------- * Compiles warning-free on GHC 7.10 ------- * Use CPP 4.2.7 ----- * `Trustworthy` fixes for GHC 7.2 4.2.6 ----- * Re-export `(Data.Functor.$>)` rather than supply our own on GHC 7.8+ * Better SafeHaskell support. * `instance Monoid m => ComonadTraced m ((->) m)` 4.2.5 ------- * Added a `MINIMAL` pragma to `Comonad`. * Added `DefaultSignatures` support for `ComonadApply` on GHC 7.2+ 4.2.4 ----- * Added Kenneth Foner's fixed point as `kfix`. 4.2.3 ----- * Add `Comonad` and `ComonadEnv` instances for `Arg e` from `semigroups 0.16.3` which can be used to extract the argmin or argmax. 4.2.2 ----- * `contravariant` 1.0 support 4.2.1 ----- * Added flags that supply unsupported build modes that can be convenient for sandbox users. 4.2 --- * `transformers 0.4` compatibility 4.1 --- * Fixed the 'Typeable' instance for 'Cokleisli on GHC 7.8.1 4.0.1 ----- * Fixes to avoid warnings on GHC 7.8.1 4.0 --- * Merged the contents of `comonad-transformers` and `comonads-fd` into this package. 3.1 --- * Added `instance Comonad (Tagged s)`. 3.0.3 ----- * Trustworthy or Safe depending on GHC version 3.0.2 ------- * GHC 7.7 HEAD compatibility * Updated build system