\begin{code} module Numeric.Clifford.MultivectorSpec (main, spec) where import Prelude hiding ((^), (*)) import Test.Hspec import Test.QuickCheck import Numeric.Clifford.Multivector import Algebra.Ring import Algebra.Algebraic --import Numeric.Natural import Algebra.Additive (zero) import Control.Exception (evaluate) main :: IO () main = hspec spec type STVector = Multivector 3 1 Double spec :: Spec spec = do let i = 1.0 `e` [1,2] :: STVector let fuckOffSized = (i + (scalar 3.8) + (1.1 `e` [0])) :: STVector let comp a b = compareTol a b 0.0000001 describe "addition" $ do it "is assiocitive" $ property (\a (b::STVector) -> a + b == b + a) describe "multiplication" $ do it "should square unit bivectors to -1" $ do i*i `shouldBe` scalar (-1.0) describe "root n" $ do it "cannot compute the 0th root" $ do evaluate (root 0 i) `shouldThrow` anyErrorCall it "cannot compute a root of 0" $ do evaluate (root 1 (zero::STVector)) `shouldThrow` anyErrorCall it "computes the nth root of a value" $ do comp ((root 3 fuckOffSized)^3) fuckOffSized `shouldBe` True {-it "computes the nth root of a vector. May fail to terminate." $ verbose prop where prop x k= (magnitude (abs ((rooted ^ n) - x))) <= 0.000001 || x == zero || n == zero where n :: Integer n = (fromIntegral (k::Natural)) `mod` 6 rooted :: STVector rooted = root n x-} \end{code}