{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}

{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}

-- |
-- Module: Configuration.Utils
-- Description: Utilities for Configuring Programs
-- Copyright: Copyright © 2014-2015 PivotCloud, Inc.
-- License: MIT
-- Maintainer: Lars Kuhtz <lkuhtz@pivotmail.com>
-- Stability: experimental
-- This module provides a collection of utilities on top of the packages
-- optparse-applicative, aeson, and yaml, for configuring libraries and
-- applications in a composable way.
-- The main feature is the integration of command line option parsing and
-- configuration files.
-- The purpose is to make management of configurations easy by providing an
-- idiomatic style of defining and deploying configurations in a modular
-- and composable way.
-- = Usage
-- The module provides operators and functions that make the implementation of
-- these entities easy for the common case that the configurations are encoded
-- mainly as nested records.
-- For each data type that is used as as component in a configuration type
-- the following must be provided:
-- 1. a /default value/,
-- 2. a /'FromJSON' instance/ that yields a function that takes a value and
--    updates that value with the parsed values,
-- 3. a /'ToJSON' instance/, and
-- 4. a /command line options parser/ that yields a function that takes a value
--    and updates that value with the values provided as command line options.
-- In addition to the above optionally a /validation function/ may be provided
-- that (recursively) validates a configuration value and returns either
-- an error or a (possibly empty) list-like structure of warnings.
-- The modules
-- * "Configuration.Utils.CommandLine",
-- * "Configuration.Utils.ConfigFile", and
-- * "Configuration.Utils.Operators"
-- contain tools and examples for defining above prerequisites for using a
-- type in a configuration type.
-- The provided functions and operators assume that lenses for the
-- configuration record types are provided.
-- The module "Configuration.Utils.Monoid" provides tools for the case that
-- a /simple type/ is a container with a monoid instance, such as @List@ or
-- @HashMap@.
-- The module "Configuration.Utils.Maybe" explains the usage of optional
-- 'Maybe' values in configuration types.
-- = Usage Example
-- Beside the examples that are provided in the haddock documentation there is
-- a complete usage example in the file
-- <https://github.com/alephcloud/hs-configuration-tools/blob/master/examples/Example.hs example/Example.hs>
-- of the cabal package.
module Configuration.Utils
-- * Program Configuration
, programInfo
, piDescription
, piHelpHeader
, piHelpFooter
, piOptionParser
, piDefaultConfiguration
, piConfigurationFiles

-- * Program Configuration with Validation of Configuration Values
, ConfigValidation
, programInfoValidate

-- * Running a Configured Application
, runWithConfiguration
, PkgInfo
, runWithPkgInfoConfiguration
, parseConfiguration

-- * Command Line Option Parsing with Default Values
, module Configuration.Utils.CommandLine

-- * Parsing of Configuration Files with Default Values
, module Configuration.Utils.ConfigFile

-- * Miscellaneous Utilities
, module Configuration.Utils.Operators
, Lens'
, Lens

-- * Configuration of Optional Values
, module Configuration.Utils.Maybe

-- * Configuration of Monoids
, module Configuration.Utils.Monoid

-- * Low-level Configuration Validation
, ProgramInfoValidate
, piValidateConfiguration
, ConfigValidationFunction(..)
, piOptionParserAndDefaultConfiguration
) where

import Configuration.Utils.CommandLine
import Configuration.Utils.ConfigFile hiding (parseConfigFiles)
import qualified Configuration.Utils.ConfigFile as CF (parseConfigFiles)
import Configuration.Utils.Internal
import Configuration.Utils.Maybe
import Configuration.Utils.Monoid
import Configuration.Utils.Operators
import Configuration.Utils.Validation

import Control.Monad.Except hiding (mapM_)
import Control.Monad.Writer hiding (mapM_)

import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid.Unicode
import Data.String
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Data.Yaml as Yaml

import qualified Options.Applicative.Types as O

import qualified Options.Applicative as O

import Prelude hiding (concatMap, mapM_, any)
import Prelude.Unicode

import System.IO

import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as P

import Control.Monad.Trans.Control

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Main Configuration

-- | A newtype wrapper around a validation function. The only purpose of
-- this type is to avoid @ImpredicativeTypes@ when storing the function
-- in the 'ProgramInfoValidate' record.
newtype ConfigValidationFunction α λ = ConfigValidationFunction
    { runConfigValidation  ConfigValidation α λ

type ProgramInfo α = ProgramInfoValidate α []

