{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RoleAnnotations #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Unsafe #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.KnownNat.Solver #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.Normalise #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions not-home #-}
module Clash.Sized.Internal.BitVector
Bit (..)
, high
, low
, eq##
, neq##
, lt##
, ge##
, gt##
, le##
, toEnum##
, fromInteger##
, and##
, or##
, xor##
, complement##
, pack#
, unpack#
, BitVector (..)
, size#
, maxIndex#
, bLit
, hLit
, oLit
, undefined#
, (++#)
, reduceAnd#
, reduceOr#
, reduceXor#
, index#
, replaceBit#
, setSlice#
, slice#
, split#
, msb#
, lsb#
, eq#
, neq#
, isLike#
, lt#
, ge#
, gt#
, le#
, toEnum#
, fromEnum#
, enumFrom#
, enumFromThen#
, enumFromTo#
, enumFromThenTo#
, minBound#
, maxBound#
, (+#)
, (-#)
, (*#)
, negate#
, fromInteger#
, plus#
, minus#
, times#
, quot#
, rem#
, toInteger#
, and#
, or#
, xor#
, complement#
, shiftL#
, shiftR#
, rotateL#
, rotateR#
, popCountBV
, countLeadingZerosBV
, countTrailingZerosBV
, truncateB#
, shrinkSizedUnsigned
, undefError
, checkUnpackUndef
, bitPattern
, xToBV
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData (..))
import Control.Exception (catch, evaluate)
import Control.Lens (Index, Ixed (..), IxValue)
import Data.Bits (Bits (..), FiniteBits (..))
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Default.Class (Default (..))
import Data.Either (isLeft)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
import Data.Typeable (Typeable, typeOf)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Numeric (readOct, readHex)
import GHC.Exts
(Word#, Word (W#), eqWord#, int2Word#, isTrue#, uncheckedShiftRL#)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,15,0)
import GHC.Exts (minusWord#, gtWord#, word2Int#, dataToTag#)
import GHC.Num.BigNat (bigNatShiftR#, bigNatToWord)
import GHC.Num.Integer (integerFromNatural, integerToNatural)
import GHC.Num.Natural
(Natural (..), naturalFromWord, naturalShiftL, naturalShiftR, naturalToWord)
import GHC.Exts ((>#), dataToTag#)
import qualified GHC.Exts
import GHC.Integer.GMP.Internals (Integer (..), bigNatToWord, shiftRBigNat)
import GHC.Natural
(Natural (..), naturalFromInteger, wordToNatural)
import GHC.Natural (naturalToInteger)
import GHC.Stack (withFrozenCallStack)
import GHC.TypeLits (KnownNat, Nat, type (+), type (-))
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,15,0)
import GHC.TypeNats (natVal)
import GHC.TypeLits (natVal)
import GHC.TypeLits.Extra (Max)
import Language.Haskell.TH
(Lit (..), ExpQ, Type(ConT, AppT, LitT), Exp(VarE, AppE, SigE, LitE),
TyLit(NumTyLit), Pat, Q, appT, conT, litE, litP, litT, mkName, numTyLit,
sigE, tupE, tupP, varP)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift(..))
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,16,0)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Compat
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,17,0)
import Language.Haskell.TH (Quote)
import Language.Haskell.TH (TypeQ)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeDupablePerformIO)
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary (Arbitrary (..), CoArbitrary (..),
coarbitraryIntegral, shrinkIntegral)
import Clash.Annotations.Primitive (hasBlackBox)
import Clash.Class.Num (ExtendingNum (..), SaturatingNum (..),
SaturationMode (..))
import Clash.Class.Resize (Resize (..))
import Clash.Promoted.Nat
(SNat (..), SNatLE (..), compareSNat, snatToInteger, snatToNum, natToNum)
import Clash.Sized.Internal (formatRange)
import Clash.XException
(ShowX (..), NFDataX (..), errorX, isX, showsPrecXWith, rwhnfX, XException(..))
import Clash.Sized.Internal.Mod
import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified Clash.Sized.Vector as V
import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified Clash.Sized.Internal.Index as I
import qualified Data.Char as C
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
#include "MachDeps.h"
type role BitVector nominal
data BitVector (n :: Nat) =
BV { unsafeMask :: !Natural
, unsafeToNatural :: !Natural
deriving (Data, Generic)
{-# ANN BV hasBlackBox #-}
data Bit =
Bit { unsafeMask# :: {-# unpack #-} !Word
, unsafeToInteger# :: {-# unpack #-} !Word
deriving (Data, Generic)
{-# ANN Bit hasBlackBox #-}
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE high #-}
{-# ANN high hasBlackBox #-}
high :: Bit
high = Bit 0 1
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE low #-}
{-# ANN low hasBlackBox #-}
low :: Bit
low = Bit 0 0
instance NFData Bit where
rnf (Bit m i) = rnf m `seq` rnf i `seq` ()
{-# NOINLINE rnf #-}
instance Show Bit where
show (Bit 0 b) =
case testBit b 0 of
True -> "1"
False -> "0"
show (Bit _ _) = "."
