{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, DataKinds, FlexibleContexts, GADTs            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, NoImplicitPrelude, OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp, PatternSynonyms, PolyKinds                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, TupleSections                          #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-}
module Algebra.Ring.Polynomial.Factorise
       ( -- * Factorisation
         factorise, factorQBigPrime, factorHensel,
         -- * Internal helper functions
         equalDegreeSplitM, equalDegreeFactorM,
         henselStep, clearDenom,
         squareFreePart, squareFreeDecomp
       ) where
import Algebra.Algorithms.PrimeTest       hiding (modPow)
import Algebra.Field.Finite
import Algebra.Prelude.Core
import Algebra.Ring.Polynomial.Quotient
import Algebra.Ring.Polynomial.Univariate

import           Control.Applicative              ((<|>))
import           Control.Arrow                    ((***), (<<<))
import           Control.Lens                     (both, ifoldl, (%~), (&))
import           Control.Monad                    (guard, replicateM)
import           Control.Monad                    (when)
import           Control.Monad.Loops              (iterateUntil, untilJust)
import           Control.Monad.Random             (MonadRandom, uniform)
import           Control.Monad.ST.Strict          (ST, runST)
import           Control.Monad.Trans              (lift)
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Loop         (continue, foreach, while)
import qualified Data.DList                       as DL
import           Data.IntMap                      (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict               as IM
import qualified Data.List                        as L
import           Data.Maybe                       (fromJust)
import           Data.Monoid                      (Sum (..))
import           Data.Monoid                      ((<>))
import           Data.Numbers.Primes              (primes)
import           Data.Proxy                       (Proxy (..))
import qualified Data.Set                         as S
import qualified Data.Sized.Builtin               as SV
import           Data.STRef.Strict                (STRef, modifySTRef, newSTRef)
import           Data.STRef.Strict                (readSTRef, writeSTRef)
import qualified Data.Traversable                 as F
import           Data.Type.Ordinal                (pattern OZ)
import qualified Data.Vector                      as V
import           Math.NumberTheory.Logarithms     (intLog2', integerLogBase')
import           Math.NumberTheory.Powers.Squares (integerSquareRoot)
import           Numeric.Decidable.Zero           (isZero)
import           Numeric.Domain.GCD               (gcd, lcm)
import qualified Numeric.Field.Fraction           as F
import qualified Prelude                          as P

-- | @distinctDegFactor f@ computes the distinct-degree decomposition of the given
--   square-free polynomial over finite field @f@.
distinctDegFactor :: forall k. (Eq k, FiniteField k)
                  => Unipol k     -- ^ Square-free polynomial over finite field.
                  -> [(Natural, Unipol k)]   -- ^ Distinct-degree decomposition.
distinctDegFactor f0 = zip [1..] $ go id (var OZ :: Unipol k) f0 []
    go gs h f =
      let h' = modPow h (order (Proxy :: Proxy k)) f
          g' = gcd (h' - var 0) f
          f' = f `quot` g'
          gs' = gs . (g' :)
      in if f' == one
         then gs'
         else go gs' h' f'

modPow :: (Field (Coefficient poly), IsOrderedPolynomial poly)
       => poly -> Natural -> poly -> poly
modPow a p f = withQuotient (principalIdeal f) $
               repeatedSquare (modIdeal a) p

traceCharTwo :: (Unital m, Monoidal m) => Natural -> m -> m
traceCharTwo m a = sum [ a ^ (2 ^ i) | i <- [0..pred m]]

equalDegreeSplitM :: forall k m. (MonadRandom m, CoeffRing k,  FiniteField k)
                 => Unipol k
                 -> Natural
                 -> m (Maybe (Unipol k))
equalDegreeSplitM f d
  | fromIntegral (totalDegree' f) `mod` d /= 0 = return Nothing
  | otherwise = do
    let q = fromIntegral $ order (Proxy :: Proxy k)
        n = totalDegree' f
        els = elements (Proxy :: Proxy k)
    e <- uniform [1..n P.- 1]
    cs <- replicateM (fromIntegral e) $ uniform els
    let a = var 0 ^ fromIntegral e +
            sum (zipWith (*) (map injectCoeff cs) [var 0 ^ l | l <-[0..]])
        g1 = gcd a f
    return $ (guard (g1 /= one) >> return g1)
         <|> do let b | charUnipol f == 2  = traceCharTwo (powerUnipol f*d) a
                      | otherwise = modPow a ((pred $ q^d)`div`2) f
                    g2 = gcd (b - one) f
                guard (g2 /= one && g2 /= f)
                return g2