data ProgramInfoValidate α λ = ProgramInfo
    { _piDescription  !String
      -- ^ Program Description
    , _piHelpHeader  !(Maybe String)
      -- ^ Help header
    , _piHelpFooter  !(Maybe String)
      -- ^ Help footer
    , _piOptionParser  !(MParser α)
      -- ^ options parser for configuration
    , _piDefaultConfiguration  !α
      -- ^ default configuration
    , _piValidateConfiguration  !(ConfigValidationFunction α λ)
      -- ^ a validation function. The 'Right' result is interpreted as a 'Foldable'
      -- structure of warnings.
    , _piConfigurationFiles  ![ConfigFile]
      -- ^ a list of configuration files that are loaded in order
      -- before any command line argument is evaluated.

-- | Program Description
piDescription  Lens' (ProgramInfoValidate α λ) String
piDescription = lens _piDescription $ \s a  s { _piDescription = a }
{-# INLINE piDescription #-}

-- | Help header
piHelpHeader  Lens' (ProgramInfoValidate α λ) (Maybe String)
piHelpHeader = lens _piHelpHeader $ \s a  s { _piHelpHeader = a }
{-# INLINE piHelpHeader #-}

-- | Help footer
piHelpFooter  Lens' (ProgramInfoValidate α λ) (Maybe String)
piHelpFooter = lens _piHelpFooter $ \s a  s { _piHelpFooter = a }
{-# INLINE piHelpFooter #-}

-- | Options parser for configuration
piOptionParser  Lens' (ProgramInfoValidate α λ) (MParser α)
piOptionParser = lens _piOptionParser $ \s a  s { _piOptionParser = a }
{-# INLINE piOptionParser #-}

-- | Default configuration
piDefaultConfiguration  Lens' (ProgramInfoValidate α λ) α
piDefaultConfiguration = lens _piDefaultConfiguration $ \s a  s { _piDefaultConfiguration = a }
{-# INLINE piDefaultConfiguration #-}

-- | Validation Function
-- The 'Right' result is interpreted as a 'Foldable' structure of warnings.
piValidateConfiguration  Lens' (ProgramInfoValidate α λ) (ConfigValidationFunction α λ)
piValidateConfiguration = lens _piValidateConfiguration $ \s a  s { _piValidateConfiguration = a }
{-# INLINE piValidateConfiguration #-}

-- | Configuration files that are loaded in order before any command line
-- argument is evaluated.
piConfigurationFiles  Lens' (ProgramInfoValidate α λ) [ConfigFile]
piConfigurationFiles = lens _piConfigurationFiles $ \s a  s { _piConfigurationFiles = a }
{-# INLINE piConfigurationFiles #-}

-- | 'Lens' for simultaneous query and update of 'piOptionParser' and
-- 'piDefaultConfiguration'. This supports to change the type of 'ProgramInfo'
-- with 'over' and 'set'.
        (ProgramInfoValidate α λ)
        (ProgramInfoValidate β γ)
        (MParser α, α, ConfigValidationFunction α λ)
        (MParser β, β, ConfigValidationFunction β γ)
piOptionParserAndDefaultConfiguration = lens g $ \s (a,b,c)  ProgramInfo
    { _piDescription = _piDescription s
    , _piHelpHeader = _piHelpHeader s
    , _piHelpFooter = _piHelpFooter s
    , _piOptionParser = a
    , _piDefaultConfiguration = b
    , _piValidateConfiguration = c
    , _piConfigurationFiles = _piConfigurationFiles s
    g s = (_piOptionParser s, _piDefaultConfiguration s, _piValidateConfiguration s)
{-# INLINE piOptionParserAndDefaultConfiguration #-}

-- | Smart constructor for 'ProgramInfo'.
-- 'piHelpHeader' and 'piHelpFooter' are set to 'Nothing'.
-- The function 'piValidateConfiguration' is set to @const (return [])@
        -- ^ program description
     MParser α
        -- ^ parser for updating the default configuration
        -- ^ default configuration
     ProgramInfo α
programInfo desc parser defaultConfig =
    programInfoValidate desc parser defaultConfig $ const (return ())

-- | Smart constructor for 'ProgramInfo'.
-- 'piHelpHeader' and 'piHelpFooter' are set to 'Nothing'.
     MParser α
     ConfigValidation α λ
     ProgramInfoValidate α λ
programInfoValidate desc parser defaultConfig valFunc = ProgramInfo
    { _piDescription = desc
    , _piHelpHeader = Nothing
    , _piHelpFooter = Nothing
    , _piOptionParser = parser
    , _piDefaultConfiguration = defaultConfig
    , _piValidateConfiguration = ConfigValidationFunction valFunc
    , _piConfigurationFiles = []

