{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE IncoherentInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} module Commonmark.Extensions.PipeTable ( HasPipeTable(..) , ColAlignment(..) , pipeTableSpec ) where import Control.Monad (guard) import Commonmark.Syntax import Commonmark.Types import Commonmark.Tokens import Commonmark.TokParsers import Commonmark.Blocks import Commonmark.SourceMap import Commonmark.Html import Text.Parsec import Data.Dynamic import Data.Tree import Data.Data #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0) import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..)) #endif data ColAlignment = LeftAlignedCol | CenterAlignedCol | RightAlignedCol | DefaultAlignedCol deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable) data PipeTableData = PipeTableData { pipeTableAlignments :: [ColAlignment] , pipeTableHeaders :: [[Tok]] , pipeTableRows :: [[[Tok]]] -- in reverse order } deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable) class HasPipeTable il bl where pipeTable :: [ColAlignment] -> [il] -> [[il]] -> bl instance HasPipeTable (Html a) (Html a) where pipeTable aligns headerCells rows = htmlBlock "table" $ Just $ htmlRaw "\n" <> (if null headerCells then mempty else htmlBlock "thead" $ Just $ htmlRaw "\n" <> toRow "th" aligns headerCells) <> (if null rows then mempty else htmlBlock "tbody" $ Just $ htmlRaw "\n" <> mconcat (map (toRow "td" aligns) rows)) where alignToAttr LeftAlignedCol = addAttribute ("style","text-align: left;") alignToAttr CenterAlignedCol = addAttribute ("style","text-align: center;") alignToAttr RightAlignedCol = addAttribute ("style","text-align: right;") alignToAttr DefaultAlignedCol = id toRow constructor aligns' cells = htmlBlock "tr" $ Just $ htmlRaw "\n" <> mconcat (zipWith (toCell constructor) aligns' cells) toCell constructor align cell = (alignToAttr align $ htmlInline constructor $ Just cell) <> htmlRaw "\n" instance (HasPipeTable i b, Monoid b) => HasPipeTable (WithSourceMap i) (WithSourceMap b) where pipeTable aligns headerCells rows = do (pipeTable aligns <$> sequence headerCells <*> mapM sequence rows) <* addName "pipeTable" pCells :: Monad m => ParsecT [Tok] s m [[Tok]] pCells = try $ do hasPipe <- option False $ True <$ symbol '|' pipedCells <- many (try $ pCell <* symbol '|') unpipedCell <- option [] $ (:[]) <$> pCell let cells = pipedCells ++ unpipedCell guard $ not (null cells) guard $ hasPipe || not (null pipedCells) -- need at least one | lookAhead blankLine return $! cells pCell :: Monad m => ParsecT [Tok] s m [Tok] pCell = mconcat <$> many1 ( try (do tok' <- symbol '\\' tok@(Tok (Symbol c) _ _) <- anySymbol if c == '|' then return $! [tok] else return $! [tok',tok]) <|> (do tok <- (satisfyTok $ \t -> not (hasType (Symbol '|') t || hasType LineEnd t)) return $! [tok]) ) <|> ([] <$ lookAhead (symbol '|')) pDividers :: Monad m => ParsecT [Tok] s m [ColAlignment] pDividers = try $ do hasPipe <- option False $ True <$ symbol '|' pipedAligns <- many (try $ pDivider <* symbol '|') unpipedAlign <- option [] $ (:[]) <$> pDivider let aligns = pipedAligns ++ unpipedAlign guard $ not (null aligns) guard $ hasPipe || not (null pipedAligns) -- need at least one | lookAhead blankLine return $! aligns pDivider :: Monad m => ParsecT [Tok] s m ColAlignment pDivider = try $ do skipMany $ satisfyTok (hasType Spaces) align <- choice [ CenterAlignedCol <$ try (symbol ':' >> many1 (symbol '-') >> symbol ':') , LeftAlignedCol <$ try (symbol ':' >> many1 (symbol '-')) , RightAlignedCol <$ try (many1 (symbol '-') >> symbol ':') , DefaultAlignedCol <$ many1 (symbol '-') ] skipMany $ satisfyTok (hasType Spaces) return $! align pipeTableSpec :: (Monad m, IsBlock il bl, IsInline il, HasPipeTable il bl) => SyntaxSpec m il bl pipeTableSpec = mempty { syntaxBlockSpecs = [pipeTableBlockSpec] } pipeTableBlockSpec :: (Monad m, IsBlock il bl, IsInline il, HasPipeTable il bl) => BlockSpec m il bl pipeTableBlockSpec = BlockSpec { blockType = "PipeTable" -- :: Text , blockStart = try $ do -- :: BlockParser m il bl () interruptsParagraph >>= guard . not nonindentSpaces notFollowedBy whitespace pos <- getPosition (cells, toks) <- withRaw pCells nl <- lookAhead lineEnd let tabledata = PipeTableData { pipeTableAlignments = [] , pipeTableHeaders = cells , pipeTableRows = [] } addNodeToStack $ Node (defBlockData pipeTableBlockSpec){ blockStartPos = [pos] , blockData = toDyn tabledata , blockLines = [toks ++ [nl]] } [] return BlockStartMatch , blockCanContain = \_ -> False -- :: BlockSpec m il bl -> Bool , blockContainsLines = False -- :: Bool , blockParagraph = False -- :: Bool , blockContinue = \(Node ndata children) -> try $ do nonindentSpaces notFollowedBy blankLine let tabledata = fromDyn (blockData ndata) PipeTableData{ pipeTableAlignments = [] , pipeTableHeaders = [] , pipeTableRows = [] } pos <- getPosition if null (blockLines ndata) then do cells <- pCells let tabledata' = tabledata{ pipeTableRows = cells : pipeTableRows tabledata } return $! (pos, Node ndata{ blockData = toDyn tabledata' } children) else -- last line was first; check for separators -- and if not found, convert to paragraph: try (do aligns <- pDividers guard $ length aligns == length (pipeTableHeaders tabledata) let tabledata' = tabledata{ pipeTableAlignments = aligns } return $! (pos, Node ndata{ blockLines = [] , blockData = toDyn tabledata' } children)) <|> (return $! (pos, Node ndata{ blockSpec = paraSpec } children)) , blockConstructor = \(Node ndata _) -> do let tabledata = fromDyn (blockData ndata) PipeTableData{ pipeTableAlignments = [] , pipeTableHeaders = [] , pipeTableRows = [] } let aligns = pipeTableAlignments tabledata headers <- mapM runInlineParser (pipeTableHeaders tabledata) let numcols = length headers rows <- mapM (mapM runInlineParser . take numcols . (++ (repeat []))) (reverse $ pipeTableRows tabledata) return $! (pipeTable aligns headers rows) , blockFinalize = \(Node ndata children) parent -> defaultFinalizer (if null (blockLines ndata) then Node ndata children else Node ndata{ blockSpec = paraSpec } children) parent }