{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Data.Conduit.Internal
    ( -- * Types
      Pipe (..)
    , Source
    , Sink
    , Conduit
    , Finalize (..)
      -- * Functions
    , pipeClose
    , pipe
    , pipeResume
    , runPipe
    , sinkToPipe
    , await
    , yield
    , hasInput
    , transPipe
    , mapOutput
    , runFinalize
    , addCleanup
    ) where

import Control.Applicative (Applicative (..), (<$>))
import Control.Monad ((>=>), liftM, ap)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans (lift))
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (liftIO))
import Control.Monad.Base (MonadBase (liftBase))
import Data.Void (Void, absurd)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid (mappend, mempty))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource

-- | A cleanup action to be performed.
-- Previously, we just had a plain action. However, most @Pipe@s simply have
-- empty cleanup actions, and storing a large set of them wastes memory. But
-- having strict fields and distinguishing between pure and impure actions, we
-- can keep memory usage constant, and only allocate memory for the actual
-- actions we have to track.
-- Since 0.4.1
data Finalize m r = FinalizePure !r
                  | FinalizeM !(m r)

instance Monad m => Functor (Finalize m) where
    fmap f (FinalizePure r) = FinalizePure (f r)
    fmap f (FinalizeM mr) = FinalizeM (liftM f mr)

instance Monad m => Applicative (Finalize m) where
    pure = FinalizePure
    (<*>) = ap

instance Monad m => Monad (Finalize m) where
    return = FinalizePure
    FinalizePure x >>= f = f x
    FinalizeM mx >>= f = FinalizeM $ mx >>= \x ->
        case f x of
            FinalizePure y -> return y
            FinalizeM my -> my

instance MonadTrans Finalize where
    lift = FinalizeM

instance MonadThrow m => MonadThrow (Finalize m) where
    monadThrow = lift . monadThrow

instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (Finalize m) where
    liftIO = lift . liftIO

instance MonadResource m => MonadResource (Finalize m) where
    allocate a = lift . allocate a
    register = lift . register
    release = lift . release
    resourceMask = lift . resourceMask

-- | The underlying datatype for all the types in this package.  In has four
-- type parameters:
-- * /i/ is the type of values for this @Pipe@'s input stream.
-- * /o/ is the type of values for this @Pipe@'s output stream.
-- * /m/ is the underlying monad.
-- * /r/ is the result type.
-- Note that /o/ and /r/ are inherently different. /o/ is the type of the
-- stream of values this @Pipe@ will produce and send downstream. /r/ is the
-- final output of this @Pipe@.
-- @Pipe@s can be composed via the 'pipe' function. To do so, the output type
-- of the left pipe much match the input type of the left pipe, and the result
-- type of the left pipe must be unit @()@. This is due to the fact that any
-- result produced by the left pipe must be discarded in favor of the result of
-- the right pipe.
-- Since 0.4.0
data Pipe i o m r =
    -- | Provide new output to be sent downstream. This constructor has three
    -- fields: the next @Pipe@ to be used, an early-closed function, and the
    -- output value.
    HaveOutput (Pipe i o m r) !(Finalize m r) !o
    -- | Request more input from upstream. The first field takes a new input
    -- value and provides a new @Pipe@. The second is for early termination. It
    -- gives a new @Pipe@ which takes no input from upstream. This allows a
    -- @Pipe@ to provide a final stream of output values after no more input is
    -- available from upstream.
  | NeedInput !(i -> Pipe i o m r) (Pipe i o m r)
    -- | Processing with this @Pipe@ is complete. Provides an optional leftover
    -- input value and and result.
  | Done (Maybe i) !r
    -- | Require running of a monadic action to get the next @Pipe@. Second
    -- field is an early cleanup function. Technically, this second field
    -- could be skipped, but doing so would require extra operations to be
    -- performed in some cases. For example, for a @Pipe@ pulling data from a
    -- file, it may be forced to pull an extra, unneeded chunk before closing
    -- the @Handle@.
  | PipeM !(m (Pipe i o m r)) !(Finalize m r)

