{-| Copyright : (C) 2013-2016, University of Twente, 2017-2019, Myrtle Software Ltd 2017 , Google Inc., 2021-2022, QBayLogic B.V. License : BSD2 (see the file LICENSE) Maintainer : QBayLogic B.V. <devops@qbaylogic.com> -} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE RoleAnnotations #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE Unsafe #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=GHC.TypeLits.Extra.Solver #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=GHC.TypeLits.Normalise #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=GHC.TypeLits.KnownNat.Solver #-} -- See: https://github.com/clash-lang/clash-compiler/commit/721fcfa9198925661cd836668705f817bddaae3c -- as to why we need this. {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-cpr-anal #-} {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions not-home #-} module Clash.Signal.Internal ( -- * Datatypes Signal(..) , head# , tail# -- * Domains , Domain , sameDomain , KnownDomain(..) , KnownConfiguration , knownDomainByName , ActiveEdge(..) , SActiveEdge(..) , InitBehavior(..) , SInitBehavior(..) , ResetKind(..) , SResetKind(..) , ResetPolarity(..) , SResetPolarity(..) , DomainConfiguration(..) , SDomainConfiguration(..) -- ** Configuration type families , DomainPeriod , DomainActiveEdge , DomainResetKind , DomainInitBehavior , DomainResetPolarity , DomainConfigurationPeriod , DomainConfigurationActiveEdge , DomainConfigurationResetKind , DomainConfigurationInitBehavior , DomainConfigurationResetPolarity -- ** Default domains , System , XilinxSystem , IntelSystem , vSystem , vIntelSystem , vXilinxSystem -- ** Domain utilities , VDomainConfiguration(..) , vDomain , createDomain -- * Clocks , Clock (..) , clockTag , hzToPeriod , periodToHz -- ** Enabling , Enable(..) , toEnable , fromEnable , enableGen -- * Resets , Reset(..) , unsafeToReset , unsafeFromReset , unsafeToHighPolarity , unsafeToLowPolarity , unsafeFromHighPolarity , unsafeFromLowPolarity , invertReset -- * Basic circuits , delay# , register# , asyncRegister# , syncRegister# , registerPowerup# , mux -- * Simulation and testbench functions , clockGen , resetGen , resetGenN -- * Boolean connectives , (.&&.), (.||.) -- * Simulation functions (not synthesizable) , simulate -- ** lazy version , simulate_lazy -- ** Automaton , signalAutomaton -- * List \<-\> Signal conversion (not synthesizable) , sample , sampleN , fromList -- ** lazy versions , sample_lazy , sampleN_lazy , fromList_lazy -- * QuickCheck combinators , testFor -- * Type classes -- ** 'Eq'-like , (.==.), (./=.) -- ** 'Ord'-like , (.<.), (.<=.), (.>=.), (.>.) -- ** 'Functor' , mapSignal# -- ** 'Applicative' , signal# , appSignal# -- ** 'Foldable' , foldr# -- ** 'Traversable' , traverse# -- * EXTREMELY EXPERIMENTAL , joinSignal# ) where import Data.IORef (IORef, atomicModifyIORef, newIORef, readIORef) import Type.Reflection (Typeable) import Control.Arrow.Transformer.Automaton import Control.Applicative (liftA2, liftA3) import Control.DeepSeq (NFData) import Clash.Annotations.Primitive (hasBlackBox, dontTranslate) import Data.Binary (Binary) import Data.Char (isAsciiUpper, isAlphaNum, isAscii) import Data.Data (Data) import Data.Default.Class (Default (..)) import Data.Hashable (Hashable) import Data.Maybe (isJust) import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..)) import Data.Ratio (Ratio) import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:)) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack) import GHC.TypeLits (KnownSymbol, Nat, Symbol, type (<=), sameSymbol) import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax -- (Lift (..), Q, Dec) import Language.Haskell.TH.Compat import Numeric.Natural (Natural) import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO, unsafePerformIO) import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary (..), CoArbitrary(..), Property, property) import Clash.CPP (fStrictMapSignal) import Clash.Promoted.Nat (SNat (..), snatToNum, snatToNatural) import Clash.Promoted.Symbol (SSymbol (..), ssymbolToString) import Clash.XException (NFDataX(..), errorX, isX, deepseqX, defaultSeqX, seqX) {- $setup >>> :set -XDataKinds >>> :set -XMagicHash >>> :set -XTypeApplications >>> import Clash.Prelude (SSymbol(..)) >>> import Clash.Signal.Internal >>> import Clash.Promoted.Nat >>> import Clash.XException >>> type System = "System" >>> let systemClockGen = clockGen @System >>> let systemResetGen = resetGen @System >>> import Clash.Explicit.Signal (register) >>> let registerS = register >>> let registerA = register -} -- * Signal -- | Determines clock edge memory elements are sensitive to. Not yet -- implemented. data ActiveEdge -- TODO: Implement in blackboxes: = Rising -- ^ Elements are sensitive to the rising edge (low-to-high) of the clock. | Falling -- ^ Elements are sensitive to the falling edge (high-to-low) of the clock. deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Generic, NFData, Data, Hashable, Binary) -- | Singleton version of 'ActiveEdge' data SActiveEdge (edge :: ActiveEdge) where SRising :: SActiveEdge 'Rising SFalling :: SActiveEdge 'Falling instance Show (SActiveEdge edge) where show SRising = "SRising" show SFalling = "SFalling" data ResetKind = Asynchronous -- ^ Elements respond /asynchronously/ to changes in their reset input. This -- means that they do /not/ wait for the next active clock edge, but respond -- immediately instead. Common on Intel FPGA platforms. | Synchronous -- ^ Elements respond /synchronously/ to changes in their reset input. This -- means that changes in their reset input won't take effect until the next -- active clock edge. Common on Xilinx FPGA platforms. deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Generic, NFData, Data, Hashable) -- | Singleton version of 'ResetKind' data SResetKind (resetKind :: ResetKind) where SAsynchronous :: SResetKind 'Asynchronous -- See 'Asynchronous' ^ SSynchronous :: SResetKind 'Synchronous -- See 