-- Do not edit! Automatically created with doctest-extract from src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs {-# LINE 55 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} module Test.Numeric.COINOR.CLP where import Test.DocTest.Base import qualified Test.DocTest.Driver as DocTest {-# LINE 56 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} import qualified Numeric.COINOR.CLP as LP import qualified Numeric.LinearProgramming.Test as TestLP import Numeric.COINOR.CLP (PlusMinusOne(..), (.*), (==.), (<=.), (>=.), (>=<.)) import qualified Data.Array.Comfort.Storable as Array import qualified Data.Array.Comfort.Shape as Shape import qualified Data.NonEmpty as NonEmpty import Data.NonEmpty ((!:)) import Data.Either.HT (mapRight) import Data.Tuple.HT (mapSnd) import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC import Test.QuickCheck ((===), (.&&.), (.||.)) type X = Shape.Element type PairShape = Shape.NestedTuple Shape.TupleIndex (X,X) type TripletShape = Shape.NestedTuple Shape.TupleIndex (X,X,X) pairShape :: PairShape pairShape = Shape.static tripletShape :: TripletShape tripletShape = Shape.static approxReal :: (Ord a, Num a) => a -> a -> a -> Bool approxReal tol x y = abs (x-y) <= tol genMethod :: QC.Gen (String, LP.Method) genMethod = QC.elements $ ("dual", LP.dual) : ("primal", LP.primal) : ("initialSolve", LP.initialSolve) : ("initialDualSolve", LP.initialDualSolve) : ("initialPrimalSolve", LP.initialPrimalSolve) : ("initialBarrierSolve", LP.initialBarrierSolve) : -- let tests fail -- ("initialBarrierNoCrossSolve", LP.initialBarrierNoCrossSolve) : [] forAllMethod :: (QC.Testable prop) => (LP.Method -> prop) -> QC.Property forAllMethod prop = QC.forAllShow genMethod fst (prop . snd) test :: DocTest.T () test = do DocTest.printPrefix "Numeric.COINOR.CLP:183: " {-# LINE 183 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} DocTest.example( {-# LINE 183 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} case Shape.indexTupleFromShape tripletShape of (x,y,z) -> mapSnd Array.toTuple <$> LP.simplex LP.dual [] [[2.*x, 1.*y] <=. 10, [1.*y, (5::Double).*z] <=. 20] (LP.Maximize, Array.fromTuple (4,-3,2) :: Array.Array TripletShape Double) ) [ExpectedLine [LineChunk "Right (28.0,(5.0,0.0,4.0))"]] DocTest.printPrefix "Numeric.COINOR.CLP:194: " {-# LINE 194 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} DocTest.example( {-# LINE 194 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} case Shape.indexTupleFromShape tripletShape of (x,y,z) -> mapSnd Array.toTuple <$> LP.simplex LP.primal [y >=<. (-12,12)] [[1.*x, (-1).*y] <=. 10, [(-1).*y, (1::Double).*z] <=. 20] (LP.Maximize, Array.fromTuple (4,-3,2) :: Array.Array TripletShape Double) ) [ExpectedLine [LineChunk "Right (116.0,(22.0,12.0,32.0))"]] DocTest.printPrefix "Numeric.COINOR.CLP:205: " {-# LINE 205 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} DocTest.example( {-# LINE 205 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} case Shape.indexTupleFromShape tripletShape of (x,y,z) -> mapSnd Array.toTuple <$> LP.simplex LP.primal [y >=<. (-12,12)] [[PlusOne .* x, MinusOne .* y] <=. 10, [MinusOne .* y, PlusOne .* z] <=. 20] (LP.Maximize, Array.fromTuple (4,-3,2) :: Array.Array TripletShape Double) ) [ExpectedLine [LineChunk "Right (116.0,(22.0,12.0,32.0))"]] DocTest.printPrefix "Numeric.COINOR.CLP:217: " {-# LINE 217 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} DocTest.example( {-# LINE 217 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} case Shape.indexTupleFromShape tripletShape of (x,y,z) -> mapSnd Array.toTuple <$> LP.simplex LP.primal [y >=<. (-12,12)] [[1.*x, 1.*y] <=. 10, [1.*y, (-1::Double).*z] >=. 20] (LP.Maximize, Array.fromTuple (4,3,2) :: Array.Array TripletShape Double) ) [ExpectedLine [LineChunk "Left PrimalInfeasible"]] DocTest.printPrefix "Numeric.COINOR.CLP:228: " {-# LINE 228 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} DocTest.example( {-# LINE 228 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} case Shape.indexTupleFromShape tripletShape of (x,y,z) -> mapSnd Array.toTuple <$> LP.simplex LP.primal [y >=<. (-12,12)] [[1.*x, 1.*y] <=. 