Module     : Data.Ini.Config
Copyright  : (c) Getty Ritter, 2017
License    : BSD
Maintainer : Getty Ritter <config-ini@infinitenegativeutility.com>
Stability  : experimental

The 'config-ini' library exports some simple monadic functions to
make parsing INI-like configuration easier. INI files have a
two-level structure: the top-level named chunks of configuration,
and the individual key-value pairs contained within those chunks.
For example, the following INI file has two sections, @NETWORK@
and @LOCAL@, and each contains its own key-value pairs. Comments,
which begin with @#@ or @;@, are ignored:
> host = example.com
> port = 7878
> # here is a comment
> user = terry
The combinators provided here are designed to write quick and
idiomatic parsers for files of this form. Sections are parsed by
'IniParser' computations, like 'section' and its variations,
while the fields within sections are parsed by 'SectionParser'
computations, like 'field' and its variations. If we want to
parse an INI file like the one above, treating the entire
@LOCAL@ section as optional, we can write it like this:
> data Config = Config
>   { cfNetwork :: NetworkConfig, cfLocal :: Maybe LocalConfig }
>     deriving (Eq, Show)
> data NetworkConfig = NetworkConfig
>   { netHost :: String, netPort :: Int }
>     deriving (Eq, Show)
> data LocalConfig = LocalConfig
>   { localUser :: Text }
>     deriving (Eq, Show)
> configParser :: IniParser Config
> configParser = do
>   netCf <- section "NETWORK" $ do
>     host <- fieldOf "host" string
>     port <- fieldOf "port" number
>     return NetworkConfig { netHost = host, netPort = port }
>   locCf <- sectionMb "LOCAL" $
>     LocalConfig <$> field "user"
>   return Config { cfNetwork = netCf, cfLocal = locCf }
We can run our computation with 'parseIniFile', which,
when run on our example file above, would produce the
>>> parseIniFile example configParser
Right (Config {cfNetwork = NetworkConfig {netHost = "example.com", netPort = 7878}, cfLocal = Just (LocalConfig {localUser = "terry"})})


{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

module Data.Ini.Config
-- * Parsing Files
-- * Parser Types
, IniParser
, SectionParser
-- * Section-Level Parsing
, section
, sectionMb
, sectionDef
-- * Field-Level Parsing
, field
, fieldOf
, fieldMb
, fieldMbOf
, fieldDef
, fieldDefOf
, fieldFlag
, fieldFlagDef
-- * Reader Functions
, readable
, number
, string
, flag
, listWithSeparator
) where

import           Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), Alternative(..))
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import           Data.Ini.Config.Raw
import           Data.Sequence (Seq)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import           Data.String (IsString(..))
import           Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import           Data.Typeable (Typeable, Proxy(..), typeRep)
import           GHC.Exts (IsList(..))
import           Text.Read (readMaybe)

lkp :: NormalizedText -> Seq (NormalizedText, a) -> Maybe a
lkp t = go . Seq.viewl
  where go ((t', x) Seq.:< rs)
          | t == t'   = Just x
          | otherwise = go (Seq.viewl rs)
        go Seq.EmptyL = Nothing

addLineInformation :: Int -> Text -> StParser s a -> StParser s a
addLineInformation lineNo sec = withExceptT go
  where go e = "Line " ++ show lineNo ++
               ", in section " ++ show sec ++
               ": " ++ e

type StParser s a = ExceptT String ((->) s) a

-- | An 'IniParser' value represents a computation for parsing entire
--   INI-format files.
newtype IniParser a = IniParser (StParser RawIni a)
  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Alternative, Monad)

-- | A 'SectionParser' value represents a computation for parsing a single
--   section of an INI-format file.
newtype SectionParser a = SectionParser (StParser IniSection a)
  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Alternative, Monad)

-- | Parse a 'Text' value as an INI file and run an 'IniParser' over it
parseIniFile :: Text -> IniParser a -> Either String a
parseIniFile text (IniParser mote) = do
  ini <- parseRawIni text
  runExceptT mote ini

