The `cookie-tray` package aims to make it easy to set cookies from your web server, even if you are not intimately familiar with the details of the `Set-Cookie` HTTP field. One example of a higher-level abstraction provided by this library is the idea of cookie deletion. The low-level specification gives no way to explicitly instruct a client to unset a cookie. This library provides a `Delete` action that does the right thing (sets the cookie with an expiration date in the past) to achieve removal. --- Currently the best way to see how the library is used is to look at the test suite. --- I currently consider the API to be "experimental" because I don't think its chief goals of being convenient and instructive have been satisfied confidently enough to consider the library "finished." I am open to accepting improvements to make the library more convenient to use. --- This package works nicely in conjunction with [wai] and [warp]. See [mapResponseHeaders] in WAI for how to apply fields to the response header. I am not sure how one would use this with [scotty], as you may be thwarted by Scotty's use of `Text` instead of `ByteString` to represent HTTP fields. [scotty]: [mapResponseHeaders]: [wai]: [warp]: --- Reference documentation on cookies: * [MDN Web Docs]( * [IETF specification](