instance ShowX Bit where
showsPrecX = showsPrecXWith showsPrec
instance NFDataX Bit where
deepErrorX = errorX
rnfX = rwhnfX
hasUndefined bv = isLeft (isX bv) || unsafeMask# bv /= 0
instance Lift Bit where
lift (Bit m i) = [| fromInteger## $(litE (WordPrimL (toInteger m))) i |]
{-# NOINLINE lift #-}
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,16,0)
liftTyped = liftTypedFromUntyped
instance Eq Bit where
(==) = eq##
(/=) = neq##
eq## :: Bit -> Bit -> Bool
eq## b1 b2 = eq# (pack# b1) (pack# b2)
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE eq## #-}
{-# ANN eq## hasBlackBox #-}
neq## :: Bit -> Bit -> Bool
neq## b1 b2 = neq# (pack# b1) (pack# b2)
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE neq## #-}
{-# ANN neq## hasBlackBox #-}
instance Ord Bit where
(<) = lt##
(<=) = le##
(>) = gt##
(>=) = ge##
lt##,ge##,gt##,le## :: Bit -> Bit -> Bool
lt## b1 b2 = lt# (pack# b1) (pack# b2)
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE lt## #-}
{-# ANN lt## hasBlackBox #-}
ge## b1 b2 = ge# (pack# b1) (pack# b2)
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE ge## #-}
{-# ANN ge## hasBlackBox #-}
gt## b1 b2 = gt# (pack# b1) (pack# b2)
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE gt## #-}
{-# ANN gt## hasBlackBox #-}
le## b1 b2 = le# (pack# b1) (pack# b2)
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE le## #-}
{-# ANN le## hasBlackBox #-}
instance Enum Bit where
toEnum = toEnum##
fromEnum b = if eq## b low then 0 else 1
toEnum## :: Int -> Bit
toEnum## = fromInteger## 0## . toInteger
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE toEnum## #-}
{-# ANN toEnum## hasBlackBox #-}
instance Bounded Bit where
minBound = low
maxBound = high
instance Default Bit where
def = low
instance Num Bit where
(+) = xor##
(-) = xor##
(*) = and##
negate = complement##
abs = id
signum b = b
fromInteger = fromInteger## 0##
fromInteger## :: Word# -> Integer -> Bit
fromInteger## m# i = Bit ((W# m#) `mod` 2) (fromInteger i `mod` 2)
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE fromInteger## #-}
{-# ANN fromInteger## hasBlackBox #-}
instance Real Bit where
toRational b = if eq## b low then 0 else 1
instance Integral Bit where
quot a _ = a
rem _ _ = low
div a _ = a
mod _ _ = low
quotRem n _ = (n,low)
divMod n _ = (n,low)
toInteger b = if eq## b low then 0 else 1
instance Bits Bit where
(.&.) = and##
(.|.) = or##
xor = xor##
complement = complement##
zeroBits = low
bit i = if i == 0 then high else low
setBit b i = if i == 0 then high else b
clearBit b i = if i == 0 then low else b
complementBit b i = if i == 0 then complement## b else b
testBit b i = if i == 0 then eq## b high else False
bitSizeMaybe _ = Just 1
bitSize _ = 1
isSigned _ = False
shift b i = if i == 0 then b else low
shiftL b i = if i == 0 then b else low
shiftR b i = if i == 0 then b else low
rotate b _ = b
rotateL b _ = b
rotateR b _ = b
popCount b = if eq## b low then 0 else 1
instance FiniteBits Bit where
finiteBitSize _ = 1
countLeadingZeros b = if eq## b low then 1 else 0
countTrailingZeros b = if eq## b low then 1 else 0
and##, or##, xor## :: Bit -> Bit -> Bit
and## (Bit m1 v1) (Bit m2 v2) = Bit mask (v1 .&. v2 .&. complement mask)
where mask = (m1.&.v2 .|. m1.&.m2 .|. m2.&.v1)
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE and## #-}
{-# ANN and## hasBlackBox #-}
or## (Bit m1 v1) (Bit m2 v2) = Bit mask ((v1 .|. v2) .&. complement mask)
where mask = m1 .&. complement v2 .|. m1.&.m2 .|. m2 .&. complement v1
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE or## #-}
{-# ANN or## hasBlackBox #-}
xor## (Bit m1 v1) (Bit m2 v2) = Bit mask ((v1 `xor` v2) .&. complement mask)
where mask = m1 .|. m2
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE xor## #-}
{-# ANN xor## hasBlackBox #-}
complement## :: Bit -> Bit
complement## (Bit m v) = Bit m (complementB v .&. complementB m)
where complementB (W# b#) = W# (int2Word# (eqWord# b# 0##))
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE complement## #-}
{-# ANN complement## hasBlackBox #-}
pack# :: Bit -> BitVector 1
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,15,0)
pack# (Bit (W# m) (W# b)) = BV (NS m) (NS b)
pack# (Bit (W# m) (W# b)) = BV (NatS# m) (NatS# b)
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE pack# #-}
{-# ANN pack# hasBlackBox #-}
unpack# :: BitVector 1 -> Bit
unpack# (BV m b) = Bit (go m) (go b)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,15,0)
go (NS w) = W# w
go (NB w) = bigNatToWord w
go (NatS# w) = W# w
go (NatJ# w) = W# (bigNatToWord w)
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE unpack# #-}
{-# ANN unpack# hasBlackBox #-}
instance NFData (BitVector n) where
rnf (BV i m) = rnf i `seq` rnf m `seq` ()
{-# NOINLINE rnf #-}
instance KnownNat n => Show (BitVector n) where
show (BV m i) =
case natToNum @n @Int of
0 -> "0"
_ -> '0' : 'b' : go groupSize (natToNum @n @Int) m i []
go _ 0 _ _ s = s
go c n m0 v0 s =
(!v1, !vBit) = quotRem v0 2
(!m1, !mBit) = quotRem m0 2
!renderedBit = showBit mBit vBit
case c of
0 -> go (groupSize - 1) (n - 1) m1 v1 (renderedBit : '_' : s)
_ -> go (c - 1) (n - 1) m1 v1 (renderedBit : s)
showBit 0 0 = '0'
showBit 0 1 = '1'
showBit _ _ = '.'
