{-# LANGUAGE CPP, RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- | Functions for interacting with bytes.
-- For many purposes, it's recommended to use the conduit-combinators library,
-- which provides a more complete set of functions.
module Data.Conduit.Binary
    ( -- * Files and @Handle@s

      -- | Note that most of these functions live in the @MonadResource@ monad
      -- to ensure resource finalization even in the presence of exceptions. In
      -- order to run such code, you will need to use @runResourceT@.

      -- ** Sources
    , sourceHandle
    , sourceHandleUnsafe
    , sourceIOHandle
    , sourceFileRange
    , sourceHandleRange
    , sourceHandleRangeWithBuffer
      -- ** Sinks
    , sinkFile
    , sinkFileCautious
    , sinkTempFile
    , sinkSystemTempFile
    , sinkHandle
    , sinkIOHandle
      -- ** Conduits
    , conduitFile
    , conduitHandle
      -- * Utilities
      -- ** Sources
    , sourceLbs
      -- ** Sinks
    , head
    , dropWhile
    , take
    , drop
    , sinkCacheLength
    , sinkLbs
    , mapM_
      -- *** Storable
    , sinkStorable
    , sinkStorableEx
      -- ** Conduits
    , isolate
    , takeWhile
    , Data.Conduit.Binary.lines
    ) where

import qualified Data.Streaming.FileRead as FR
import Prelude hiding (head, take, drop, takeWhile, dropWhile, mapM_)
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import Data.ByteString.Unsafe (unsafeUseAsCString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Conduit.List (sourceList, consume)
import Control.Exception (assert, finally)
import Control.Monad (unless, when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO, MonadIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (allocate, release)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import qualified System.IO as IO
import Data.Word (Word8, Word64)
#if (__GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import System.Directory (getTemporaryDirectory, removeFile)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal (defaultChunkSize)
import Data.ByteString.Internal (ByteString (PS), inlinePerformIO)
import Foreign.ForeignPtr.Unsafe (unsafeForeignPtrToPtr)
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (touchForeignPtr)
import Foreign.Ptr (plusPtr, castPtr)
import Foreign.Storable (Storable, peek, sizeOf)
import GHC.ForeignPtr           (mallocPlainForeignPtrBytes)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (MonadResource)
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow (..))
import Control.Exception (Exception)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr)
import Foreign.Marshal (alloca, copyBytes)
import System.Directory (renameFile)
import System.FilePath (takeDirectory, takeFileName, (<.>))
import System.IO (hClose, openBinaryTempFile)
import Control.Exception (throwIO, catch)
import System.IO.Error (isDoesNotExistError)

-- | Stream the contents of a file as binary data.
-- Since 0.3.0
sourceFile :: MonadResource m
           => FilePath
           -> Producer m S.ByteString
sourceFile fp =
        (FR.openFile fp)
    loop h = do
        bs <- liftIO $ FR.readChunk h
        unless (S.null bs) $ do
            yield bs
            loop h

-- | Stream the contents of a 'IO.Handle' as binary data. Note that this
-- function will /not/ automatically close the @Handle@ when processing
-- completes, since it did not acquire the @Handle@ in the first place.
-- Since 0.3.0
sourceHandle :: MonadIO m
             => IO.Handle
             -> Producer m S.ByteString
sourceHandle h =
    loop = do
        bs <- liftIO (S.hGetSome h defaultChunkSize)
        if S.null bs
            then return ()
            else yield bs >> loop