'Synchronous' ^ instance Show (SResetKind reset) where show SAsynchronous = "SAsynchronous" show SSynchronous = "SSynchronous" -- | Determines the value for which a reset line is considered "active" data ResetPolarity = ActiveHigh -- ^ Reset is considered active if underlying signal is 'True'. | ActiveLow -- ^ Reset is considered active if underlying signal is 'False'. deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Generic, NFData, Data, Hashable) -- | Singleton version of 'ResetPolarity' data SResetPolarity (polarity :: ResetPolarity) where SActiveHigh :: SResetPolarity 'ActiveHigh -- See: 'ActiveHigh' ^ SActiveLow :: SResetPolarity 'ActiveLow -- See: 'ActiveLow' ^ instance Show (SResetPolarity polarity) where show SActiveHigh = "SActiveHigh" show SActiveLow = "SActiveLow" data InitBehavior = Unknown -- ^ Power up value of memory elements is /unknown/. | Defined -- ^ If applicable, power up value of a memory element is defined. Applies to -- 'Clash.Signal.register's for example, but not to -- 'Clash.Prelude.BlockRam.blockRam'. deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Generic, NFData, Data, Hashable) data SInitBehavior (init :: InitBehavior) where SUnknown :: SInitBehavior 'Unknown -- See: 'Unknown' ^ SDefined :: SInitBehavior 'Defined -- See: 'Defined' ^ instance Show (SInitBehavior init) where show SUnknown = "SUnknown" show SDefined = "SDefined" -- | A domain with a name (@Domain@). Configures the behavior of various aspects -- of a circuits. See the documentation of this record's field types for more -- information on the options. -- -- See module documentation of "Clash.Explicit.Signal" for more information on -- how to create custom synthesis domains. data DomainConfiguration = DomainConfiguration { _name :: Domain -- ^ Domain name , _period :: Nat -- ^ Period of clock in /ps/ , _activeEdge :: ActiveEdge -- ^ Active edge of the clock , _resetKind :: ResetKind -- ^ Whether resets are synchronous (edge-sensitive) or asynchronous (level-sensitive) , _initBehavior :: InitBehavior -- ^ Whether the initial (or "power up") value of memory elements is -- unknown/undefined, or configurable to a specific value , _resetPolarity :: ResetPolarity -- ^ Whether resets are active high or active low } deriving (Typeable) -- | Helper type family for 'DomainPeriod' type family DomainConfigurationPeriod (config :: DomainConfiguration) :: Nat where DomainConfigurationPeriod ('DomainConfiguration name period edge reset init polarity) = period -- | Helper type family for 'DomainActiveEdge' type family DomainConfigurationActiveEdge (config :: DomainConfiguration) :: ActiveEdge where DomainConfigurationActiveEdge ('DomainConfiguration name period edge reset init polarity) = edge -- | Helper type family for 'DomainResetKind' type family DomainConfigurationResetKind (config :: DomainConfiguration) :: ResetKind where DomainConfigurationResetKind ('DomainConfiguration name period edge reset init polarity) = reset -- | Helper type family for 'DomainInitBehavior' type family DomainConfigurationInitBehavior (config :: DomainConfiguration) :: InitBehavior where DomainConfigurationInitBehavior ('DomainConfiguration name period edge reset init polarity) = init -- | Helper type family for 'DomainResetPolarity' type family DomainConfigurationResetPolarity (config :: DomainConfiguration) :: ResetPolarity where DomainConfigurationResetPolarity ('DomainConfiguration name period edge reset init polarity) = polarity -- | Convenience type to help to extract a period from a domain. Example usage: -- -- @ -- myFunc :: (KnownDomain dom, DomainPeriod dom ~ 6000) => ... -- @ type DomainPeriod (dom :: Domain) = DomainConfigurationPeriod (KnownConf dom) -- | Convenience type to help to extract the active edge from a domain. Example -- usage: -- -- @ -- myFunc :: (KnownDomain dom, DomainActiveEdge dom ~ 'Rising) => ... -- @ type DomainActiveEdge (dom :: Domain) = DomainConfigurationActiveEdge (KnownConf dom) -- | Convenience type to help to extract the reset synchronicity from a -- domain. Example usage: -- -- @ -- myFunc :: (KnownDomain dom, DomainResetKind dom ~ 'Synchronous) => ... -- @ type DomainResetKind (dom :: Domain) = DomainConfigurationResetKind (KnownConf dom) -- | Convenience type to help to extract the initial value behavior from a -- domain. Example usage: -- -- @ -- myFunc :: (KnownDomain dom, DomainInitBehavior dom ~ 'Defined) => ... -- @ type DomainInitBehavior (dom :: Domain) = DomainConfigurationInitBehavior (KnownConf dom) -- | Convenience type to help to extract the reset polarity from a domain. -- Example usage: -- -- @ -- myFunc :: (KnownDomain dom, DomainResetPolarity dom ~ 'ActiveHigh) => ... -- @ type DomainResetPolarity (dom :: Domain) = DomainConfigurationResetPolarity (KnownConf dom) -- | Singleton version of 'DomainConfiguration' data SDomainConfiguration (dom :: Domain) (conf :: DomainConfiguration) where SDomainConfiguration :: SSymbol dom -- Domain name ^ -> SNat period -- Period of clock in /ps/ ^ -> SActiveEdge edge -- Active edge of the clock (not yet -- implemented) ^ -> SResetKind reset -- Whether resets are synchronous (edge-sensitive) or asynchronous (level-sensitive) ^ -> SInitBehavior init -- Whether the initial (or "power up") value of memory elements is -- unknown/undefined, or configurable to a specific value ^ -> SResetPolarity polarity -- Whether resets are active high or active low ^ -> SDomainConfiguration dom ('DomainConfiguration dom period edge reset init polarity) deriving instance Show (SDomainConfiguration dom conf) type KnownConfiguration dom conf = (KnownDomain dom, KnownConf dom ~ conf) -- | A 'KnownDomain' constraint indicates that a circuit's behavior depends on -- some properties of a domain. See 'DomainConfiguration' for more information. class KnownSymbol dom => KnownDomain (dom :: Domain) where type KnownConf dom :: DomainConfiguration -- | Returns 'SDomainConfiguration' corresponding to an instance's 