1.4.1 [2018.01.18] ------------------ * Add `Semigroup` and `Monoid` instances for `Predicate`. * Add lots of documentation explaining `Contravariant`, `Divisible`, and `Decidable`. * Fix some dodgy CPP usage that caused the build to fail on Eta. 1.4 --- * Improved the performance of `Deciding` at the cost of downgrading it to `Trustworthy`. * Support for GHC 8 * Support for `transformers` 0.5 1.3.3 ----- * Add `instance Monoid m => Divisible (Const m)` 1.3.2 ----- * Add `($<)` operator ------- * Fixed builds on GHC 7.2 1.3.1 ----- * Added `Data.Functor.Contravariant.Generic` on GHC 7.4+ 1.3 --- * We've merged the `foreign-var` and `StateVar` packages. Transferring support to `StateVar`. ------- * Fixed redundant import warnings on GHC 7.10. 1.2.2 ----- * Added `foreign-var` support. 1.2.1 ----- * Added `phantom` to `Data.Functor.Contravariant`. This combinator was formerly called `coerce` in the `lens` package, but GHC 7.8 added a `coerce` method to base with a different meaning. * Added an unsupported `-f-semigroups` build flag that disables support for the `semigroups` package. * Minor documentation improvements. ----- * Fix build on GHC 7.0.4 1.2 ----- * Renamed `Data.Functor.Contravariant.Applicative` to `Data.Functor.Contravariant.Divisible` 1.1.1 ----- * Added `Data.Functor.Contravariant.Applicative` 1.0 --- * Removed `Day` convolution. The right adjoint of Day convolution is in `kan-extensions` as the right Kan lift. Moving these there to avoid forcing orphan instances. It also rather dramatically reduces the number of extensions required. * This requires a first digit bump as it breaks several of my own packages. ------- * Fixed issue with needing `KindSignatures` on older GHCs 0.6.1 ----- * Added covariant `Day` convolution. It isn't contravariant, but it is inspired by the contravariant construction. 0.5.1 ----- * `transformers` 0.4 compatibility 0.5 --- * Added `(>$)` * Added instances for `GHC.Generics` 0.4.4 ----- * Fixed compatibility with GHC 7.7 and tightened `Safe` Haskell support. 0.4.1 ----- * Added `Day` convolution under `Data.Functor.Contravariant.Day`. 0.3 --- * Added `Backwards` and `Reverse` instances for `transformers` 0.3 * Added `instance (Functor f, Contravariant g) => Contravariant (Compose f g)`. (This is non-canonical, but is necessary to support other packages.) * Added `Functor` instances to `ComposeFC` and `ComposeCF` for use when modeling phantom type parameters caused mixing `Functor` + `Contravariant`.