{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Composite.Aeson.Formats.Generic ( abeJsonFormat, aesonJsonFormat, jsonArrayFormat, jsonObjectFormat , SumStyle(..), sumFromJson, sumToJson, jsonSumFormat ) where import Composite.Aeson.Base (JsonFormat(JsonFormat), JsonProfunctor(JsonProfunctor), FromJson(FromJson)) import Control.Arrow (first, second) import Control.Lens (_Wrapped, over, unsnoc) import Control.Monad.Error.Class (throwError) import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON, (.=), toJSON) import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import qualified Data.Aeson.BetterErrors as ABE import qualified Data.Aeson.Key as Aeson.Key import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap as Aeson.KeyMap import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|))) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NEL import Data.Text (Text, intercalate, unpack) import qualified Data.Vector as Vector import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax ( Lift, lift, liftString #if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,16,0) , liftTyped, TExp(TExp) #endif #if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,17,0) , liftCode #endif ) -- |Produce an explicit 'JsonFormat' by using the implicit Aeson 'ToJSON' instance and an explicit @aeson-better-errors@ 'ABE.Parse'. abeJsonFormat :: ToJSON a => ABE.Parse e a -> JsonFormat e a abeJsonFormat p = JsonFormat $ JsonProfunctor toJSON p -- |Produce an explicit 'JsonFormat' by using the implicit Aeson 'FromJSON' and 'ToJSON' instances. -- -- If an @aeson-better-errors@ parser is available for @a@, it's probably better to use 'abeJsonFormat' to get the enhanced error reporting. aesonJsonFormat :: (ToJSON a, FromJSON a) => JsonFormat e a aesonJsonFormat = JsonFormat $ JsonProfunctor toJSON ABE.fromAesonParser -- |'JsonFormat' for any type which can be converted to/from a list which maps to a JSON array. jsonArrayFormat :: (t -> [a]) -> ([a] -> ABE.Parse e t) -> JsonFormat e a -> JsonFormat e t jsonArrayFormat oToList iFromList = over _Wrapped $ \ (JsonProfunctor o i) -> JsonProfunctor (Aeson.Array . Vector.fromList . map o . oToList) (ABE.eachInArray i >>= iFromList) -- |'JsonFormat' for any type which can be converted to/from a list of pairs which maps to a JSON object. jsonObjectFormat :: (t -> [(Text, a)]) -> ([(Text, a)] -> ABE.Parse e t) -> JsonFormat e a -> JsonFormat e t jsonObjectFormat oToList iFromList = over _Wrapped $ \ (JsonProfunctor o i) -> JsonProfunctor (Aeson.Object . Aeson.KeyMap.fromList . map (first Aeson.Key.fromText . second o) . oToList) (ABE.eachInObject i >>= iFromList) -- Describes how a sum format should map to JSON. -- -- Summary of the styles: -- -- * 'SumStyleFieldName' represents alternate sum branches as different mutually exclusive fields in an object, e.g. @{ "first": 123 }@. -- * 'SumStyleTypeValue' represents alternate sum branches as different two-field objects, e.g. @{ "type": "first", "value": 123 }@. -- * 'SumStyleMergeType' represents alternate sum branches by an intrinsic type field and only works with objects, e.g. @{ "type": "first", "a": 123 }@ -- -- Given: -- -- @ -- data MySum -- = SumFirst Int -- | SumSecond String -- -- mySumFormat :: 'SumStyle' -> 'JsonFormat' e MySum -- mySumFormat style = jsonSumFormat style o i -- where -- o = \ case -- SumFirst i -> ("first", 'toJsonWithFormat' 'intJsonFormat' i) -- SumSecond s -> ("second", 'toJsonWithFormat' 'stringJsonFormat' s) -- i = \ case -- "first" -> SumFirst <$> 'parseJsonWithFormat' 'intJsonFormat' -- "second" -> SumSecond <$> 'parseJsonWithFormat' 'stringJsonFormat' -- @ -- -- For 'SumStyleFieldName', the