{-# LINE 1 "CMark.hsc" #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ForeignFunctionInterface, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving,
{-# LINE 2 "CMark.hsc" #-}
    DeriveGeneric, DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleContexts #-}

module CMark (
  , commonmarkToXml
  , commonmarkToMan
  , commonmarkToNode
  , nodeToCommonmark
  , optSourcePos
  , optNormalize
  , optHardBreaks
  , optSmart
  , Node(..)
  , NodeType(..)
  , PosInfo(..)
  , DelimType(..)
  , ListType(..)
  , ListAttributes(..)
  , Url
  , Title
  , Level
  , Info
  , CMarkOption
  ) where

import Foreign
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.C.String (CString, withCString)
import qualified System.IO.Unsafe as Unsafe
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Text (Text, empty, unpack)
import qualified Data.Text.Foreign as TF
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))

{-# LINE 39 "CMark.hsc" #-}

-- | Convert CommonMark formatted text to Html, using cmark's
-- built-in renderer.
commonmarkToHtml :: [CMarkOption] -> Text -> Text
commonmarkToHtml = commonmarkToX c_cmark_render_html

-- | Convert CommonMark formatted text to CommonMark XML, using cmark's
-- built-in renderer.
commonmarkToXml :: [CMarkOption] -> Text -> Text
commonmarkToXml = commonmarkToX c_cmark_render_xml

-- | Convert CommonMark formatted text to groff man, using cmark's
-- built-in renderer.
commonmarkToMan :: [CMarkOption] -> Text -> Text
commonmarkToMan = commonmarkToX c_cmark_render_man

-- | Convert CommonMark formatted text to a structured 'Node' tree,
-- which can be transformed or rendered using Haskell code.
commonmarkToNode :: [CMarkOption] -> Text -> Node
commonmarkToNode opts s = io $ do
  nptr <- TF.withCStringLen s $! \(ptr, len) ->
             c_cmark_parse_document ptr len (combineOptions opts)
  fptr <- newForeignPtr c_cmark_node_free nptr
  withForeignPtr fptr toNode

nodeToCommonmark :: [CMarkOption] -> Int -> Node -> Text
nodeToCommonmark opts width node = io $ do
  nptr <- fromNode node
  fptr <- newForeignPtr c_cmark_node_free nptr
  withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> do
    cstr <- c_cmark_render_commonmark ptr (combineOptions opts) width
    TF.peekCStringLen (cstr, c_strlen cstr)

commonmarkToX :: (NodePtr -> CInt -> IO CString)
              -> [CMarkOption]
              -> Text
              -> Text
commonmarkToX renderer opts s = io $ TF.withCStringLen s $ \(ptr, len) -> do
  let opts' = combineOptions opts
  nptr <- c_cmark_parse_document ptr len opts'
  fptr <- newForeignPtr c_cmark_node_free nptr
  withForeignPtr fptr $ \p -> do
    str <- renderer p opts'
    t <- TF.peekCStringLen $! (str, c_strlen str)
    return t

type NodePtr = Ptr ()

data Node = Node (Maybe PosInfo) NodeType [Node]
     deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data, Generic)

data DelimType =
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data, Generic)

data ListType =
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data, Generic)

data ListAttributes = ListAttributes{
    listType     :: ListType
  , listTight    :: Bool
  , listStart    :: Int
  , listDelim    :: DelimType
  } deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data, Generic)

type Url = Text

type Title = Text

type Level = Int

type Info = Text

data NodeType =
  | HTML Text
  | CODE_BLOCK Info Text
  | HEADER Level
  | LIST ListAttributes
  | ITEM
  | TEXT Text
  | CODE Text
  | EMPH
  | LINK Url Title
  | IMAGE Url Title
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data, Generic)

data PosInfo = PosInfo{ startLine   :: Int
                      , startColumn :: Int
                      , endLine     :: Int
                      , endColumn   :: Int
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data, Generic)

newtype CMarkOption = CMarkOption { unCMarkOption :: CInt }

-- | Combine a list of options into a single option, using bitwise or.
combineOptions :: [CMarkOption] -> CInt
combineOptions = foldr ((.|.) . unCMarkOption) 0