'DomainConfiguration'. -- -- Example usage: -- -- >>> knownDomain @System -- SDomainConfiguration (SSymbol @"System") (SNat @10000) SRising SAsynchronous SDefined SActiveHigh knownDomain :: SDomainConfiguration dom (KnownConf dom) -- | Version of 'knownDomain' that takes a 'SSymbol'. For example: -- -- >>> knownDomainByName (SSymbol @"System") -- SDomainConfiguration (SSymbol @"System") (SNat @10000) SRising SAsynchronous SDefined SActiveHigh knownDomainByName :: forall dom . KnownDomain dom => SSymbol dom -> SDomainConfiguration dom (KnownConf dom) knownDomainByName = const knownDomain {-# INLINE knownDomainByName #-} -- | A /clock/ (and /reset/) dom with clocks running at 100 MHz instance KnownDomain System where type KnownConf System = 'DomainConfiguration System 10000 'Rising 'Asynchronous 'Defined 'ActiveHigh knownDomain = SDomainConfiguration SSymbol SNat SRising SAsynchronous SDefined SActiveHigh -- | System instance with defaults set for Xilinx FPGAs instance KnownDomain XilinxSystem where type KnownConf XilinxSystem = 'DomainConfiguration XilinxSystem 10000 'Rising 'Synchronous 'Defined 'ActiveHigh knownDomain = SDomainConfiguration SSymbol SNat SRising SSynchronous SDefined SActiveHigh -- | System instance with defaults set for Intel FPGAs instance KnownDomain IntelSystem where type KnownConf IntelSystem = 'DomainConfiguration IntelSystem 10000 'Rising 'Asynchronous 'Defined 'ActiveHigh knownDomain = SDomainConfiguration SSymbol SNat SRising SAsynchronous SDefined SActiveHigh -- | Convenience value to allow easy "subclassing" of System domain. Should -- be used in combination with 'createDomain'. For example, if you just want to -- change the period but leave all other settings intact use: -- -- > createDomain vSystem{vName="System10", vPeriod=10} -- vSystem :: VDomainConfiguration vSystem = vDomain (knownDomain @System) -- | A clock (and reset) dom with clocks running at 100 MHz. Memory elements -- respond to the rising edge of the clock, and asynchronously to changes in -- reset signals. It has defined initial values, and active-high resets. -- -- See module documentation of "Clash.Explicit.Signal" for more information on -- how to create custom synthesis domains. type System = ("System" :: Domain) -- | Convenience value to allow easy "subclassing" of IntelSystem domain. Should -- be used in combination with 'createDomain'. For example, if you just want to -- change the period but leave all other settings intact use: -- -- > createDomain vIntelSystem{vName="Intel10", vPeriod=10} -- vIntelSystem :: VDomainConfiguration vIntelSystem = vDomain (knownDomain @IntelSystem) -- | A clock (and reset) dom with clocks running at 100 MHz. Memory elements -- respond to the rising edge of the clock, and asynchronously to changes in -- reset signals. It has defined initial values, and active-high resets. -- -- See module documentation of "Clash.Explicit.Signal" for more information on -- how to create custom synthesis domains. type IntelSystem = ("IntelSystem" :: Domain) -- | Convenience value to allow easy "subclassing" of XilinxSystem domain. Should -- be used in combination with 'createDomain'. For example, if you just want to -- change the period but leave all other settings intact use: -- -- > createDomain vXilinxSystem{vName="Xilinx10", vPeriod=10} -- vXilinxSystem :: VDomainConfiguration vXilinxSystem = vDomain (knownDomain @XilinxSystem) -- | A clock (and reset) dom with clocks running at 100 MHz. Memory elements -- respond to the rising edge of the clock, and synchronously to changes in -- reset signals. It has defined initial values, and active-high resets. -- -- See module documentation of "Clash.Explicit.Signal" for more information on -- how to create custom synthesis domains. type XilinxSystem = ("XilinxSystem" :: Domain) -- | Same as SDomainConfiguration but allows for easy updates through record update syntax. -- Should be used in combination with 'vDomain' and 'createDomain'. Example: -- -- > createDomain (knownVDomain @System){vName="System10", vPeriod=10} -- -- This duplicates the settings in the 'System' domain, replaces the name and -- period, and creates an instance for it. As most users often want to update -- the system domain, a shortcut is available in the form: -- -- > createDomain vSystem{vName="System10", vPeriod=10} -- data VDomainConfiguration = VDomainConfiguration { vName :: String -- ^ Corresponds to '_name' on 'DomainConfiguration' , vPeriod :: Natural -- ^ Corresponds to '_period' on 'DomainConfiguration' , vActiveEdge :: ActiveEdge -- ^ Corresponds to '_activeEdge' on 'DomainConfiguration' , vResetKind :: ResetKind -- ^ Corresponds to '_resetKind' on 'DomainConfiguration' , vInitBehavior :: InitBehavior -- ^ Corresponds to '_initBehavior' on 'DomainConfiguration' , vResetPolarity :: ResetPolarity -- ^ Corresponds to '_resetPolarity' on 'DomainConfiguration' } deriving (Eq, Generic, NFData, Show, Read) -- | Convert 'SDomainConfiguration' to 'VDomainConfiguration'. Should be used in combination with -- 'createDomain' only. vDomain :: SDomainConfiguration dom conf -> VDomainConfiguration vDomain (SDomainConfiguration dom period edge reset init_ polarity) = VDomainConfiguration (ssymbolToString dom) (snatToNatural period) (case edge of {SRising -> Rising; SFalling -> Falling}) (case reset of {SAsynchronous -> Asynchronous; SSynchronous -> Synchronous}) (case init_ of {SDefined -> Defined; SUnknown -> Unknown}) (case polarity of {SActiveHigh -> ActiveHigh; SActiveLow -> ActiveLow}) -- TODO: Function might reject valid type names. Figure out what's allowed. isValidDomainName :: String -> Bool isValidDomainName (x:xs) = isAsciiUpper x && all isAscii xs && all isAlphaNum xs isValidDomainName _ = False -- | Convenience method to express new domains in terms of others. -- -- > createDomain (knownVDomain @System){vName="System10", vPeriod=10} -- -- This duplicates the settings in the "System" domain, replaces the name and -- period, and creates an