groupSize :: Int
groupSize = 4
{-# NOINLINE show #-}
instance KnownNat n => ShowX (BitVector n) where
showsPrecX = showsPrecXWith showsPrec
instance KnownNat n => NFDataX (BitVector n) where
deepErrorX _ = undefined#
rnfX = rwhnfX
hasUndefined bv = isLeft (isX bv) || unsafeMask bv /= 0
ensureSpine = xToBV
bLit :: String -> ExpQ
bLit s = pure (SigE body typ)
typ = ConT ''BitVector `AppT` LitT (NumTyLit (toInteger n))
body = VarE 'fromInteger# `AppE` iLit mask `AppE` iLit value
iLit = LitE . IntegerL . toInteger
(n, BV mask value) = read# s :: (Natural, BitVector n)
read# :: String -> (Natural, BitVector n)
read# cs0 = (fromIntegral (length cs1), BV m v)
cs1 = filter (/= '_') cs0
(vs, ms) = unzip (map readBit cs1)
combineBits = foldl (\b a -> b*2+a) 0
v = combineBits vs
m = combineBits ms
readBit c = case c of
'0' -> (0,0)
'1' -> (1,0)
'.' -> (0,1)
_ -> error $
"Clash.Sized.Internal.bLit: unknown character: "
++ show c ++ " in input: " ++ cs0
hLit :: String -> ExpQ
hLit s = pure (SigE body typ)
typ = ConT ''BitVector `AppT` LitT (NumTyLit (toInteger n))
body = VarE 'fromInteger# `AppE` iLit mask `AppE` iLit value
iLit = LitE . IntegerL . toInteger
(n, BV mask value) = read16# s :: (Natural, BitVector n)
read16# :: String -> (Natural, BitVector n)
read16# cs0 = (fromIntegral $ 4 * length cs1, BV m v)
cs1 = filter (/= '_') cs0
(vs, ms) = unzip $ map readHexDigit cs1
combineHexDigits = foldl (\b a -> 16*b+a) 0
v = combineHexDigits vs
m = combineHexDigits ms
readHexDigit '.' = (0, 0xf)
readHexDigit c = case readHex [c] of
[(n, "")] -> (n, 0)
_ -> error $
"Clash.Sized.Internal.hLit: unknown character: "
++ show c ++ " in input: " ++ cs0
oLit :: String -> ExpQ
oLit s = pure (SigE body typ)
typ = ConT ''BitVector `AppT` LitT (NumTyLit (toInteger n))
body = VarE 'fromInteger# `AppE` iLit mask `AppE` iLit value
iLit = LitE . IntegerL . toInteger
(n, BV mask value) = read8# s :: (Natural, BitVector n)
read8# :: String -> (Natural, BitVector n)
read8# cs0 = (fromIntegral $ 3 * length cs1, BV m v)
cs1 = filter (/= '_') cs0
(vs, ms) = unzip $ map readOctDigit cs1
combineOctDigits = foldl (\b a -> 8*b+a) 0
v = combineOctDigits vs
m = combineOctDigits ms
readOctDigit '.' = (0, 0o7)
readOctDigit c = case readOct [c] of
[(n, "")] -> (n, 0)
_ -> error $
"Clash.Sized.Internal.oLit: unknown character: "
++ show c ++ " in input: " ++ cs0
instance KnownNat n => Eq (BitVector n) where
(==) = eq#
(/=) = neq#
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE eq# #-}
{-# ANN eq# hasBlackBox #-}
eq# :: KnownNat n => BitVector n -> BitVector n -> Bool
eq# (BV 0 v1) (BV 0 v2 ) = v1 == v2
eq# bv1 bv2 = undefErrorI "==" bv1 bv2
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE neq# #-}
{-# ANN neq# hasBlackBox #-}
neq# :: KnownNat n => BitVector n -> BitVector n -> Bool
neq# (BV 0 v1) (BV 0 v2) = v1 /= v2
neq# bv1 bv2 = undefErrorI "/=" bv1 bv2
instance KnownNat n => Ord (BitVector n) where
(<) = lt#
(>=) = ge#
(>) = gt#
(<=) = le#
lt#,ge#,gt#,le# :: KnownNat n => BitVector n -> BitVector n -> Bool
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE lt# #-}
{-# ANN lt# hasBlackBox #-}
lt# (BV 0 n) (BV 0 m) = n < m
lt# bv1 bv2 = undefErrorI "<" bv1 bv2
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE ge# #-}
{-# ANN ge# hasBlackBox #-}
ge# (BV 0 n) (BV 0 m) = n >= m
ge# bv1 bv2 = undefErrorI ">=" bv1 bv2
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE gt# #-}
{-# ANN gt# hasBlackBox #-}
gt# (BV 0 n) (BV 0 m) = n > m
gt# bv1 bv2 = undefErrorI ">" bv1 bv2
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE le# #-}
{-# ANN le# hasBlackBox #-}
le# (BV 0 n) (BV 0 m) = n <= m
le# bv1 bv2 = undefErrorI "<=" bv1 bv2
instance KnownNat n => Enum (BitVector n) where
succ = (+# fromInteger# 0 1)
pred = (-# fromInteger# 0 1)
toEnum = toEnum#
fromEnum = fromEnum#
enumFrom = enumFrom#
enumFromThen = enumFromThen#
enumFromTo = enumFromTo#
enumFromThenTo = enumFromThenTo#
toEnum# :: forall n. KnownNat n => Int -> BitVector n
toEnum# = fromInteger# 0 . toInteger
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE toEnum# #-}
{-# ANN toEnum# hasBlackBox #-}
fromEnum# :: forall n. KnownNat n => BitVector n -> Int
fromEnum# = fromEnum . toInteger#
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE fromEnum# #-}
{-# ANN fromEnum# hasBlackBox #-}
enumFrom# :: forall n. KnownNat n => BitVector n -> [BitVector n]
enumFrom# (BV 0 x) = map (BV 0 . (`mod` m)) [x .. unsafeToNatural (maxBound :: BitVector n)]
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,15,0)
where m = 1 `naturalShiftL` naturalToWord (natVal (Proxy @n))
where m = 1 `shiftL` fromInteger (natVal (Proxy @n))
enumFrom# bv = undefErrorU "enumFrom" bv