-- Include a @data-sourcepos@ attribute on block elements.
optSourcePos :: CMarkOption
optSourcePos = CMarkOption 1
{-# LINE 152 "CMark.hsc" #-}

-- Render @softbreak@ elements as hard line breaks.
optHardBreaks :: CMarkOption
optHardBreaks = CMarkOption 2
{-# LINE 156 "CMark.hsc" #-}

-- Normalize the document by consolidating adjacent text nodes.
optNormalize :: CMarkOption
optNormalize = CMarkOption 4
{-# LINE 160 "CMark.hsc" #-}

-- Convert straight quotes to curly, @---@ to em-dash, @--@ to en-dash.
optSmart :: CMarkOption
optSmart = CMarkOption 8
{-# LINE 164 "CMark.hsc" #-}

ptrToNodeType :: NodePtr -> IO NodeType
ptrToNodeType ptr = do
  nodeType <- c_cmark_node_get_type ptr
  case nodeType of
{-# LINE 170 "CMark.hsc" #-}
         -> return DOCUMENT
{-# LINE 172 "CMark.hsc" #-}
         -> return HRULE
{-# LINE 174 "CMark.hsc" #-}
         -> return PARAGRAPH
{-# LINE 176 "CMark.hsc" #-}
         -> return BLOCK_QUOTE
{-# LINE 178 "CMark.hsc" #-}
         -> HTML <$> literal
{-# LINE 180 "CMark.hsc" #-}
         -> CODE_BLOCK <$> info
                       <*> literal
{-# LINE 183 "CMark.hsc" #-}
         -> LIST <$> listAttr
{-# LINE 185 "CMark.hsc" #-}
         -> return ITEM
{-# LINE 187 "CMark.hsc" #-}
         -> HEADER <$> level
{-# LINE 189 "CMark.hsc" #-}
         -> return EMPH
{-# LINE 191 "CMark.hsc" #-}
         -> return STRONG
{-# LINE 193 "CMark.hsc" #-}
         -> LINK <$> url <*> title
{-# LINE 195 "CMark.hsc" #-}
         -> IMAGE <$> url <*> title
{-# LINE 197 "CMark.hsc" #-}
         -> TEXT <$> literal
{-# LINE 199 "CMark.hsc" #-}
         -> CODE <$> literal
{-# LINE 201 "CMark.hsc" #-}
         -> INLINE_HTML <$> literal
{-# LINE 203 "CMark.hsc" #-}
         -> return SOFTBREAK
{-# LINE 205 "CMark.hsc" #-}
         -> return LINEBREAK
       _ -> error "Unknown node type"
  where literal   = c_cmark_node_get_literal ptr >>= totext
        level     = c_cmark_node_get_header_level ptr
        listAttr  = do
          listtype <- c_cmark_node_get_list_type ptr
          listdelim <- c_cmark_node_get_list_delim ptr
          tight <- c_cmark_node_get_list_tight ptr
          start <- c_cmark_node_get_list_start ptr
          return ListAttributes{
            listType  = case listtype of
                             (2) -> ORDERED_LIST
{-# LINE 217 "CMark.hsc" #-}
                             (1)  -> BULLET_LIST
{-# LINE 218 "CMark.hsc" #-}
                             _                           -> BULLET_LIST
          , listDelim  = case listdelim of
                             (1) -> PERIOD_DELIM
{-# LINE 221 "CMark.hsc" #-}
                             (2)  -> PAREN_DELIM
{-# LINE 222 "CMark.hsc" #-}
                             _                           -> PERIOD_DELIM
          , listTight  = tight
          , listStart  = start
        url       = c_cmark_node_get_url ptr >>= totext
        title     = c_cmark_node_get_title ptr >>= totext
        info      = c_cmark_node_get_fence_info ptr >>= totext

