-- | -- Module : Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Interface -- Copyright : (c) 2013-2016 Galois, Inc. -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : cryptol@galois.com -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Interface ( Iface(..) , IfaceDecls(..) , IfaceTySyn, ifTySynName , IfaceNewtype , IfaceDecl(..), mkIfaceDecl , IfaceParams(..) , genIface , ifacePrimMap , noIfaceParams ) where import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (ModName) import Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic) import Cryptol.Parser.Position(Located) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Semigroup import Data.Text (Text) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Control.DeepSeq import Prelude () import Prelude.Compat -- | The resulting interface generated by a module that has been typechecked. data Iface = Iface { ifModName :: !ModName -- ^ Module name , ifPublic :: IfaceDecls -- ^ Exported definitions , ifPrivate :: IfaceDecls -- ^ Private defintiions , ifParams :: IfaceParams -- ^ Uninterpreted constants (aka module params) } deriving (Show, Generic, NFData) data IfaceParams = IfaceParams { ifParamTypes :: Map.Map Name ModTParam , ifParamConstraints :: [Located Prop] -- ^ Constraints on param. types , ifParamFuns :: Map.Map Name ModVParam } deriving (Show, Generic, NFData) noIfaceParams :: IfaceParams noIfaceParams = IfaceParams { ifParamTypes = Map.empty , ifParamConstraints = [] , ifParamFuns = Map.empty } data IfaceDecls = IfaceDecls { ifTySyns :: Map.Map Name IfaceTySyn , ifNewtypes :: Map.Map Name IfaceNewtype , ifAbstractTypes :: Map.Map Name IfaceAbstractType , ifDecls :: Map.Map Name IfaceDecl } deriving (Show, Generic, NFData) instance Semigroup IfaceDecls where l <> r = IfaceDecls { ifTySyns = Map.union (ifTySyns l) (ifTySyns r) , ifNewtypes = Map.union (ifNewtypes l) (ifNewtypes r) , ifAbstractTypes = Map.union (ifAbstractTypes l) (ifAbstractTypes r) , ifDecls = Map.union (ifDecls l) (ifDecls r) } instance Monoid IfaceDecls where mempty = IfaceDecls Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty mappend l r = l <> r mconcat ds = IfaceDecls { ifTySyns = Map.unions (map ifTySyns ds) , ifNewtypes = Map.unions (map ifNewtypes ds) , ifAbstractTypes = Map.unions (map ifAbstractTypes ds) , ifDecls = Map.unions (map ifDecls ds) } type IfaceTySyn = TySyn ifTySynName :: TySyn -> Name ifTySynName = tsName type IfaceNewtype = Newtype type IfaceAbstractType = AbstractType data IfaceDecl = IfaceDecl { ifDeclName :: !Name -- ^ Name of thing , ifDeclSig :: Schema -- ^ Type , ifDeclPragmas :: [Pragma] -- ^ Pragmas , ifDeclInfix :: Bool -- ^ Is this an infix thing , ifDeclFixity :: Maybe Fixity -- ^ Fixity information , ifDeclDoc :: Maybe Text -- ^ Documentation } deriving (Show, Generic, NFData) mkIfaceDecl :: Decl -> IfaceDecl mkIfaceDecl d = IfaceDecl { ifDeclName = dName d , ifDeclSig = dSignature d , ifDeclPragmas = dPragmas d , ifDeclInfix = dInfix d , ifDeclFixity = dFixity d , ifDeclDoc = dDoc d } -- | Generate an Iface from a typechecked module. genIface :: Module -> Iface genIface m = Iface { ifModName = mName m , ifPublic = IfaceDecls { ifTySyns = tsPub , ifNewtypes = ntPub , ifAbstractTypes = atPub , ifDecls = dPub } , ifPrivate = IfaceDecls { ifTySyns = tsPriv , ifNewtypes = ntPriv , ifAbstractTypes = atPriv , ifDecls = dPriv } , ifParams = IfaceParams { ifParamTypes = mParamTypes m , ifParamConstraints = mParamConstraints m , ifParamFuns = mParamFuns m } } where (tsPub,tsPriv) = Map.partitionWithKey (\ qn _ -> qn `isExportedType` mExports m ) (mTySyns m) (ntPub,ntPriv) = Map.partitionWithKey (\ qn _ -> qn `isExportedType` mExports m ) (mNewtypes m) (atPub,atPriv) = Map.partitionWithKey (\qn _ -> qn `isExportedType` mExports m) (mPrimTypes m) (dPub,dPriv) = Map.partitionWithKey (\ qn _ -> qn `isExportedBind` mExports m) $ Map.fromList [ (qn,mkIfaceDecl d) | dg <- mDecls m , d <- groupDecls dg , let qn = dName d ] -- | Produce a PrimMap from an interface. -- -- NOTE: the map will expose /both/ public and private names. ifacePrimMap :: Iface -> PrimMap ifacePrimMap Iface { .. } = PrimMap { primDecls = merge primDecls , primTypes = merge primTypes } where merge f = Map.union (f public) (f private) public = ifaceDeclsPrimMap ifPublic private = ifaceDeclsPrimMap ifPrivate ifaceDeclsPrimMap :: IfaceDecls -> PrimMap ifaceDeclsPrimMap IfaceDecls { .. } = PrimMap { primDecls = Map.fromList (newtypes ++ exprs) , primTypes = Map.fromList (newtypes ++ types) } where entry n = case asPrim n of Just pid -> (pid,n) Nothing -> panic "ifaceDeclsPrimMap" [ "Top level name not declared in a module?" , show n ] exprs = map entry (Map.keys ifDecls) newtypes = map entry (Map.keys ifNewtypes) types = map entry (Map.keys ifTySyns)