module Data.Crjdt.Context
( Context(..)
, Cursor(..)
, Operation(..)
, Tag(..)
, Mutation(..)
, Document(..)
, Branch(..)
, RegDocument(..)
, findChild
, applyOp
, getPresence
, lookupCtx
, appendWith
, docKey
, stepNext
) where
import Data.Void
import Data.Foldable as Foldable (toList)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Sequence (ViewL(..), viewl)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Map as M
import Data.Set as Set
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Crjdt.Types
import Data.Crjdt.Internal.Core
data Tag
= MapT
| ListT
| RegT
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Context = Context
{ document :: Document Tag
, variables :: M.Map Var Cursor
, replicaId :: ReplicaId
, replicaGlobal :: GlobalReplicaCounter
, history :: Set Id
, queue :: Seq.Seq Operation
, received :: Seq.Seq Operation
} deriving Show
data Cursor = Cursor
{ path :: Seq.Seq (Key Tag)
, finalKey :: Key Void
} deriving (Show, Eq)
docKey :: Key Tag
docKey = tagWith MapT DocKey
appendWith :: Tag -> Key Void -> Cursor -> Cursor
appendWith t k (Cursor p final) = Cursor (p `mappend` Seq.singleton (reTag t final)) k
setFinalKey :: Key Void -> Cursor -> Cursor
setFinalKey fk c = c { finalKey = fk }
setPath :: Seq.Seq (Key Tag) -> Cursor -> Cursor
setPath newpath c = c { path = newpath }
findChild :: Key Tag -> Document Tag -> Maybe (Document Tag)
findChild t = ((M.lookup t . children) =<<) . branchOf
childGet :: Key Tag -> Document Tag -> Document Tag
childGet k = fromMaybe (choose (getTag k)) . findChild k
choose MapT = BranchDocument $ Branch mempty mempty mempty MapT
choose ListT = BranchDocument $ Branch mempty mempty (M.singleton Head Tail) ListT
choose RegT = LeafDocument mempty
lookupCtx :: Var -> Context -> Maybe Cursor
lookupCtx v = M.lookup v . variables
getPresence :: Key Void -> Document Tag -> Set Id
getPresence k = fromMaybe mempty . ((M.lookup k . presence) =<<) . branchOf
next :: Key Void -> Document Tag -> Key Void
next (Key key) d = Key $ fromMaybe Tail $ next'
next' = branchOf d >>= ensureList >>= M.lookup key . keyOrder
ensureList b@Branch{branchTag = ListT} = Just b
ensureList _ = Nothing
next k _ = k
updatePresence :: Key Void -> Set Id -> Document tag -> Document tag
updatePresence key deps d = fromMaybe d . fmap (BranchDocument . newBranch) . branchOf $ d
where newBranch b =
if (Set.null deps)
then b { presence = M.delete key (presence b) }
else b { presence = M.insert key deps $ presence b }
branchOf :: Document tag -> Maybe (Branch tag)
branchOf (LeafDocument _) = Nothing
branchOf (BranchDocument b) = Just b
data Mutation
= InsertMutation Val
| DeleteMutation
| AssignMutation Val
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Operation = Operation
{ opId :: Id
, opDeps :: Set.Set Id
, opCur :: Cursor
, opMutation :: Mutation
} deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype RegDocument = RegDocument { registers :: M.Map Id Val } deriving (Show, Eq, Monoid)
data Branch tag = Branch
{ children :: Map (Key tag) (Document tag)
, presence :: Map (Key Void) (Set Id)
, keyOrder :: Map BasicKey BasicKey
, branchTag :: tag
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data Document tag
= BranchDocument (Branch tag)
| LeafDocument RegDocument
deriving (Eq, Show)
clearElem :: Set Id -> Key Void -> State (Document Tag) (Set Id)
clearElem deps key = do
presence <- clearAny deps key
presence' <- getPresence key <$> get
let newPresence = presence `mappend` presence' Set.\\ deps
modify (updatePresence key newPresence)
pure (newPresence)
clearAny :: Set Id -> Key Void -> State (Document Tag) (Set Id)
clearAny deps key = mconcat <$> traverse clearAll [MapT, ListT, RegT]
clearAll t = clear deps (reTag t key)
clear :: Set Id -> Key Tag -> State (Document Tag) (Set Id)
