# Summary | [❌ Breaking changes](#breaking-changes) | [⚠️ Non-breaking changes](#non-breaking-changes) | |------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------| | 5 | 6 | # ❌ Breaking changes ## **GET** /pets ### ⬅️☁️ JSON Response – 200 #### `$[*].name(String)` 1. Maximum length of the string changed from 10 to 15. 2. Minimum length of the string changed from 3 to 1. ## **POST** /pets ### ➡️☁️ JSON Request #### `$.weight` 1. Values are now limited to the following types: - Number 2. The property was previously implicitly described by the catch-all "additional properties" case. It is now explicitly defined. #### `$.weight(Number)` Value is now a multiple of 1.0. # ⚠️ Non-breaking changes ## **GET** /pets ### Parameter limit #### JSON Schema ##### `$(Number)` Upper bound changed from 20.0 inclusive to 30.0 inclusive. ### ⬅️☁️ JSON Response – 200 #### `$[*].weight` 1. Values are now limited to the following types: - Number 2. The property was previously implicitly described by the catch-all "additional properties" case. It is now explicitly defined. #### `$[*].weight(Number)` Value is now a multiple of 1.0. ## **POST** /pets ### ➡️☁️ JSON Request #### `$.name(String)` 1. Maximum length of the string changed from 10 to 15. 2. Minimum length of the string changed from 3 to 1.