 Maintainer: Thomas.DuBuisson@gmail.com
 Stability: beta
 Portability: portable

 Obtain entropy from system sources.  This module is rather untested on Windows (or testers never provided feedback),
 though testing was requested from the community - please e-mail the maintainer with test results.

module System.Crypto.Random 
	( getEntropy
	, CryptHandle
	, openHandle
	, hGetEntropy
	, closeHandle
	) where

import System.IO (openFile, hClose, IOMode(..), Handle)
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Data.ByteString as B
import Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Crypto.Types

#if defined(isWindows)
{- C example for windows rng - taken from a blog, can't recall which one but thank you!
        #include <Windows.h>
        #include <Wincrypt.h>
        // DISCLAIMER: Don't forget to check your error codes!!
        // I am not checking as to make the example simple...
        HCRYPTPROV hCryptCtx = NULL;
        BYTE randomArray[128];

        CryptAcquireContext(&hCryptCtx, NULL, MS_DEF_PROV, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT);
        CryptGenRandom(hCryptCtx, 128, randomArray);
        CryptReleaseContext(hCryptCtx, 0);
newtype CryptHandle = CH CInt
foreign import stdcall unsafe "CryptAcquireContext"
	c_cryptAcquireCtx :: ... -> IO CInt
foreign import stdcall unsafe "CryptGenRandom"
	c_cryptGenRandom :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> IO ()
foreign import stdcall unsafe "CryptReleaseContext"
	c_cryptReleaseCtx :: CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

cryptAcquireCtx ... = liftM CH (c_cryptAcquireCtx ...)

-- FIXME check errors
cryptGenRandom :: CryptHandle -> Int -> IO B.ByteString
cryptGenRandom (CH h) i = B.create i (c_cryptGenRandom h (fromIntegral i))

-- FIXME check errors
cryptReleaseCtx :: CryptHandle -> IO ()
cryptReleaseCtx (CH h) = c_cryptReleaseCtx h 0

-- |Inefficiently get a specific number of bytes of cryptographically
-- secure random data using the system-specific facilities.
-- This function will return zero bytes
-- on platforms without a secure RNG!
getEntropy :: ByteLength -> IO B.ByteString
getEntropy n = do
	h <- cryptAcquireCtx
	bs <- cryptGenRandom h n
	let !bs' = bs
	cryptReleaseCtx h
	return bs'

-- |Open a handle from which random data can be read
openHandle :: IO CryptHandle
openHandle = liftM CH cryptAcquireCtx

-- |Close the `CryptHandle`
closeHandle (CH h) = cryptReleaseCtx h

-- |Read from `CryptHandle`
hGetEntropy :: CryptHandle -> Int -> IO B.ByteString 
hGetEntropy (CH h) = cryptGenRandom h

-- |Handle for manual resource mangement
newtype CryptHandle = CH Handle

-- |Open a `CryptHandle`
openHandle :: IO CryptHandle
openHandle = liftM CH (openFile "/dev/urandom" ReadMode)

-- |Close the `CryptHandle`
closeHandle :: CryptHandle -> IO ()
closeHandle (CH h) = hClose h

-- |Read random data from a `CryptHandle`
hGetEntropy :: CryptHandle -> Int -> IO B.ByteString 
hGetEntropy (CH h) = B.hGet h

-- |Inefficiently get a specific number of bytes of cryptographically
-- secure random data using the system-specific facilities.
-- Use '/dev/urandom' on *nix and CryptAPI when on Windows.
getEntropy :: ByteLength -> IO B.ByteString
getEntropy = getEnt "/dev/urandom"

-- "getTrueEntropy" was a thought, but if you are so security sensitive as to
-- know you want /dev/random then you should be concerned about
-- the platform you sit on, thus writing non-portable code
-- reading /dev/random yourself is a non-issue.
-- getTrueEntropy :: ByteLength -> IO B.ByteString
-- getTrueEntropy = getEnt "/dev/random"

getEnt :: FilePath -> ByteLength -> IO B.ByteString
getEnt file n = do
        h <- openFile file ReadMode
        bs <- B.hGet h n
        let !bs' = bs
        hClose h
        return bs'