{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, RecordWildCards #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-} module System.Console.CmdArgs.Test.Implicit.HLint where import System.Console.CmdArgs import System.Console.CmdArgs.Test.Implicit.Util data HLint = HLint {report :: [FilePath] ,hint :: [FilePath] ,color :: Bool ,ignore_ :: [String] ,show_ :: Bool ,extension :: [String] ,language :: [String] ,utf8 :: Bool ,encoding :: String ,find :: [FilePath] ,test_ :: Bool ,datadir :: [FilePath] ,cpp_define :: [String] ,cpp_include :: [FilePath] ,files :: [FilePath] } deriving (Data,Typeable,Show,Eq) hlint = HLint {report = def &= opt "report.html" &= typFile &= help "Generate a report in HTML" ,hint = def &= typFile &= help "Hint/ignore file to use" ,color = def &= name "c" &= name "colour" &= help "Color the output (requires ANSI terminal)" ,ignore_ = def &= typ "MESSAGE" &= help "Ignore a particular hint" ,show_ = def &= help "Show all ignored ideas" ,extension = def &= typ "EXT" &= help "File extensions to search (defaults to hs and lhs)" ,language = def &= name "X" &= typ "LANG" &= help "Language extension (Arrows, NoCPP)" ,utf8 = def &= help "Use UTF-8 text encoding" ,encoding = def &= typ "ENC" &= help "Choose the text encoding" ,find = def &= typFile &= help "Find hints in a Haskell file" ,test_ = def &= help "Run in test mode" ,datadir = def &= typDir &= help "Override the data directory" ,cpp_define = def &= typ "NAME[=VALUE]" &= help "CPP #define" ,cpp_include = def &= typDir &= help "CPP include path" ,files = def &= args &= typ "FILES/DIRS" } &= verbosity &= help "Suggest improvements to Haskell source code" &= summary "HLint v0.0.0, (C) Neil Mitchell" &= details ["Hlint gives hints on how to improve Haskell code","" ,"To check all Haskell files in 'src' and generate a report type:"," hlint src --report"] mode = cmdArgsMode hlint -- STOP MANUAL test = do let Tester{..} = tester "HLint" mode [] === hlint fails ["-ch"] isVerbosity ["--color","--quiet"] Quiet isVerbosity ["--color","--verbose"] Loud isVerbosity ["--color","--quiet","--verbose"] Loud isVerbosity [] Normal isHelp ["-?"] ["HLint v0.0.0, (C) Neil Mitchell"] isHelp ["--help"] [" hlint src --report"] ["--colo"] === hlint{color=True} ["--colour","--colour=false"] === hlint ["--colour=true"] === hlint{color=True} ["-c=off"] === hlint ["-ct"] === hlint{color=True,test_=True} ["--colour","--test"] === hlint{color=True,test_=True} ["-thfoo"] === hlint{test_=True,hint=["foo"]} ["-cr"] === hlint{color=True,report=["report.html"]} ["--cpp-define=val","x"] === hlint{cpp_define=["val"],files=["x"]} fails ["--cpp-define"] ["--cpp-define","val","x","y"] === hlint{cpp_define=["val"],files=["x","y"]}