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE enumFrom# #-}
:: forall n
. KnownNat n
=> BitVector n
-> BitVector n
-> [BitVector n]
enumFromThen# (BV 0 x) (BV 0 y) =
toBvs [x, y .. unsafeToNatural bound]
bound = if x <= y then maxBound else minBound :: BitVector n
toBvs = map (BV 0 . (`mod` m))
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,15,0)
m = 1 `naturalShiftL` naturalToWord (natVal (Proxy @n))
m = 1 `shiftL` fromInteger (natVal (Proxy @n))
enumFromThen# bv1 bv2 = undefErrorP "enumFromThen" bv1 bv2
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE enumFromThen# #-}
:: forall n
. KnownNat n
=> BitVector n
-> BitVector n
-> [BitVector n]
enumFromTo# (BV 0 x) (BV 0 y) = map (BV 0 . (`mod` m)) [x .. y]
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,15,0)
where m = 1 `naturalShiftL` naturalToWord (natVal (Proxy @n))
where m = 1 `shiftL` fromInteger (natVal (Proxy @n))
enumFromTo# bv1 bv2 = undefErrorP "enumFromTo" bv1 bv2
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE enumFromTo# #-}
:: forall n
. KnownNat n
=> BitVector n
-> BitVector n
-> BitVector n
-> [BitVector n]
enumFromThenTo# (BV 0 x1) (BV 0 x2) (BV 0 y) = map (BV 0 . (`mod` m)) [x1, x2 .. y]
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,15,0)
where m = 1 `naturalShiftL` naturalToWord (natVal (Proxy @n))
where m = 1 `shiftL` fromInteger (natVal (Proxy @n))
enumFromThenTo# bv1 bv2 bv3 = undefErrorP3 "enumFromTo" bv1 bv2 bv3
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE enumFromThenTo# #-}
instance KnownNat n => Bounded (BitVector n) where
minBound = minBound#
maxBound = maxBound#
minBound# :: BitVector n
minBound# = BV 0 0
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE minBound# #-}
{-# ANN minBound# hasBlackBox #-}
maxBound# :: forall n. KnownNat n => BitVector n
maxBound# = let m = 1 `shiftL` natToNum @n in BV 0 (m-1)
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE maxBound# #-}
{-# ANN maxBound# hasBlackBox #-}
instance KnownNat n => Num (BitVector n) where
(+) = (+#)
(-) = (-#)
(*) = (*#)
negate = negate#
abs = id
signum bv = resizeBV (pack# (reduceOr# bv))
fromInteger = fromInteger# 0
(+#),(-#),(*#) :: forall n . KnownNat n => BitVector n -> BitVector n -> BitVector n
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE (+#) #-}
{-# ANN (+#) hasBlackBox #-}
(+#) = go
go (BV 0 i) (BV 0 j) = BV 0 (addMod m i j)
go bv1 bv2 = undefErrorI "+" bv1 bv2
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,15,0)
m = 1 `naturalShiftL` naturalToWord (natVal (Proxy @n))
m = 1 `shiftL` fromInteger (natVal (Proxy @n))
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE (-#) #-}
{-# ANN (-#) hasBlackBox #-}
(-#) = go
go (BV 0 i) (BV 0 j) = BV 0 (subMod m i j)
go bv1 bv2 = undefErrorI "-" bv1 bv2
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,15,0)
m = 1 `naturalShiftL` naturalToWord (natVal (Proxy @n))
m = 1 `shiftL` fromInteger (natVal (Proxy @n))
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE (*#) #-}
{-# ANN (*#) hasBlackBox #-}
(*#) = go
go (BV 0 i) (BV 0 j) = BV 0 (mulMod2 m i j)
go bv1 bv2 = undefErrorI "*" bv1 bv2
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,15,0)
m = (1 `naturalShiftL` naturalToWord (natVal (Proxy @n))) - 1
m = (1 `shiftL` fromInteger (natVal (Proxy @n))) - 1
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE negate# #-}
{-# ANN negate# hasBlackBox #-}
negate# :: forall n . KnownNat n => BitVector n -> BitVector n
negate# = go
go (BV 0 i) = BV 0 (negateMod m i)
go bv = undefErrorU "negate" bv
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,15,0)
m = 1 `naturalShiftL` naturalToWord (natVal (Proxy @n))
m = 1 `shiftL` fromInteger (natVal (Proxy @n))
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE fromInteger# #-}
{-# ANN fromInteger# hasBlackBox #-}
fromInteger# :: KnownNat n => Natural -> Integer -> BitVector n
fromInteger# m i = sz `seq` mx
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,15,0)
mx = BV (m `mod` sz)
(integerToNatural (i `mod` integerFromNatural sz))
sz = 1 `naturalShiftL` naturalToWord (natVal mx)
mx = BV (m `mod` naturalFromInteger sz)
(naturalFromInteger (i `mod` sz))
sz = 1 `shiftL` fromInteger (natVal mx) :: Integer
instance (KnownNat m, KnownNat n) => ExtendingNum (BitVector m) (BitVector n) where
type AResult (BitVector m) (BitVector n) = BitVector (Max m n + 1)
add = plus#
sub = minus#
type MResult (BitVector m) (BitVector n) = BitVector (m + n)
mul = times#
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE plus# #-}
{-# ANN plus# hasBlackBox #-}
plus# :: (KnownNat m, KnownNat n) => BitVector m -> BitVector n -> BitVector (Max m n + 1)
plus# (BV 0 a) (BV 0 b) = BV 0 (a + b)