-- | Same as @sourceHandle@, but instead of allocating a new buffer for each
-- incoming chunk of data, reuses the same buffer. Therefore, the @ByteString@s
-- yielded by this function are not referentially transparent between two
-- different @yield@s.
-- This function will be slightly more efficient than @sourceHandle@ by
-- avoiding allocations and reducing garbage collections, but should only be
-- used if you can guarantee that you do not reuse a @ByteString@ (or any slice
-- thereof) between two calls to @await@.
-- Since 1.0.12
sourceHandleUnsafe :: MonadIO m => IO.Handle -> Source m ByteString
sourceHandleUnsafe handle = do
    fptr <- liftIO $ mallocPlainForeignPtrBytes defaultChunkSize
    let ptr = unsafeForeignPtrToPtr fptr
        loop = do
            count <- liftIO $ IO.hGetBuf handle ptr defaultChunkSize
            when (count > 0) $ do
                yield (PS fptr 0 count)


    liftIO $ touchForeignPtr fptr

-- | An alternative to 'sourceHandle'.
-- Instead of taking a pre-opened 'IO.Handle', it takes an action that opens
-- a 'IO.Handle' (in read mode), so that it can open it only when needed
-- and close it as soon as possible.
-- Since 0.3.0
sourceIOHandle :: MonadResource m
               => IO IO.Handle
               -> Producer m S.ByteString
sourceIOHandle alloc = bracketP alloc IO.hClose sourceHandle

-- | Stream all incoming data to the given 'IO.Handle'. Note that this function
-- will /not/ automatically close the @Handle@ when processing completes.
-- Since 0.3.0
sinkHandle :: MonadIO m
           => IO.Handle
           -> Consumer S.ByteString m ()
sinkHandle h = awaitForever (liftIO . S.hPut h)

-- | An alternative to 'sinkHandle'.
-- Instead of taking a pre-opened 'IO.Handle', it takes an action that opens
-- a 'IO.Handle' (in write mode), so that it can open it only when needed
-- and close it as soon as possible.
-- Since 0.3.0
sinkIOHandle :: MonadResource m
             => IO IO.Handle
             -> Consumer S.ByteString m ()
sinkIOHandle alloc = bracketP alloc IO.hClose sinkHandle

-- | Stream the contents of a file as binary data, starting from a certain
-- offset and only consuming up to a certain number of bytes.
-- Since 0.3.0
sourceFileRange :: MonadResource m
                => FilePath
                -> Maybe Integer -- ^ Offset
                -> Maybe Integer -- ^ Maximum count
                -> Producer m S.ByteString
sourceFileRange fp offset count = bracketP
    (IO.openBinaryFile fp IO.ReadMode)
    (\h -> sourceHandleRange h offset count)

-- | Stream the contents of a handle as binary data, starting from a certain
-- offset and only consuming up to a certain number of bytes.
-- Since 1.0.8
sourceHandleRange :: MonadIO m
                  => IO.Handle
                  -> Maybe Integer -- ^ Offset
                  -> Maybe Integer -- ^ Maximum count
                  -> Producer m S.ByteString
sourceHandleRange handle offset count =
  sourceHandleRangeWithBuffer handle offset count defaultChunkSize

-- | Stream the contents of a handle as binary data, starting from a certain
-- offset and only consuming up to a certain number of bytes. This function
-- consumes chunks as specified by the buffer size.
-- Since 1.1.8
sourceHandleRangeWithBuffer :: MonadIO m
                  => IO.Handle
                  -> Maybe Integer -- ^ Offset
                  -> Maybe Integer -- ^ Maximum count
                  -> Int -- ^ Buffer size
                  -> Producer m S.ByteString
sourceHandleRangeWithBuffer handle offset count buffer = do
    case offset of
        Nothing -> return ()
        Just off -> liftIO $ IO.hSeek handle IO.AbsoluteSeek off
    case count of
        Nothing -> pullUnlimited
        Just c -> pullLimited (fromInteger c)
    pullUnlimited = do
        bs <- liftIO $ S.hGetSome handle buffer
        if S.null bs
            then return ()
            else do
                yield bs

    pullLimited c = do
        bs <- liftIO $ S.hGetSome handle (min c buffer)
        let c' = c - S.length bs
        assert (c' >= 0) $
            if S.null bs
                then return ()
                else do
                    yield bs
                    pullLimited c'

