{-# LANGUAGE CPP, BangPatterns, RecordWildCards, DeriveDataTypeable, TupleSections #-}
-- | CommSec is a package that provides communication security for
-- use with Haskell sockets.  Using an ephemeral shared
-- secret you can build contexts for sending or receiving data between one
-- or more peers.
-- Do not reuse the shared secret!  Key agreement mechanisms that leverage
-- PKI might be added later.
module Network.CommSec.Package
    ( -- * Types
    , InContext(..)
    , CommSecError(..)
    , SequenceMode(..)
    -- , Secret, Socket
      -- * Build contexts for use sending and receiving
    , newInContext, newOutContext -- , newSecret
      -- * Pure / ByteString based encryption and decryption routines
    , decode
    , encode
     -- * IO / Pointer based encryption and decryption routines
    , decodePtr
    , encodePtr
    -- * Utility functions
    , encBytes, decBytes
     -- * Wrappers for network sending and receiving
    -- , send, recv
    -- , sendPtr, recvPtr
    -- , connect, unsafeConnect
    -- , listen, unsafeListen
    -- * Utilities
    , peekBE32
    , pokeBE32
    , peekBE
    , pokeBE
    ) where

import Prelude hiding (seq)
import qualified Crypto.Cipher.AES128.Internal as AES
import Crypto.Cipher.AES128.Internal (GCM)
import Crypto.Cipher.AES128 ()
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as B
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as B
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Bits
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Word
import Data.List
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import Foreign.Storable
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (allocaBytes)
import Foreign.Marshal.Utils (copyBytes)
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Data.Data
import Data.Typeable
import Control.Exception

import Network.CommSec.Types
import Network.CommSec.BitWindow

gTagLen,gCtrSize :: Int
gTagLen   = 16
gCtrSize  = 8

-- IPSec inspired packet format:
--      [CNT (used for both the IV and seq) | CT of Payload | ICV]

-- | A context useful for sending data.
data OutContext =
    Out { aesCtr     :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
        , saltOut    :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word32
        , outKey     :: GCM

-- | A context useful for receiving data.
data InContext
    = In  { bitWindow :: {-# UNPACK #-} !BitWindow
          , saltIn      :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word32
          , inKey       :: GCM
    | InStrict
        { seqVal    :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
        , saltIn    :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word32
        , inKey     :: GCM
    | InSequential
        { seqVal    :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
        , saltIn    :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word32
        , inKey     :: GCM

-- | Given at least 24 bytes of entropy, produce an out context that can
-- communicate with an identically initialized in context.
newOutContext :: ByteString -> OutContext
newOutContext bs
    | B.length bs < 20 = error $ "Not enough entropy: " ++ show (B.length bs)
    | otherwise =
        let aesCtr  = 1
            saltOut = unsafePerformIO $ B.unsafeUseAsCString bs $ peekBE32 . castPtr
            outKey  = buildGCM $ B.drop (sizeOf saltOut) bs
        in Out {..}

-- | Given at least 20 bytes of entropy, produce an in context that can
-- communicate with an identically initialized out context.
newInContext  :: ByteString -> SequenceMode -> InContext
newInContext bs md
    | B.length bs < 20 = error $ "Not enough entropy: " ++ show (B.length bs)
    | otherwise =
        let bitWindow = zeroWindow
            seqVal = 0
            saltIn = unsafePerformIO $ B.unsafeUseAsCString bs $ peekBE32 . castPtr
            inKey  = buildGCM $ B.drop (sizeOf saltIn) bs
        in case md of
               AllowOutOfOrder -> In {..}
               StrictOrdering  -> InStrict {..}
               Sequential -> InSequential {..}

buildGCM :: B.ByteString -> GCM
buildGCM key = unsafePerformIO $ do
   B.unsafeUseAsCString key $ \bPtr -> AES.generateGCM (castPtr bPtr)

-- Encrypts multiple-of-block-sized input, returing a bytestring of the
-- [ctr, ct, tag].
encryptGCM :: GCM
           -> Word64     -- ^ AES GCM Counter (IV)
           -> Word32     -- ^ Salt
           -> ByteString -- ^ Plaintext
           -> ByteString
encryptGCM key ctr salt pt = unsafePerformIO $ do
    B.unsafeUseAsCString pt $ \ptPtr -> do
    B.create (encBytes (B.length pt)) $ \ctPtr -> do
    encryptGCMPtr key ctr salt (castPtr ptPtr) (B.length pt) (castPtr ctPtr)