object will always have a single field whose name is determined by which element of the sum it represents. For example: -- -- @ -- toJsonWithFormat (mySumFormat SumStyleFieldName) (SumFirst 123) -- @ -- -- will yield -- -- @ -- { "first": 123 } -- @ -- -- For @'SumStyleTypeValue' typeField valueField@, the object will have two fields @typeField@ and @valueField@, the former determining the format of the -- latter. For example: -- -- @ -- toJsonWithFormat (mySumFormat (SumStyleTypeValue "typ" "val")) (SumFirst 123) -- @ -- -- will yield -- -- @ -- { "typ": "first", "val": 123 } -- @ -- -- For @'SumStyleMergeType' typeField@, its expected that every branch of the sum maps to an object in JSON, and the sum will add a new field @typeField@ -- to the object. It's fundamentally a bit dangerous as the assertion that each branch maps as an object is not enforced in the type system, so errors will -- be produced at runtime. The previously given example can't be used as both branches (@Int@ and @String@) map to JSON values other than objects. -- -- Given: -- -- @ -- data FirstThing = FirstThing { a :: Int, b :: String } -- firstThingJsonFormat = ... -- maps as { a: 123, b: "foo" } -- -- data MySum -- = SumFirst FirstThing -- | ... -- -- mySumFormat :: 'SumStyle' -> 'JsonFormat' e MySum -- mySumFormat style = jsonSumFormat style o i -- where -- o = \ case -- SumFirst ft -> ("first", 'toJsonWithFormat' 'firstThingJsonFormat' ft) -- ... -- i = \ case -- "first" -> SumFirst <$> 'parseJsonWithFormat' 'firstThingJsonFormat' -- ... -- @ -- -- Then -- -- @ -- toJsonWithFormat (SumStyleMergeType "typ") (SumFirst (FirstThing 123 "abc")) -- @ -- -- will yield -- -- @ -- { "typ": "first", "a": 123, "b": "abc" } -- @ -- -- __Warning:__ (again) that 'SumStyleMergeType' will trigger __run time errors__ (ala @error@) when converting to JSON if any of the sum branches yields -- something that isn't an object. It will also yield a run time error if that object already contains a conflicting field. data SumStyle = SumStyleFieldName -- ^Map to a single-field object with the field name determined by the sum branch and the field value being the encoded value for that branch. | SumStyleTypeValue Text Text -- ^Map to a two-field object with fixed field names, the first being the type field and the second beind the value field. | SumStyleMergeType Text -- ^Given that each sum branch maps to a JSON object, add/parse an additional field to that object with the given name. deriving (Eq, Show) instance Lift SumStyle where lift = \ case SumStyleFieldName -> [| SumStyleFieldName |] SumStyleTypeValue a b -> [| SumStyleTypeValue $(liftString $ unpack a) $(liftString $ unpack b) |] SumStyleMergeType a -> [| SumStyleMergeType $(liftString $ unpack a) |] #if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,17,0) liftTyped = liftCode . fmap TExp . lift #elif MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,16,0) liftTyped = fmap TExp . lift #endif -- |Helper used by the various sum format functions which takes a list of input format pairs and makes an oxford comma list of them. expectedFieldsForInputs :: NonEmpty (Text, x) -> String expectedFieldsForInputs ((f, _) :| rest) = case unsnoc rest of Just (prefix, (fLast, _)) -> unpack $ f <> ", " <> intercalate ", " (map fst prefix) <> ", or " <> fLast Nothing -> unpack f -- |'JsonFormat' which maps sum types to JSON according to 'SumStyle', given a pair of functions to decompose and recompose the sum type. sumFromJson :: SumStyle -> NonEmpty (Text, FromJson e a) -> ABE.Parse e a sumFromJson = \ case SumStyleFieldName -> fieldNameSumFromJson SumStyleTypeValue t v -> typeValueSumFromJson t v SumStyleMergeType