getPosInfo :: NodePtr -> IO (Maybe PosInfo)
getPosInfo ptr = do
  startline <- c_cmark_node_get_start_line ptr
  endline <- c_cmark_node_get_end_line ptr
  startcol <- c_cmark_node_get_start_column ptr
  endcol <- c_cmark_node_get_end_column ptr
  if startline + endline + startcol + endcol == 0
     then return Nothing
     else return $ Just PosInfo{ startLine = startline
                               , startColumn = startcol
                               , endLine = endline
                               , endColumn = endcol }

toNode :: NodePtr -> IO Node
toNode ptr = do
  let handleNodes ptr' =
        if ptr' == nullPtr
           then return []
           else do
              x  <- toNode ptr'
              xs <- c_cmark_node_next ptr' >>= handleNodes
              return $! (x:xs)
  nodeType <- ptrToNodeType ptr
  children <- c_cmark_node_first_child ptr >>= handleNodes
  posinfo <- getPosInfo ptr
  return $! Node posinfo nodeType children

fromNode :: Node -> IO NodePtr
fromNode (Node _ nodeType children) = do
  node <- case nodeType of
            DOCUMENT    -> c_cmark_node_new (1)
{-# LINE 261 "CMark.hsc" #-}
            HRULE       -> c_cmark_node_new (9)
{-# LINE 262 "CMark.hsc" #-}
            PARAGRAPH   -> c_cmark_node_new (7)
{-# LINE 263 "CMark.hsc" #-}
            BLOCK_QUOTE -> c_cmark_node_new (2)
{-# LINE 264 "CMark.hsc" #-}
            HTML literal -> do
                     n <- c_cmark_node_new (6)
{-# LINE 266 "CMark.hsc" #-}
                     c_cmark_node_set_literal n (fromtext literal)
                     return n
            CODE_BLOCK info literal -> do
                     n <- c_cmark_node_new (5)
{-# LINE 270 "CMark.hsc" #-}
                     c_cmark_node_set_literal n (fromtext literal)
                     c_cmark_node_set_fence_info n (fromtext info)
                     return n
            LIST attr   -> do
                     n <- c_cmark_node_new (3)
{-# LINE 275 "CMark.hsc" #-}
                     c_cmark_node_set_list_type n $ case listType attr of
                         ORDERED_LIST -> 2
{-# LINE 277 "CMark.hsc" #-}
                         BULLET_LIST  -> 1
{-# LINE 278 "CMark.hsc" #-}
                     c_cmark_node_set_list_delim n $ case listDelim attr of
                         PERIOD_DELIM -> 1
{-# LINE 280 "CMark.hsc" #-}
                         PAREN_DELIM  -> 2
{-# LINE 281 "CMark.hsc" #-}
                     c_cmark_node_set_list_tight n $ listTight attr
                     c_cmark_node_set_list_start n $ listStart attr
                     return n
            ITEM        -> c_cmark_node_new (4)
{-# LINE 285 "CMark.hsc" #-}
            HEADER lev  -> do
                     n <- c_cmark_node_new (8)
{-# LINE 287 "CMark.hsc" #-}
                     c_cmark_node_set_header_level n lev
                     return n
            EMPH        -> c_cmark_node_new (15)
{-# LINE 290 "CMark.hsc" #-}
            STRONG      -> c_cmark_node_new (16)
{-# LINE 291 "CMark.hsc" #-}
            LINK url title -> do
                     n <- c_cmark_node_new (17)
{-# LINE 293 "CMark.hsc" #-}
                     c_cmark_node_set_url n (fromtext url)
                     c_cmark_node_set_title n (fromtext title)
                     return n
            IMAGE url title -> do
                     n <- c_cmark_node_new (18)
{-# LINE 298 "CMark.hsc" #-}
                     c_cmark_node_set_url n (fromtext url)
                     c_cmark_node_set_title n (fromtext title)
                     return n
            TEXT literal -> do
                     n <- c_cmark_node_new (10)
{-# LINE 303 "CMark.hsc" #-}
                     c_cmark_node_set_literal n (fromtext literal)
                     return n
            CODE literal -> do
                     n <- c_cmark_node_new (13)
{-# LINE 307 "CMark.hsc" #-}
                     c_cmark_node_set_literal n (fromtext literal)
                     return n
            INLINE_HTML literal -> do
                     n <- c_cmark_node_new (14)
{-# LINE 311 "CMark.hsc" #-}
                     c_cmark_node_set_literal n (fromtext literal)
                     return n
            SOFTBREAK   -> c_cmark_node_new (11)
{-# LINE 314 "CMark.hsc" #-}
            LINEBREAK   -> c_cmark_node_new (12)
{-# LINE 315 "CMark.hsc" #-}
  mapM_ (\child -> fromNode child >>= c_cmark_node_append_child node) children
  return node