-- | A @Pipe@ which provides a stream of output values, without consuming any
-- input. The input parameter is set to @Void@ to indicate that this @Pipe@
-- takes no input.  A @Source@ is not used to produce a final result, and thus
-- the result parameter is set to @()@.
-- Since 0.4.0
type Source m a = Pipe Void a m ()

-- | A @Pipe@ which consumes a stream of input values and produces a final
-- result. It cannot produce any output values, and thus the output parameter
-- is set to @Void@. In other words, it is impossible to create a @HaveOutput@
-- constructor for a @Sink@.
-- Since 0.4.0
type Sink i m r = Pipe i Void m r

-- | A @Pipe@ which consumes a stream of input values and produces a stream of
-- output values. It does not produce a result value, and thus the result
-- parameter is set to @()@.
-- Since 0.4.0
type Conduit i m o = Pipe i o m ()

-- | Perform any close actions available for the given @Pipe@.
-- Since 0.4.0
pipeClose :: Monad m => Pipe i o m r -> Finalize m r
pipeClose (HaveOutput _ c _) = c
pipeClose (NeedInput _ p) = pipeClose p
pipeClose (Done _ r) = FinalizePure r
pipeClose (PipeM _ c) = c

pipePush :: Monad m => i -> Pipe i o m r -> Pipe i o m r
pipePush i (HaveOutput p c o) = HaveOutput (pipePush i p) c o
pipePush i (NeedInput p _) = p i
pipePush i (Done _ r) = Done (Just i) r
pipePush i (PipeM mp c) = PipeM (pipePush i `liftM` mp) c

instance Monad m => Functor (Pipe i o m) where
    fmap f (HaveOutput p c o) = HaveOutput (f <$> p) (f `liftM` c) o
    fmap f (NeedInput p c) = NeedInput (fmap f . p) (f <$> c)
    fmap f (Done l r) = Done l (f r)
    fmap f (PipeM mp mr) = PipeM ((fmap f) `liftM` mp) (f `liftM` mr)

instance Monad m => Applicative (Pipe i o m) where
    pure = Done Nothing

    Done Nothing f <*> px = f <$> px
    Done (Just i) f <*> px = pipePush i $ f <$> px
    HaveOutput p c o <*> px = HaveOutput (p <*> px) (c `ap` pipeClose px) o
    NeedInput p c <*> px = NeedInput (\i -> p i <*> px) (c <*> px)
    PipeM mp c <*> px = PipeM ((<*> px) `liftM` mp) (c `ap` pipeClose px)

instance Monad m => Monad (Pipe i o m) where
    return = Done Nothing

    Done Nothing x >>= fp = fp x
    Done (Just i) x >>= fp = pipePush i $ fp x
    HaveOutput p c o >>= fp = HaveOutput (p >>= fp) (c >>= pipeClose . fp) o
    NeedInput p c >>= fp = NeedInput (p >=> fp) (c >>= fp)
    PipeM mp c >>= fp = PipeM ((>>= fp) `liftM` mp) (c >>= pipeClose . fp)

instance MonadBase base m => MonadBase base (Pipe i o m) where
    liftBase = lift . liftBase

instance MonadTrans (Pipe i o) where
    lift mr = PipeM (Done Nothing `liftM` mr) (FinalizeM mr)

instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (Pipe i o m) where
    liftIO = lift . liftIO

instance Monad m => Monoid (Pipe i o m ()) where
    mempty = return ()
    mappend = (>>)

-- | Compose a left and right pipe together into a complete pipe. The left pipe
-- will be automatically closed when the right pipe finishes, and any leftovers
-- from the right pipe will be discarded.
-- This is in fact a wrapper around 'pipeResume'. This function closes the left
-- @Pipe@ returns by @pipeResume@ and returns only the result.
-- Since 0.4.0
pipe :: Monad m => Pipe a b m () -> Pipe b c m r -> Pipe a c m r
pipe l r = pipeResume l r >>= \(l', res) -> lift (runFinalize $ pipeClose l') >> return res

