import Control.Arrow import Control.Exception (try, SomeException) import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans.Either hiding (left, right) import Data.Either import Data.List import Data.String.Utils import Distribution.Text import Network.Socket (withSocketsDo) import Network.Wreq.Session (withSession) import Paths_codex (version) import System.Directory import System.Environment import System.FilePath import System.Exit import Codex import Codex.Project import Main.Config -- TODO Add 'cache dump' to dump all tags in stdout (usecase: pipe to grep) -- TODO Use a mergesort algorithm for `assembly` -- TODO Better error handling and fine grained retry retrying :: Int -> IO (Either a b) -> IO (Either [a] b) retrying n x = retrying' n $ fmap (left (:[])) x where retrying' 0 x' = x' retrying' n' x' = retrying' (n' - 1) $ x' >>= \res -> case res of Left ls -> fmap (left (++ ls)) x' Right r -> return $ Right r hashFile :: Codex -> FilePath hashFile cx = hackagePath cx "codex.hash" cleanCache :: Codex -> IO () cleanCache cx = do -- TODO Delete hash file! xs <- listDirectory hp ys <- fmap rights $ traverse (safe . listDirectory) xs _ <- traverse (safe . removeFile) . fmap ( "tags") $ concat ys return () where hp = hackagePath cx safe = (try :: IO a -> IO (Either SomeException a)) listDirectory fp = do xs <- getDirectoryContents fp return . fmap (fp ) $ filter (not . startswith ".") xs readCacheHash :: Codex -> IO (Maybe String) readCacheHash cx = do fileExist <- doesFileExist $ hashFile cx if not fileExist then return Nothing else do content <- readFile $ hashFile cx return $ Just content writeCacheHash :: Codex -> String -> IO () writeCacheHash cx = writeFile $ hashFile cx update :: Codex -> Bool -> IO () update cx force = do (project, dependencies, workspaceProjects') <- resolveCurrentProjectDependencies projectHash <- computeCurrentProjectHash cx shouldUpdate <- if null workspaceProjects' then either (const True) id <$> (runEitherT $ isUpdateRequired cx dependencies projectHash) else return True if force || shouldUpdate then do let workspaceProjects = if not $ currentProjectIncluded cx then workspaceProjects' else (WorkspaceProject project ".") : workspaceProjects' fileExist <- doesFileExist tagsFile when fileExist $ removeFile tagsFile putStrLn $ concat ["Updating ", display project] results <- withSession $ \s -> traverse (retrying 3 . runEitherT . getTags s) dependencies _ <- traverse print . concat $ lefts results res <- runEitherT $ assembly cx dependencies projectHash workspaceProjects tagsFile either print (const $ return ()) res else putStrLn "Nothing to update." where tagsFile = tagsFileName cx getTags s i = status cx i >>= \x -> case x of Source Tagged -> return () Source Untagged -> tags cx i >> getTags s i Archive -> extract cx i >> getTags s i Remote -> fetch s cx i >> getTags s i help :: IO () help = putStrLn $ unlines [ "Usage: codex [update] [cache clean] [set tagger [hasktags|ctags]] [set format [vim|emacs|sublime]]" , " [--help]" , " [--version]" , "" , " update Synchronize the tags file in the current cabal project directory" , " update --force Discard tags file hash and force regeneration" , " cache clean Remove all `tags` file from the local hackage cache]" , " set tagger Update the `~/.codex` configuration file for the given tagger (hasktags|ctags)." , " set format Update the `~/.codex` configuration file for the given format (vim|emacs|sublime)." , "" , "By default `hasktags` will be used, and need to be in the `PATH`, the tagger command can be fully customized in `~/.codex`." , "" , "Note: codex will browse the parent directory for cabal projects and use them as dependency over hackage when possible." ] main :: IO () main = withSocketsDo $ do cx <- loadConfig args <- getArgs run cx args where run cx ["cache", "clean"] = cleanCache cx run cx ["update"] = withConfig cx (\x -> update x False) run cx ["update", "--force"] = withConfig cx (\x -> update x True) run cx ["set", "tagger", "ctags"] = encodeConfig $ cx { tagsCmd = taggerCmd Ctags } run cx ["set", "tagger", "hasktags"] = encodeConfig $ cx { tagsCmd = taggerCmd Hasktags } run cx ["set", "format", "emacs"] = encodeConfig $ cx { tagsCmd = taggerCmd HasktagsEmacs, tagsFileHeader = False, tagsFileSorted = False, tagsFileName = "TAGS" } run cx ["set", "format", "sublime"] = encodeConfig $ cx { tagsCmd = taggerCmd HasktagsExtended, tagsFileHeader = True, tagsFileSorted = True } run cx ["set", "format", "vim"] = encodeConfig $ cx { tagsFileHeader = True, tagsFileSorted = True } run _ ["--version"] = putStrLn $ concat ["codex: ", display version] run _ ["--help"] = help run _ [] = help run _ args = fail' $ concat ["codex: '", intercalate " " args,"' is not a codex command. See 'codex --help'."] withConfig cx f = checkConfig cx >>= \state -> case state of TaggerNotFound -> fail' $ "codex: tagger not found." Ready -> do cacheHash' <- readCacheHash cx case cacheHash' of Just cacheHash -> when (cacheHash /= currentHash) $ do putStrLn "codex: configuration has been updated, cleaning cache ..." cleanCache cx Nothing -> return () res <- f cx writeCacheHash cx currentHash return res where currentHash = codexHash cx fail' msg = do putStrLn $ msg exitWith (ExitFailure 1)