-- | Find a named section in the INI file and parse it with the provided
--   section parser, failing if the section does not exist. In order to
--   support classic INI files with capitalized section names, section
--   lookup is __case-insensitive__.
--   >>> parseIniFile "[ONE]\nx = hello\n" $ section "ONE" (field "x")
--   Right "hello"
--   >>> parseIniFile "[ONE]\nx = hello\n" $ section "TWO" (field "x")
--   Left "No top-level section named \"TWO\""
section :: Text -> SectionParser a -> IniParser a
section name (SectionParser thunk) = IniParser $ ExceptT $ \(RawIni ini) ->
  case lkp (normalize name) ini of
    Nothing  -> Left ("No top-level section named " ++ show name)
    Just sec -> runExceptT thunk sec

-- | Find a named section in the INI file and parse it with the provided
--   section parser, returning 'Nothing' if the section does not exist.
--   In order to
--   support classic INI files with capitalized section names, section
--   lookup is __case-insensitive__.
--   >>> parseIniFile "[ONE]\nx = hello\n" $ sectionMb "ONE" (field "x")
--   Right (Just "hello")
--   >>> parseIniFile "[ONE]\nx = hello\n" $ sectionMb "TWO" (field "x")
--   Right Nothing
sectionMb :: Text -> SectionParser a -> IniParser (Maybe a)
sectionMb name (SectionParser thunk) = IniParser $ ExceptT $ \(RawIni ini) ->
  case lkp (normalize name) ini of
    Nothing  -> return Nothing
    Just sec -> Just `fmap` runExceptT thunk sec

-- | Find a named section in the INI file and parse it with the provided
--   section parser, returning a default value if the section does not exist.
--   In order to
--   support classic INI files with capitalized section names, section
--   lookup is __case-insensitive__.
--   >>> parseIniFile "[ONE]\nx = hello\n" $ sectionDef "ONE" "def" (field "x")
--   Right "hello"
--   >>> parseIniFile "[ONE]\nx = hello\n" $ sectionDef "TWO" "def" (field "x")
--   Right "def"
sectionDef :: Text -> a -> SectionParser a -> IniParser a
sectionDef name def (SectionParser thunk) = IniParser $ ExceptT $ \(RawIni ini) ->
  case lkp (normalize name) ini of
    Nothing  -> return def
    Just sec -> runExceptT thunk sec


throw :: String -> StParser s a
throw msg = ExceptT $ (\ _ -> Left msg)

getSectionName :: StParser IniSection Text
getSectionName = ExceptT $ (\ m -> return (isName m))

rawFieldMb :: Text -> StParser IniSection (Maybe IniValue)
rawFieldMb name = ExceptT $ \m ->
  return (lkp (normalize name) (isVals m))

rawField :: Text -> StParser IniSection IniValue
rawField name = do
  sec   <- getSectionName
  valMb <- rawFieldMb name
  case valMb of
    Nothing -> throw ("Missing field " ++ show name ++
                      " in section " ++ show sec)
    Just x  -> return x

-- | Retrieve a field, failing if it doesn't exist, and return its raw value.
--   >>> parseIniFile "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" $ section "MAIN" (field "x")
--   Right "hello"
--   >>> parseIniFile "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" $ section "MAIN" (field "y")
--   Left "Missing field \"y\" in section \"MAIN\""
field :: Text -> SectionParser Text
field name = SectionParser $ vValue `fmap` rawField name

-- | Retrieve a field and use the supplied parser to parse it as a value,
--   failing if the field does not exist, or if the parser fails to
--   produce a value.
--   >>> parseIniFile "[MAIN]\nx = 72\n" $ section "MAIN" (fieldOf "x" number)
--   Right 72
--   >>> parseIniFile "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" $ section "MAIN" (fieldOf "x" number)
--   Left "Line 2, in section \"MAIN\": Unable to parse \"hello\" as a value of type Integer"
--   >>> parseIniFile "[MAIN]\nx = 72\n" $ section "MAIN" (fieldOf "y" number)
--   Left "Missing field \"y\" in section \"MAIN\""
fieldOf :: Text -> (Text -> Either String a) -> SectionParser a
fieldOf name parse = SectionParser $ do
  sec <- getSectionName
  val <- rawField name
  case parse (vValue val) of
    Left err -> addLineInformation (vLineNo val) sec (throw err)
    Right x  -> return x