instance for it. As most users often want to update -- the system domain, a shortcut is available in the form: -- -- > createDomain vSystem{vName="System10", vPeriod=10} -- -- The function will create two extra identifiers. The first: -- -- > type System10 = .. -- -- You can use that as the dom to Clocks\/Resets\/Enables\/Signals. For example: -- @Signal System10 Int@. Additionally, it will create a 'VDomainConfiguration' that you can -- use in later calls to 'createDomain': -- -- > vSystem10 = knownVDomain @System10 -- -- It will also make @System10@ an instance of 'KnownDomain'. -- -- If either identifier is already in scope it will not be generated a second time. -- Note: This can be useful for example when documenting a new domain: -- -- > -- | Here is some documentation for CustomDomain -- > type CustomDomain = ("CustomDomain" :: Domain) -- > -- > -- | Here is some documentation for vCustomDomain -- > createDomain vSystem{vName="CustomDomain"} createDomain :: VDomainConfiguration -> Q [Dec] createDomain (VDomainConfiguration name period edge reset init_ polarity) = if isValidDomainName name then do kdType <- [t| KnownDomain $nameT |] kcType <- [t| ('DomainConfiguration $nameT $periodT $edgeT $resetKindT $initT $polarityT) |] sDom <- [| SDomainConfiguration SSymbol SNat $edgeE $resetKindE $initE $polarityE |] let vNameImpl = AppE (VarE 'vDomain) (AppTypeE (VarE 'knownDomain) (LitT (StrTyLit name))) kdImpl = FunD 'knownDomain [Clause [] (NormalB sDom) []] kcImpl = mkTySynInstD ''KnownConf [LitT (StrTyLit name)] kcType vName' = mkName ('v':name) tySynExists <- isJust <$> lookupTypeName name vHelperExists <- isJust <$> lookupValueName ('v':name) pure $ concat [ [ -- Type synonym (ex: type System = "System") TySynD (mkName name) [] (LitT (StrTyLit name) `SigT` ConT ''Domain) | not tySynExists ] , concat [ -- vDomain helper (ex: vSystem = vDomain (knownDomain @System)) [ SigD vName' (ConT ''VDomainConfiguration) , FunD vName' [Clause [] (NormalB vNameImpl) []] ] | not vHelperExists ] , [ -- KnownDomain instance (ex: instance KnownDomain "System" where ...) InstanceD Nothing [] kdType [kcImpl, kdImpl] ] ] else error ("Domain names should be a valid Haskell type name, not: " ++ name) where edgeE = pure $ case edge of Rising -> ConE 'SRising Falling -> ConE 'SFalling resetKindE = pure $ case reset of Asynchronous -> ConE 'SAsynchronous Synchronous -> ConE 'SSynchronous initE = pure $ case init_ of Unknown -> ConE 'SUnknown Defined -> ConE 'SDefined polarityE = pure $ case polarity of ActiveHigh -> ConE 'SActiveHigh ActiveLow -> ConE 'SActiveLow nameT = pure (LitT (StrTyLit name)) periodT = pure (LitT (NumTyLit (toInteger period))) edgeT = pure $ case edge of Rising -> PromotedT 'Rising Falling -> PromotedT 'Falling resetKindT = pure $ case reset of Asynchronous -> PromotedT 'Asynchronous Synchronous -> PromotedT 'Synchronous initT = pure $ case init_ of Unknown -> PromotedT 'Unknown Defined -> PromotedT 'Defined polarityT = pure $ case polarity of ActiveHigh -> PromotedT 'ActiveHigh ActiveLow -> PromotedT 'ActiveLow type Domain = Symbol -- | We either get evidence that this function was instantiated with the same -- domains, or Nothing. sameDomain :: forall (domA :: Domain) (domB :: Domain) . (KnownDomain domA, KnownDomain domB) => Maybe (domA :~: domB) sameDomain = sameSymbol (Proxy @domA) (Proxy @domB) infixr 5 :- {- | Clash has synchronous 'Signal's in the form of: @ 'Signal' (dom :: 'Domain') a @ Where /a/ is the type of the value of the 'Signal', for example /Int/ or /Bool/, and /dom/ is the /clock-/ (and /reset-/) domain to which the memory elements manipulating these 'Signal's belong. The type-parameter, /dom/, is of the kind 'Domain' - a simple string. That string refers to a single /synthesis domain/. A synthesis domain describes the behavior of certain aspects of memory elements in it. * __NB__: \"Bad things\"â„¢ happen when you actually use a clock period of @0@, so do __not__ do that! * __NB__: You should be judicious using a clock with period of @1@ as you can never create a clock that goes any faster! * __NB__: For the best compatibility make sure your period is divisible by 2, because some VHDL simulators don't support fractions of picoseconds. * __NB__: Whether 'System' has good defaults depends on your target platform. Check out 'IntelSystem' and 'XilinxSystem' too! Signals have the <https://downloads.haskell.org/ghc/latest/docs/html/users_guide/exts/roles.html type role> >>> :i Signal type role Signal nominal representational ... as it is safe to coerce the underlying value of a signal, but not safe to coerce a signal between different synthesis domains. See the module documentation of "Clash.Signal" for more information about domains. -} type role Signal nominal representational data Signal (dom :: Domain) a -- | The constructor, @(':-')@, is __not__ synthesizable. = a :- Signal dom a head# :: Signal dom a -> a head# (x' :- _ ) = x' tail# :: Signal dom a -> Signal dom a tail# (_ :- xs') = xs' instance Show a => Show (Signal dom a) where show (x :- xs) = show x ++ " " ++ show xs instance Lift a => Lift (Signal dom a) where lift ~(x :- _) = [| signal# x |] #if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,16,0) liftTyped = liftTypedFromUntyped #endif instance Default a => Default (Signal dom a) where def = signal# def instance Functor (Signal dom) where fmap = mapSignal# mapSignal# :: forall a b dom. (a -> b) -> Signal dom a -> Signal dom b mapSignal# f = go where -- See -fstrict-mapSignal documentation in clash-prelude.cabal theSeq = if fStrictMapSignal then seqX else flip const go ~(xs@(a :- as)) = f a :- (a `theSeq` (xs `seq` go as)) {-# NOINLINE mapSignal# #-} {-# ANN mapSignal# hasBlackBox #-} instance Applicative (Signal dom) where pure = signal# (<*>) = appSignal# signal# :: a -> Signal dom a signal# a = let s = a :- s in s {-# NOINLINE signal# #-} {-# ANN signal# hasBlackBox #-} appSignal# :: Signal dom (a -> b) -> Signal dom a -> Signal dom b appSignal# (f :- fs) xs@(~(a :- as)) = f a :- (xs `seq` appSignal# fs as) -- See [NOTE: Lazy ap] {-# NOINLINE appSignal# #-} {-# ANN appSignal# hasBlackBox #-} instance NFDataX a => NFDataX (Signal domain a) where deepErrorX = pure . deepErrorX ensureSpine s = case isX s of Left e -> deepErrorX e Right (a :- s') -> ensureSpine a :- ensureSpine s' hasUndefined = error "hasUndefined on (Signal domain a): No sensible implementation exists" rnfX = error "rnfX on (Signal domain a): No sensible implementation exists" {- NOTE: Lazy ap Signal's ap, i.e (Applicative.