plus# bv1 bv2 = undefErrorP "add" bv1 bv2
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE minus# #-}
{-# ANN minus# hasBlackBox #-}
minus# :: forall m n . (KnownNat m, KnownNat n) => BitVector m -> BitVector n
-> BitVector (Max m n + 1)
minus# = go
go (BV 0 a) (BV 0 b) = BV 0 (subMod m a b)
go bv1 bv2 = undefErrorP "sub" bv1 bv2
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,15,0)
m = 1 `naturalShiftL` naturalToWord (natVal (Proxy @(Max m n + 1)))
m = 1 `shiftL` fromInteger (natVal (Proxy @(Max m n + 1)))
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE times# #-}
{-# ANN times# hasBlackBox #-}
times# :: (KnownNat m, KnownNat n) => BitVector m -> BitVector n -> BitVector (m + n)
times# (BV 0 a) (BV 0 b) = BV 0 (a * b)
times# bv1 bv2 = undefErrorP "mul" bv1 bv2
instance KnownNat n => Real (BitVector n) where
toRational = toRational . toInteger#
instance KnownNat n => Integral (BitVector n) where
quot = quot#
rem = rem#
div = quot#
mod = rem#
quotRem n d = (n `quot#` d,n `rem#` d)
divMod n d = (n `quot#` d,n `rem#` d)
toInteger = toInteger#
quot#,rem# :: KnownNat n => BitVector n -> BitVector n -> BitVector n
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE quot# #-}
{-# ANN quot# hasBlackBox #-}
quot# (BV 0 i) (BV 0 j) = BV 0 (i `quot` j)
quot# bv1 bv2 = undefErrorP "quot" bv1 bv2
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE rem# #-}
{-# ANN rem# hasBlackBox #-}
rem# (BV 0 i) (BV 0 j) = BV 0 (i `rem` j)
rem# bv1 bv2 = undefErrorP "rem" bv1 bv2
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE toInteger# #-}
{-# ANN toInteger# hasBlackBox #-}
toInteger# :: KnownNat n => BitVector n -> Integer
toInteger# (BV 0 i) = naturalToInteger i
toInteger# bv = undefErrorU "toInteger" bv
instance KnownNat n => Bits (BitVector n) where
(.&.) = and#
(.|.) = or#
xor = xor#
complement = complement#
zeroBits = 0
bit i = replaceBit# 0 i high
setBit v i = replaceBit# v i high
clearBit v i = replaceBit# v i low
complementBit v i = replaceBit# v i (complement## (index# v i))
testBit v i = eq## (index# v i) high
bitSizeMaybe v = Just (size# v)
bitSize = size#
isSigned _ = False
shiftL v i = shiftL# v i
shiftR v i = shiftR# v i
rotateL v i = rotateL# v i
rotateR v i = rotateR# v i
popCount bv = fromInteger (I.toInteger# (popCountBV (bv ++# (0 :: BitVector 1))))
instance KnownNat n => FiniteBits (BitVector n) where
finiteBitSize = size#
countLeadingZeros = fromInteger . I.toInteger# . countLeadingZerosBV
countTrailingZeros = fromInteger . I.toInteger# . countTrailingZerosBV
countLeadingZerosBV :: KnownNat n => BitVector n -> I.Index (n+1)
countLeadingZerosBV = V.foldr (\l r -> if eq## l low then 1 + r else 0) 0 . V.bv2v
{-# INLINE countLeadingZerosBV #-}
countTrailingZerosBV :: KnownNat n => BitVector n -> I.Index (n+1)
countTrailingZerosBV = V.foldl (\l r -> if eq## r low then 1 + l else 0) 0 . V.bv2v
{-# INLINE countTrailingZerosBV #-}
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE reduceAnd# #-}
{-# ANN reduceAnd# hasBlackBox #-}
reduceAnd# :: KnownNat n => BitVector n -> Bit
reduceAnd# bv@(BV 0 i) = Bit 0 (W# (int2Word# (dataToTag# check)))
check = i == maxI
sz = natVal bv
maxI = (2 ^ sz) - 1
reduceAnd# bv@(BV m i) =
Bit (W# (int2Word# (dataToTag# check))) 0
check = m .|. i == maxI
sz = natVal bv
maxI = (2 ^ sz) - 1
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE reduceOr# #-}
{-# ANN reduceOr# hasBlackBox #-}
reduceOr# :: KnownNat n => BitVector n -> Bit
reduceOr# (BV 0 i) = Bit 0 (W# (int2Word# (dataToTag# check)))
check = i /= 0
reduceOr# bv@(BV m i) | defI /= 0 = Bit 0 1
| otherwise = Bit 1 0
complementN = complementMod $ natVal bv
defI = i .&. (complementN m)
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE reduceXor# #-}
{-# ANN reduceXor# hasBlackBox #-}
reduceXor# :: KnownNat n => BitVector n -> Bit
reduceXor# (BV 0 i) = Bit 0 (fromIntegral (popCount i `mod` 2))
reduceXor# _ = Bit 1 0
instance Default (BitVector n) where
def = minBound#
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE size# #-}
{-# ANN size# hasBlackBox #-}
size# :: KnownNat n => BitVector n -> Int
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,15,0)
size# bv = fromIntegral (natVal bv)
size# bv = fromInteger (natVal bv)
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE maxIndex# #-}
{-# ANN maxIndex# hasBlackBox #-}
maxIndex# :: KnownNat n => BitVector n -> Int
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,15,0)
maxIndex# bv = fromIntegral (natVal bv) - 1
maxIndex# bv = fromInteger (natVal bv) - 1
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE index# #-}
{-# ANN index# hasBlackBox #-}
index# :: KnownNat n => BitVector n -> Int -> Bit
