{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} 
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, ScopedTypeVariables #-} 

-- | Higher-level functions to interact with CouchDB views.
--   To manipulate views in design documents see 
--   "Database.CouchDB.Conduit.Design"

module Database.CouchDB.Conduit.View 
    -- * Acccessing views #run#
    -- $run

import              Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import              Control.Applicative ((<|>))

import qualified    Data.ByteString as B
import qualified    Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC8
import qualified    Data.HashMap.Lazy as M
import qualified    Data.Aeson as A
import              Data.Attoparsec

import              Data.Conduit
import qualified    Data.Conduit.List as CL
import qualified    Data.Conduit.Attoparsec as CA

import qualified    Network.HTTP.Conduit as H
import qualified    Network.HTTP.Types as HT

import              Database.CouchDB.Conduit.Internal.Connection
import              Database.CouchDB.Conduit.LowLevel (couch, protect')

-- Running

-- $run
-- In contrast to the functions of access to documents that are loaded into 
-- memory entirely. 'couchView' and 'couchView'' combines the incredible power 
-- of /http-conduit/ and /attoparsec/ to allow you to process objects in 
-- constant space.  
-- As data is read from the network, it is fed into attoparsec. When 
-- attoparsec completes parsing row, it sent to 'Sink'. 'Sink' can be composed 
-- from many conduits with sink at the end, such as 'rowValue', view conduits 
-- from "Database.CouchDB.Conduit.Explicit#view" and 
-- "Database.CouchDB.Conduit.Generic#view", and many others. See 
-- "Data.Conduit" for details and documentation.

-- | Run CouchDB view in manner like 'H.http'.
-- > runCouch def {couchDB="mydb"} $ do
-- >
-- >     -- Print all upon receipt.
-- >     src <- couchView "mydb" "mydesign" "myview" [] 
-- >     src $$ CL.mapM_ (liftIO . print)
-- >
-- >     -- ... Or extract row value and consume
-- >     src' <- couchView "mydb" "mydesign" "myview" [] 
-- >     res <- src' $= rowValue $$ CL.consume
couchView :: MonadCouch m =>
       Path                 -- ^ Database
    -> Path                 -- ^ Design document
    -> Path                 -- ^ View name
    -> HT.Query             -- ^ Query parameters
    -> ResourceT m (Source m A.Object)
couchView db designDocName viewName q = do
    H.Response _ _ bsrc <- couch HT.methodGet fullPath [] q 
        (H.RequestBodyBS B.empty) protect'
    return $ bsrc $= conduitCouchView
    fullPath = mkPath [db, "_design", designDocName, "_view", viewName]

-- | Brain-free version of 'couchView'. Takes 'Sink' to consume response.
-- > runCouch def {couchDB="mydb"} $ do
-- >
-- >     -- Print all upon receipt.
-- >     couchView' "mydesign" "myview" [] $ CL.mapM_ (liftIO . print)
-- >
-- >     -- ... Or extract row value and consume
-- >     res <- couchView' "mydesign" "myview" [] $ rowValue =$ CL.consume
couchView' :: MonadCouch m =>
       Path                 -- ^ Database
    -> Path                 -- ^ Design document
    -> Path                 -- ^ View name
    -> HT.Query             -- ^ Query parameters
    -> Sink A.Object m a    -- ^ Sink for handle view rows.
    -> ResourceT m a
couchView' db designDocName viewName q sink = do
    H.Response _ _ bsrc <- couch HT.methodGet fullPath [] q 
        (H.RequestBodyBS B.empty) protect'
    bsrc $= conduitCouchView $$ sink
    fullPath = mkPath [db, "_design", designDocName, "_view", viewName]

-- | Conduit for extract \"value\" field from CouchDB view row.
rowValue :: ResourceIO m => Conduit A.Object m A.Value
rowValue = CL.mapM (\v -> case M.lookup "value" v of
            (Just o) -> return o
            _ -> resourceThrow $ CouchInternalError $ BC8.pack
                    ("View row does not contain value: " ++ show v))

-- Internal Parser conduit

conduitCouchView :: ResourceIO m => Conduit B.ByteString m A.Object
conduitCouchView = sequenceSink () $ \() -> do
    b <- CA.sinkParser viewStart
    if b then return $ StartConduit viewLoop
         else return Stop

viewLoop :: ResourceIO m => Conduit B.ByteString m A.Object   
viewLoop = sequenceSink False $ \isLast -> 
    if isLast then return Stop
    else do 
        v <- CA.sinkParser (A.json <?> "json object")
        vobj <- case v of
            (A.Object o) -> return o
            _ -> lift $ resourceThrow $ 
                 CouchInternalError "view entry is not an object"
        res <- CA.sinkParser (commaOrClose <?> "comma or close")
        case res of
            Comma -> return $ Emit False [vobj]
            CloseBracket -> return $ Emit True [vobj]

data CommaOrCloseBracket = Comma | CloseBracket

commaOrClose :: Parser CommaOrCloseBracket
commaOrClose = do
    skipWhile (\c -> c /= 44 && c /= 93) <?> 
            "Checking for next comma"
    w <- anyWord8
    if w == 44 then return Comma else return CloseBracket

-- determine view
viewStart :: Parser Bool
viewStart = do
    _ <- string "{" 
    _ <- option "" $ string "\"total_rows\":" 
    option () $ skipWhile (\x -> x >= 48 && x <= 57)
    _ <- option "" $ string ",\"offset\":"
    option () $ skipWhile (\x -> x >= 48 && x <= 57)
    _ <- option "" $ string ","
    _ <- string "\"rows\":["
    (string "]}" >> return False) <|> return True