-- | Stream all incoming data to the given file.
-- Since 0.3.0
sinkFile :: MonadResource m
         => FilePath
         -> Consumer S.ByteString m ()
sinkFile fp = sinkIOHandle (IO.openBinaryFile fp IO.WriteMode)

-- | Cautious version of 'sinkFile'. The idea here is to stream the
-- values to a temporary file in the same directory of the destination
-- file, and only on successfully writing the entire file, moves it
-- atomically to the destination path.
-- In the event of an exception occurring, the temporary file will be
-- deleted and no move will be made. If the application shuts down
-- without running exception handling (such as machine failure or a
-- SIGKILL), the temporary file will remain and the destination file
-- will be untouched.
-- @since 1.1.14
  :: MonadResource m
  => FilePath
  -> ConduitM S.ByteString o m ()
sinkFileCautious fp =
    bracketP acquire cleanup inner
    acquire = openBinaryTempFile (takeDirectory fp) (takeFileName fp <.> "tmp")
    cleanup (tmpFP, h) = do
        hClose h
        removeFile tmpFP `Control.Exception.catch` \e ->
            if isDoesNotExistError e
                then return ()
                else throwIO e
    inner (tmpFP, h) = do
        sinkHandle h
        liftIO $ do
            hClose h
            renameFile tmpFP fp

-- | Stream data into a temporary file in the given directory with the
-- given filename pattern, and return the temporary filename. The
-- temporary file will be automatically deleted when exiting the
-- active 'ResourceT' block, if it still exists.
-- @since 1.1.15
sinkTempFile :: MonadResource m
             => FilePath -- ^ temp directory
             -> String -- ^ filename pattern
             -> ConduitM ByteString o m FilePath
sinkTempFile tmpdir pattern = do
    (_releaseKey, (fp, h)) <- allocate
        (IO.openBinaryTempFile tmpdir pattern)
        (\(fp, h) -> IO.hClose h `finally` (removeFile fp `Control.Exception.catch` \e ->
            if isDoesNotExistError e
                then return ()
                else throwIO e))
    sinkHandle h
    liftIO $ IO.hClose h
    return fp

-- | Same as 'sinkTempFile', but will use the default temp file
-- directory for the system as the first argument.
-- @since 1.1.15
    :: MonadResource m
    => String -- ^ filename pattern
    -> ConduitM ByteString o m FilePath
sinkSystemTempFile pattern = do
    dir <- liftIO getTemporaryDirectory
    sinkTempFile dir pattern

-- | Stream the contents of the input to a file, and also send it along the
-- pipeline. Similar in concept to the Unix command @tee@.
-- Since 0.3.0
conduitFile :: MonadResource m
            => FilePath
            -> Conduit S.ByteString m S.ByteString
conduitFile fp = bracketP
    (IO.openBinaryFile fp IO.WriteMode)

-- | Stream the contents of the input to a @Handle@, and also send it along the
-- pipeline. Similar in concept to the Unix command @tee@. Like @sourceHandle@,
-- does not close the handle on completion. Related to: @conduitFile@.
-- Since 1.0.9
conduitHandle :: MonadIO m => IO.Handle -> Conduit S.ByteString m S.ByteString
conduitHandle h = awaitForever $ \bs -> liftIO (S.hPut h bs) >> yield bs

-- | Ensure that only up to the given number of bytes are consumed by the inner
-- sink. Note that this does /not/ ensure that all of those bytes are in fact
-- consumed.
-- Since 0.3.0
isolate :: Monad m
        => Int
        -> Conduit S.ByteString m S.ByteString
isolate =
    loop 0 = return ()
    loop count = do
        mbs <- await
        case mbs of
            Nothing -> return ()
            Just bs -> do
                let (a, b) = S.splitAt count bs
                case count - S.length a of
                    0 -> do
                        unless (S.null b) $ leftover b
                        yield a
                    count' -> assert (S.null b) $ yield a >> loop count'