index# bv@(BV m v) i
| i >= 0 && i < sz = Bit (W# (int2Word# (dataToTag# (testBit m i))))
(W# (int2Word# (dataToTag# (testBit v i))))
| otherwise = err
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,15,0)
sz = fromIntegral (natVal bv)
sz = fromInteger (natVal bv)
err = error $ concat [ "(!): "
, show i
, " is out of range "
, formatRange 0 (sz - 1)
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE msb# #-}
{-# ANN msb# hasBlackBox #-}
msb# :: forall n . KnownNat n => BitVector n -> Bit
msb# (BV m v)
= Bit (msbN m)
(msbN v)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,15,0)
!(NS i#) = natVal (Proxy @n)
msbN (NS w) =
if isTrue# (i# `gtWord#` WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS##)
then W# 0##
else W# (w `uncheckedShiftRL#` (word2Int# (i# `minusWord#` 1##)))
msbN (NB bn) = bigNatToWord (bigNatShiftR# bn (i# `minusWord#` 1##))
!(S# i#) = natVal (Proxy @n)
msbN (NatS# w) =
if isTrue# (i# ># WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS#)
then W# 0##
else W# (w `uncheckedShiftRL#` (i# GHC.Exts.-# 1#))
msbN (NatJ# bn) = W# (bigNatToWord (shiftRBigNat bn (i# GHC.Exts.-# 1#)))
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE lsb# #-}
{-# ANN lsb# hasBlackBox #-}
lsb# :: BitVector n -> Bit
lsb# (BV m v) = Bit (W# (int2Word# (dataToTag# (testBit m 0))))
(W# (int2Word# (dataToTag# (testBit v 0))))
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE slice# #-}
{-# ANN slice# hasBlackBox #-}
slice# :: BitVector (m + 1 + i) -> SNat m -> SNat n -> BitVector (m + 1 - n)
slice# (BV msk i) m n = BV (shiftR (msk .&. mask) n')
(shiftR (i .&. mask) n')
m' = snatToInteger m
n' = snatToNum n
mask = 2 ^ (m' + 1) - 1
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE (++#) #-}
{-# ANN (++#) hasBlackBox #-}
(++#) :: KnownNat m => BitVector n -> BitVector m -> BitVector (n + m)
(BV m1 v1) ++# bv2@(BV m2 v2) = BV (m1' .|. m2) (v1' .|. v2)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,15,0)
size2 = fromIntegral (natVal bv2)
v1' = naturalShiftL v1 size2
m1' = naturalShiftL m1 size2
size2 = fromInteger (natVal bv2)
v1' = shiftL v1 size2
m1' = shiftL m1 size2
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE replaceBit# #-}
{-# ANN replaceBit# hasBlackBox #-}
replaceBit# :: KnownNat n => BitVector n -> Int -> Bit -> BitVector n
replaceBit# bv@(BV m v) i (Bit mb b)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,15,0)
| i >= 0 && i < sz = BV (clearBit m i .|. (naturalFromWord mb `shiftL` i))
| i >= 0 && i < sz = BV (clearBit m i .|. (wordToNatural mb `shiftL` i))
(if testBit b 0 && mb == 0 then setBit v i else clearBit v i)
| otherwise = err
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,15,0)
sz = fromIntegral (natVal bv)
sz = fromInteger (natVal bv)
err = error $ concat [ "replaceBit: "
, show i
, " is out of range "
, formatRange 0 (sz - 1)
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE setSlice# #-}
{-# ANN setSlice# hasBlackBox #-}
:: forall m i n
. SNat (m + 1 + i)
-> BitVector (m + 1 + i)
-> SNat m
-> SNat n
-> BitVector (m + 1 - n)
-> BitVector (m + 1 + i)
setSlice# SNat =
\(BV iMask i) m@SNat n (BV jMask j) ->
let m' = snatToInteger m
n' = snatToInteger n
j' = shiftL j (fromInteger n')
jMask' = shiftL jMask (fromInteger n')
mask = complementN ((2 ^ (m' + 1) - 1) `xor` (2 ^ n' - 1))
in BV ((iMask .&. mask) .|. jMask') ((i .&. mask) .|. j')
complementN = complementMod (natVal (Proxy @(m + 1 + i)))
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE split# #-}
{-# ANN split# hasBlackBox #-}
:: forall n m
. KnownNat n
=> BitVector (m + n)
-> (BitVector m, BitVector n)
split# (BV m i) =
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,15,0)
let n = naturalToWord (natVal (Proxy @n))
mask = maskMod (natVal (Proxy @n))
r = mask i
rMask = mask m
l = i `naturalShiftR` n
lMask = m `naturalShiftR` n
let n = fromInteger (natVal (Proxy @n))
mask = maskMod (natVal (Proxy @n))
r = mask i
rMask = mask m
l = i `shiftR` n
lMask = m `shiftR` n
in (BV lMask l, BV rMask r)
and#, or#, xor# :: forall n . KnownNat n => BitVector n -> BitVector n -> BitVector n
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE and# #-}
{-# ANN and# hasBlackBox #-}
and# =
\(BV m1 v1) (BV m2 v2) ->
let mask = (m1.&.v2 .|. m1.&.m2 .|. m2.&.v1)
in BV mask (v1 .&. v2 .&. complementN mask)
complementN = complementMod (natVal (Proxy @n))
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE or# #-}
{-# ANN or# hasBlackBox #-}
or# =
\(BV m1 v1) (BV m2 v2) ->
let mask = m1 .&. complementN v2 .|. m1.&.m2 .|. m2 .&. complementN v1
in BV mask ((v1.|.v2) .&. complementN mask)
complementN = complementMod (natVal (Proxy @n))
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE xor# #-}
