#! /usr/bin/env runhaskell {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude, UnicodeSyntax #-} module Main (main) where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Imports ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- from base import Control.Monad ( (>>), return ) import Data.Bool ( Bool ) import System.Cmd ( system ) import System.FilePath ( () ) import System.IO ( IO ) -- from cabal import Distribution.Simple ( defaultMainWithHooks , simpleUserHooks , UserHooks(runTests, haddockHook) , Args ) import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo ( LocalBuildInfo(..) ) import Distribution.Simple.Program ( userSpecifyArgs ) import Distribution.Simple.Setup ( HaddockFlags ) import Distribution.PackageDescription ( PackageDescription(..) ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- main ∷ IO () main = defaultMainWithHooks hooks where hooks = simpleUserHooks { runTests = runTests' , haddockHook = haddockHook' } -- Run a 'test' binary that gets built when configured with '-ftest'. runTests' ∷ Args → Bool → PackageDescription → LocalBuildInfo → IO () runTests' _ _ _ _ = system testcmd >> return () where testcmd = "." "dist" "build" "test-concurrent-extra" "test-concurrent-extra" -- Define __HADDOCK__ for CPP when running haddock. haddockHook' ∷ PackageDescription → LocalBuildInfo → UserHooks → HaddockFlags → IO () haddockHook' pkg lbi = haddockHook simpleUserHooks pkg (lbi { withPrograms = p }) where p = userSpecifyArgs "haddock" ["--optghc=-D__HADDOCK__"] (withPrograms lbi)