{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Commonmark.Extensions.RebaseRelativePaths ( rebaseRelativePathsSpec ) where import Commonmark.Types import Commonmark.Syntax import Commonmark.Inlines import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Text.Parsec (getPosition) import System.FilePath import qualified System.FilePath.Windows as Windows import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as Posix import Network.URI (URI (uriScheme), parseURI) import qualified Data.Set as Set rebaseRelativePathsSpec :: forall m bl il . (Monad m , IsInline il , IsBlock il bl) => SyntaxSpec m il bl rebaseRelativePathsSpec = defaultSyntaxSpec { syntaxBracketedSpecs = [rebasedImageSpec, rebasedLinkSpec] } where rebasedImageSpec :: BracketedSpec il rebasedImageSpec =BracketedSpec { bracketedName = "Image" , bracketedNests = True , bracketedPrefix = Just '!' , bracketedSuffixEnd = Just ')' , bracketedSuffix = newImageSuffix } rebasedLinkSpec :: BracketedSpec il rebasedLinkSpec = BracketedSpec { bracketedName = "Link" , bracketedNests = False -- links don't nest inside links , bracketedPrefix = Nothing , bracketedSuffixEnd = Just ')' , bracketedSuffix = newLinkSuffix } newImageSuffix rm key = do pos <- getPosition LinkInfo target title attrs mbpos <- pLink rm key let pos' = fromMaybe pos mbpos return $! addAttributes attrs . image (rebasePath pos' target) title newLinkSuffix rm key = do pos <- getPosition LinkInfo target title attrs mbpos <- pLink rm key let pos' = fromMaybe pos mbpos return $! addAttributes attrs . link (rebasePath pos' target) title -- | Rebase a relative path, by adding the (relative) directory -- of the containing source position. Absolute links and URLs -- are untouched. rebasePath :: SourcePos -> Text -> Text rebasePath pos path = do let fp = sourceName pos isFragment = T.take 1 path == "#" path' = T.unpack path isAbsolutePath = Posix.isAbsolute path' || Windows.isAbsolute path' in if T.null path || isFragment || isAbsolutePath || isURI path then path else case takeDirectory fp of "" -> path "." -> path d -> T.pack d <> "/" <> path -- | Schemes from http://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes.html plus -- the unofficial schemes doi, javascript, isbn, pmid. schemes :: Set.Set T.Text schemes = Set.fromList -- Official IANA schemes [ "aaa", "aaas", "about", "acap", "acct", "acr", "adiumxtra", "afp", "afs" , "aim", "appdata", "apt", "attachment", "aw", "barion", "beshare", "bitcoin" , "blob", "bolo", "browserext", "callto", "cap", "chrome", "chrome-extension" , "cid", "coap", "coaps", "com-eventbrite-attendee", "content", "crid", "cvs" , "data", "dav", "dict", "dis", "dlna-playcontainer", "dlna-playsingle" , "dns", "dntp", "dtn", "dvb", "ed2k", "example", "facetime", "fax", "feed" , "feedready", "file", "filesystem", "finger", "fish", "ftp", "geo", "gg" , "git", "gizmoproject", "go", "gopher", "graph", "gtalk", "h323", "ham" , "hcp", "http", "https", "hxxp", "hxxps", "hydrazone", "iax", "icap", "icon" , "im", "imap", "info", "iotdisco", "ipn", "ipp", "ipps", "irc", "irc6" , "ircs", "iris", "iris.beep", "iris.lwz", "iris.xpc", "iris.xpcs" , "isostore", "itms", "jabber", "jar", "jms", "keyparc", "lastfm", "ldap" , "ldaps", "lvlt", "magnet", "mailserver", "mailto", "maps", "market" , "message", "mid", "mms", "modem", "mongodb", "moz", "ms-access" , "ms-browser-extension", "ms-drive-to", "ms-enrollment", "ms-excel" , "ms-gamebarservices", "ms-getoffice", "ms-help", "ms-infopath" , "ms-media-stream-id", "ms-officeapp", "ms-project", "ms-powerpoint" , "ms-publisher", "ms-search-repair", "ms-secondary-screen-controller" , "ms-secondary-screen-setup", "ms-settings", "ms-settings-airplanemode" , "ms-settings-bluetooth", "ms-settings-camera", "ms-settings-cellular" , "ms-settings-cloudstorage", "ms-settings-connectabledevices" , "ms-settings-displays-topology", "ms-settings-emailandaccounts" , "ms-settings-language", "ms-settings-location", "ms-settings-lock" , "ms-settings-nfctransactions", "ms-settings-notifications" , "ms-settings-power", "ms-settings-privacy", "ms-settings-proximity" , "ms-settings-screenrotation", "ms-settings-wifi", "ms-settings-workplace" , "ms-spd", "ms-sttoverlay", "ms-transit-to", "ms-virtualtouchpad" , "ms-visio", "ms-walk-to", "ms-whiteboard", "ms-whiteboard-cmd", "ms-word" , "msnim", "msrp", "msrps", "mtqp", "mumble", "mupdate", "mvn", "news", "nfs" , "ni", "nih", "nntp", "notes", "ocf", "oid", "onenote", "onenote-cmd" , "opaquelocktoken", "pack", "palm", "paparazzi", "pkcs11", "platform", "pop" , "pres", "prospero", "proxy", "pwid", "psyc", "qb", "query", "redis" , "rediss", "reload", "res", "resource", "rmi", "rsync", "rtmfp", "rtmp" , "rtsp", "rtsps", "rtspu", "secondlife", "service", "session", "sftp", "sgn" , "shttp", "sieve", "sip", "sips", "skype", "smb", "sms", "smtp", "snews" , "snmp", "soap.beep", "soap.beeps", "soldat", "spotify", "ssh", "steam" , "stun", "stuns", "submit", "svn", "tag", "teamspeak", "tel", "teliaeid" , "telnet", "tftp", "things", "thismessage", "tip", "tn3270", "tool", "turn" , "turns", "tv", "udp", "unreal", "urn", "ut2004", "v-event", "vemmi" , "ventrilo", "videotex", "vnc", "view-source", "wais", "webcal", "wpid" , "ws", "wss", "wtai", "wyciwyg", "xcon", "xcon-userid", "xfire" , "xmlrpc.beep", "xmlrpc.beeps", "xmpp", "xri", "ymsgr", "z39.50", "z39.50r" , "z39.50s" -- Unofficial schemes , "doi", "isbn", "javascript", "pmid" ] -- | Check if the string is a valid URL with a IANA or frequently used but -- unofficial scheme (see @schemes@). isURI :: T.Text -> Bool isURI = maybe False hasKnownScheme . parseURI . T.unpack where hasKnownScheme = (`Set.member` schemes) . T.toLower . T.filter (/= ':') . T.pack . uriScheme