-- | Return the next byte from the stream, if available.
-- Since 0.3.0
head :: Monad m => Consumer S.ByteString m (Maybe Word8)
head = do
    mbs <- await
    case mbs of
        Nothing -> return Nothing
        Just bs ->
            case S.uncons bs of
                Nothing -> head
                Just (w, bs') -> leftover bs' >> return (Just w)

-- | Return all bytes while the predicate returns @True@.
-- Since 0.3.0
takeWhile :: Monad m => (Word8 -> Bool) -> Conduit S.ByteString m S.ByteString
takeWhile p =
    loop = await >>= maybe (return ()) go

    go bs
        | S.null x = next
        | otherwise = yield x >> next
        next = if S.null y then loop else leftover y
        (x, y) = S.span p bs

-- | Ignore all bytes while the predicate returns @True@.
-- Since 0.3.0
dropWhile :: Monad m => (Word8 -> Bool) -> Consumer S.ByteString m ()
dropWhile p =
    loop = do
        mbs <- await
        case S.dropWhile p <$> mbs of
            Nothing -> return ()
            Just bs
                | S.null bs -> loop
                | otherwise -> leftover bs

-- | Take the given number of bytes, if available.
-- Since 0.3.0
take :: Monad m => Int -> Consumer S.ByteString m L.ByteString
take  0 = return L.empty
take n0 = go n0 id
    go n front =
        await >>= maybe (return $ L.fromChunks $ front []) go'
        go' bs =
            case S.length bs `compare` n of
                LT -> go (n - S.length bs) (front . (bs:))
                EQ -> return $ L.fromChunks $ front [bs]
                GT ->
                    let (x, y) = S.splitAt n bs
                     in assert (not $ S.null y) $ leftover y >> return (L.fromChunks $ front [x])

-- | Drop up to the given number of bytes.
-- Since 0.5.0
drop :: Monad m => Int -> Consumer S.ByteString m ()
drop  0 = return ()
drop n0 = go n0
    go n =
        await >>= maybe (return ()) go'
        go' bs =
            case S.length bs `compare` n of
                LT -> go (n - S.length bs)
                EQ -> return ()
                GT ->
                    let y = S.drop n bs
                     in assert (not $ S.null y) $ leftover y >> return ()

-- | Split the input bytes into lines. In other words, split on the LF byte
-- (10), and strip it from the output.
-- Since 0.3.0
lines :: Monad m => Conduit S.ByteString m S.ByteString
lines =
    loop []
    loop acc = await >>= maybe (finish acc) (go acc)

    finish acc =
        let final = S.concat $ reverse acc
         in unless (S.null final) (yield final)

    go acc more =
        case S.uncons second of
            Just (_, second') -> yield (S.concat $ reverse $ first:acc) >> go [] second'
            Nothing -> loop $ more:acc
        (first, second) = S.break (== 10) more

-- | Stream the chunks from a lazy bytestring.
-- Since 0.5.0
sourceLbs :: Monad m => L.ByteString -> Producer m S.ByteString
sourceLbs = sourceList . L.toChunks

-- | Stream the input data into a temp file and count the number of bytes
-- present. When complete, return a new @Source@ reading from the temp file
-- together with the length of the input in bytes.
-- All resources will be cleaned up automatically.
-- Since 1.0.5
sinkCacheLength :: (MonadResource m1, MonadResource m2)
                => Sink S.ByteString m1 (Word64, Source m2 S.ByteString)
sinkCacheLength = do
    tmpdir <- liftIO getTemporaryDirectory
    (releaseKey, (fp, h)) <- allocate
        (IO.openBinaryTempFile tmpdir "conduit.cache")
        (\(fp, h) -> IO.hClose h `finally` removeFile fp)
    len <- sinkHandleLen h
    liftIO $ IO.hClose h
    return (len, sourceFile fp >> release releaseKey)
    sinkHandleLen :: MonadResource m => IO.Handle -> Sink S.ByteString m Word64
    sinkHandleLen h =
        loop 0
        loop x =
            await >>= maybe (return x) go
            go bs = do
                liftIO $ S.hPut h bs
                loop $ x + fromIntegral (S.length bs)

