{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} module StreamSpec where import Control.Applicative import qualified Control.Monad import Control.Monad (liftM) import Control.Monad.Identity (Identity, runIdentity) import Control.Monad.State (StateT(..), get, put) import Data.Conduit import Data.Conduit.Combinators import Data.Conduit.Combinators.Internal import Data.Conduit.Combinators.Stream import Data.Conduit.Internal.Fusion import Data.Conduit.Internal.List.Stream (takeS, sourceListS, mapS) import Data.Conduit.List (consume, isolate, sourceList) import qualified Data.List import Data.MonoTraversable import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..)) import qualified Data.NonNull as NonNull import Data.Sequence (Seq) import qualified Data.Sequences as Seq import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import Data.Vector (Vector) import qualified Prelude import Prelude ((.), ($), (=<<), return, id, Maybe(..), Monad, Bool(..), Int, Eq, Show, String, Functor, fst, snd) import qualified Safe import System.Directory (removeFile) import qualified System.IO as IO import System.IO.Unsafe import Test.Hspec import Test.QuickCheck spec :: Spec spec = do it "sourceHandleS works" $ do let contents = Prelude.concat $ Prelude.replicate 10000 $ "this is some content\n" fp = "tmp" IO.writeFile fp contents (res, ()) <- IO.withBinaryFile "tmp" IO.ReadMode $ \h -> evalStream $ sourceHandleS h emptyStream (TL.concat res) `shouldBe` TL.pack contents removeFile "tmp" describe "Comparing list function to" $ do qit "yieldMany" $ \(mono :: Seq Int) -> yieldMany mono `checkProducer` otoList mono qit "yieldManyS" $ \(mono :: Seq Int) -> yieldManyS mono `checkStreamProducer` otoList mono qit "repeatM" $ \(getBlind -> (f :: M Int)) -> repeatM f `checkInfiniteProducerM` repeatML f qit "repeatMS" $ \(getBlind -> (f :: M Int)) -> repeatMS f `checkInfiniteStreamProducerM` repeatML f qit "repeatWhileM" $ \(getBlind -> (f :: M Int), getBlind -> g) -> repeatWhileM f g `checkInfiniteProducerM` repeatWhileML f g qit "repeatWhileMS" $ \(getBlind -> (f :: M Int), getBlind -> g) -> repeatWhileMS f g `checkInfiniteStreamProducerM` repeatWhileML f g qit "foldl1" $ \(getBlind -> f) -> foldl1 f `checkConsumer` foldl1L f qit "foldl1S" $ \(getBlind -> f) -> foldl1S f `checkStreamConsumer` foldl1L f qit "all" $ \(getBlind -> f) -> all f `checkConsumer` Prelude.all f qit "allS" $ \(getBlind -> f) -> allS f `checkStreamConsumer` Prelude.all f qit "any" $ \(getBlind -> f) -> any f `checkConsumer` Prelude.any f qit "anyS" $ \(getBlind -> f) -> anyS f `checkStreamConsumer` Prelude.any f qit "last" $ \() -> last `checkConsumer` Safe.lastMay qit "lastS" $ \() -> lastS `checkStreamConsumer` Safe.lastMay qit "lastE" $ \(getBlind -> f) -> let g x = Seq.replicate (Prelude.abs (f x)) x :: Seq Int in (map g =$= lastE) `checkConsumer` (lastEL . Prelude.map g :: [Int] -> Maybe Int) qit "lastES" $ \(getBlind -> f) -> let g x = Seq.replicate (Prelude.abs (f x)) x :: Seq Int in (lastES . mapS g) `checkStreamConsumer` (lastEL . Prelude.map g :: [Int] -> Maybe Int) qit "find" $ \(getBlind -> f) -> find f `checkConsumer` Data.List.find f qit "findS" $ \(getBlind -> f) -> findS f `checkStreamConsumer` Data.List.find f qit "concatMap" $ \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> Seq Int)) -> concatMap f `checkConduit` concatMapL f qit "concatMapS" $ \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> Seq Int)) -> concatMapS f `checkStreamConduit` concatMapL f qit "concatMapM" $ \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> M (Seq Int))) -> concatMapM f `checkConduitM` concatMapML f qit "concatMapMS" $ \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> M (Seq Int))) -> concatMapMS f `checkStreamConduitM` concatMapML f qit "concat" $ \() -> concat `checkConduit` (concatL :: [Seq Int] -> [Int]) qit "concatS" $ \() -> concatS `checkStreamConduit` (concatL :: [Seq Int] -> [Int]) qit "scanl" $ \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> Int -> Int), initial) -> scanl f initial `checkConduit` Prelude.scanl f initial qit "scanlS" $ \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> Int -> Int), initial) -> scanlS f initial `checkStreamConduit` Prelude.scanl f initial qit "scanlM" $ \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> Int -> M Int), initial) -> scanlM f initial `checkConduitM` scanlML f initial qit "scanlMS" $ \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> Int -> M Int), initial) -> scanlMS f initial `checkStreamConduitM` scanlML f initial qit "intersperse" $ \(sep :: Int) -> intersperse sep `checkConduit` Data.List.intersperse sep qit "intersperseS" $ \(sep :: Int) -> intersperseS sep `checkStreamConduit` Data.List.intersperse sep qit "filterM" $ \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> M Bool)) -> filterM f `checkConduitM` Control.Monad.filterM f qit "filterMS" $ \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> M Bool)) -> filterMS f `checkStreamConduitM` Control.Monad.filterM f describe "comparing normal conduit function to" $ do qit "slidingWindowS" $ \(getSmall -> n) -> slidingWindowS n `checkStreamConduit` (\xs -> runIdentity $ sourceList xs $= preventFusion (slidingWindow n) $$ consume :: [Seq Int]) qit "splitOnUnboundedES" $ \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> Bool)) -> splitOnUnboundedES f `checkStreamConduit` (\xs -> runIdentity $ sourceList xs $= preventFusion (splitOnUnboundedE f) $$ consume :: [Seq Int]) qit "initReplicateS" $ \(getBlind -> (mseed :: M Int), getBlind -> (f :: Int -> M Int), getSmall -> cnt) -> initReplicateS mseed f cnt `checkStreamProducerM` (preventFusion (initReplicate mseed f cnt) $$ consume) qit "initRepeatS" $ \(getBlind -> (mseed :: M Int), getBlind -> (f :: Int -> M Int)) -> initRepeatS mseed f `checkInfiniteStreamProducerM` (preventFusion (initRepeat mseed f) $= take 10 $$ consume) qit "sinkVectorS" $ \() -> checkStreamConsumerM' unsafePerformIO (sinkVectorS :: forall o. StreamConduitM Int o IO.IO (Vector Int)) (\xs -> sourceList xs $$ preventFusion sinkVector) qit "sinkVectorNS" $ \(getSmall . getNonNegative -> n) -> checkStreamConsumerM' unsafePerformIO (sinkVectorNS n :: forall o. StreamConduitM Int o IO.IO (Vector Int)) (\xs -> sourceList xs $$ preventFusion (sinkVectorN n)) instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Seq a) where arbitrary = Seq.fromList <$> arbitrary repeatML :: Monad m => m a -> m [a] repeatML = Prelude.sequence . Prelude.repeat repeatWhileML :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> Bool) -> m [a] repeatWhileML m f = go where go = do x <- m if f x then liftM (x:) go else return [] foldl1L :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> Maybe a foldl1L _ [] = Nothing foldl1L f xs = Just $ Prelude.foldl1 f xs lastEL :: Seq.IsSequence seq => [seq] -> Maybe (Element seq) lastEL = Prelude.foldl go Nothing where go _ (NonNull.fromNullable -> Just l) = Just (NonNull.last l) go mlast _ = mlast concatMapL :: MonoFoldable mono => (a -> mono) -> [a] -> [Element mono] concatMapL f = Prelude.concatMap (otoList . f) concatMapML :: (Monad m, MonoFoldable mono) => (a -> m mono) -> [a] -> m [Element mono] concatMapML f = liftM (Prelude.concatMap otoList) . Prelude.mapM f concatL :: MonoFoldable mono => [mono] -> [Element mono] concatL = Prelude.concatMap otoList scanlML :: Monad m => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> [b] -> m [a] scanlML f = go where go l [] = return [l] go l (r:rs) = do l' <- f l r liftM (l:) (go l' rs) --FIXME: the following code is directly copied from the conduit