clear deps key = get >>= (clear' <*> findChild key)
clear' _ Nothing = pure mempty
clear' d (Just (LeafDocument reg)) = put (addChild key (LeafDocument $ RegDocument c) d) *> pure (M.keysSet c)
where c = M.filterWithKey (\k _ -> k `Set.notMember` deps) $ registers reg
clear' d (Just b) = fromMaybe (pure mempty) (fmap (clearBranch d) (branchOf b >>= (`chooseClear` b) . branchTag))
chooseClear ListT = Just . clearList
chooseClear MapT = Just . clearMap
chooseClear RegT = const Nothing
clearBranch d clearWhich = do
presence <- clearWhich deps
modify (\d' -> addChild key d' d)
pure presence
stepNext :: Document Tag -> Cursor -> Cursor
stepNext d c@(Cursor (viewl -> Seq.EmptyL) (next -> getNextKey)) =
let nextKey = getNextKey d
newCur = Cursor mempty nextKey
in case (nextKey /= Key Tail, Set.null (getPresence nextKey d)) of
(True, True) -> stepNext d newCur
(True, False) -> newCur
(False, _) -> c
stepNext d c@(Cursor (viewl -> (x :< xs)) _) = maybe c f (findChild x d)
where f nd = setFinalKey (finalKey $ stepNext nd (setPath xs c)) c
stepNext _ c = c
addChild :: Key Tag -> Document Tag -> Document Tag -> Document Tag
addChild _ _ d@(LeafDocument _) = d
addChild key child (BranchDocument d) = BranchDocument d { children = M.insert key child (children d)}
clearMap, clearList :: Document Tag -> Set Id -> State (Document Tag) (Set Id)
clearMap child deps = put child *> clearMap' mempty
clearMap' acc = do
ms <- allKeys <$> get
case Set.toList (ms Set.\\ acc) of
[] -> pure mempty
(k: _) -> do
p1 <- clearElem deps (unTag k)
p2 <- clearMap' (Set.insert k acc)
pure (p1 `mappend` p2)
allKeys (BranchDocument (Branch {branchTag = MapT, ..})) = keysSet children
allKeys _ = mempty
clearList child deps = put child *> clearList' (Key Head)
clearList' (Key Tail) = pure mempty
clearList' hasMore = do
nextt <- next hasMore <$> get
p1 <- clearElem deps hasMore
p2 <- clearList' nextt
pure (p1 `mappend` p2)
addId :: Mutation -> Key Tag -> Id -> Document Tag -> Document Tag
addId DeleteMutation _ _ d = d
addId _ t i (BranchDocument b) = BranchDocument b
{ presence = M.alter (maybe (Just $ Set.singleton i) (Just . Set.insert i)) (unTag t) $ presence b }
addId _ _ _ d = d
applyOp :: Operation -> Document Tag -> Document Tag
applyOp o@Operation{..} d = case viewl (path opCur) of
EmptyL -> case opMutation of
AssignMutation val -> case val of
EmptyObject -> assignBranch MapT d
EmptyArray -> assignBranch ListT d
other -> assignLeaf other d
assignBranch tag = execState $ do
let key@(Key k) = finalKey opCur
tagged = tagWith tag k
void $ clearElem opDeps key
modify $ addId opMutation tagged opId
child <- childGet tagged <$> get
modify (addChild tagged child)
assignLeaf other = execState $ do
let tagged = tagWith RegT (basicKey $ finalKey opCur)
void $ clear opDeps tagged
modify $ addId opMutation tagged opId
child <- childGet tagged <$> get
case child of
LeafDocument (RegDocument vals) -> do
modify (addChild tagged $ LeafDocument $ RegDocument (M.insert opId other vals))
branchChild -> modify (addChild tagged branchChild)
InsertMutation val -> insert' nextKey
key = finalKey opCur
nextKey = next key d
insertNext =
let newDoc = applyOp o
{ opCur = setPath mempty . setFinalKey (Key $ I opId) $ opCur
, opMutation = AssignMutation val
} d
in case newDoc of
BranchDocument b@Branch{branchTag = ListT} -> BranchDocument $ b
{ keyOrder = M.insert (I opId) (basicKey nextKey) . M.insert (basicKey key) (I opId) $ keyOrder b}
nd -> nd
insert' k@(Key (I kid))
| kid < opId = applyOp (o { opCur = setPath mempty . setFinalKey k $ opCur}) d
insert' _ = insertNext
DeleteMutation -> execState (clearElem opDeps (finalKey opCur)) d
(x :< xs) ->
let c = childGet x d
child = applyOp (o {opCur = setPath xs opCur}) c
newDoc = addId opMutation x opId d
in addChild x child newDoc