equalDegreeFactorM :: (Eq k, FiniteField k, MonadRandom m)
                   => Unipol k -> Natural -> m [Unipol k]
equalDegreeFactorM f d = go f >>= \a -> return (a [])
    go h | totalDegree' h == 0 = return id
         | otherwise =
           if fromIntegral (totalDegree' h) == d
           then return (h:)
           else do
             g <- untilJust (equalDegreeSplitM h d)
             l <- go g
             r <- go (h `quot` g)
             return $ l . r

factorSquareFree :: (Eq k, FiniteField k, MonadRandom m)
                 => Unipol k -> m [Unipol k]
factorSquareFree f =
   concat <$> mapM (uncurry $ flip equalDegreeFactorM) (filter ((/= one) . snd) $ distinctDegFactor f)

squareFreePart :: (Eq k, FiniteField k)
               => Unipol k -> Unipol k
squareFreePart f =
  let !n = fromIntegral $ totalDegree' f
      u  = gcd f (diff 0 f)
      v  = f `quot` u
      f' = u `quot` gcd u (v ^ n)
  in if f' == one
     then v
     else v * squareFreePart (pthRoot f')

yun :: (CoeffRing r, Field r)
    => Unipol r -> IntMap (Unipol r)
yun f = let f' = diff OZ f
            u  = gcd f f'
        in go 1 IM.empty (f `quot` u) (f' `quot` u)
    go !i dic v w =
      let t  = w - diff OZ v
          h  = gcd v t
          v' = v `quot` h
          w' = t `quot` h
          dic' = IM.insert i h dic
      in if v' == one
         then dic'
         else go (i+1) dic' v' w'

charUnipol :: forall r. Characteristic r => Unipol r -> Natural
charUnipol _ = char (Proxy :: Proxy r)

powerUnipol :: forall r. FiniteField r => Unipol r -> Natural
powerUnipol _ = power (Proxy :: Proxy r)

pthRoot :: (CoeffRing r, Characteristic r) => Unipol r -> Unipol r
pthRoot f =
  let !p = charUnipol f
  in if p == 0
     then error "char R should be positive prime"
     else mapMonomial (SV.map (`P.div` fromIntegral p)) f

squareFreeDecomp :: (Eq k, Characteristic k, Field k)
                 => Unipol k -> IntMap (Unipol k)
squareFreeDecomp f =
  let dcmp = yun f
      f'   = ifoldl (\i u g -> u `quot` (g ^ fromIntegral i)) f dcmp
      p    = fromIntegral $ charUnipol f
  in if charUnipol f == 0
     then dcmp
     else if isZero (f' - one)
     then dcmp
     else IM.filter (not . isZero . subtract one) $
          IM.unionWith (*) dcmp $ IM.mapKeys (p*) $ squareFreeDecomp $ pthRoot f'

-- | Factorise a polynomial over finite field using Cantor-Zassenhaus algorithm
factorise :: (MonadRandom m, CoeffRing k, FiniteField k)
          => Unipol k -> m [(Unipol k, Natural)]
factorise f = do
  concat <$> mapM (\(r, h) -> map (,fromIntegral r) <$> factorSquareFree h) (IM.toList $  squareFreeDecomp f)

clearDenom :: (CoeffRing a, Euclidean a)
           => Unipol (Fraction a) -> (a, Unipol a)
clearDenom f =
  let g = foldr (lcm . denominator) one $ terms' f
  in (g, mapCoeffUnipol (numerator . ((g F.% one)*)) f)

-- | Factorise the given integer-coefficient polynomial,
--   choosing a large enough prime.
factorQBigPrime :: (MonadRandom m)
               => Unipol Integer -> m (Integer, IntMap (Set (Unipol Integer)))
factorQBigPrime = wrapSQFFactor factorSqFreeQBP

-- | Factorise the given interger-coefficient polynomial by Hensel lifting.
factorHensel :: (MonadRandom m)
             => Unipol Integer -> m (Integer, IntMap (Set (Unipol Integer)))
factorHensel = wrapSQFFactor factorHenselSqFree

wrapSQFFactor :: (MonadRandom m)
              => (Unipol Integer -> m [Unipol Integer])
              -> Unipol Integer -> m (Integer, IntMap (Set (Unipol Integer)))
wrapSQFFactor fac f0 = do
  let (g, c) | leadingCoeff f0 < 0 = (- pp f0, - content f0)
             | otherwise = (pp f0, content f0)
  ts0 <- F.mapM (secondM fac . clearDenom) (squareFreeDecomp $ monoize $ mapCoeffUnipol (F.% 1) g)
  let anss = IM.toList ts0
      k = c * leadingCoeff g `div` product (map (fst.snd) anss)
  return $ (k, IM.fromList $ map (second $ S.fromList . snd) anss)

secondM :: Functor f => (t -> f a) -> (t1, t) -> f (t1, a)
secondM f (a, b)= (a,) <$> f b