io :: IO a -> a
io = Unsafe.unsafePerformIO

totext :: CString -> IO Text
totext str
  | str == nullPtr = return empty
  | otherwise      = TF.peekCStringLen (str, c_strlen str)

fromtext :: Text -> CString
fromtext t = io $! withCString (unpack t) return

foreign import ccall "string.h strlen"
    c_strlen :: CString -> Int

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_new"
    c_cmark_node_new :: Int -> IO NodePtr

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_render_html"
    c_cmark_render_html :: NodePtr -> CInt -> IO CString

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_render_xml"
    c_cmark_render_xml :: NodePtr -> CInt -> IO CString

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_render_man"
    c_cmark_render_man :: NodePtr -> CInt -> IO CString

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_render_commonmark"
    c_cmark_render_commonmark :: NodePtr -> CInt -> Int -> IO CString

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_parse_document"
    c_cmark_parse_document :: CString -> Int -> CInt -> IO NodePtr

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_get_type"
    c_cmark_node_get_type :: NodePtr -> IO Int

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_first_child"
    c_cmark_node_first_child :: NodePtr -> IO NodePtr

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_next"
    c_cmark_node_next :: NodePtr -> IO NodePtr

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_get_literal"
    c_cmark_node_get_literal :: NodePtr -> IO CString

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_get_url"
    c_cmark_node_get_url :: NodePtr -> IO CString

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_get_title"
    c_cmark_node_get_title :: NodePtr -> IO CString

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_get_header_level"
    c_cmark_node_get_header_level :: NodePtr -> IO Int

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_get_list_type"
    c_cmark_node_get_list_type :: NodePtr -> IO Int

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_get_list_tight"
    c_cmark_node_get_list_tight :: NodePtr -> IO Bool

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_get_list_start"
    c_cmark_node_get_list_start :: NodePtr -> IO Int

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_get_list_delim"
    c_cmark_node_get_list_delim :: NodePtr -> IO Int

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_get_fence_info"
    c_cmark_node_get_fence_info :: NodePtr -> IO CString

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_get_start_line"
    c_cmark_node_get_start_line :: NodePtr -> IO Int

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_get_start_column"
    c_cmark_node_get_start_column :: NodePtr -> IO Int

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_get_end_line"
    c_cmark_node_get_end_line :: NodePtr -> IO Int

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_get_end_column"
    c_cmark_node_get_end_column :: NodePtr -> IO Int

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_append_child"
    c_cmark_node_append_child :: NodePtr -> NodePtr -> IO Int

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_set_literal"
    c_cmark_node_set_literal :: NodePtr -> CString -> IO Int

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_set_url"
    c_cmark_node_set_url :: NodePtr -> CString -> IO Int

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_set_title"
    c_cmark_node_set_title :: NodePtr -> CString -> IO Int

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_set_header_level"
    c_cmark_node_set_header_level :: NodePtr -> Int -> IO Int

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_set_list_type"
    c_cmark_node_set_list_type :: NodePtr -> Int -> IO Int

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_set_list_tight"
    c_cmark_node_set_list_tight :: NodePtr -> Bool -> IO Int

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_set_list_start"
    c_cmark_node_set_list_start :: NodePtr -> Int -> IO Int

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_set_list_delim"
    c_cmark_node_set_list_delim :: NodePtr -> Int -> IO Int

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_set_fence_info"
    c_cmark_node_set_fence_info :: NodePtr -> CString -> IO Int

foreign import ccall "cmark.h &cmark_node_free"
    c_cmark_node_free :: FunPtr (NodePtr -> IO ())