-- | Retrieve a field, returning a @Nothing@ value if it does not exist.
--   >>> parseIniFile "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" $ section "MAIN" (fieldMb "x")
--   Right (Just "hello")
--   >>> parseIniFile "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" $ section "MAIN" (fieldMb "y")
--   Right Nothing
fieldMb :: Text -> SectionParser (Maybe Text)
fieldMb name = SectionParser $ fmap vValue `fmap` rawFieldMb name

-- | Retrieve a field and parse it according to the given parser, returning
--   @Nothing@ if it does not exist. If the parser fails, then this will
--   fail.
--   >>> parseIniFile "[MAIN]\nx = 72\n" $ section "MAIN" (fieldMbOf "x" number)
--   Right (Just 72)
--   >>> parseIniFile "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" $ section "MAIN" (fieldMbOf "x" number)
--   Left "Line 2, in section \"MAIN\": Unable to parse \"hello\" as a value of type Integer"
--   >>> parseIniFile "[MAIN]\nx = 72\n" $ section "MAIN" (fieldMbOf "y" number)
--   Right Nothing
fieldMbOf :: Text -> (Text -> Either String a) -> SectionParser (Maybe a)
fieldMbOf name parse = SectionParser $ do
  sec <- getSectionName
  mb <- rawFieldMb name
  case mb of
    Nothing  -> return Nothing
    Just v -> case parse (vValue v) of
      Left err -> addLineInformation (vLineNo v) sec (throw err)
      Right x  -> return (Just x)

-- | Retrieve a field and supply a default value for if it doesn't exist.
--   >>> parseIniFile "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" $ section "MAIN" (fieldDef "x" "def")
--   Right "hello"
--   >>> parseIniFile "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" $ section "MAIN" (fieldDef "y" "def")
--   Right "def"
fieldDef :: Text -> Text -> SectionParser Text
fieldDef name def = SectionParser $ ExceptT $ \m ->
  case lkp (normalize name) (isVals m) of
    Nothing -> return def
    Just x  -> return (vValue x)

-- | Retrieve a field, parsing it according to the given parser, and returning
--   a default value if it does not exist. If the parser fails, then this will
--   fail.
--   >>> parseIniFile "[MAIN]\nx = 72\n" $ section "MAIN" (fieldDefOf "x" number 99)
--   Right 72
--   >>> parseIniFile "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" $ section "MAIN" (fieldDefOf "x" number 99)
--   Left "Line 2, in section \"MAIN\": Unable to parse \"hello\" as a value of type Integer"
--   >>> parseIniFile "[MAIN]\nx = 72\n" $ section "MAIN" (fieldDefOf "y" number 99)
--   Right 99
fieldDefOf :: Text -> (Text -> Either String a) -> a -> SectionParser a
fieldDefOf name parse def = SectionParser $ do
  sec <- getSectionName
  mb <- rawFieldMb name
  case mb of
    Nothing  -> return def
    Just v -> case parse (vValue v) of
      Left err -> addLineInformation (vLineNo v) sec (throw err)
      Right x  -> return x

-- | Retrieve a field and treat it as a boolean, failing if it
--   does not exist.
--   >>> parseIniFile "[MAIN]\nx = yes\n" $ section "MAIN" (fieldFlag "x")
--   Right True
--   >>> parseIniFile "[MAIN]\nx = yes\n" $ section "MAIN" (fieldFlag "y")
--   Left "Missing field \"y\" in section \"MAIN\""
fieldFlag :: Text -> SectionParser Bool
fieldFlag name = fieldOf name flag

-- | Retrieve a field and treat it as a boolean, subsituting
--   a default value if it doesn't exist.
--   >>> parseIniFile "[MAIN]\nx = yes\n" $ section "MAIN" (fieldFlagDef "x" False)
--   Right True
--   >>> parseIniFile "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" $ section "MAIN" (fieldFlagDef "x" False)
--   Left "Line 2, in section \"MAIN\": Unable to parse \"hello\" as a boolean"
--   >>> parseIniFile "[MAIN]\nx = yes\n" $ section "MAIN" (fieldFlagDef "y" False)
--   Right False
fieldFlagDef :: Text -> Bool -> SectionParser Bool
fieldFlagDef name def = fieldDefOf name flag def