-- Encrypts multiple-of-block-sized input, filling a pointer with the
-- result of [ctr, ct, tag].
encryptGCMPtr :: GCM
           -> Word64 -- ^ AES GCM Counter (IV)
           -> Word32 -- ^ Salt
           -> Ptr Word8 -- ^ Plaintext buffer
           -> Int       -- ^ Plaintext length
           -> Ptr Word8 -- ^ ciphertext buffer (at least encBytes large)
           -> IO ()
encryptGCMPtr key ctr salt ptPtr ptLen ctPtr = do
    let ivLen  = sizeOf ctr + sizeOf salt
        tagLen = gTagLen
    allocaBytes ivLen $ \ptrIV -> do
      -- Build the IV
      pokeBE32 ptrIV salt
      pokeBE (ptrIV `plusPtr` sizeOf salt) ctr
      pokeBE ctPtr ctr
      let tagPtr = ctPtr' `plusPtr` ptLen
          ctPtr' = ctPtr `plusPtr` sizeOf ctr
      AES.encryptGCM key ptrIV ivLen (castPtr ptPtr) ptLen nullPtr 0 (castPtr ctPtr') tagPtr

-- | GCM decrypt and verify ICV.
decryptGCMPtr :: GCM
              -> Word64    -- ^ AES GCM Counter (IV)
              -> Word32    -- ^ Salt
              -> Ptr Word8 -- ^ Ciphertext
              -> Int       -- ^ Ciphertext length
              -> Ptr Word8 -- ^ Tag
              -> Int       -- ^ Tag length
              -> Ptr Word8 -- ^ Plaintext result ptr (at least 'decBytes' large)
              -> IO (Either CommSecError ())
decryptGCMPtr key ctr salt ctPtr ctLen tagPtr tagLen ptPtr
  | tagLen /= gTagLen = return $ Left InvalidICV
  | otherwise = do
    let ivLen     = sizeOf ctr + sizeOf salt
        paddedLen = ctLen
    allocaBytes ivLen $ \ptrIV -> allocaBytes tagLen $ \ctagPtr -> do
      -- Build the IV
      pokeBE32 ptrIV salt
      pokeBE (ptrIV `plusPtr` sizeOf salt) ctr
      AES.decryptGCM key ptrIV ivLen (castPtr ctPtr) paddedLen nullPtr 0 (castPtr ptPtr) ctagPtr
      w1 <- peekBE ctagPtr
      w2 <- peekBE (ctagPtr `plusPtr` sizeOf w1)
      y1 <- peekBE (castPtr tagPtr)
      y2 <- peekBE (castPtr tagPtr `plusPtr` sizeOf y1)
      if (w1 /= y1 || w2 /= y2)
            then return (Left InvalidICV)
            else return (Right ())

-- Decrypts multiple-of-block-sized input, returing a bytestring of the
-- [ctr, ct, tag].
decryptGCM :: GCM
           -> Word64 -- ^ AES GCM Counter (IV)
           -> Word32 -- ^ Salt
           -> ByteString -- ^ Ciphertext
           -> ByteString -- ^ Tag
           -> Either CommSecError ByteString -- Plaintext (or an exception due to bad tag)
decryptGCM key ctr salt ct tag
  | B.length tag < gTagLen = Left InvalidICV
  | otherwise = unsafePerformIO $ do
    let ivLen  = sizeOf ctr + sizeOf salt
        tagLen = gTagLen
        paddedLen = B.length ct
    allocaBytes ivLen $ \ptrIV -> allocaBytes tagLen $ \ctagPtr -> do
      -- Build the IV
      pokeBE32 ptrIV salt
      pokeBE (ptrIV `plusPtr` sizeOf salt) ctr
      B.unsafeUseAsCString tag $ \tagPtr -> do
       B.unsafeUseAsCString ct $ \ptrCT -> do
        pt <- B.create paddedLen $ \ptrPT -> do
                     AES.decryptGCM key ptrIV ivLen (castPtr ptrCT) (B.length ct) nullPtr 0 (castPtr ptrPT) ctagPtr
        w1 <- peekBE ctagPtr
        w2 <- peekBE (ctagPtr `plusPtr` sizeOf w1)
        y1 <- peekBE (castPtr tagPtr)
        y2 <- peekBE (castPtr tagPtr `plusPtr` sizeOf y1)
        if (w1 /= y1 || w2 /= y2)
            then return (Left InvalidICV)
            else return (Right pt)

-- |Use an 'OutContext' to protect a message for transport.
-- Message format: [ctr, ct, tag].
-- This routine can throw an exception of 'OldContext' if the context being
-- used has expired.
encode :: OutContext -> ByteString -> (ByteString, OutContext)
encode ctx@(Out {..}) pt 
  | aesCtr == maxBound = throw OldContext
  | otherwise =
    let !iv_ct_tag = encryptGCM outKey aesCtr saltOut pt
    in (iv_ct_tag, ctx { aesCtr = 1 + aesCtr })