t -> mergeTypeSumFromJson t -- |'JsonFormat' which maps sum types to JSON according to 'SumStyle', given a pair of functions to decompose and recompose the sum type. sumToJson :: SumStyle -> (a -> (Text, Aeson.Value)) -> a -> Aeson.Value sumToJson = \ case SumStyleFieldName -> fieldNameSumToJson SumStyleTypeValue t v -> typeValueSumToJson t v SumStyleMergeType t -> mergeTypeSumToJson t -- |'JsonFormat' which maps sum types to JSON according to 'SumStyle', given a pair of functions to decompose and recompose the sum type. jsonSumFormat :: SumStyle -> (a -> (Text, Aeson.Value)) -> NonEmpty (Text, FromJson e a) -> JsonFormat e a jsonSumFormat style oA iAs = JsonFormat (JsonProfunctor (sumToJson style oA) (sumFromJson style iAs)) -- |Map a sum type from JSON in the 'SumStyleFieldName' style. fieldNameSumFromJson :: NonEmpty (Text, FromJson e a) -> ABE.Parse e a fieldNameSumFromJson iAs = do fields <- ABE.withObject $ pure . Aeson.KeyMap.keys case fields of [f] -> let ft = Aeson.Key.toText f in case lookup ft (NEL.toList iAs) of Just (FromJson iA) -> ABE.key ft iA Nothing -> throwError $ ABE.InvalidJSON $ "unknown field " <> unpack ft <> ", expected one of " <> expected [] -> throwError $ ABE.InvalidJSON $ "expected an object with one field (" <> expected <> ") not an empty object" _ -> throwError $ ABE.InvalidJSON $ "expected an object with one field (" <> expected <> ") not many fields" where expected = expectedFieldsForInputs iAs -- |Map a sum type to JSON in the 'SumStyleFieldName' style. fieldNameSumToJson :: (a -> (Text, Aeson.Value)) -> a -> Aeson.Value fieldNameSumToJson oA = \ (oA -> (t, v)) -> Aeson.object [Aeson.Key.fromText t .= v] -- |Map a sum type from JSON in the 'SumStyleTypeValue' style. typeValueSumFromJson :: Text -> Text -> NonEmpty (Text, FromJson e a) -> ABE.Parse e a typeValueSumFromJson typeField valueField iAs = do t <- ABE.key typeField ABE.asText case lookup t (NEL.toList iAs) of Just (FromJson iA) -> ABE.key valueField iA Nothing -> toss $ "expected " <> unpack typeField <> " to be one of " <> expected where expected = expectedFieldsForInputs iAs toss = throwError . ABE.BadSchema [] . ABE.FromAeson -- |Map a sum type to JSON in the 'SumStyleTypeValue' style. typeValueSumToJson :: Text -> Text -> (a -> (Text, Aeson.Value)) -> a -> Aeson.Value typeValueSumToJson typeField valueField oA = \ (oA -> (t, v)) -> Aeson.object [Aeson.Key.fromText typeField .= t, Aeson.Key.fromText valueField .= v] -- |Map a sum type from JSON in the 'SumStyleMergeType' style. mergeTypeSumFromJson :: Text -> NonEmpty (Text, FromJson e a) -> ABE.Parse e a mergeTypeSumFromJson typeField iAs = do t <- ABE.key typeField ABE.asText case lookup t (NEL.toList iAs) of Just (FromJson iA) -> iA Nothing -> toss $ "expected " <> unpack typeField <> " to be one of " <> expected where expected = expectedFieldsForInputs iAs toss = throwError . ABE.BadSchema [] . ABE.FromAeson -- |Map a sum type to JSON in the 'SumStyleMergeType' style. mergeTypeSumToJson :: Text -> (a -> (Text, Aeson.Value)) -> a -> Aeson.Value mergeTypeSumToJson typeField oA = \ a -> case oA a of (t, Aeson.Object fields) | Aeson.KeyMap.member (Aeson.Key.fromText typeField) fields -> error $ "PRECONDITION VIOLATED: encoding a value with merge type sum style yielded " <> "(" <> unpack t <> ", " <> show (Aeson.Object fields) <> ") which already contains the field " <> unpack typeField (t, Aeson.Object fields) -> Aeson.Object (Aeson.KeyMap.insert (Aeson.Key.fromText typeField) (Aeson.String t) fields) (t, other) -> error $ "PRECONDITION VIOLATED: encoding a value with merge type sum style yielded " <> "(" <> unpack t <> ", " <> show other <> ") which isn't an object"