{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} module Main (main) where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Identity import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Data.Decimal import Data.Int import Data.IP import Data.List (sort) import Data.Maybe import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Time import Data.UUID import Database.CQL.Protocol import Database.CQL.IO as Client import System.Environment import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Text.RawString.QQ import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified System.Logger as Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Test Setup type TestHost = String main :: IO () main = do h <- fromMaybe "localhost" <$> lookupEnv "CASSANDRA_HOST" g <- Log.new (Log.setLogLevel Log.Warn Log.defSettings) initSchema g h defaultMain . testGroup "cql-io" =<< forM versions (\v -> do c <- Client.init g (settings h v) return $ testGroup (show v) (tests c)) versions :: [Version] versions = [V3, V4] settings :: TestHost -> Version -> Settings settings h v = setContacts h [] . setProtocolVersion v $ defSettings initSchema :: Log.Logger -> TestHost -> IO () initSchema g h = do c <- Client.init g (settings h V4) runClient c $ do dropKeyspace createKeyspace createTables shutdown c test :: ClientState -> String -> Client () -> TestTree test c name runTest = testCase name $ runClient c $ do truncateTables runTest ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Test Schema -- Columns of cqltest.table1 type Ty1 = ( Int64 , Ascii , Blob , Bool , Decimal , Double , Float , Int32 , UTCTime , UUID , Text , Integer , TimeUuid , IP ) -- Columns of cqltest.table2 type Ty2 = ( Int64 , [Int32] , Set Ascii , Map Ascii Int32 , Maybe Int32 , (Bool, Ascii, Int32) , Map Int32 (Map Int32 (Set Ascii)) ) createKeyspace :: Client () createKeyspace = void $ schema cql (params ()) where cql :: QueryString S () () cql = [r| create keyspace if not exists cqltest with replication = { 'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1' } |] dropKeyspace :: Client () dropKeyspace = void $ schema cql (params ()) where cql :: QueryString S () () cql = "drop keyspace if exists cqltest" createTables :: Client () createTables = forM_ [cql1, cql2, cql3] $ \q -> void $ schema q (params ()) where cql1, cql2, cql3 :: QueryString S () () cql1 = [r| create table if not exists cqltest.test1 ( a bigint , b ascii , c blob , d boolean , e decimal , f double , g float , h int , i timestamp , j uuid , k varchar , l varint , m timeuuid , n inet , primary key (a) ) |] cql2 = [r| create table if not exists cqltest.test2 ( a bigint , b list , c set , d map , e int , f tuple , g map>>> , primary key (a) ) |] cql3 = [r| create table if not exists cqltest.counters ( a bigint , n counter , primary key (a) ) |] truncateTables :: Client () truncateTables = forM_ [cql1, cql2, cql3] $ \q -> void $ schema q (params ()) where cql1, cql2, cql3 :: QueryString S () () cql1 = "truncate table cqltest.test1" cql2 = "truncate table cqltest.test2" cql3 = "truncate table cqltest.counters" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tests tests :: ClientState -> [TestTree] tests c = [ test c "write-read" testWriteRead , test c "write-read-ttl" testWriteReadTtl , test c "trans" testTrans , test c "paging" testPaging , test c "batch" testBatch , test c "batch-counter" testBatchCounter ] testWriteRead :: Client () testWriteRead = do t <- liftIO $ fmap (\x -> x { utctDayTime = secondsToDiffTime 3600 }) getCurrentTime let a = ( 4835637638 , "hello world" , Blob "blooooooooooooooooooooooob" , False , 1.2342342342423423423423423442 , 433243.13 , 1.23 , 2342342 , t , fromJust (fromString "af93aafe-dea5-4427-bea4-8d7872507efb") , "sdfsdžȢぴせそぼξλж҈Ҵאבג" , 8763847563478568734687345683765873458734 , TimeUuid . fromJust $ fromString "559ab19e-52d8-11e3-a847-270bf6910c08" , read "" ) let b = ( 4835637638 , [1,2,3] , Set ["peter", "paul", "mary"] , Map [("peter", 1), ("paul", 2), ("mary", 3)] , Just 42 , (True, "ascii", 42) , Map [(1, Map [(1, Set ["ascii"])]) ,(2, Map [(2, Set ["ascii", "text"])]) ] ) write ins1 (params a) write ins2 (params b) x <- fromJust <$> query1 get1 (params (Identity 4835637638)) y <- fromJust <$> query1 get2 (params (Identity 4835637638)) liftIO $ do