module System.Cron.Parser (cronSchedule,
crontabEntry) where
import System.Cron
import Control.Applicative (pure, (*>), (<$>), (<*), (<*>), (<|>))
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Attoparsec.Text (Parser)
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as A
import Data.Text (Text)
cronSchedule :: Parser CronSchedule
cronSchedule = cronScheduleLoose <* A.endOfInput
cronScheduleLoose :: Parser CronSchedule
cronScheduleLoose = yearlyP <|>
monthlyP <|>
weeklyP <|>
dailyP <|>
hourlyP <|>
crontab :: Parser Crontab
crontab = Crontab <$> A.sepBy lineP (A.char '\n')
where lineP = A.skipMany commentP *> crontabEntry
commentP = A.skipSpace *> A.char '#' *> skipToEOL
crontabEntry :: Parser CrontabEntry
crontabEntry = A.skipSpace *> parser
where parser = envVariableP <|>
envVariableP = do var <- A.takeWhile1 (A.notInClass " =")
_ <- A.char '='
val <- A.takeWhile1 $ not . isSpace
A.skipWhile (\c -> c == ' ' || c == '\t')
return $ EnvVariable var val
commandEntryP = CommandEntry <$> cronScheduleLoose
<*> (A.skipSpace *> takeToEOL)
takeToEOL :: Parser Text
takeToEOL = A.takeTill (== '\n')
skipToEOL :: Parser ()
skipToEOL = A.skipWhile (/= '\n')
classicP :: Parser CronSchedule
classicP = CronSchedule <$> (minutesP <* space)
<*> (hoursP <* space)
<*> (dayOfMonthP <* space)
<*> (monthP <* space)
<*> dayOfWeekP
where space = A.char ' '
cronFieldP :: Parser CronField
cronFieldP = steppedP <|>
rangeP <|>
listP <|>
starP <|>
where starP = A.char '*' *> pure Star
rangeP = do start <- parseInt
_ <- A.char '-'
end <- parseInt
if start <= end
then return $ RangeField start end
else rangeInvalid
rangeInvalid = fail "start of range must be less than or equal to end"
listP = reduceList <$> A.sepBy1 listableP (A.char ',')
listableP = starP <|>
rangeP <|>
steppedP <|>
stepListP = ListField <$> A.sepBy1 stepListableP (A.char ',')
stepListableP = starP <|>
steppedP = StepField <$> steppableP <*> (A.char '/' *> parseInt)
steppableP = starP <|>
rangeP <|>
stepListP <|>
specificP = SpecificField <$> parseInt
yearlyP :: Parser CronSchedule
yearlyP = A.string "@yearly" *> pure yearly
monthlyP :: Parser CronSchedule
monthlyP = A.string "@monthly" *> pure monthly
weeklyP :: Parser CronSchedule
weeklyP = A.string "@weekly" *> pure weekly
dailyP :: Parser CronSchedule
dailyP = A.string "@daily" *> pure daily
hourlyP :: Parser CronSchedule
hourlyP = A.string "@hourly" *> pure hourly
minutesP :: Parser MinuteSpec
minutesP = Minutes <$> cronFieldP
hoursP :: Parser HourSpec
hoursP = Hours <$> cronFieldP
dayOfMonthP :: Parser DayOfMonthSpec
dayOfMonthP = DaysOfMonth <$> cronFieldP
monthP :: Parser MonthSpec
monthP = Months <$> cronFieldP
dayOfWeekP :: Parser DayOfWeekSpec
dayOfWeekP = DaysOfWeek <$> cronFieldP
parseInt :: Parser Int
parseInt = A.decimal
reduceList :: [CronField] -> CronField
reduceList [] = ListField []
reduceList [x] = x
reduceList xs = ListField xs