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- AppConfiguration

-- | An /internal/ data type that is used during configuration parsing to
-- represent the overall application configuration which includes
-- 1. the /user/ configuration, which is actual configuration value that
--    is given to the application and
-- 2. the /meta/ configuration, which are all settings that determine how the
--    actual /user/ configuration is loaded and parsed.
-- NOTE that /meta/ configuration settings can only be provided via command
-- line options but not through configuration files.
data AppConfiguration α = AppConfiguration
    { _printConfig  !Bool
    , _configFilesConfig  !ConfigFilesConfig
    , _configFiles  ![ConfigFile]
    , _mainConfig  !α

-- | A flag that indicates that the application should output the effective
-- configuration and exit.
printConfig  Lens' (AppConfiguration α) Bool
printConfig = lens _printConfig $ \s a  s { _printConfig = a }

-- | The 'ConfigFilesConfig' collects all parameters that determine how
-- configuration files are loaded and parsed.
configFilesConfig  Lens' (AppConfiguration α) ConfigFilesConfig
configFilesConfig = lens _configFilesConfig $ \s a  s { _configFilesConfig = a }

-- | A list of configuration file locations. Configuration file locations are
-- set either statically in the code or are provided dynamically on the command
-- line via @--config-file@ options.
configFiles  Lens' (AppConfiguration α) [ConfigFile]
configFiles = lens _configFiles $ \s a  s { _configFiles = a }

-- | The /user/ configuration. During parsing this is represented as an update
-- function that yields a configuration value when applied to a default
-- value.
mainConfig  Lens (AppConfiguration α) (AppConfiguration β) α β
mainConfig = lens _mainConfig $ \s a  s { _mainConfig = a }

-- | This function parsers /all/ command line options:
-- 1. 'ConfigFilesConfig' options that determine how configuration
--    files are loaded.
-- 2. 'ConfigFiles' options are all @--config-file@ options.
-- 3. Other /meta/ options, such as @--print-config@.
-- 4. Options for the actual user /configuration/. The user configuration
--    is represented as an update function that yields a configuration
--    value when applied to an default value.
     O.Parser (α  α)
     O.Parser (AppConfiguration (α  α))
pAppConfiguration mainParser = AppConfiguration
    <$> pPrintConfig
    <*> (pConfigFilesConfig <*> pure defaultConfigFilesConfig)
    <*> many pConfigFile
    <*> mainParser
    pPrintConfig = O.switch
        × O.long "print-config"
         O.short 'p'
         O.help "Print the parsed configuration to standard out and exit"

    pConfigFile = ConfigFileRequired  T.pack <$> O.strOption
        × O.long "config-file"
         O.short 'c'
         O.metavar "FILE"
         O.help "Configuration file in YAML format. If more than a single config file option is present files are loaded in the order in which they appear on the command line."

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Main Configuration without Package Info

-- | Run an IO action with a configuration that is obtained by updating the
-- given default configuration the values defined via command line arguments.
-- In addition to the options defined by the given options parser the following
-- options are recognized:
-- [@--config-file, -c@]
--     Parse the given file path as a (partial) configuration in YAML
--     format.
-- [@--print-config, -p@]
--     Print the final parsed configuration to standard out and exit.
-- [@--help, -h@]
--     Print a help message and exit.
-- As long as the package wasn't build with @-f-remote-configs@ the following
-- two options are available. They affect how configuration files
-- are loaded from remote URLs.
-- [@--config-https-insecure=true|false@]
--     Bypass certificate validation for all HTTPS
--     connections to all services.
-- [@--config-https-allow-cert=HOSTNAME:PORT:FINGERPRINT@]
--     Unconditionally trust the certificate for connecting
--     to the service.
     (FromJSON (α  α), ToJSON α, Foldable λ, Monoid (λ T.Text))
     ProgramInfoValidate α λ
        -- ^ program info value; use 'programInfo' to construct a value of this
        -- type
     (α  IO ())
        -- ^ computation that is given the configuration that is parsed from
        -- the command line.
     IO ()
runWithConfiguration appInfo = runInternal appInfo Nothing

