> (f',g')
                      --                where f' = ...
                      --                      g' = ...
                      tupD = Decl
                        { dName       = tupName
                        , dSignature  =
                            Forall tps props $
                               TCon (TC (TCTuple tupAr))
                                    (map (sType . dSignature) monoDs)

                        , dDefinition =
                            DExpr  $
                            addTPs $
                            EWhere (ETuple [ EVar (dName d) | d <- monoDs ])
                                   [ Recursive monoDs ]

                        , dPragmas    = [] -- ?

                        , dInfix = False
                        , dFixity = Nothing
                        , dDoc = Nothing

                      mkProof e _ = EProofApp e

                      -- f = \{a} (p) -> (tuple @a p). n

                      mkFunDef n f =
                        f { dDefinition =
                              DExpr  $
                              addTPs $ ESel ( flip (foldl mkProof) props
                                            $ flip (foldl ETApp) tys
                                            $ EVar tupName
                                            ) (TupleSel n (Just tupAr))

                  return (tupD : zipWith mkFunDef [ 0 .. ] polyDs)

splitTParams :: Expr -> ([TParam], [Prop], Expr)
splitTParams e = let (tps, e1)   = splitWhile splitTAbs e
                     (props, e2) = splitWhile splitProofAbs e1
                 in (tps,props,e2)

-- returns type instantitaion and how many "proofs" were there
splitTApp :: Expr -> Int -> (Expr, [Type], Int)
splitTApp (EProofApp e) n = splitTApp e $! (n + 1)
splitTApp e0 n            = let (e1,ts) = splitTy e0 []
                            in (e1, ts, n)
  splitTy (ETApp e t) ts = splitTy e (t:ts)
  splitTy e ts           = (e,ts)

notFun :: Expr -> Bool
notFun (EAbs {})       = False
notFun (EProofAbs _ e) = notFun e
notFun _               = True