(<@>) :: (a -> b) -> STRef s a -> ST s b
(<@>) f r = f <$> readSTRef r

infixl 5 <@>

factorSqFreeQBP :: (MonadRandom m)
                => Unipol Integer -> m [Unipol Integer]
factorSqFreeQBP f
  | n == 1 = return [f]
  | otherwise = do
    p <- iterateUntil isSqFreeMod (uniform ps)
    reifyPrimeField p $ \fp -> do
      let fbar = mapCoeffUnipol (modNat' fp) f
      gvec <- V.fromList . concatMap (uncurry (flip replicate) <<< (normalizeMod p . mapCoeffUnipol naturalRepr) *** fromEnum)
              <$> factorise (monoize fbar)
      return $ runST $ do
        bb <- newSTRef b
        s  <- newSTRef 1
        ts <- newSTRef [0..V.length gvec - 1]
        gs <- newSTRef []
        f' <- newSTRef f
        while ((<=) <$> (2*) <@> s <*> length <@> ts) $ do
          ts0 <- lift $ readSTRef ts
          s0  <- lift $ readSTRef s
          b0  <- lift $ readSTRef bb
          foreach (comb s0 ts0) $ \ss -> do
            let delta = ts0 L.\\ ss
                g' = normalizeMod p $ b0 .*. product [ gvec V.! i | i <- ss]
                h' = normalizeMod p $ b0 .*. product [ gvec V.! i | i <- delta]
            when (oneNorm g' * oneNorm h' <= floor b') $ do
              lift $ lift $ do
                writeSTRef ts   delta
                modifySTRef gs (pp g' :)
                writeSTRef f' $ pp h'
                writeSTRef bb $ leadingCoeff $ pp h'
              lift continue
          lift $ modifySTRef s (+1)
        (:) <$> readSTRef f' <*> readSTRef gs
    ps = takeWhile (< floor (4*b')) $ dropWhile (<= ceiling (2*b')) $ tail primes
    b = leadingCoeff f
    a = maxNorm f
    b' = P.product [ P.sqrt (fromIntegral n P.+ 1), 2 P.^^ n, fromIntegral a,  fromIntegral b]
         :: Double
    n = totalDegree' f
    isSqFreeMod :: Integer -> Bool
    isSqFreeMod p = reifyPrimeField p $ \fp ->
      let fbar = mapCoeffUnipol (modNat' fp) f
      in gcd fbar (diff OZ fbar) == one

factorHenselSqFree :: MonadRandom m
                   => Unipol Integer -> m [Unipol Integer]
factorHenselSqFree f =
  let lc = leadingCoeff f
      Just p = find isGoodPrime primes
      normF  = integerSquareRoot (getSum $ foldMap (Sum . (^2)) $ terms f) + 1
      power  = succ $ intLog2' $ integerLogBase' p $ normF * 2 ^ (totalDegree' f + 1)
  in reifyPrimeField p $ \fp -> do
  let lc' = modNat' fp lc
      f0 = mapCoeffUnipol ((/lc') . modNat' fp) f
  fps <- factorise f0
  let gs = multiHensel (fromIntegral p) power f $
           map (mapCoeffUnipol naturalRepr . fst) fps
  return $ loop (p^2^fromIntegral power) 1 (length gs) f gs []
    lc = leadingCoeff f
    isGoodPrime p = reifyPrimeField p $ \fp ->
      lc `mod` p /= 0 && isSquareFree (mapCoeffUnipol (modNat' fp) f)
    loop pk !l m !h gs acc
      | fromIntegral (2 * l) > m =  if h == one then acc else h : acc
      | otherwise =
        let cands = [ (ss, g, q)
                    | ss <- comb l gs
                    , let g = normalizeMod pk $ lc .* product ss
                    , let (q, r) = pDivModPoly (lc .* h) g
                    , isZero r
                    , leadingCoeff q * leadingCoeff g == lc * leadingCoeff h
        in case cands of
            [] -> loop pk (l + 1) m h gs acc
            ((ss, g, q) : _) ->
             let u = leadingCoeff g `div` content g
             in loop pk l m (mapCoeff' (`div` u) q) (gs L.\\ ss) (pp g : acc)

