-- | A library for setting up a commandline parser and help generator for an
-- application. It aims for conciseness, flexibility and composability. It
-- supports both non-modal and modal (with subcommands -- like darcs, cabal and
-- the like) applications.
-- The library supports two main styles of representing flags and
-- commands. These are called "Record" and "ADT", respectively, by the
-- library. The Record representation is more straightforward and easier to use
-- in most instances. The ADT interface is suitable for applications that
-- require exact correspondence between the commandline and its runtime
-- representation, or when an existing application is being ported to cmdlib
-- that is using this style to represent flags.
-- Using the Record-based interface, a simple Hello World application could
-- look like this:
-- > {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-- > import System.Console.CmdLib
-- > import Control.Monad
-- >
-- > data Main = Main { greeting :: String, again :: Bool }
-- >     deriving (Typeable, Data, Eq)
-- >
-- > instance Attributes Main where
-- >     attributes _ = group "Options" [
-- >         greeting %> [ Help "The text of the greeting.", ArgHelp "TEXT"
-- >                     , Default "Hello world!" ],
-- >         again    %> Help "Say hello twice." ]
-- >
-- > instance RecordCommand Main where
-- >     mode_summary _ = "Hello world with argument parsing."
-- >
-- > main = getArgs >>= executeR Main {} >>= \opts -> do
-- >   putStrLn (greeting opts)
-- Then, saying ./hello --help will give us:
-- > Hello world with argument parsing.
-- >
-- > Options:
-- >     --greeting=TEXT   The text of the greeting. (default: Hello world!)
-- >     --again[=yes|no]  Say hello twice. (default: no)

module System.Console.CmdLib (
  -- * Attributes.

  -- | To each flag, a number of attributes can be attached. Many reasonable
  -- defaults are provided by the library. The attributes are described by the
  -- "Attribute" type and are attached to flags using @"%>"@ and the related
  -- operators (all described in this section).

  Attribute(..), enable, disable, long, short, simple
  , (%%), (%>), (<%), (%+), (+%), everywhere, group

  -- * Flags.

  -- | Flags (commandline options) can be represented in two basic styles,
  -- either as a plain ADT (algebraic data type) or as a record type. These two
  -- styles are implemented using "ADTFlag" and "ADT" for the former and
  -- "RecordFlag" and "Record" for the latter. The *Flag classes can be used to
  -- attach attributes to flags and to override the parser for option
  -- arguments. However, an empty instance is valid for both cases. The "ADT"
  -- and "Record" newtype wrappers are then used in a "Command" or
  -- "RecordCommand" instance declaration.

  , ADT, Record, Attributes(..)

  -- * Commands.
  , (%:), commandGroup, Command(..), dispatch, execute, helpCommands, helpOptions

  -- * Record-based commands.
  , RecordCommand(..), RecordMode(..), recordCommands, dispatchR, executeR

  -- * Utilities.
  , globalFlag, readCommon, (<+<), HelpCommand(..), die

  -- * Convenience re-exports.
  , Data, Typeable, getArgs
) where

import System.Console.CmdLib.Attribute
import System.Console.CmdLib.Flag
import System.Console.CmdLib.Command
import System.Console.CmdLib.ADTs
import System.Console.CmdLib.Record

import Data.Data
import Data.Typeable

import Data.IORef
import System.IO.Unsafe
import System.Environment

-- | Create a global setter/getter pair for a flag. The setter can be then
-- passed to the "Global" attribute and the getter used globally to query value
-- of that flag. Example:
-- > data Flag = Wibblify Int | Verbose Bool
-- > (setVerbose, isVerbose) = globalFlag False
-- >
-- > instance ADTFlag Flag where
-- >     adt_attrs _ = Verbose %> Global setVerbose
-- >
-- > putVerbose str = isVerbose >>= flip when (putStrLn str)
globalFlag :: a -> (a -> IO (), IO a)
globalFlag def = unsafePerformIO $ do ref <- newIORef def
                                      return (writeIORef ref, readIORef ref)
{-# NOINLINE globalFlag #-}