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Main Configuration with Package Info

pPkgInfo  PkgInfo  MParser α
pPkgInfo (sinfo, detailedInfo, version, license) =
    infoO <*> detailedInfoO <*> versionO <*> licenseO
    infoO = infoOption sinfo
        $ O.long "info"
         O.short 'i'
         O.help "Print program info message and exit"
         O.value id
    detailedInfoO = infoOption detailedInfo
        $ O.long "long-info"
         O.help "Print detailed program info message and exit"
         O.value id
    versionO = infoOption version
        $ O.long "version"
         O.short 'v'
         O.help "Print version string and exit"
         O.value id
    licenseO = infoOption license
        $ O.long "license"
         O.help "Print license of the program and exit"
         O.value id

-- | Information about the cabal package. The format is:
-- @(info message, detailed info message, version string, license text)@
-- See the documentation of "Configuration.Utils.Setup" for a way
-- how to generate this information automatically from the package
-- description during the build process.
type PkgInfo =
    ( String
      -- info message
    , String
      -- detailed info message
    , String
      -- version string
    , String
      -- license text

-- | Run an IO action with a configuration that is obtained by updating the
-- given default configuration the values defined via command line arguments.
-- In addition to the options defined by the given options parser the following
-- options are recognized:
-- [@--config-file, -c@]
--     Parse the given file path as a (partial) configuration in YAML
--     format.
-- [@--print-config, -p@]
--     Print the final parsed configuration to standard out and exit.
-- [@--help, -h@]
--     Print a help message and exit.
-- [@--version, -v@]
--     Print the version of the application and exit.
-- [@--info, -i@]
--     Print a short info message for the application and exit.
-- [@--long-info@]
--     Print a detailed info message for the application and exit.
-- [@--license@]
--     Print the text of the license of the application and exit.
-- As long as the package wasn't build with @-f-remote-configs@ the following
-- two options are available. They affect how configuration files
-- are loaded from remote URLs.
-- [@--config-https-insecure=true|false@]
--     Bypass certificate validation for all HTTPS
--     connections to all services.
-- [@--config-https-allow-cert=HOSTNAME:PORT:FINGERPRINT@]
--     Unconditionally trust the certificate for connecting
--     to the service.
     (FromJSON (α  α), ToJSON α, Foldable λ, Monoid (λ T.Text))
     ProgramInfoValidate α λ
        -- ^ program info value; use 'programInfo' to construct a value of this
        -- type
        -- 'PkgInfo' value that contains information about the package.
        -- See the documentation of "Configuration.Utils.Setup" for a way
        -- how to generate this information automatically from the package
        -- description during the build process.
     (α  IO ())
        -- ^ computation that is given the configuration that is parsed from
        -- the command line.
     IO ()
runWithPkgInfoConfiguration appInfo pkgInfo =
    runInternal appInfo (Just $ pPkgInfo pkgInfo)

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Internal main function

      α λ . FromJSON (α  α)
     ProgramInfoValidate α λ
        -- ^ Program Info value which may include a validation function

     ( β . Maybe (MParser β))
        -- ^ Maybe a package info parser. This parser is run only for its
        -- side effects. It is supposed to /intercept/ the parsing process
        -- and execute any implied action (showing help messages).

     O.ParserInfo (AppConfiguration (α  α))
mainOptions ProgramInfo{..} pkgInfoParser = O.info optionParser
    $ O.progDesc _piDescription
     maybe mempty O.header _piHelpHeader
     O.footerDoc (Just $ defaultFooter  maybe mempty P.text _piHelpFooter)
    optionParser =
        -- these are identity parsers that are only applied for their side effects
        fromMaybe (pure id) pkgInfoParser <*> nonHiddenHelper
        -- this parser produces the results
        <*> pAppConfiguration _piOptionParser

    -- the 'O.helper' option from optparse-applicative is hidden be default
    -- which seems a bit weired. This option doesn't hide the access to help.
    nonHiddenHelper = abortOption ShowHelpText
        × long "help"
         short 'h'
         short '?'
         help "Show this help message"

    defaultFooter = P.vsep
        [ par "Configurations are loaded in order from the following sources:"
        , P.indent 2  P.vsep $ zipWith ($) (catMaybes [staticFiles, cmdFiles, cmdOptions]) [1..]
        , ""
        , P.fillSep
            [ par "Configuration file locations can be either local file system paths"
            , par "or remote HTTP or HTTPS URLs. Remote URLs must start with"
            , par "either \"http://\" or \"https://\"."
        , ""
        , P.fillSep
            [ par "Configuration settings that are loaded later overwrite settings"
            , par "that were loaded before."
        , ""

        | null _piConfigurationFiles = Nothing
        | otherwise = Just $ \n  P.hang 3 $ P.vsep
            [ P.int n  "." P.</> par "Configuration files at the following locations:"
            , P.vsep $ map (\f  "* "  printConfigFile f) _piConfigurationFiles
    cmdFiles = Just $ \n  P.hang 3 $ P.fillSep
        [ P.int n  "." P.</> par "Configuration files from locations provided through"
        , par "--config-file options in the order as they appear."
    cmdOptions = Just $ \n  P.hang 3
        $ P.int n  "." P.</> par "Command line options."