10, [1.*y, (1::Double).*z] >=. 20] (LP.Maximize, Array.fromTuple (4,3,2) :: Array.Array TripletShape Double) ) [ExpectedLine [LineChunk "Left DualInfeasible"]] DocTest.printPrefix "Numeric.COINOR.CLP:239: " {-# LINE 239 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} DocTest.property( {-# LINE 239 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} forAllMethod $ \method (QC.Positive posWeight) (QC.Positive negWeight) target -> case Shape.indexTupleFromShape pairShape of (pos,neg) -> case mapSnd Array.toTuple <$> LP.simplex method [] [[1.*pos, (-1::Double).*neg] ==. target] (LP.Minimize, Array.fromTuple (posWeight,negWeight) :: Array.Array PairShape Double) of Left _ -> QC.property False Right (absol,(posResult,negResult)) -> QC.property (absol>=0) .&&. (posResult === 0 .||. negResult === 0) ) DocTest.printPrefix "Numeric.COINOR.CLP:254: " {-# LINE 254 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} DocTest.property( {-# LINE 254 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} forAllMethod $ \method target -> case Shape.indexTupleFromShape pairShape of (pos,neg) -> case mapSnd Array.toTuple <$> LP.simplex method [] [[1.*pos, (-1::Double).*neg] ==. target] (LP.Minimize, Array.fromTuple (1,1) :: Array.Array PairShape Double) of Left _ -> QC.property False Right (absol,(posResult,negResult)) -> QC.counterexample (show(absol,(posResult,negResult))) $ QC.property (approxReal 0.001 absol (abs target)) .&&. (posResult === 0 .||. negResult === 0) ) DocTest.printPrefix "Numeric.COINOR.CLP:271: " {-# LINE 271 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} DocTest.property( {-# LINE 271 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} forAllMethod $ \method -> TestLP.forAllOrigin $ \origin -> TestLP.forAllProblem origin $ \bounds constrs -> QC.forAll (TestLP.genObjective origin) $ \(dir,obj) -> case LP.simplex method bounds constrs (dir,obj) of Left _ -> False Right _ -> True ) DocTest.printPrefix "Numeric.COINOR.CLP:280: " {-# LINE 280 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} DocTest.property( {-# LINE 280 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} forAllMethod $ \method -> TestLP.forAllOrigin $ \origin -> TestLP.forAllProblem origin $ \bounds constrs -> QC.forAll (TestLP.genObjective origin) $ \(dir,obj) -> case LP.simplex method bounds constrs (dir,obj) of Left _ -> QC.property False Right (_,sol) -> TestLP.checkFeasibility 0.1 bounds constrs sol ) DocTest.printPrefix "Numeric.COINOR.CLP:289: " {-# LINE 289 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} DocTest.property( {-# LINE 289 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} forAllMethod $ \method -> TestLP.forAllOrigin $ \origin -> TestLP.forAllProblem origin $ \bounds constrs -> QC.forAll (TestLP.genObjective origin) $ \(dir,obj) -> case LP.simplex method bounds constrs (dir,obj) of Left _ -> QC.property False Right (_,sol) -> QC.forAll (QC.choose (0,1)) $ \lambda -> TestLP.checkFeasibility 0.1 bounds constrs $ TestLP.affineCombination lambda sol (Array.map fromIntegral origin) ) DocTest.printPrefix "Numeric.COINOR.CLP:301: " {-# LINE 301 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} DocTest.property( {-# LINE 301 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} forAllMethod $ \method -> TestLP.forAllOrigin $ \origin -> TestLP.forAllProblem origin $ \bounds constrs -> QC.forAll (TestLP.genObjective origin) $ \(dir,obj) -> case LP.simplex method bounds constrs (dir,obj) of Left _ -> QC.property False Right (opt,sol) -> QC.forAll (QC.choose (0,1)) $ \lambda -> let val = TestLP.scalarProduct obj $ TestLP.affineCombination lambda sol (Array.map fromIntegral origin) in case dir of LP.Minimize -> opt-0.01 <= val LP.Maximize -> opt+0.01 >= val ) DocTest.printPrefix "Numeric.COINOR.CLP:316: " {-# LINE 316 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} DocTest.property( {-# LINE 316 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} forAllMethod $ \method -> TestLP.forAllOrigin $ \origin -> TestLP.forAllBoundedProblem origin $ \bounds constrs -> QC.forAll (TestLP.genObjective origin) $ \dirObjA -> QC.forAll (TestLP.genObjective origin) $ \dirObjB -> let solA = LP.simplex method bounds constrs dirObjA in let solB = LP.simplex method bounds constrs dirObjB in QC.counterexample (show (mapRight fst solA, mapRight fst solB)) $ case (solA, solB) of (Right _, Right _) -> True (Left _, Left _) -> True _ -> False ) DocTest.printPrefix "Numeric.COINOR.CLP:330: " {-# LINE 330 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} DocTest.property( {-# LINE 330 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} forAllMethod $ \method -> TestLP.forAllOrigin $ \origin -> TestLP.forAllProblem origin $ \bounds constrs -> QC.forAll (TestLP.genObjective origin) $ \(_dir,obj) -> case (LP.simplex method bounds constrs (LP.Minimize,obj), LP.simplex method bounds constrs (LP.Maximize,obj)) of (Right (optMin,_), Right (optMax,_)) -> QC.counterexample (show (optMin, optMax)) $ optMin <= optMax + 0.01 _ -> QC.property False ) DocTest.printPrefix "Numeric.COINOR.CLP:341: " {-# LINE 341 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} DocTest.property( {-# LINE 341 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} forAllMethod $ \method -> TestLP.forAllOrigin $ \origin -> TestLP.forAllProblem origin $ \bounds allConstrs -> QC.forAll (QC.sublistOf allConstrs) $ \someConstrs -> QC.forAll (TestLP.genObjective origin) $ \(dir,obj) -> case (LP.simplex method bounds allConstrs (dir,obj), LP.simplex method bounds someConstrs (dir,obj)) of (Right (optAll,_), Right (optSome,_)) -> QC.counterexample (show (optAll, optSome)) $ case dir of LP.Minimize -> optAll >= optSome-0.01 LP.Maximize -> optAll <= optSome+0.01 _ -> QC.property False ) DocTest.printPrefix "Numeric.COINOR.CLP:356: " {-# LINE 356 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} DocTest.property( {-# LINE 356 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} forAllMethod $ \methodA -> forAllMethod $ \methodB -> TestLP.forAllOrigin $ \origin -> TestLP.forAllProblem origin $ \bounds constrs -> QC.forAll (TestLP.genObjective origin) $ \dirObj -> case (LP.simplex methodA bounds constrs dirObj, LP.simplex methodB bounds constrs dirObj) of (Right (optA,_), Right (optB,_)) -> QC.counterexample (show (optA, optB)) $ approxReal 0.01 optA optB _ -> QC.property False ) DocTest.printPrefix "Numeric.COINOR.CLP:391: " {-# LINE 391 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} DocTest.example( {-# LINE 391 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} case Shape.indexTupleFromShape tripletShape of (x,y,z) -> mapSnd Array.toTuple <$> LP.concurrent (LP.solveEndless!:LP.dual:[]) [] [[2.*x, 1.*y] <=. 10, [1.*y, (5::Double).*z] <=. 20] (LP.Maximize, Array.fromTuple (4,-3,2) :: Array.Array TripletShape Double) ) [ExpectedLine [LineChunk "Right (28.0,(5.0,0.0,4.0))"]] DocTest.printPrefix "Numeric.COINOR.CLP:402: " {-# LINE 402 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} DocTest.property( {-# LINE 402 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} forAllMethod $ \method -> TestLP.forAllOrigin $ \origin -> TestLP.forAllBoundedProblem origin $ \bounds constrs -> QC.forAll (TestLP.genObjective origin) $ \dirObj -> let solA = LP.simplex method bounds constrs dirObj in let solB = LP.concurrent (NonEmpty.singleton method) bounds constrs dirObj in QC.counterexample (show (mapRight fst solA, mapRight fst solB)) $ case (solA, solB) of (Right (optA,_), Right (optB,_)) -> approxReal 0.01 optA optB (Left _, Left _) -> True _ -> False ) DocTest.printPrefix "Numeric.COINOR.CLP:415: " {-# LINE 415 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} DocTest.property( {-# LINE 415 "src/Numeric/COINOR/CLP.hs" #-} forAllMethod $ \method -> forAllMethod $ \methodA -> forAllMethod $ \methodB -> forAllMethod $ \methodC -> TestLP.forAllOrigin $ \origin -> TestLP.forAllBoundedProblem origin $ \bounds constrs -> QC.forAll (TestLP.genObjective origin) $ \dirObj -> let solA = LP.simplex method bounds constrs dirObj in let solB = LP.concurrent (methodA!:methodB:methodC:[]) bounds constrs dirObj in QC.counterexample (show (mapRight fst solA, mapRight fst solB)) $ case (solA, solB) of (Right (optA,_), Right (optB,_)) -> approxReal 0.01 optA optB (Left _, Left _) -> True _ -> False )