<*>), must be lazy in it's second argument: > appSignal :: Signal clk (a -> b) -> Signal clk a -> Signal clk b > appSignal (f :- fs) ~(a :- as) = f a :- appSignal fs as because some feedback loops, such as the loop described in 'system' in the example at https://hackage.haskell.org/package/clash-prelude-1.0.0/docs/Clash-Prelude-BlockRam.html, will lead to "Exception <<loop>>". However, this "naive" lazy version is _too_ lazy and induces spaceleaks. The current version: > appSignal# :: Signal clk (a -> b) -> Signal clk a -> Signal clk b > appSignal# (f :- fs) xs@(~(a :- as)) = f a :- (xs `seq` appSignal# fs as) Is lazy enough to handle the earlier mentioned feedback loops, but doesn't leak (as much) memory like the "naive" lazy version, because the Signal constructor of the second argument is evaluated as soon as the tail of the result is evaluated. -} -- | __WARNING: EXTREMELY EXPERIMENTAL__ -- -- The circuit semantics of this operation are unclear and/or non-existent. -- There is a good reason there is no 'Monad' instance for 'Signal'. -- -- Is currently treated as 'id' by the Clash compiler. joinSignal# :: Signal dom (Signal dom a) -> Signal dom a joinSignal# ~(xs :- xss) = head# xs :- joinSignal# (mapSignal# tail# xss) {-# NOINLINE joinSignal# #-} {-# ANN joinSignal# hasBlackBox #-} instance Num a => Num (Signal dom a) where (+) = liftA2 (+) (-) = liftA2 (-) (*) = liftA2 (*) negate = fmap negate abs = fmap abs signum = fmap signum fromInteger = signal# . fromInteger -- | __NB__: Not synthesizable -- -- __NB__: In \"@'foldr' f z s@\": -- -- * The function @f@ should be /lazy/ in its second argument. -- * The @z@ element will never be used. instance Foldable (Signal dom) where foldr = foldr# -- | __NB__: Not synthesizable -- -- __NB__: In \"@'foldr#' f z s@\": -- -- * The function @f@ should be /lazy/ in its second argument. -- * The @z@ element will never be used. foldr# :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Signal dom a -> b foldr# f z (a :- s) = a `f` (foldr# f z s) {-# NOINLINE foldr# #-} {-# ANN foldr# hasBlackBox #-} instance Traversable (Signal dom) where traverse = traverse# traverse# :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Signal dom a -> f (Signal dom b) traverse# f (a :- s) = (:-) <$> f a <*> traverse# f s {-# NOINLINE traverse# #-} {-# ANN traverse# hasBlackBox #-} -- * Clocks, resets, and enables -- | A signal of booleans, indicating whether a component is enabled. No special -- meaning is implied, it's up to the component itself to decide how to respond -- to its enable line. It is used throughout Clash as a global enable signal. data Enable dom = Enable (Signal dom Bool) -- | Convert 'Enable' construct to its underlying representation: a signal of -- bools. fromEnable :: Enable dom -> Signal dom Bool fromEnable (Enable x) = x {-# INLINE fromEnable #-} -- | Convert a signal of bools to an 'Enable' construct toEnable :: Signal dom Bool -> Enable dom toEnable = Enable {-# INLINE toEnable #-} -- | Enable generator for some domain. Is simply always True. enableGen :: Enable dom enableGen = toEnable (pure True) -- | A clock signal belonging to a domain named /dom/. data Clock (dom :: Domain) = Clock (SSymbol dom) instance Show (Clock dom) where show (Clock dom) = "<Clock: " ++ ssymbolToString dom ++ ">" -- | Extract dom symbol from Clock clockTag :: Clock dom -> SSymbol dom clockTag (Clock dom) = dom -- | Clock generator for simulations. Do __not__ use this clock generator for -- the /testBench/ function, use 'Clash.Explicit.Testbench.tbClockGen' instead. -- -- To be used like: -- -- @ -- clkSystem = clockGen @System -- @ -- -- See 'DomainConfiguration' for more information on how to use synthesis domains. clockGen :: KnownDomain dom => Clock dom clockGen = Clock SSymbol {-# NOINLINE clockGen #-} {-# ANN clockGen hasBlackBox #-} -- | Reset generator -- -- To be used like: -- -- @ -- rstSystem = resetGen @System -- @ -- -- See 'Clash.Explicit.Testbench.tbClockGen' for example usage. -- resetGen :: forall dom . KnownDomain dom => Reset dom resetGen = resetGenN (SNat @1) {-# INLINE resetGen #-} -- | Generate reset that's asserted for the first /n/ cycles. -- -- To be used like: -- -- @ -- rstSystem5 = resetGen @System (SNat @5) -- @ -- -- Example usage: -- -- >>> sampleN 7 (unsafeToHighPolarity (resetGenN @System (SNat @3))) -- [True,True,True,False,False,False,False] -- resetGenN :: forall dom n . (KnownDomain dom, 1 <= n) => SNat n -- ^ Number of initial cycles to hold reset high -> Reset dom resetGenN n = let asserted = replicate (snatToNum n) True in unsafeFromHighPolarity (fromList (asserted ++ repeat False)) {-# ANN resetGenN hasBlackBox #-} {-# NOINLINE resetGenN #-} -- | A reset signal belonging to a domain called /dom/. -- -- The underlying representation of resets is 'Bool'. data Reset (dom :: Domain) = Reset (Signal dom Bool) -- | Non-ambiguous version of 'Clash.Signal.Internal.Ambiguous.resetPolarity' resetPolarityProxy :: forall dom proxy polarity . (KnownDomain dom, DomainResetPolarity dom ~ polarity) => proxy dom -> SResetPolarity polarity resetPolarityProxy _proxy = case knownDomain @dom of SDomainConfiguration _dom _period _edge _sync _init polarity -> polarity -- | Convert a reset to an active high reset. Has no effect if reset is already -- an active high reset. Is unsafe because it can introduce: -- -- * <Clash-Explicit-Signal.html#metastability