    printConfigFile f = P.text (T.unpack $ getConfigFile f) P.<+> case f of
        ConfigFileRequired _  P.text "(required)"
        ConfigFileOptional _  P.text "(optional)"

    par  String  P.Doc
    par = P.fillSep  map P.string  words

-- | Internal main function
     (FromJSON (α  α), ToJSON α, Foldable λ, Monoid (λ T.Text))
     ProgramInfoValidate α λ
        -- ^ program info value; use 'programInfo' to construct a value of this
        -- type
     ( β . Maybe (MParser β))
        -- 'PkgInfo' value that contains information about the package.
        -- See the documentation of "Configuration.Utils.Setup" for a way
        -- how to generate this information automatically from the package
        -- description during the build process.
     (α  IO ())
        -- ^ computation that is given the configuration that is parsed from
        -- the command line.
     IO ()
runInternal appInfo maybePkgInfo mainFunction = do

    -- Parse command line arguments and add static config files to resulting app config
    cliAppConf  configFiles `over` () (_piConfigurationFiles appInfo) <$>
        O.customExecParser parserPrefs (mainOptions appInfo maybePkgInfo)

    -- Load and parse all configuration files
    appConf  cliAppConf & mainConfig `id` \a  a <$> errorT × CF.parseConfigFiles
        (_configFilesConfig cliAppConf)
        (_piDefaultConfiguration appInfo)
        (_configFiles cliAppConf)

    -- Validate final configuration
    validateConfig appInfo $ _mainConfig appConf

    if _printConfig appConf
        then B8.putStrLn  Yaml.encode  _mainConfig $ appConf
        else mainFunction  _mainConfig $ appConf
    parserPrefs = O.prefs O.disambiguate

-- | Parse the command line arguments.
-- Any warnings from the configuration function are discarded.
-- The options @--print-config@ and @--help@ are just ignored.
        ( Applicative m
        , MonadIO m
        , MonadBaseControl IO m
        , MonadError T.Text m
        , FromJSON (α  α)
        , ToJSON α
        , Foldable λ
        , Monoid (λ T.Text)
        -- ^ program name (used in error messages)
     ProgramInfoValidate α λ
        -- ^ program info value; use 'programInfo' to construct a value of this
        -- type
        -- ^ command line arguments
     m α
parseConfiguration appName appInfo args = do

    -- Parse command line arguments (add static config files to resulting app config)
    cliAppConf  case O.execParserPure parserPrefs (mainOptions appInfo Nothing) args of
        O.Success a  return $ a & configFiles `over` () (_piConfigurationFiles appInfo)
        O.Failure e  throwError  T.pack  fst $ renderFailure e (T.unpack appName)
        O.CompletionInvoked _  throwError "command line parser returned completion result"

    -- Load and parse all configuration files
    appConf  cliAppConf & mainConfig `id` \a  a <$> CF.parseConfigFiles
        (_configFilesConfig cliAppConf)
        (_piDefaultConfiguration appInfo)
        (_configFiles cliAppConf)

    -- Validate final configuration
    void  validate appInfo $ _mainConfig appConf

    return $ _mainConfig appConf
    parserPrefs = O.prefs O.disambiguate
    validate i conf = runWriterT $
        runConfigValidation (view piValidateConfiguration i) conf

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Validation

-- | Validates a configuration value. Throws an user error
-- if there is an error. If there are warnings they are
-- printed to 'stderr'.
     (Foldable λ, Monoid (λ T.Text))
     ProgramInfoValidate α λ
     IO ()
validateConfig appInfo conf = do
    warnings  execWriterT  exceptT (error  T.unpack) return $
        runConfigValidation (view piValidateConfiguration appInfo) conf
    when (any (const True) warnings) $ do
        T.hPutStrLn stderr "WARNINGS:"
        mapM_ (\w  T.hPutStrLn stderr $ "warning: "  w) warnings