module Codec.Beam.Internal.Syntax where

import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Word (Word8)

-- | A virtual machine instruction—the main unit this library deals with.
--   There are a finite number of instructions, enumerated in "Codec.Beam.Instructions".
--   Each new release of Erlang/OTP might introduce a few more and deprecate old ones.
data Op = Op Word8 [Argument]

-- | Mark a spot in the code, so that you can jump to it with a function or condition.
--   __Start with @Label 1@ and go up from there.__
newtype Label = Label Int
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | A stack register. These are used to pass function arguments, and @X 0@ stores return values.
newtype X = X Int
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | A stack register for saving values across function calls.
--   Anything you put in a 'X' register can be overwritten inside a function call
--   (or inside a function call inside a function call).
--   @Y@ registers let you avoid that—they must be allocated and de-allocated though.
newtype Y = Y Int
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | Floating point \"register\" for optimized floating point arithmetic.
--   These are not treated as traditional stack registers.
newtype F = F Int
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | The empty list.
data Nil = Nil
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | Turn a named function into a @fun@, for use with 'Codec.Beam.Instructions.make_fun2'.
data Lambda = Lambda
  { _lambda_name :: Text   -- ^ unique name for this lambda
  , _lambda_arity :: Int
  , _lambda_label :: Label -- ^ where to find the backing function
  , _lambda_free :: Int    -- ^ how many variables to capture from calling scope
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | Erlang literals, stored on the heap.
data Literal
  = Integer Int
  | Float Double
  | Atom Text
  | Binary ByteString
  | Tuple [Literal]
  | List [Literal]
  | Map [(Literal, Literal)]
  | ExternalFun Import
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | Reference a function from another module.
--   For example, @Import "array" "map" 2@ refers to the stdlib function: @array:map/2@.
data Import = Import
  { _import_module :: Text
  , _import_function :: Text
  , _import_arity :: Int
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | This constraint marks functions that do not require heap storage,
--   which means they can be called without concern for garbage collection.
class NoGC a

-- | Convert BIF to a normal import with zero arguments,
--   which can be used with '' and friends.
importBif0 :: Bif0 a => a -> Import
importBif0 = unBif 0

class IsBif a => Bif0 a

-- | Convert BIF to a normal import with one argument.
importBif1 :: Bif1 a => a -> Import
importBif1 = unBif 1

class IsBif a => Bif1 a

-- | Convert BIF to a normal import with two arguments.
importBif2 :: Bif2 a => a -> Import
importBif2 = unBif 2

class IsBif a => Bif2 a

-- | Convert BIF to a normal import with three arguments.
importBif3 :: Bif3 a => a -> Import
importBif3 = unBif 3

class IsBif a => Bif3 a

-- | Convert BIF to a normal import with four arguments.
importBif4 :: Bif4 a => a -> Import
importBif4 = unBif 4

class IsBif a => Bif4 a

-- | Either type of stack register, 'X' or 'Y'.
--   Instructions that work with this type, use 'IsRegister' for convenience.
newtype  Register  = Register { unRegister :: Argument }
class    IsRegister a        where toRegister :: a -> Register
instance IsRegister Register where toRegister = id
instance IsRegister X        where toRegister = Register . FromX
instance IsRegister Y        where toRegister = Register . FromY

-- | Any sort of Erlang value.
--   Instructions that work with this type, use 'IsSource' for convenience.
--   Note the 'IsSource' instance for 'Text', which represents a stack atom
--   (in contrast with the 'Atom' constructor in 'Literal', which is heap-stored).
newtype  Source = Source { unSource :: Argument }
class    IsSource a       where toSource :: a -> Source
instance IsSource Source  where toSource = id
instance IsSource X       where toSource = Source . FromX
instance IsSource Y       where toSource = Source . FromY
instance IsSource Nil     where toSource = Source . FromNil
instance IsSource Text    where toSource = Source . FromAtom
instance IsSource Literal where toSource = Source . FromLiteral
instance IsSource Int     where toSource = Source . FromInt

-- | Memory for manipulating 'F', for use with 'Codec.Beam.Instructions.fmove'.
--   Instructions that work with this type, use 'IsRegisterF' for convenience.
newtype  RegisterF = RegisterF { unRegisterF :: Argument }
class    IsRegisterF a         where toRegisterF :: a -> RegisterF
instance IsRegisterF RegisterF where toRegisterF = id
instance IsRegisterF F         where toRegisterF = RegisterF . FromF
instance IsRegisterF X         where toRegisterF = RegisterF . FromX
instance IsRegisterF Y         where toRegisterF = RegisterF . FromY

-- | Something that can be coerced into 'F', for use with 'Codec.Beam.Instructions.fmove'.
--   Instructions that work with this type, use 'IsSourceF' for convenience.
newtype  SourceF = SourceF { unSourceF :: Argument }
class    IsSourceF a       where toSourceF :: a -> SourceF
instance IsSourceF SourceF where toSourceF = id
instance IsSourceF F       where toSourceF = SourceF . FromF
instance IsSourceF X       where toSourceF = SourceF . FromX
instance IsSourceF Y       where toSourceF = SourceF . FromY
instance IsSourceF Literal where toSourceF = SourceF . FromLiteral

-- PRIVATE, not exposed outside of package

data Argument
  = FromImport Import
  | FromX X
  | FromY Y
  | FromF F
  | FromNewLabel Label
  | FromUntagged Int
  | FromInt Int
  | FromNil Nil
  | FromAtom Text
  | FromLabel Label
  | FromLiteral Literal
  | FromLambda Lambda
  | FromList [Argument]
  | FromNewFunction Text Int

fromRegister :: IsRegister a => a -> Argument
fromRegister = unRegister . toRegister

fromSource :: IsSource a => a -> Argument
fromSource = unSource . toSource

fromRegisterF :: IsRegisterF a => a -> Argument
fromRegisterF = unRegisterF . toRegisterF

fromSourceF :: IsSourceF a => a -> Argument
fromSourceF = unSourceF . toSourceF

fromDestinations :: [(Label, Source)] -> Argument
fromDestinations =
  FromList . foldr (\x a -> FromLabel (fst x) : fromSource (snd x) : a) []

-- NOTE: This function reverses tuple order.
--       Seems to be necessary, but it's rather unintuitive,
--       given that 'fromDestinations' has opposite behavior.
fromPairs :: (a -> Argument) -> [(a, a)] -> Argument
fromPairs from =
  FromList . foldr (\x a -> from (snd x) : from (fst x) : a) []

class IsBif a where unBif :: Int -> a -> Import