meta-stability> -- -- For asynchronous resets it is unsafe because it can cause combinatorial -- loops. In case of synchronous resets it can lead to -- <Clash-Explicit-Signal.html#metastability meta-stability> in the presence of -- asynchronous resets. unsafeToHighPolarity :: forall dom . KnownDomain dom => Reset dom -> Signal dom Bool unsafeToHighPolarity (unsafeFromReset -> r) = case resetPolarityProxy (Proxy @dom) of SActiveHigh -> r SActiveLow -> not <$> r {-# INLINE unsafeToHighPolarity #-} -- | Convert a reset to an active low reset. Has no effect if reset is already -- an active low reset. It is unsafe because it can introduce: -- -- * <Clash-Explicit-Signal.html#metastability meta-stability> -- -- For asynchronous resets it is unsafe because it can cause combinatorial -- loops. In case of synchronous resets it can lead to -- <Clash-Explicit-Signal.html#metastability meta-stability> in the presence of -- asynchronous resets. unsafeToLowPolarity :: forall dom . KnownDomain dom => Reset dom -> Signal dom Bool unsafeToLowPolarity (unsafeFromReset -> r) = case resetPolarityProxy (Proxy @dom) of SActiveHigh -> not <$> r SActiveLow -> r {-# INLINE unsafeToLowPolarity #-} -- | 'unsafeFromReset' is unsafe because it can introduce: -- -- * <Clash-Explicit-Signal.html#metastability meta-stability> -- -- For asynchronous resets it is unsafe because it can cause combinatorial -- loops. In case of synchronous resets it can lead to -- <Clash-Explicit-Signal.html#metastability meta-stability> in the presence of -- asynchronous resets. -- -- __NB__: You probably want to use 'unsafeToLowPolarity' or -- 'unsafeToHighPolarity'. unsafeFromReset :: Reset dom -> Signal dom Bool unsafeFromReset (Reset r) = r {-# NOINLINE unsafeFromReset #-} {-# ANN unsafeFromReset hasBlackBox #-} -- | 'unsafeToReset' is unsafe. For asynchronous resets it is unsafe -- because it can introduce combinatorial loops. In case of synchronous resets -- it can lead to <Clash-Explicit-Signal.html#metastability meta-stability> -- issues in the presence of asynchronous resets. -- -- __NB__: You probably want to use 'unsafeFromLowPolarity' or -- 'unsafeFromHighPolarity'. unsafeToReset :: Signal dom Bool -> Reset dom unsafeToReset r = Reset r {-# NOINLINE unsafeToReset #-} {-# ANN unsafeToReset hasBlackBox #-} -- | Interpret a signal of bools as an active high reset and convert it to -- a reset signal corresponding to the domain's setting. -- -- For asynchronous resets it is unsafe because it can cause combinatorial -- loops. In case of synchronous resets it can lead to -- <Clash-Explicit-Signal.html#metastability meta-stability> in the presence of -- asynchronous resets. unsafeFromHighPolarity :: forall dom . KnownDomain dom => Signal dom Bool -- ^ Reset signal that's 'True' when active, and 'False' when inactive. -> Reset dom unsafeFromHighPolarity r = unsafeToReset $ case resetPolarityProxy (Proxy @dom) of SActiveHigh -> r SActiveLow -> not <$> r -- | Interpret a signal of bools as an active low reset and convert it to -- a reset signal corresponding to the domain's setting. -- -- For asynchronous resets it is unsafe because it can cause combinatorial -- loops. In case of synchronous resets it can lead to -- <Clash-Explicit-Signal.html#metastability meta-stability> in the presence of -- asynchronous resets. unsafeFromLowPolarity :: forall dom . KnownDomain dom => Signal dom Bool -- ^ Reset signal that's 'False' when active, and 'True' when inactive. -> Reset dom unsafeFromLowPolarity r = unsafeToReset $ case resetPolarityProxy (Proxy @dom) of SActiveHigh -> not <$> r SActiveLow -> r -- | Invert reset signal invertReset :: Reset dom -> Reset dom invertReset = unsafeToReset . fmap not . unsafeFromReset infixr 2 .||. -- | The above type is a generalization for: -- -- @ -- __(.||.)__ :: 'Clash.Signal.Signal' 'Bool' -> 'Clash.Signal.Signal' 'Bool' -> 'Clash.Signal.Signal' 'Bool' -- @ -- -- It is a version of ('||') that returns a 'Clash.Signal.Signal' of 'Bool' (.||.) :: Applicative f => f Bool -> f Bool -> f Bool (.||.) = liftA2 (||) infixr 3 .&&. -- | The above type is a generalization for: -- -- @ -- __(.&&.)__ :: 'Clash.Signal.Signal' 'Bool' -> 'Clash.Signal.Signal' 'Bool' -> 'Clash.Signal.Signal' 'Bool' -- @ -- -- It is a version of ('&&') that returns a 'Clash.Signal.Signal' of 'Bool' (.&&.) :: Applicative f => f Bool -> f Bool -> f Bool (.&&.) = liftA2 (&&) -- [Note: register strictness annotations] -- -- In order to produce the first (current) value of the register's output -- signal, 'o', we don't need to know the shape of either input (enable or -- value-in). This is important, because both values might be produced from -- the output in a feedback loop, so we can't know their shape (pattern -- match) them until we have produced output. -- -- Thus, we use lazy pattern matching to delay inspecting the shape of -- either argument until output has been produced. -- -- However, both arguments need to be evaluated to WHNF as soon as possible -- to avoid a space-leak. Below, we explicitly reduce the value-in signal -- using 'seq' as the tail of our output signal is produced. On the other -- hand, because the value of the tail depends on the value of the enable -- signal 'e', it will be forced by the 'if'/'then' statement and we don't -- need to 'seq' it explicitly. delay# :: forall dom a . ( KnownDomain dom , NFDataX a ) => Clock dom -> Enable dom -> a -> Signal dom a -> Signal dom a delay# (Clock dom) (fromEnable -> en) powerUpVal0 = go powerUpVal1 en where powerUpVal1 :: a powerUpVal1 = case knownDomainByName dom of SDomainConfiguration _dom _period _edge _sync SDefined _polarity -> powerUpVal0 SDomainConfiguration _dom _period _edge _sync SUnknown _polarity -> deepErrorX ("First value of `delay` unknown on domain " ++ show dom) go o (e :- es) as@(~(x :- xs)) = let o' = if e then x else o -- See [Note: register strictness annotations] in o `defaultSeqX` o :- (as `seq` go o' es xs) {-# NOINLINE