{-# ANN xor# hasBlackBox #-}
xor# =
\(BV m1 v1) (BV m2 v2) ->
let mask = m1 .|. m2
in BV mask ((v1 `xor` v2) .&. complementN mask)
complementN = complementMod (natVal (Proxy @n))
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE complement# #-}
{-# ANN complement# hasBlackBox #-}
complement# :: forall n . KnownNat n => BitVector n -> BitVector n
complement# = \(BV m v) -> BV m (complementN v .&. complementN m)
where complementN = complementMod (natVal (Proxy @n))
shiftL#, shiftR#, rotateL#, rotateR#
:: forall n . KnownNat n => BitVector n -> Int -> BitVector n
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE shiftL# #-}
{-# ANN shiftL# hasBlackBox #-}
shiftL# = \(BV msk v) i ->
if | i < 0
-> error $ "'shiftL' undefined for negative number: " ++ show i
| fromIntegral i >= sz
-> BV 0 0
| otherwise
-> BV ((shiftL msk i) `mod` m) ((shiftL v i) `mod` m)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,15,0)
sz = naturalToWord (natVal (Proxy @n))
m = 1 `naturalShiftL` sz
sz = fromInteger (natVal (Proxy @n))
m = 1 `shiftL` sz
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE shiftR# #-}
{-# ANN shiftR# hasBlackBox #-}
shiftR# (BV m v) i
| i < 0 = error
$ "'shiftR' undefined for negative number: " ++ show i
| otherwise = BV (shiftR m i) (shiftR v i)
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE rotateL# #-}
{-# ANN rotateL# hasBlackBox #-}
rotateL# =
\(BV msk v) b ->
if b >= 0 then
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,15,0)
let vl = naturalShiftL v b'
vr = naturalShiftR v b''
ml = naturalShiftL msk b'
mr = naturalShiftR msk b''
b' = fromIntegral b `mod` sz
let vl = shiftL v b'
vr = shiftR v b''
ml = shiftL msk b'
mr = shiftR msk b''
b' = b `mod` sz
b'' = sz - b'
in BV ((ml .|. mr) `mod` m) ((vl .|. vr) `mod` m)
error $ "'rotateL' undefined for negative number: " ++ show b
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,15,0)
sz = naturalToWord (natVal (Proxy @n))
m = 1 `naturalShiftL` sz
sz = fromInteger (natVal (Proxy @n)) :: Int
m = 1 `shiftL` sz
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE rotateR# #-}
{-# ANN rotateR# hasBlackBox #-}
rotateR# =
\(BV msk v) b ->
if b >= 0 then
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,15,0)
let vl = naturalShiftR v b'
vr = naturalShiftL v b''
ml = naturalShiftR msk b'
mr = naturalShiftL msk b''
b' = fromIntegral b `mod` sz
let vl = shiftR v b'
vr = shiftL v b''
ml = shiftR msk b'
mr = shiftL msk b''
b' = b `mod` sz
b'' = sz - b'
in BV ((ml .|. mr) `mod` m) ((vl .|. vr) `mod` m)
error $ "'rotateR' undefined for negative number: " ++ show b
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,15,0)
sz = naturalToWord (natVal (Proxy @n))
m = 1 `naturalShiftL` sz
sz = fromInteger (natVal (Proxy @n)) :: Int
m = 1 `shiftL` sz
popCountBV :: forall n . KnownNat n => BitVector (n+1) -> I.Index (n+2)
popCountBV bv =
let v = V.bv2v bv
in sum (V.map (fromIntegral . pack#) v)
{-# INLINE popCountBV #-}
instance Resize BitVector where
resize = resizeBV
zeroExtend = (0 ++#)
signExtend = \bv -> (if msb# bv == low then id else complement) 0 ++# bv
truncateB = truncateB#
resizeBV :: forall n m . (KnownNat n, KnownNat m) => BitVector n -> BitVector m
resizeBV = case compareSNat @n @m (SNat @n) (SNat @m) of
SNatLE -> (++#) @n @(m-n) 0
SNatGT -> truncateB# @m @(n - m)
{-# INLINE resizeBV #-}
truncateB# :: forall a b . KnownNat a => BitVector (a + b) -> BitVector a
truncateB# = \(BV msk i) -> BV (msk `mod` m) (i `mod` m)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,15,0)
where m = 1 `naturalShiftL` naturalToWord (natVal (Proxy @a))
where m = 1 `shiftL` fromInteger (natVal (Proxy @a))
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE truncateB# #-}
{-# ANN truncateB# hasBlackBox #-}
instance KnownNat n => Lift (BitVector n) where
lift bv@(BV m i) = sigE [| fromInteger# m $(litE (IntegerL (toInteger i))) |] (decBitVector (natVal bv))
{-# NOINLINE lift #-}
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,16,0)
liftTyped = liftTypedFromUntyped
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,17,0)
decBitVector :: Quote m => Natural -> m Type
decBitVector n = appT (conT ''BitVector) (litT $ numTyLit (integerFromNatural n))
decBitVector :: Integer -> TypeQ
decBitVector n = appT (conT ''BitVector) (litT $ numTyLit n)
instance KnownNat n => SaturatingNum (BitVector n) where
satAdd SatWrap a b = a +# b
satAdd SatZero a b =
let r = plus# a b
in if msb# r == low
then truncateB# r
else minBound#
satAdd SatError a b =
let r = plus# a b
in if msb# r == low
then truncateB# r
else undefined#
satAdd _ a b =
let r = plus# a b
in if msb# r == low
then truncateB# r
else maxBound#
satSub SatWrap a b = a -# b