-- | Try to use the "Read" instance for a type to parse a value, failing
--   with a human-readable error message if reading fails.
--   >>> readable "(5, 7)" :: Either String (Int, Int)
--   Right (5,7)
--   >>> readable "hello" :: Either String (Int, Int)
--   Left "Unable to parse \"hello\" as a value of type (Int,Int)"
readable :: forall a. (Read a, Typeable a) => Text -> Either String a
readable t = case readMaybe str of
  Just v  -> Right v
  Nothing -> Left ("Unable to parse " ++ show str ++
                   " as a value of type " ++ show typ)
  where str = T.unpack t
        typ = typeRep prx
        prx :: Proxy a
        prx = Proxy

-- | Try to use the "Read" instance for a numeric type to parse a value,
--   failing with a human-readable error message if reading fails.
--   >>> number "5" :: Either String Int
--   Right 5
--   >>> number "hello" :: Either String Int
--   Left "Unable to parse \"hello\" as a value of type Int"
number :: (Num a, Read a, Typeable a) => Text -> Either String a
number = readable

-- | Convert a textual value to the appropriate string type. This will
--   never fail.
--   >>> string "foo" :: Either String String
--   Right "foo"
string :: (IsString a) => Text -> Either String a
string = return . fromString . T.unpack

-- | Convert a string that represents a boolean to a proper boolean. This
--   is case-insensitive, and matches the words @true@, @false@, @yes@,
--   @no@, as well as single-letter abbreviations for all of the above.
--   If the input does not match, then this will fail with a human-readable
--   error message.
--   >>> flag "TRUE"
--   Right True
--   >>> flag "y"
--   Right True
--   >>> flag "no"
--   Right False
--   >>> flag "F"
--   Right False
--   >>> flag "That's a secret!"
--   Left "Unable to parse \"That's a secret!\" as a boolean"
flag :: Text -> Either String Bool
flag s = case T.toLower s of
  "true"  -> Right True
  "yes"   -> Right True
  "t"     -> Right True
  "y"     -> Right True
  "false" -> Right False
  "no"    -> Right False
  "f"     -> Right False
  "n"     -> Right False
  _       -> Left ("Unable to parse " ++ show s ++ " as a boolean")

-- | Convert a reader for a value into a reader for a list of those
--   values, separated by a chosen separator. This will split apart
--   the string on that separator, get rid of leading and trailing
--   whitespace on the individual chunks, and then attempt to parse
--   each of them according to the function provided, turning the
--   result into a list.
--   This is overloaded with the "IsList" typeclass, so it can be
--   used transparently to parse other list-like types.
--   >>> listWithSeparator "," number "2, 3, 4" :: Either String [Int]
--   Right [2,3,4]
--   >>> listWithSeparator " " number "7 8 9" :: Either String [Int]
--   Right [7,8,9]
--   >>> listWithSeparator ":" string "/bin:/usr/bin" :: Either String [FilePath]
--   Right ["/bin","/usr/bin"]
--   >>> listWithSeparator "," number "7 8 9" :: Either String [Int]
--   Left "Unable to parse \"2 3 4\" as a value of type Int"
listWithSeparator :: (IsList l)
                  => Text
                  -> (Text -> Either String (Item l))
                  -> Text -> Either String l
listWithSeparator sep rd =
  fmap fromList . mapM (rd . T.strip) . T.splitOn sep

-- $setup
-- >>> :{
-- data NetworkConfig = NetworkConfig
--    { netHost :: String, netPort :: Int }
--     deriving (Eq, Show)
-- >>> :}
-- >>> :{
-- data LocalConfig = LocalConfig
--   { localUser :: Text }
--     deriving (Eq, Show)
-- >>> :}
-- >>> :{
-- data Config = Config
--   { cfNetwork :: NetworkConfig, cfLocal :: Maybe LocalConfig }
--     deriving (Eq, Show)
-- >>> :}
-- >>> :{
-- let configParser = do
--       netCf <- section "NETWORK" $ do
--         host <- fieldOf "host" string
--         port <- fieldOf "port" number
--         return NetworkConfig { netHost = host, netPort = port }
--       locCf <- sectionMb "LOCAL" $
--         LocalConfig <$> field "user"
--       return Config { cfNetwork = netCf, cfLocal = locCf }
-- >>> :}
-- >>> :{
--    let example = "[NETWORK]\nhost = example.com\nport = 7878\n\n# here is a comment\n[LOCAL]\nuser = terry\n"
-- >>> :}