delay# #-} {-# ANN delay# hasBlackBox #-} -- | A register with a power up and reset value. Power up values are not -- supported on all platforms, please consult the manual of your target platform -- and check the notes below. -- -- Xilinx: power up values and reset values MUST be the same. If they are not, -- the Xilinx tooling __will ignore the reset value__ and use the power up value -- instead. Source: MIA -- -- Intel: power up values and reset values MUST be the same. If they are not, -- the Intel tooling __will ignore the power up value__ and use the reset value -- instead. Source: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/programmable/support/support-resources/knowledge-base/solutions/rd01072011_91.html register# :: forall dom a . ( KnownDomain dom , NFDataX a ) => Clock dom -> Reset dom -> Enable dom -> a -- ^ Power up value -> a -- ^ Reset value -> Signal dom a -> Signal dom a register# clk@(Clock dom) rst ena powerUpVal resetVal = case knownDomainByName dom of SDomainConfiguration _name _period _edge SSynchronous _init _polarity -> syncRegister# clk rst ena powerUpVal resetVal SDomainConfiguration _name _period _edge SAsynchronous _init _polarity -> asyncRegister# clk rst ena powerUpVal resetVal {-# NOINLINE register# #-} {-# ANN register# hasBlackBox #-} -- | Acts like 'id' if given domain allows powerup values, but returns a -- value constructed with 'deepErrorX' otherwise. registerPowerup# :: forall dom a . ( KnownDomain dom , NFDataX a , HasCallStack ) => Clock dom -> a -> a registerPowerup# (Clock dom) a = case knownDomainByName dom of SDomainConfiguration _dom _period _edge _sync SDefined _polarity -> a SDomainConfiguration _dom _period _edge _sync SUnknown _polarity -> deepErrorX ("First value of register undefined on domain " ++ show dom) -- | Version of 'register#' that simulates a register on an asynchronous -- domain. Is synthesizable. asyncRegister# :: forall dom a . ( KnownDomain dom , NFDataX a ) => Clock dom -- ^ Clock signal -> Reset dom -- ^ Reset signal -> Enable dom -- ^ Enable signal -> a -- ^ Power up value -> a -- ^ Reset value -> Signal dom a -> Signal dom a asyncRegister# clk (unsafeToHighPolarity -> rst) (fromEnable -> ena) initVal resetVal = go (registerPowerup# clk initVal) rst ena where go o (r :- rs) enas@(~(e :- es)) as@(~(x :- xs)) = let oR = if r then resetVal else o oE = if r then resetVal else (if e then x else o) -- [Note: register strictness annotations] in o `defaultSeqX` oR :- (as `seq` enas `seq` go oE rs es xs) {-# NOINLINE asyncRegister# #-} {-# ANN asyncRegister# hasBlackBox #-} -- | Version of 'register#' that simulates a register on a synchronous -- domain. Not synthesizable. syncRegister# :: forall dom a . ( KnownDomain dom , NFDataX a ) => Clock dom -- ^ Clock signal -> Reset dom -- ^ Reset signal -> Enable dom -- ^ Enable signal -> a -- ^ Power up value -> a -- ^ Reset value -> Signal dom a -> Signal dom a syncRegister# clk (unsafeToHighPolarity -> rst) (fromEnable -> ena) initVal resetVal = go (registerPowerup# clk initVal) rst ena where go o rt@(~(r :- rs)) enas@(~(e :- es)) as@(~(x :- xs)) = let oE = if e then x else o oR = if r then resetVal else oE -- [Note: register strictness annotations] in o `defaultSeqX` o :- (rt `seq` enas `seq` as `seq` go oR rs es xs) {-# NOINLINE syncRegister# #-} {-# ANN syncRegister# dontTranslate #-} -- | The above type is a generalization for: -- -- @ -- __mux__ :: 'Clash.Signal.Signal' 'Bool' -> 'Clash.Signal.Signal' a -> 'Clash.Signal.Signal' a -> 'Clash.Signal.Signal' a -- @ -- -- A multiplexer. Given "@'mux' b t f@", output @t@ when @b@ is 'True', and @f@ -- when @b@ is 'False'. mux :: Applicative f => f Bool -> f a -> f a -> f a mux = liftA3 (\b t f -> if b then t else f) {-# INLINE mux #-} infix 4 .==. -- | The above type is a generalization for: -- -- @ -- __(.==.)__ :: 'Eq' a => 'Clash.Signal.Signal' a -> 'Clash.Signal.Signal' a -> 'Clash.Signal.Signal' 'Bool' -- @ -- -- It is a version of ('==') that returns a 'Clash.Signal.Signal' of 'Bool' (.==.) :: (Eq a, Applicative f) => f a -> f a -> f Bool (.==.) = liftA2 (==) infix 4 ./=. -- | The above type is a generalization for: -- -- @ -- __(./=.)__ :: 'Eq' a => 'Clash.Signal.Signal' a -> 'Clash.Signal.Signal' a -> 'Clash.Signal.Signal' 'Bool' -- @ -- -- It is a version of ('/=') that returns a 'Clash.Signal.Signal' of 'Bool' (./=.) :: (Eq a, Applicative f) => f a -> f a -> f Bool (./=.) = liftA2 (/=) infix 4 .<. -- | The above type is a generalization for: -- -- @ -- __(.<.)__ :: 'Ord' a => 'Clash.Signal.Signal' a -> 'Clash.Signal.Signal' a -> 'Clash.Signal.Signal' 'Bool' -- @ -- -- It is a version of ('<') that returns a 'Clash.Signal.Signal' of 'Bool' (.<.) :: (Ord a, Applicative f) => f a -> f a -> f Bool (.<.) = liftA2 (<) infix 4 .<=. -- | The above type is a generalization for: -- -- @ -- __(.<=.)__ :: 'Ord' a => 'Clash.Signal.Signal' a -> 'Clash.Signal.Signal' a -> 'Clash.Signal.Signal' 'Bool' -- @ -- -- It is a version of ('GHC.TypeNats.<=') that returns a 'Clash.Signal.Signal' of 'Bool' (.<=.) :: (Ord a, Applicative f) => f a -> f a -> f Bool (.<=.) = liftA2 (<=) infix 4 .>. -- | The above type is a generalization for: -- -- @ -- __(.>.)__ :: 'Ord' a => 'Clash.Signal.Signal' a -> 'Clash.Signal.Signal' a -> 'Clash.Signal.Signal' 'Bool' -- @ -- -- It is a version of ('>') that returns a 'Clash.Signal.Signal' of 'Bool' (.>.) :: (Ord a, Applicative f) => f a -> f a -> f Bool (.>.) = liftA2 (>) infix 4 .>=. -- | The above type is a generalization for: -- -- @ -- __(.>=.)__ :: 'Ord' a => 'Clash.Signal.Signal' a -> 'Clash.Signal.Signal' a -> 'Clash.Signal.Signal' 'Bool' -- @ -- -- It is a version of ('>=') that returns a 'Clash.Signal.Signal' of 'Bool' (.>=.) :: (Ord a, Applicative f) => f a -> f a -> f Bool (.