outputformat := "svg"; outputtemplate := "%j.svg"; prologues := 3; verbatimtex \documentclass[12pt]{article} \begin{document} etex input boxes; input strands; input cmstrands; % Use CM arrows color mitreblue; mitreblue = (0,70/255,174/255); % MITRE blue PMS 293 Blue picture node; node = btex $\bullet$ etex; % The height of a downarrow is the unit of length for a strand % succession edge. numeric delta; begingroup; path p; p = bbox(btex $\downarrow$ etex); delta = ypart(ulcorner p - llcorner p); endgroup; pair w; w = (2cm, 0); % Width of diagram beginfig(1); % Strand for principal A strand.a(2, origin, delta, node, node); % Strand for principal B strand.b(2, w, delta, node, node); drawmsg(a1.e -- b1.w); drawmsg(b2.w -- a2.e); boxit.t(btex \Large\sf CPSA etex); t.c = .5[a2.c, b1.c]; draw pic t withcolor mitreblue; endfig; verbatimtex \end{document} etex bye;