satSub SatError a b =
let r = minus# a b
in if msb# r == low
then truncateB# r
else undefined#
satSub _ a b =
let r = minus# a b
in if msb# r == low
then truncateB# r
else minBound#
satMul SatWrap a b = a *# b
satMul SatZero a b =
let r = times# a b
(rL,rR) = split# r
in case rL of
0 -> rR
_ -> minBound#
satMul SatError a b =
let r = times# a b
(rL,rR) = split# r
in case rL of
0 -> rR
_ -> undefined#
satMul _ a b =
let r = times# a b
(rL,rR) = split# r
in case rL of
0 -> rR
_ -> maxBound#
instance KnownNat n => Arbitrary (BitVector n) where
arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedIntegral
shrink = shrinkSizedUnsigned
shrinkSizedUnsigned :: (KnownNat n, Integral (p n)) => p n -> [p n]
shrinkSizedUnsigned x | natVal x < 2 = case toInteger x of
1 -> [0]
_ -> []
| otherwise = shrinkIntegral x
{-# INLINE shrinkSizedUnsigned #-}
instance KnownNat n => CoArbitrary (BitVector n) where
coarbitrary = coarbitraryIntegral
type instance Index (BitVector n) = Int
type instance IxValue (BitVector n) = Bit
instance KnownNat n => Ixed (BitVector n) where
ix i f bv = replaceBit# bv i <$> f (index# bv i)
undefErrorI :: (KnownNat m, KnownNat n) => String -> BitVector m -> BitVector n -> a
undefErrorI op bv1 bv2 = withFrozenCallStack $
errorX $ "Clash.Sized.BitVector." ++ op
++ " called with (partially) undefined arguments: "
++ show bv1 ++ " " ++ op ++" " ++ show bv2
undefErrorP :: (KnownNat m, KnownNat n) => String -> BitVector m -> BitVector n -> a
undefErrorP op bv1 bv2 = withFrozenCallStack $
errorX $ "Clash.Sized.BitVector." ++ op
++ " called with (partially) undefined arguments: "
++ show bv1 ++ " " ++ show bv2
undefErrorP3 :: (KnownNat m, KnownNat n, KnownNat o) => String -> BitVector m -> BitVector n -> BitVector o -> a
undefErrorP3 op bv1 bv2 bv3 = withFrozenCallStack $
errorX $ "Clash.Sized.BitVector." ++ op
++ " called with (partially) undefined arguments: "
++ show bv1 ++ " " ++ show bv2 ++ " " ++ show bv3
undefErrorU :: KnownNat n => String -> BitVector n -> a
undefErrorU op bv1 = withFrozenCallStack $
errorX $ "Clash.Sized.BitVector." ++ op
++ " called with (partially) undefined argument: "
++ show bv1
undefError :: KnownNat n => String -> [BitVector n] -> a
undefError op bvs = withFrozenCallStack $
errorX $ op
++ " called with (partially) undefined arguments: "
++ unwords (L.map show bvs)
checkUnpackUndef :: (KnownNat n, Typeable a)
=> (BitVector n -> a)
-> BitVector n -> a
checkUnpackUndef f bv@(BV 0 _) = f bv
checkUnpackUndef _ bv = res
ty = typeOf res
res = undefError (show ty ++ ".unpack") [bv]
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE checkUnpackUndef #-}
{-# ANN checkUnpackUndef hasBlackBox #-}
undefined# :: forall n . KnownNat n => BitVector n
undefined# =
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,15,0)
let m = 1 `naturalShiftL` naturalToWord (natVal (Proxy @n))
let m = 1 `shiftL` fromInteger (natVal (Proxy @n))
in BV (m-1) 0
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE undefined# #-}
{-# ANN undefined# hasBlackBox #-}
isLike# :: forall n . KnownNat n => BitVector n -> BitVector n -> Bool
isLike# =
\(BV cMask c) (BV eMask e) ->
let e' = e .&. complementN eMask
c' = (c .&. complementN cMask) .&. complementN eMask
c'' = (c .|. cMask) .&. complementN eMask
in e' == c' && e' == c''
complementN = complementMod (natVal (Proxy @n))
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE isLike# #-}
fromBits :: [Bit] -> Integer
fromBits = L.foldl (\v b -> v `shiftL` 1 .|. fromIntegral b) 0
bitPattern :: String -> Q Pat
bitPattern s = [p| ((\_x -> $preprocess) -> $tuple) |]
(_, bs, M.toList -> ns) = L.foldr parse (0, [], M.empty) $ filter (/= '_') s
var c is = varP . mkName $ L.replicate (length is) c
bitSelect i = [e| if testBit _x $(litE $ IntegerL i) then pack# high else pack# low |]
varSelect is = L.foldr1 (\a b -> [e| $a ++# $b |]) (bitSelect <$> is)
mask = litE . IntegerL . fromBits $ maybe 0 (const 1) <$> bs
maskE = [e| $mask .&. _x |]
target = litP . IntegerL . fromBits $ fromMaybe 0 <$> bs
preprocess = tupE $ maskE : (varSelect . snd <$> ns)
tuple = tupP $ target : (uncurry var <$> ns)
parse '.' (i, b, n) = (succ i, Nothing:b, n)
parse '0' (i, b, n) = (succ i, Just 0:b, n)
parse '1' (i, b, n) = (succ i, Just 1:b, n)
parse c (i, b, n)
| C.isAlpha c && C.isLower c =
( succ i
, Nothing:b
, M.alter (Just . (i:) . fromMaybe []) c n
| otherwise = error $
"Invalid bit pattern: " ++ show c ++
", expecting one of '0', '1', '.', '_', or a lowercase alphabetic character"
xToBV :: KnownNat n => BitVector n -> BitVector n
xToBV x =
unsafeDupablePerformIO (catch (evaluate x)
(\(XException _) -> return undefined#))
{-# ANN xToBV hasBlackBox #-}