-- | Same as 'pipe', but retain both the new left pipe and the leftovers from
-- the right pipe. The two components are combined together into a single pipe
-- and returned, together with the result of the right pipe.
-- Note: we're biased towards checking the right side first to avoid pulling
-- extra data which is not needed. Doing so could cause data loss.
-- Since 0.4.0
pipeResume :: Monad m => Pipe a b m () -> Pipe b c m r -> Pipe a c m (Pipe a b m (), r)
pipeResume left right =
    -- We're using a case statement instead of pattern matching in the function
    -- itself to make the logic explicit. We first check the right pipe, and
    -- only if the right pipe is asking for more input do we process the left
    -- pipe.
    case right of
        -- Right pipe is done, grab leftovers and the left pipe
        Done leftoverr r ->
            -- Get any leftovers from the left pipe, the current state of the
            -- left pipe (sans leftovers), and a close action for the left
            -- pipe.
            let (leftover, left', leftClose) =
                    case left of
                        Done leftoverl () -> (leftoverl, Done Nothing (), FinalizePure ())
                        _ -> (Nothing, left, pipeClose left)
            -- Combine the current state of the left pipe with any leftovers
            -- from the right pipe.
                left'' =
                    case leftoverr of
                        Just a -> HaveOutput left' leftClose a
                        Nothing -> left'
            -- Return the leftovers, the final left pipe state, and the result.
             in Done leftover (left'', r)

        -- Right pipe needs to run a monadic action.
        PipeM mp c -> PipeM
            (pipeResume left `liftM` mp)
            (((,) left) `fmap` c)

        -- Right pipe has some output, provide it downstream and continue.
        HaveOutput p c o -> HaveOutput
            (pipeResume left p)
            (((,) left) `fmap` c)

        -- Right pipe needs input, so let's get it
        NeedInput rp rc ->
            case left of
                -- Left pipe has output, right pipe wants it.
                HaveOutput lp _ a -> pipeResume lp $ rp a

                -- Left pipe needs more input, ask for it.
                NeedInput p c -> NeedInput
                    (\a -> pipeResume (p a) right)
                        -- There is no more input available, so connect the
                        -- no-more-input record with the right.
                        (left', res) <- pipeResume c right

                        -- Theoretically, we could return the left' value as
                        -- the first element in the tuple. However, it is not
                        -- recommended to give input to a pipe after it has
                        -- been told there is no more input. Instead, we close
                        -- the pipe and return mempty in its place.
                        lift $ runFinalize $ pipeClose left'
                        return (mempty, res)

                -- Left pipe is done, right pipe needs input. In such a case,
                -- tell the right pipe there is no more input, and eventually
                -- replace its leftovers with the left pipe's leftover.
                Done l () -> ((,) mempty) `liftM` replaceLeftover l rc

                -- Left pipe needs to run a monadic action.
                PipeM mp c -> PipeM
                    ((`pipeResume` right) `liftM` mp)
                    (fmap ((,) mempty) $ combineFinalize c $ pipeClose right)

-- | A minor optimization on @>>@ which does not cause any allocations for the
-- common case of missing left actions.
-- Since 0.4.1
combineFinalize :: Monad m => Finalize m () -> Finalize m r -> Finalize m r
combineFinalize (FinalizePure ()) f = f
combineFinalize (FinalizeM x) (FinalizeM y) = FinalizeM $ x >> y
combineFinalize (FinalizeM x) (FinalizePure y) = FinalizeM $ x >> return y

replaceLeftover :: Monad m => Maybe i -> Pipe i' o m r -> Pipe i o m r
replaceLeftover l (Done _ r) = Done l r
replaceLeftover l (HaveOutput p c o) = HaveOutput (replaceLeftover l p) c o

-- This function is only called on pipes when there is no more input available.
-- Therefore, we can ignore the push record.
replaceLeftover l (NeedInput _ c) = replaceLeftover l c

replaceLeftover l (PipeM mp c) = PipeM (replaceLeftover l `liftM` mp) c

-- | Run a complete pipeline until processing completes.
-- Since 0.4.0
runPipe :: Monad m => Pipe Void Void m r -> m r
runPipe (HaveOutput _ c _) = runFinalize c
runPipe (NeedInput _ c) = runPipe c
runPipe (Done _ r) = return r
runPipe (PipeM mp _) = mp >>= runPipe

