{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import CMarkGFM import Test.HUnit import System.Exit import Data.Text () main :: IO () main = do registerPlugins counts' <- runTestTT tests case (errors counts' + failures counts') of 0 -> exitWith ExitSuccess n -> exitWith (ExitFailure n) -- The C library has its own extensive tests. -- Here we just make sure it's basically working. tests :: Test tests = TestList [ "
\n" ~=? commonmarkToHtml [optSmart] [] "dog's" , "\n" ~=? commonmarkToHtml [optSafe] [] "[trick](javascript:alert('hi'))" , ".RS\n.PP\nquote\n.RE\n" ~=? commonmarkToMan [] [] Nothing "> quote" , (Node (Just (PosInfo {startLine = 1, startColumn = 1, endLine = 1, endColumn = 13})) DOCUMENT [Node (Just (PosInfo {startLine = 1, startColumn = 1, endLine = 1, endColumn = 13})) PARAGRAPH [Node Nothing (TEXT "Hello ") [],Node Nothing EMPH [Node Nothing (TEXT "world") []]]]) ~=? commonmarkToNode [] [] "Hello *world*" , "> Hello\n> *world*\n" ~=? nodeToCommonmark [] (Just 12) (Node Nothing DOCUMENT [Node Nothing BLOCK_QUOTE [Node Nothing PARAGRAPH [Node Nothing (TEXT "Hello ") [],Node Nothing EMPH [Node Nothing (TEXT "world") []]]]]) , "~hi~
\n" ~=? commonmarkToHtml [] [] "~hi~" , "hi
\n" ~=? commonmarkToHtml [] [] "www.google.com" , "\n" ~=? commonmarkToHtml [] [extAutolink] "www.google.com" , "| a |\n| --- |\n| b |
\n" ~=? commonmarkToHtml [] [] "| a |\n| --- |\n| b |\n" , "a | \n
b | \n