module Database.CQL.Protocol.Types where

import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack)
import Data.Decimal
import Data.Int
import Data.IP
import Data.String
import Data.UUID (UUID)

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
import qualified Data.List            as List
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy       as LT

newtype Keyspace = Keyspace
    { unKeyspace :: Text } deriving (Eq, Show)

newtype Table = Table
    { unTable :: Text } deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Opaque token passed to the server to continue result paging.
newtype PagingState = PagingState
    { unPagingState :: LB.ByteString } deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | ID representing a prepared query.
newtype QueryId k a b = QueryId
    { unQueryId :: ByteString } deriving (Eq, Show)

newtype QueryString k a b = QueryString
    { unQueryString :: LT.Text } deriving (Eq, Show)

instance IsString (QueryString k a b) where
    fromString = QueryString . LT.pack

-- | CQL binary protocol version.
data Version
    = V2 -- ^ version 2
    | V3 -- ^ version 3
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | The CQL version (not the binary protocol version).
data CqlVersion
    = Cqlv300
    | CqlVersion !Text
    deriving (Eq, Show)

data CompressionAlgorithm
    = Snappy
    | LZ4
    | None
    deriving (Eq, Show)

data Compression = Compression
    { algorithm :: !CompressionAlgorithm
    , shrink    :: LB.ByteString -> Maybe LB.ByteString
    , expand    :: LB.ByteString -> Maybe LB.ByteString

instance Show Compression where
    show = show . algorithm

noCompression :: Compression
noCompression = Compression None Just Just

-- | Consistency level.
data Consistency
    = Any
    | One
    | Two
    | Three
    | Quorum
    | All
    | LocalQuorum
    | EachQuorum
    | Serial
    | LocalOne
    | LocalSerial
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | An opcode is a tag to distinguish protocol frame bodies.
data OpCode
    = OcError
    | OcStartup
    | OcReady
    | OcAuthenticate
    | OcOptions
    | OcSupported
    | OcQuery
    | OcResult
    | OcPrepare
    | OcExecute
    | OcRegister
    | OcEvent
    | OcBatch
    | OcAuthChallenge
    | OcAuthResponse
    | OcAuthSuccess
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | The type of a single CQL column.
data ColumnType
    = CustomColumn !Text
    | AsciiColumn
    | BigIntColumn
    | BlobColumn
    | BooleanColumn
    | CounterColumn
    | DecimalColumn
    | DoubleColumn
    | FloatColumn
    | IntColumn
    | TextColumn
    | TimestampColumn
    | UuidColumn
    | VarCharColumn
    | VarIntColumn
    | TimeUuidColumn
    | InetColumn
    | MaybeColumn !ColumnType
    | ListColumn  !ColumnType
    | SetColumn   !ColumnType
    | MapColumn   !ColumnType !ColumnType
    | TupleColumn [ColumnType]
    | UdtColumn   !Text [(Text, ColumnType)]
    deriving (Eq)

instance Show ColumnType where
    show (CustomColumn a)  = unpack a
    show AsciiColumn       = "ascii"
    show BigIntColumn      = "bigint"
    show BlobColumn        = "blob"
    show BooleanColumn     = "boolean"
    show CounterColumn     = "counter"
    show DecimalColumn     = "decimal"
    show DoubleColumn      = "double"
    show FloatColumn       = "float"
    show IntColumn         = "int"
    show TextColumn        = "text"
    show TimestampColumn   = "timestamp"
    show UuidColumn        = "uuid"
    show VarCharColumn     = "varchar"
    show VarIntColumn      = "varint"
    show TimeUuidColumn    = "timeuuid"
    show InetColumn        = "inet"
    show (MaybeColumn a)   = show a ++ "?"
    show (ListColumn a)    = showString "list<" . shows a . showString ">" $ ""
    show (SetColumn a)     = showString "set<" . shows a . showString ">" $ ""
    show (MapColumn a b)   = showString "map<"
                           . shows a
                           . showString ", "
                           . shows b
                           . showString ">"
                           $ ""
    show (TupleColumn a)   = showString "tuple<"
                           . showString (List.intercalate ", " (map show a))
                           . showString ">"
                           $ ""
    show (UdtColumn t f)   = showString (unpack t)
                           . showString "<"
                           . shows (List.intercalate ", " (map show f))
                           . showString ">"
                           $ ""

newtype Ascii    = Ascii    { fromAscii    :: Text          } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
newtype Blob     = Blob     { fromBlob     :: LB.ByteString } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
newtype Counter  = Counter  { fromCounter  :: Int64         } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
newtype TimeUuid = TimeUuid { fromTimeUuid :: UUID          } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
newtype Set a    = Set      { fromSet      :: [a]           } deriving (Show)
newtype Map a b  = Map      { fromMap      :: [(a, b)]      } deriving (Show)

instance IsString Ascii where
    fromString = Ascii . pack

-- | A CQL value. The various constructors correspond to CQL data-types for
-- individual columns in Cassandra.
data Value
    = CqlCustom    !LB.ByteString
    | CqlBoolean   !Bool
    | CqlInt       !Int32
    | CqlBigInt    !Int64
    | CqlVarInt    !Integer
    | CqlFloat     !Float
    | CqlDecimal   !Decimal
    | CqlDouble    !Double
    | CqlText      !Text
    | CqlInet      !IP
    | CqlUuid      !UUID
    | CqlTimestamp !Int64
    | CqlAscii     !Text
    | CqlBlob      !LB.ByteString
    | CqlCounter   !Int64
    | CqlTimeUuid  !UUID
    | CqlMaybe     (Maybe Value)
    | CqlList      [Value]
    | CqlSet       [Value]
    | CqlMap       [(Value, Value)]
    | CqlTuple     [Value]             -- ^ binary protocol version >= 3
    | CqlUdt       [(Text, Value)]     -- ^ binary protocol version >= 3
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Tag some value with a phantom type.
newtype Tagged a b = Tagged { untag :: b }

retag :: Tagged a c -> Tagged b c
retag = Tagged . untag

data R
data W
data S