-- |
-- This module defines the client monad and the type signatures for
-- transports and prototocols.

{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}

module Network.Colchis (
        -- * Client 
        JSONClient (..)
   ,    JSONClientError (..)
   ,    call
        -- * Protocol 
   ,    Protocol
        -- * Transport
   ,    Transport
        -- * Running clients
   ,    runJSONClient
        -- * Utils
        -- $utils
   ,    umap
   ,    umapM
        -- * Re-exported
        -- $reexports
   ,    hoist
   )  where

import Data.Text
import Data.Aeson
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Pipes
import Pipes.Core
import Pipes.Lift

import Network.Colchis.Protocol
import Network.Colchis.Transport

    (request associated with the error, error message, response that caused the error)
type JSONClientError = (Value,Text,Value)

    Emits requests consisting in `Value`s paired with some metadata. The metadata is usually the method name.

    Receives `Value` responses.
type JSONClient s m r = Client (s,Value) Value (ExceptT JSONClientError m) r  

call :: (ToJSON a, FromJSON r, Monad m) => s -> a -> JSONClient s m r  
call s a = do
    let jreq = toJSON a
    rj <- request (s,jreq)
    case fromJSON rj of
        Error msg -> lift $ throwE (jreq,pack msg,rj)     
        Success r -> return r     

{- $utils
    These functions can be used to manipulate requests flowing upstream.

 Apply a function to all requests flowing upstream in a bidirectional pipe. Returns a function that can be composed with `+>>` or `>+>`.
umap :: Monad m => (b' -> a') -> b' -> Proxy a' x b' x m r
umap f = go
    go b = request (f b) >>= respond >>= go

Apply a monadic function to all requests flowing upstream in a bidirectional pipe. Returns a function that can be composed with `+>>` or `>+>`.
umapM :: Monad m => (b' -> m a') -> b' -> Proxy a' x b' x m r
umapM f = go
    go b = lift (f b) >>= request >>= respond >>= go

    The return value lives inside the monad associated to the transport layer. The run function that peels off that layer depends on the transport. See for example `Network.Colchis.Transport.TCP.runTcp` for the `Network.Colchis.Transport.TCP.tcp` transport.
runJSONClient :: (MonadTrans t, MFunctor t, MonadIO m, Monad (t m)) => Transport t m -> Protocol s m e -> JSONClient s m r -> t m (Either e (Either JSONClientError r)) 
runJSONClient server adapter client = 
    runExceptT $ 
    runExceptT $
    runEffect $
        hoist (lift.lift) . server 
        hoist (lift.hoist lift) . adapter 
        hoist (hoist (lift.lift)) client

{- $reexports
 When the function that runs the transport layer requires the underlying monad to be whittled down to `IO`, `hoist` (along with a suitable monad morphism) can come in handy.
