{-# LANGUAGE IncoherentInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} module Commonmark.Extensions.PipeTable ( HasPipeTable(..) , ColAlignment(..) , pipeTableSpec ) where import Control.Monad (guard, void, mzero) import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift) import Commonmark.Syntax import Commonmark.Types import Commonmark.Tokens import Commonmark.TokParsers import Commonmark.Blocks import Commonmark.SourceMap import Commonmark.Html import Text.Parsec import Data.Dynamic import Data.Tree import Data.Data data ColAlignment = LeftAlignedCol | CenterAlignedCol | RightAlignedCol | DefaultAlignedCol deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable) data PipeTableData = PipeTableData { pipeTableAlignments :: [ColAlignment] , pipeTableHeaders :: [[Tok]] , pipeTableRows :: [[[Tok]]] -- in reverse order } deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable) class HasPipeTable il bl where pipeTable :: [ColAlignment] -> [il] -> [[il]] -> bl instance HasPipeTable (Html a) (Html a) where pipeTable aligns headerCells rows = htmlBlock "table" $ Just $ htmlRaw "\n" <> (if null headerCells then mempty else htmlBlock "thead" $ Just $ htmlRaw "\n" <> toRow "th" aligns headerCells) <> (if null rows then mempty else htmlBlock "tbody" $ Just $ htmlRaw "\n" <> mconcat (map (toRow "td" aligns) rows)) where alignToAttr LeftAlignedCol = addAttribute ("style","text-align: left;") alignToAttr CenterAlignedCol = addAttribute ("style","text-align: center;") alignToAttr RightAlignedCol = addAttribute ("style","text-align: right;") alignToAttr DefaultAlignedCol = id toRow constructor aligns' cells = htmlBlock "tr" $ Just $ htmlRaw "\n" <> mconcat (zipWith (toCell constructor) aligns' cells) toCell constructor align cell = (alignToAttr align $ htmlInline constructor $ Just cell) <> htmlRaw "\n" instance (HasPipeTable i b, Monoid b) => HasPipeTable (WithSourceMap i) (WithSourceMap b) where pipeTable aligns headerCells rows = do (pipeTable aligns <$> sequence headerCells <*> mapM sequence rows) <* addName "pipeTable" pCells :: Monad m => ParsecT [Tok] s m [[Tok]] pCells = try $ do hasPipe <- option False $ True <$ symbol '|' pipedCells <- many (try $ pCell <* symbol '|') skipMany $ satisfyTok (hasType Spaces) unpipedCell <- option [] $ (:[]) <$> pCell let cells = pipedCells ++ unpipedCell guard $ not (null cells) guard $ hasPipe || not (null pipedCells) -- need at least one | lookAhead blankLine return $! cells pCell :: Monad m => ParsecT [Tok] s m [Tok] pCell = mconcat <$> many1 ( try (do tok' <- symbol '\\' tok@(Tok (Symbol c) _ _) <- anySymbol if c == '|' then return $! [tok] else return $! [tok',tok]) <|> (do tok <- (satisfyTok $ \t -> not (hasType (Symbol '|') t || hasType LineEnd t)) return $! [tok]) ) <|> ([] <$ lookAhead (symbol '|')) pDividers :: Monad m => ParsecT [Tok] s m [ColAlignment] pDividers = try $ do hasPipe <- option False $ True <$ symbol '|' pipedAligns <- many (try $ pDivider <* symbol '|') skipMany $ satisfyTok (hasType Spaces) unpipedAlign <- option [] $ (:[]) <$> pDivider let aligns = pipedAligns ++ unpipedAlign guard $ not (null aligns) guard $ hasPipe || not (null pipedAligns) -- need at least one | lookAhead blankLine return $! aligns pDivider :: Monad m => ParsecT [Tok] s m ColAlignment pDivider = try $ do skipMany $ satisfyTok (hasType Spaces) align <- choice [ CenterAlignedCol <$ try (symbol ':' >> many1 (symbol '-') >> symbol ':') , LeftAlignedCol <$ try (symbol ':' >> many1 (symbol '-')) , RightAlignedCol <$ try (many1 (symbol '-') >> symbol ':') , DefaultAlignedCol <$ many1 (symbol '-') ] skipMany $ satisfyTok (hasType Spaces) return $! align -- | Syntax for pipe tables. Note that this should generally be -- placed AFTER the syntax spec for lists, headings, and other block-level -- constructs, to avoid bad results when non-table lines contain pipe -- characters: use @defaultSyntaxSpec <> pipeTableSpec@ rather -- than @pipeTableSpec <> defaultSyntaxSpec@. pipeTableSpec :: (Monad m, IsBlock il bl, IsInline il, HasPipeTable il bl) => SyntaxSpec m il bl pipeTableSpec = mempty { syntaxBlockSpecs = [pipeTableBlockSpec] } -- This parser is structured as a system that parses the *second* line first, -- then parses the first line. That is, if it detects a delimiter row as the -- second line of a paragraph, it converts the paragraph into a table. This seems -- counterintuitive, but it works better than trying to convert a table into -- a paragraph, since it might need to be something else. -- -- See GH-52 and GH-95 pipeTableBlockSpec :: (Monad m, IsBlock il bl, IsInline il, HasPipeTable il bl) => BlockSpec m il bl pipeTableBlockSpec = BlockSpec { blockType = "PipeTable" -- :: Text , blockStart = try $ do -- :: BlockParser m il bl () (cur:rest) <- nodeStack <$> getState guard $ blockParagraph (bspec cur) nonindentSpaces pos <- getPosition aligns <- pDividers skipWhile (hasType Spaces) lookAhead (eof <|> void lineEnd) st <- getState let headerLine = case blockLines $ rootLabel cur of [onlyLine] -> onlyLine _ -> [] cellsR <- lift $ runParserT pCells st "" headerLine case cellsR of Right cells -> if length cells /= length aligns then mzero -- parse fail: not a table else do updateState $ \st' -> st'{ nodeStack = rest } let tabledata = PipeTableData { pipeTableAlignments = aligns , pipeTableHeaders = cells , pipeTableRows = [] } addNodeToStack $ Node (defBlockData pipeTableBlockSpec){ blockStartPos = blockStartPos (rootLabel cur) ++ [pos] , blockData = toDyn tabledata , blockAttributes = blockAttributes (rootLabel cur) } [] _ -> mzero -- parse fail: not a table return BlockStartMatch , blockCanContain = \_ -> False -- :: BlockSpec m il bl -> Bool , blockContainsLines = False -- :: Bool , blockParagraph = False -- :: Bool , blockContinue = \(Node ndata children) -> try $ do nonindentSpaces notFollowedBy blankLine let tabledata = fromDyn (blockData ndata) PipeTableData{ pipeTableAlignments = [] , pipeTableHeaders = [] , pipeTableRows = [] } pos <- getPosition cells <- pCells let tabledata' = tabledata{ pipeTableRows = cells : pipeTableRows tabledata } return $! (pos, Node ndata{ blockData = toDyn tabledata' } children) , blockConstructor = \(Node ndata _) -> do let tabledata = fromDyn (blockData ndata) PipeTableData{ pipeTableAlignments = [] , pipeTableHeaders = [] , pipeTableRows = [] } let aligns = pipeTableAlignments tabledata headers <- mapM runInlineParser (pipeTableHeaders tabledata) let numcols = length headers rows <- mapM (mapM runInlineParser . take numcols . (++ (repeat []))) (reverse $ pipeTableRows tabledata) return $! (pipeTable aligns headers rows) , blockFinalize = \(Node ndata children) parent -> defaultFinalizer (Node ndata children) parent }