a @=? x b @=? y where ins1 :: PrepQuery W Ty1 () ins1 = [r| insert into cqltest.test1 (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) |] ins2 :: PrepQuery W Ty2 () ins2 = [r| insert into cqltest.test2 (a,b,c,d,e,f,g) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?) |] get1 :: PrepQuery R (Identity Int64) Ty1 get1 = "select a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n from cqltest.test1 where a = ?" get2 :: PrepQuery R (Identity Int64) Ty2 get2 = "select a,b,c,d,e,f,g from cqltest.test2 where a = ?" testWriteReadTtl :: Client () testWriteReadTtl = do write ins (params (1000, True)) (True, Just ttl) <- fromJust <$> query1 get (params (Identity 1000)) liftIO $ assertBool "TTL > 0" (ttl > 0) where ins :: PrepQuery W (Int64, Bool) () ins = "insert into cqltest.test1 (a,d) values (?,?) using ttl 3600" get :: PrepQuery R (Identity Int64) (Bool, Maybe Int32) get = "select d, ttl(d) from cqltest.test1 where a = ?" testTrans :: Client () testTrans = do -- 1st insert (success) [_row] <- trans ins (params (1, "ascii-1")) assertApplied _row -- 2nd insert (conflict) [_row] <- trans ins (params (1, "ascii-1")) liftIO $ do rowLength _row @?= 15 -- [applied] + full existing row fromRow 0 _row @?= Right (Just False) -- [applied] fromRow 1 _row @?= Right (Just (1 :: Int64)) -- a fromRow 2 _row @?= Right (Just (Ascii "ascii-1")) -- b -- remaining columns with null values (since none were inserted) let vnull = Nothing :: Maybe Blob -- type irrelevant map (($ _row) . fromRow) [3..14] @?= replicate 12 (Right vnull) -- 1st update (success) [_row] <- trans upd (params ("ascii-2", 1, "ascii-1")) assertApplied _row -- 2nd update (conflict) [_row] <- trans upd (params ("ascii-2", 1, "ascii-1")) liftIO $ do rowLength _row @?= 2 -- [applied] + conflicting value fromRow 0 _row @?= Right (Just False) -- [applied] fromRow 1 _row @?= Right (Just (Ascii "ascii-2")) -- b where ins :: PrepQuery W (Int64, Text) Row ins = "insert into cqltest.test1 (a,b) values (?,?) if not exists" upd :: PrepQuery W (Text, Int64, Text) Row upd = "update cqltest.test1 set b = ? where a = ? if b = ?" assertApplied row = liftIO $ do rowLength row @?= 1 -- [applied] fromRow 0 row @?= Right (Just True) testPaging :: Client () testPaging = do let dat = zip [1..101] (repeat "b") mapM_ (write ins . params) dat p <- paginate qry $ (params ()) { pageSize = Just 10 } assertPages 11 (Set.fromList dat) p where ins :: PrepQuery W (Int64, Ascii) () ins = "insert into cqltest.test1 (a,b) values (?,?)" qry :: PrepQuery R () (Int64, Ascii) qry = "select a,b from cqltest.test1" testBatch :: Client () testBatch = do exec $ setType BatchLogged exec $ setType BatchUnLogged exec $ setSerialConsistency SerialConsistency exec $ setSerialConsistency LocalSerialConsistency where exec configure = do batch $ configure >> forM_ dat (addQuery ins) rs <- query qry (params ()) liftIO $ sort rs @?= dat truncateTables dat :: [(Int64, Ascii)] dat = [(1, "1"), (2, "2"), (3, "3")] ins :: QueryString W (Int64, Ascii) () ins = "insert into cqltest.test1 (a,b) values (?,?)" qry :: PrepQuery R () (Int64, Ascii) qry = "select a,b from cqltest.test1" testBatchCounter :: Client () testBatchCounter = exec >> total 3 >> exec >> total 6 where exec = batch $ do setType BatchCounter addQuery upd (Identity 1) addQuery upd (Identity 2) addQuery upd (Identity 3) total n = do rs <- query qry (params ()) let n' = sum (map (fromCounter . runIdentity) rs) liftIO $ n @=? n' upd :: QueryString W (Identity Int64) () upd = "update cqltest.counters set n = n + 1 where a = ?" qry :: PrepQuery R () (Identity Counter) qry = "select n from cqltest.counters" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Utilities assertPages :: (Ord a, Show a) => Int -> Set.Set a -> Page a -> Client () assertPages numPages expected p = do let got = Set.fromList (result p) let remaining = Set.difference expected got liftIO $ hasMore p @?= numPages > 1 liftIO $ got `Set.isSubsetOf` expected @?= True if numPages > 1 then nextPage p >>= assertPages (numPages - 1) remaining else liftIO $ remaining @?= Set.empty params :: Tuple a => a -> QueryParams a params p = QueryParams { consistency = One , skipMetaData = False , values = p , pageSize = Nothing , queryPagingState = Nothing , serialConsistency = Nothing , enableTracing = Nothing }