>=.) = liftA2 (>=) instance Fractional a => Fractional (Signal dom a) where (/) = liftA2 (/) recip = fmap recip fromRational = signal# . fromRational instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Signal dom a) where arbitrary = liftA2 (:-) arbitrary arbitrary instance CoArbitrary a => CoArbitrary (Signal dom a) where coarbitrary xs gen = do n <- arbitrary coarbitrary (take (abs n) (sample_lazy xs)) gen -- | The above type is a generalization for: -- -- @ -- __testFor__ :: 'Int' -> 'Clash.Signal.Signal' Bool -> 'Property' -- @ -- -- @testFor n s@ tests the signal @s@ for @n@ cycles. -- -- __NB__: This function is not synthesizable testFor :: Foldable f => Int -> f Bool -> Property testFor n = property . and . take n . sample -- * List \<-\> Signal conversion (not synthesizable) -- | The above type is a generalization for: -- -- @ -- __sample__ :: 'Clash.Signal.Signal' a -> [a] -- @ -- -- Get an infinite list of samples from a 'Clash.Signal.Signal' -- -- The elements in the list correspond to the values of the 'Clash.Signal.Signal' -- at consecutive clock cycles -- -- > sample s == [s0, s1, s2, s3, ... -- -- __NB__: This function is not synthesizable sample :: (Foldable f, NFDataX a) => f a -> [a] sample = foldr (\a b -> deepseqX a (a : b)) [] -- | The above type is a generalization for: -- -- @ -- __sampleN__ :: Int -> 'Clash.Signal.Signal' a -> [a] -- @ -- -- Get a list of @n@ samples from a 'Clash.Signal.Signal' -- -- The elements in the list correspond to the values of the 'Clash.Signal.Signal' -- at consecutive clock cycles -- -- > sampleN 3 s == [s0, s1, s2] -- -- __NB__: This function is not synthesizable sampleN :: (Foldable f, NFDataX a) => Int -> f a -> [a] sampleN n = take n . sample -- | Create a 'Clash.Signal.Signal' from a list -- -- Every element in the list will correspond to a value of the signal for one -- clock cycle. -- -- >>> sampleN 2 (fromList [1,2,3,4,5]) -- [1,2] -- -- __NB__: This function is not synthesizable fromList :: NFDataX a => [a] -> Signal dom a fromList = Prelude.foldr (\a b -> deepseqX a (a :- b)) (errorX "finite list") -- * Simulation functions (not synthesizable) -- | Simulate a (@'Clash.Signal.Signal' a -> 'Clash.Signal.Signal' b@) function -- given a list of samples of type @a@ -- -- >>> simulate (register systemClockGen resetGen enableGen 8) [1, 1, 2, 3] -- [8,8,1,2,3... -- ... -- -- __NB__: This function is not synthesizable simulate :: (NFDataX a, NFDataX b) => (Signal dom1 a -> Signal dom2 b) -> [a] -> [b] simulate f = sample . f . fromList -- | The above type is a generalization for: -- -- @ -- __sample__ :: 'Clash.Signal.Signal' a -> [a] -- @ -- -- Get an infinite list of samples from a 'Clash.Signal.Signal' -- -- The elements in the list correspond to the values of the 'Clash.Signal.Signal' -- at consecutive clock cycles -- -- > sample s == [s0, s1, s2, s3, ... -- -- __NB__: This function is not synthesizable sample_lazy :: Foldable f => f a -> [a] sample_lazy = foldr (:) [] -- | The above type is a generalization for: -- -- @ -- __sampleN__ :: Int -> 'Clash.Signal.Signal' a -> [a] -- @ -- -- Get a list of @n@ samples from a 'Clash.Signal.Signal' -- -- The elements in the list correspond to the values of the 'Clash.Signal.Signal' -- at consecutive clock cycles -- -- > sampleN 3 s == [s0, s1, s2] -- -- __NB__: This function is not synthesizable sampleN_lazy :: Foldable f => Int -> f a -> [a] sampleN_lazy n = take n . sample_lazy -- | Create a 'Clash.Signal.Signal' from a list -- -- Every element in the list will correspond to a value of the signal for one -- clock cycle. -- -- >>> sampleN 2 (fromList [1,2,3,4,5] :: Signal System Int) -- [1,2] -- -- __NB__: This function is not synthesizable fromList_lazy :: [a] -> Signal dom a fromList_lazy = Prelude.foldr (:-) (error "finite list") -- * Simulation functions (not synthesizable) -- | Simulate a (@'Clash.Signal.Signal' a -> 'Clash.Signal.Signal' b@) function -- given a list of samples of type @a@ -- -- >>> simulate (register systemClockGen resetGen enableGen 8) [1, 1, 2, 3] -- [8,8,1,2,3... -- ... -- -- __NB__: This function is not synthesizable simulate_lazy :: (Signal dom1 a -> Signal dom2 b) -> [a] -> [b] simulate_lazy f = sample_lazy . f . fromList_lazy -- | Calculate the period, in __ps__, given a frequency in __Hz__ -- -- i.e. to calculate the clock period for a circuit to run at 240 MHz we get -- -- >>> hzToPeriod 240e6 -- 4166 -- -- __NB__: This function is /not/ synthesizable -- -- __NB__: This function is lossy. I.e., periodToHz . hzToPeriod /= id. hzToPeriod :: HasCallStack => Ratio Natural -> Natural hzToPeriod freq = floor ((1.0 / freq) / 1.0e-12) -- | Calculate the frequence in __Hz__, given the period in __ps__ -- -- i.e. to calculate the clock frequency of a clock with a period of 5000 ps: -- -- >>> periodToHz 5000 -- 200000000 % 1 -- -- __NB__: This function is /not/ synthesizable periodToHz :: Natural -> Ratio Natural periodToHz period = 1.0 / (1.0e-12 * fromIntegral period) -- | Build an 'Automaton' from a function over 'Signal's. -- -- __NB__: Consumption of continuation of the 'Automaton' must be affine; that -- is, you can only apply the continuation associated with a particular element -- at most once. signalAutomaton :: forall dom a b . (Signal dom a -> Signal dom b) -> Automaton (->) a b signalAutomaton dut = Automaton $ \input0 -> unsafePerformIO $ do inputRefs <- infiniteRefList Nothing let inputs = input0 :- fmap readInput inputRefs readInput ref = unsafePerformIO $ do val <- readIORef ref case val of Nothing -> fail "signalAutomaton: non-affine use of continuation" Just x -> return x let go (inRef :- inRefs) (out :- rest) = do let next :: Automaton (->) a b next = Automaton $ \i -> unsafePerformIO $ do old <- atomicModifyIORef inRef (\old -> (Just i,old)) case old of Nothing -> return () Just _ -> fail "signalAutomaton: non-affine use of continuation" unsafeInterleaveIO (go inRefs rest) return (out, next) go inputRefs (dut inputs) {-# NOINLINE signalAutomaton #-} infiniteRefList :: a -> IO (Signal dom (IORef a)) infiniteRefList val = go where go = do rest <- unsafeInterleaveIO go ref <- newIORef val return (ref :- rest)