-- | Given that @f = gh (mod m)@ with @sg + th = 1 (mod m)@ and @leadingCoeff f@ isn't zero divisor mod m,
--   @henselStep m f g h s t@ calculates the unique (g', h', s', t') s.t.
--   @f = g' h' (mod m^2), g' = g (mod m), h' = h (mod m), s' = s (mod m), t' = t (mod m)@, @h'@ monic.
henselStep :: (Eq r, Euclidean r)
           => r        -- ^ modulus
           -> Unipol r
           -> Unipol r
           -> Unipol r
           -> Unipol r
           -> Unipol r
           -> (Unipol r, Unipol r, Unipol r, Unipol r)
henselStep m f g h s t =
  let modCoeff = mapCoeffUnipol (`rem` m^2)
      divModSq u v = mapCoeffUnipol (F.% one) u `divide` mapCoeffUnipol (F.% one) v
                     & both %~ mapCoeffUnipol (fromJust . modFraction (m^2))
      e = modCoeff $ f - g * h
      (q, r) = divModSq (s*e) h
      g' = modCoeff $ g + t * e + q * g
      h' = modCoeff $ h + r
      b  = modCoeff $ s*g' + t*h' - one
      (c, d) = divModSq (s*b) h'
      s' = modCoeff $ s - d
      t' = modCoeff $ t - t*b - c*g'
  in (g', h', s', t')

-- | Repeatedly applies hensel lifting for monics.
repeatHensel :: Integer -> Int
             -> Unipol Integer
             -> Unipol Integer -> Unipol Integer
             -> Unipol Integer -> Unipol Integer
             -> (Unipol Integer, Unipol Integer, Unipol Integer, Unipol Integer)
repeatHensel !m 0 _ g h s t = (normalizeMod m g, normalizeMod m h, s, t)
repeatHensel !m n f g h s t =
  let (g', h', s', t') = henselStep m f g h s t
  in repeatHensel (m ^ 2) (n - 1) f g' h' s' t'

-- | Monic hensel lifting for many factors.
multiHensel :: Natural          -- ^ prime @p@
            -> Int              -- ^ iteration count @k@.
            -> Unipol Integer   -- ^ original polynomial
            -> [Unipol Integer] -- ^ coprime factorisation mod @p@
            -> [Unipol Integer] -- ^ coprime factorisation mod @p^(2^k)@.
multiHensel p n f [_]    = [normalizeMod (fromNatural p^fromIntegral n) f]
multiHensel p n f [g, h] = reifyPrimeField (fromNatural p) $ \fp ->
  let (_, s0, t0) = head $
                      (mapCoeffUnipol (modNat' fp) g)
                      (mapCoeffUnipol (modNat' fp) h)
      (s, t) = (s0, t0) & both %~ mapCoeffUnipol naturalRepr
      (g', h', _, _) = repeatHensel (fromNatural p) n f g h s t
  in [g', h']
multiHensel p n f gs = reifyPrimeField (fromNatural p) $ \fp ->
  let (ls, rs) = splitAt (length gs `div` 2) gs
      (l, r) = (product ls, product rs)
      (_, s0, t0) = head $
                      (mapCoeffUnipol (modNat' fp) l)
                      (mapCoeffUnipol (modNat' fp) r)
      (s, t) = (s0, t0) & both %~ mapCoeffUnipol naturalRepr
      (fl, fr, _, _) = repeatHensel (fromNatural p) n f l r s t
  in multiHensel p n fl ls ++ multiHensel p n fr rs

recipMod :: (Euclidean a, Eq a) => a -> a -> Maybe a
recipMod m u =
  let (a, r, _) : _ = euclid u m
  in if a == one
     then Just r else Nothing

modFraction :: (Euclidean s, Eq s) => s -> Fraction s -> Maybe s
modFraction m d = ((numerator d `rem` m) *) <$> recipMod m (denominator d)

comb :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
comb = (DL.toList .) . go
    go 0 [] = DL.singleton []
    go _ [] = DL.empty
    go k (x:xs) = DL.map (x :) (go (k - 1) xs) <> go k xs

normalizeMod :: Integer -> Unipol Integer -> Unipol Integer
normalizeMod p = mapCoeffUnipol (subtract half . (`mod` p) . (+ half))
  where half = p `div` 2

isSquareFree :: forall poly. (IsOrderedPolynomial poly, GCDDomain poly) => poly -> Bool
isSquareFree f = (f `gcd` diff 0 f) == one