-- | Perform any necessary finalization actions.
-- Since 0.4.1
runFinalize :: Monad m => Finalize m r -> m r
runFinalize (FinalizePure r) = return r
runFinalize (FinalizeM mr) = mr

-- | Send a single output value downstream.
-- Since 0.4.0
yield :: Monad m => o -> Pipe i o m ()
yield = HaveOutput (Done Nothing ()) (FinalizePure ())

-- | Wait for a single input value from upstream, and remove it from the
-- stream. Returns @Nothing@ if no more data is available.
-- Since 0.4.0
await :: Pipe i o m (Maybe i)
await = NeedInput (Done Nothing . Just) (Done Nothing Nothing)

-- | Check if input is available from upstream. Will not remove the data from
-- the stream.
-- Since 0.4.0
hasInput :: Pipe i o m Bool
hasInput = NeedInput (\i -> Done (Just i) True) (Done Nothing False)

-- | A @Sink@ has a @Void@ type parameter for the output, which makes it
-- difficult to compose with @Source@s and @Conduit@s. This function replaces
-- that parameter with a free variable. This function is essentially @id@; it
-- only modifies the types, not the actions performed.
-- Since 0.4.0
sinkToPipe :: Monad m => Sink i m r -> Pipe i o m r
sinkToPipe (HaveOutput _ _ o) = absurd o
sinkToPipe (NeedInput p c) = NeedInput (sinkToPipe . p) (sinkToPipe c)
sinkToPipe (Done i r) = Done i r
sinkToPipe (PipeM mp c) = PipeM (liftM sinkToPipe mp) c

-- | Transform the monad that a @Pipe@ lives in.
-- Since 0.4.0
transPipe :: Monad m => (forall a. m a -> n a) -> Pipe i o m r -> Pipe i o n r
transPipe f (HaveOutput p c o) = HaveOutput (transPipe f p) (transFinalize f c) o
transPipe f (NeedInput p c) = NeedInput (transPipe f . p) (transPipe f c)
transPipe _ (Done i r) = Done i r
transPipe f (PipeM mp c) = PipeM (f $ liftM (transPipe f) mp) (transFinalize f c)

transFinalize :: (forall a. m a -> n a) -> Finalize m r -> Finalize n r
transFinalize _ (FinalizePure r) = FinalizePure r
transFinalize f (FinalizeM mr) = FinalizeM $ f mr

-- | Apply a function to all the output values of a `Pipe`.
-- This mimics the behavior of `fmap` for a `Source` and `Conduit` in pre-0.4
-- days.
-- Since 0.4.1
mapOutput :: Monad m => (o1 -> o2) -> Pipe i o1 m r -> Pipe i o2 m r
mapOutput f (HaveOutput p c o) = HaveOutput (mapOutput f p) c (f o)
mapOutput f (NeedInput p c) = NeedInput (mapOutput f . p) (mapOutput f c)
mapOutput _ (Done i r) = Done i r
mapOutput f (PipeM mp c) = PipeM (liftM (mapOutput f) mp) c

-- | Add some code to be run when the given @Pipe@ cleans up.
-- Since 0.4.1
addCleanup :: Monad m
           => (Bool -> m ()) -- ^ @True@ if @Pipe@ ran to completion, @False@ for early termination.
           -> Pipe i o m r
           -> Pipe i o m r
addCleanup cleanup (Done leftover r) = PipeM
    (cleanup True >> return (Done leftover r))
    (lift (cleanup True) >> return r)
addCleanup cleanup (HaveOutput src close x) = HaveOutput
    (addCleanup cleanup src)
    (lift (cleanup False) >> close)
addCleanup cleanup (PipeM msrc close) = PipeM
    (liftM (addCleanup cleanup) msrc)
    (lift (cleanup False) >> close)
addCleanup cleanup (NeedInput p c) = NeedInput
    (addCleanup cleanup . p)
    (addCleanup cleanup c)