-- |Given a message length, returns the number of bytes an encoded message
-- will consume.
encBytes :: Int -> Int
encBytes lenMsg =
    let tagLen   = gTagLen
        ctrLen   = gCtrSize
    in ctrLen + lenMsg + tagLen

-- |Given a package length, returns the number of bytes in the
-- underlying message.
decBytes :: Int -> Int
decBytes lenPkg =
    let tagLen = gTagLen
        ctrLen = gCtrSize
    in lenPkg - tagLen - ctrLen

-- |@encodePtr outCtx msg result msgLen@ will encode @msgLen@ bytes at
-- location @msg@, placing the result at location @result@.  The buffer
-- pointed to by @result@ must be at least @encBytes msgLen@ bytes large,
-- the actual package will be exactly @encBytes msgLen@ in size.
encodePtr :: OutContext -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO OutContext
encodePtr ctx@(Out {..}) ptPtr pkgPtr ptLen
  | aesCtr == maxBound = throw OldContext
  | otherwise = do
      encryptGCMPtr outKey aesCtr saltOut ptPtr ptLen pkgPtr
      return (ctx { aesCtr = 1 + aesCtr })

-- |@decodePtr inCtx pkg msg pkgLen@ decrypts and verifies a package at
-- location @pkg@ of size @pkgLen@.  The resulting message is placed at
-- location @msg@ and its size is returned along with a new context (or
-- error).
decodePtr :: InContext -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO (Either CommSecError (Int,InContext))
decodePtr ctx pkgPtr msgPtr pkgLen = do
    cnt <- peekBE pkgPtr
    let !ctPtr  = pkgPtr `plusPtr` sizeOf cnt
        !ctLen  = pkgLen - tagLen - sizeOf cnt
        !tagPtr = pkgPtr `plusPtr` (pkgLen - tagLen)
        tagLen  = gTagLen
    r <- decryptGCMPtr (inKey ctx) cnt (saltIn ctx) ctPtr ctLen tagPtr tagLen msgPtr
    case r of
        Left err -> return (Left err)
        Right () -> fmap (ctLen,) `fmap` helper ctx cnt
    {-# INLINE helper #-}
    helper :: InContext -> Word64
           -> IO (Either CommSecError InContext)
    helper (InStrict {..}) cnt
        | cnt > seqVal = return $ Right (InStrict cnt saltIn inKey)
        | otherwise = return (Left DuplicateSeq)
    helper (InSequential {..}) cnt
        | cnt == seqVal + 1 = return $ Right (InSequential cnt saltIn inKey)
        | otherwise = return (Left DuplicateSeq)

    helper (In {..}) cnt = do
        case updateBitWindow bitWindow cnt of
            Left e -> return (Left e)
            Right newMask -> return $ Right (In newMask saltIn inKey)

-- |Use an 'InContext' to decrypt a message, verifying the ICV and sequence
-- number.  Unlike sending, receiving is more likely to result in an
-- exceptional condition and thus it returns an 'Either' value.
-- Message format: [ctr, ct, tag].
decode :: InContext -> ByteString -> Either CommSecError (ByteString, InContext)
decode ctx pkg = unsafePerformIO $ do
    let ptLen = decBytes (B.length pkg)
    pt <- B.mallocByteString ptLen
    r  <- withForeignPtr pt $ \ptPtr ->  do
           B.unsafeUseAsCString pkg $ \pkgPtr -> do
             decodePtr ctx (castPtr pkgPtr) (castPtr ptPtr) (B.length pkg)
    case r of
      Left e -> return (Left e)
      Right (_,c) -> return (Right (B.fromForeignPtr pt 0 ptLen,c))

peekBE :: Ptr Word8 -> IO Word64
peekBE p = do
    let op n = fromIntegral `fmap` peekElemOff p n
    as <- mapM op [0..7]
    return (foldl1' (\r a -> (r `shiftL` 8) .|. a) as)
{-# INLINE peekBE #-}

pokeBE :: Ptr Word8 -> Word64 -> IO ()
pokeBE p w = do
    let op n = pokeElemOff p n (fromIntegral (w `shiftR` (56-(8*n) :: Int)))
    mapM_ op [0..7]
{-# INLINE pokeBE #-}

pokeBE32 :: Ptr Word8 -> Word32 -> IO ()
pokeBE32 p w = do
    let op n = pokeElemOff p n (fromIntegral (w `shiftR` (24 - (8*n) :: Int)))
    mapM_ op [0..3]
{-# INLINE pokeBE32 #-}

peekBE32 :: Ptr Word8 -> IO Word32
peekBE32 p = do
    let op n = fromIntegral `fmap` peekElemOff p n
    as <- mapM op [0..3]
    return (foldl1' (\r a -> (r `shiftL` 8) .|. a) as)
{-# INLINE peekBE32 #-}