test --suite. How to share this code?? qit :: (Arbitrary a, Testable prop, Show a) => String -> (a -> prop) -> Spec qit n f = it n $ property $ forAll arbitrary f -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Quickcheck utilities for pure conduits / streams checkProducer :: (Show a, Eq a) => Source Identity a -> [a] -> Property checkProducer c l = checkProducerM' runIdentity c (return l) checkStreamProducer :: (Show a, Eq a) => StreamSource Identity a -> [a] -> Property checkStreamProducer s l = checkStreamProducerM' runIdentity s (return l) checkInfiniteProducer :: (Show a, Eq a) => Source Identity a -> [a] -> Property checkInfiniteProducer c l = checkInfiniteProducerM' runIdentity c (return l) checkInfiniteStreamProducer :: (Show a, Eq a) => StreamSource Identity a -> [a] -> Property checkInfiniteStreamProducer s l = checkInfiniteStreamProducerM' runIdentity s (return l) checkConsumer :: (Show b, Eq b) => Consumer Int Identity b -> ([Int] -> b) -> Property checkConsumer c l = checkConsumerM' runIdentity c (return . l) checkStreamConsumer :: (Show b, Eq b) => StreamConsumer Int Identity b -> ([Int] -> b) -> Property checkStreamConsumer c l = checkStreamConsumerM' runIdentity c (return . l) checkConduit :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Show b, Eq b) => Conduit a Identity b -> ([a] -> [b]) -> Property checkConduit c l = checkConduitM' runIdentity c (return . l) checkStreamConduit :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Show b, Eq b) => StreamConduit a Identity b -> ([a] -> [b]) -> Property checkStreamConduit c l = checkStreamConduitM' runIdentity c (return . l) -- checkConduitResult :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Show b, Eq b, Show r, Eq r) => ConduitM a b Identity r -> ([a] -> ([b], r)) -> Property -- checkConduitResult c l = checkConduitResultM' runIdentity c (return . l) checkStreamConduitResult :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Show b, Eq b, Show r, Eq r) => StreamConduitM a b Identity r -> ([a] -> ([b], r)) -> Property checkStreamConduitResult c l = checkStreamConduitResultM' runIdentity c (return . l) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Quickcheck utilities for conduits / streams in the M monad. checkProducerM :: (Show a, Eq a) => Source M a -> M [a] -> Property checkProducerM = checkProducerM' runM checkStreamProducerM :: (Show a, Eq a) => StreamSource M a -> M [a] -> Property checkStreamProducerM = checkStreamProducerM' runM checkInfiniteProducerM :: (Show a, Eq a) => Source M a -> M [a] -> Property checkInfiniteProducerM = checkInfiniteProducerM' (fst . runM) checkInfiniteStreamProducerM :: (Show a, Eq a) => StreamSource M a -> M [a] -> Property checkInfiniteStreamProducerM = checkInfiniteStreamProducerM' (fst . runM) checkConsumerM :: (Show b, Eq b) => Consumer Int M b -> ([Int] -> M b) -> Property checkConsumerM = checkConsumerM' runM checkStreamConsumerM :: (Show b, Eq b) => StreamConsumer Int M b -> ([Int] -> M b) -> Property checkStreamConsumerM = checkStreamConsumerM' runM checkConduitM :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Show b, Eq b) => Conduit a M b -> ([a] -> M [b]) -> Property checkConduitM = checkConduitM' runM checkStreamConduitM :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Show b, Eq b) => StreamConduit a M b -> ([a] -> M [b]) -> Property checkStreamConduitM = checkStreamConduitM' runM -- checkConduitResultM :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Show b, Eq b, Show r, Eq r) => ConduitM a b M r -> ([a] -> M ([b], r)) -> Property -- checkConduitResultM = checkConduitResultM' runM checkStreamConduitResultM :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Show b, Eq b, Show r, Eq r) => StreamConduitM a b M r -> ([a] -> M ([b], r)) -> Property checkStreamConduitResultM = checkStreamConduitResultM' runM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Quickcheck utilities for monadic streams / conduits -- These are polymorphic in which Monad is used. checkProducerM' :: (Show a, Monad m, Show b, Eq b) => (m [a] -> b) -> Source m a -> m [a] -> Property checkProducerM' f c l = f (preventFusion c $$ consume) === f l checkStreamProducerM' :: (Show a, Monad m, Show b, Eq b) => (m [a] -> b) -> StreamSource m a -> m [a] -> Property checkStreamProducerM' f s l = f (liftM fst $ evalStream $ s emptyStream) === f l checkInfiniteProducerM' :: (Show a, Monad m, Show b, Eq b) => (m [a] -> b) -> Source m a -> m [a] -> Property checkInfiniteProducerM' f s l = checkProducerM' f (preventFusion s $= isolate 10) (liftM (Prelude.take 10) l) checkInfiniteStreamProducerM' :: (Show a, Monad m, Show b, Eq b) => (m [a] -> b) -> StreamSource m a -> m [a] -> Property checkInfiniteStreamProducerM' f s l = f (liftM snd $ evalStream $ takeS 10 $ s emptyStream) === f (liftM (Prelude.take 10) l) checkConsumerM' :: (Show a, Monad m, Show b, Eq b) => (m a -> b) -> Consumer Int m a -> ([Int] -> m a) -> Property checkConsumerM' f c l = forAll arbitrary $ \xs -> f (sourceList xs $$ preventFusion c) === f (l xs) checkStreamConsumerM' :: (Show a, Monad m, Show b, Eq b) => (m a -> b) -> StreamConsumer Int m a -> ([Int] -> m a) -> Property checkStreamConsumerM' f s l = forAll arbitrary $ \xs -> f (liftM snd $ evalStream $ s $ sourceListS xs emptyStream) === f (l xs) checkConduitM' :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Monad m, Show c, Eq c) => (m [b] -> c) -> Conduit a m b -> ([a] -> m [b]) -> Property checkConduitM' f c l = forAll arbitrary $ \xs -> f (sourceList xs $= preventFusion c $$ consume) === f (l xs) checkStreamConduitM' :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Monad m, Show c, Eq c) => (m [b] -> c) -> StreamConduit a m b -> ([a] -> m [b]) -> Property checkStreamConduitM' f s l = forAll arbitrary $ \xs -> f (liftM fst $ evalStream $ s $ sourceListS xs emptyStream) === f (l xs) -- TODO: Fixing this would allow comparing conduit consumers against -- their list versions. -- -- checkConduitResultM' :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Monad m, Show c, Eq c) -- => (m ([b], r) -> c) -- -> ConduitM a b m r -- -> ([a] -> m ([b], r)) -- -> Property -- checkConduitResultM' f c l = FIXME forAll arbitrary $ \xs -> -- f (sourceList xs $= preventFusion c $$ consume) -- === -- f (l xs) checkStreamConduitResultM' :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Monad m, Show c, Eq c) => (m ([b], r) -> c) -> StreamConduitM a b m r -> ([a] -> m ([b], r)) -> Property checkStreamConduitResultM' f s l = forAll arbitrary $ \xs -> f (evalStream $ s $ sourceListS xs emptyStream) === f (l xs) emptyStream :: Monad m => Stream m () () emptyStream = Stream (\_ -> return $ Stop ()) (return ()) evalStream :: Monad m => Stream m o r -> m ([o], r) evalStream (Stream step s0) = go =<< s0 where go s = do res <- step s case res of Stop r -> return ([], r) Skip s' -> go s' Emit s' x -> liftM (\(l, r) -> (x:l, r)) (go s') -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Misc utilities -- Prefer this to creating an orphan instance for Data.Monoid.Sum: newtype Sum a = Sum a deriving (Eq, Show, Arbitrary) instance Prelude.Num a => Monoid (Sum a) where mempty = Sum 0 mappend (Sum x) (Sum y) = Sum $ x Prelude.+ y preventFusion :: a -> a preventFusion = id {-# INLINE [0] preventFusion #-} newtype M a = M (StateT Int Identity a) deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad) instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (M a) where arbitrary = do f <- arbitrary return $ do s <- M get let (x, s') = f s M (put s') return x runM :: M a -> (a, Int) runM (M m) = runIdentity $ runStateT m 0