-- | Consume a stream of input into a lazy bytestring. Note that no lazy I\/O
-- is performed, but rather all content is read into memory strictly.
-- Since 1.0.5
sinkLbs :: Monad m => Sink S.ByteString m L.ByteString
sinkLbs = fmap L.fromChunks consume

mapM_BS :: Monad m => (Word8 -> m ()) -> S.ByteString -> m ()
mapM_BS f (PS fptr offset len) = do
    let start = unsafeForeignPtrToPtr fptr `plusPtr` offset
        end = start `plusPtr` len
        loop ptr
            | ptr >= end = inlinePerformIO (touchForeignPtr fptr) `seq` return ()
            | otherwise = do
                f (inlinePerformIO (peek ptr))
                loop (ptr `plusPtr` 1)
    loop start
{-# INLINE mapM_BS #-}

-- | Perform a computation on each @Word8@ in a stream.
-- Since 1.0.10
mapM_ :: Monad m => (Word8 -> m ()) -> Consumer S.ByteString m ()
mapM_ f = awaitForever (lift . mapM_BS f)
{-# INLINE mapM_ #-}

-- | Consume some instance of @Storable@ from the incoming byte stream. In the
-- event of insufficient bytes in the stream, returns a @Nothing@ and returns
-- all unused input as leftovers.
-- @since 1.1.13
sinkStorable :: (Monad m, Storable a) => Consumer S.ByteString m (Maybe a)
sinkStorable = sinkStorableHelper Just (return Nothing)

-- | Same as 'sinkStorable', but throws a 'SinkStorableInsufficientBytes'
-- exception (via 'throwM') in the event of insufficient bytes. This can be
-- more efficient to use than 'sinkStorable' as it avoids the need to
-- construct/deconstruct a @Maybe@ wrapper in the success case.
-- @since 1.1.13
sinkStorableEx :: (MonadThrow m, Storable a) => Consumer S.ByteString m a
sinkStorableEx = sinkStorableHelper id (throwM SinkStorableInsufficientBytes)

sinkStorableHelper :: forall m a b. (Monad m, Storable a)
                   => (a -> b)
                   -> (Consumer S.ByteString m b)
                   -> Consumer S.ByteString m b
sinkStorableHelper wrap failure = do
    size = sizeOf (undefined :: a)

    -- try the optimal case: next chunk has all the data we need
    start = do
        mbs <- await
        case mbs of
            Nothing -> failure
            Just bs
                | S.null bs -> start
                | otherwise ->
                    case compare (S.length bs) size of
                        LT -> do
                            -- looks like we're stuck concating
                            leftover bs
                            lbs <- take size
                            let bs = S.concat $ L.toChunks lbs
                            case compare (S.length bs) size of
                                LT -> do
                                    leftover bs
                                EQ -> process bs
                                GT -> assert False (process bs)
                        EQ -> process bs
                        GT -> do
                            let (x, y) = S.splitAt size bs
                            leftover y
                            process x

    -- Given a bytestring of exactly the correct size, grab the value
    process bs = return $! wrap $! inlinePerformIO $!
        unsafeUseAsCString bs (safePeek undefined . castPtr)

    safePeek :: a -> Ptr a -> IO a
    safePeek _ = peek
    safePeek val ptr = alloca (\t -> copyBytes t ptr (sizeOf val) >> peek t)
{-# INLINE sinkStorableHelper #-}

data SinkStorableException = SinkStorableInsufficientBytes
    deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception SinkStorableException