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clash-prelude-0.99.3: CAES Language for Synchronous Hardware - Prelude library

Copyright© 2015-2016 Christiaan Baaij
2017 Google Inc.
LicenseCreative Commons 4.0 (CC BY 4.0) (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Safe HaskellNone





    Decoders and Encoders


    Using a case statement:

    decoderCase :: Bool -> BitVector 4 -> BitVector 16
    decoderCase enable binaryIn | enable =
      case binaryIn of
        0x0 -> 0x0001
        0x1 -> 0x0002
        0x2 -> 0x0004
        0x3 -> 0x0008
        0x4 -> 0x0010
        0x5 -> 0x0020
        0x6 -> 0x0040
        0x7 -> 0x0080
        0x8 -> 0x0100
        0x9 -> 0x0200
        0xA -> 0x0400
        0xB -> 0x0800
        0xC -> 0x1000
        0xD -> 0x2000
        0xE -> 0x4000
        0xF -> 0x8000
    decoderCase _ _ = 0

    Using the shiftL function:

    decoderShift :: Bool -> BitVector 4 -> BitVector 16
    decoderShift enable binaryIn =
      if enable
         then 1 `shiftL` (fromIntegral binaryIn)
         else 0


    >>> decoderCase True 3
    >>> decoderShift True 7

    The following property holds:

    \enable binaryIn -> decoderShift enable binaryIn === decoderCase enable binaryIn


    Using a case statement:

    encoderCase :: Bool -> BitVector 16 -> BitVector 4
    encoderCase enable binaryIn | enable =
      case binaryIn of
        0x0001 -> 0x0
        0x0002 -> 0x1
        0x0004 -> 0x2
        0x0008 -> 0x3
        0x0010 -> 0x4
        0x0020 -> 0x5
        0x0040 -> 0x6
        0x0080 -> 0x7
        0x0100 -> 0x8
        0x0200 -> 0x9
        0x0400 -> 0xA
        0x0800 -> 0xB
        0x1000 -> 0xC
        0x2000 -> 0xD
        0x4000 -> 0xE
        0x8000 -> 0xF
    encoderCase _ _ = 0

    The following property holds:

    \en decIn -> en ==> (encoderCase en (decoderCase en decIn) === decIn)


    8-bit Simple Up Counter

    Using register:

      :: HiddenClockReset domain gated synchronous
      => Signal domain Bool
      -> Signal domain (Unsigned 8)
    upCounter enable = s
        s = register 0 (mux enable (s + 1) s)

    8-bit Up Counter With Load

    Using mealy:

      :: HiddenClockReset domain gated synchronous
      => Signal domain (Bool,Bool,Unsigned 8)
      -> Signal domain (Unsigned 8)
    upCounterLd = mealy upCounterLdT 0
    upCounterLdT s (ld,en,dIn) = (s',s)
        s' | ld        = dIn
           | en        = s + 1
           | otherwise = s

    8-bit Up-Down counter

    Using register and mux:

      :: HiddenClockReset domain gated synchronous
      => Signal domain Bool
      -> Signal domain (Unsigned 8)
    upDownCounter upDown = s
        s = register 0 (mux upDown (s + 1) (s - 1))

    The following property holds:

    \en -> en ==> testFor 1000 (upCounter (pure en) .==. upDownCounter (pure en))


    External/Fibonacci LFSR, for n=16 and using the primitive polynominal 1 + x^11 + x^13 + x^14 + x^16

    lfsrF' :: BitVector 16 -> BitVector 16
    lfsrF' s = pack feedback ++# slice d15 d1 s
        feedback = s!5 `xor` s!3 `xor` s!2 `xor` s!0
      :: HiddenClockReset domain gated synchronous
      => BitVector 16
      -> Signal domain Bit
    lfsrF seed = msb <$> r
      where r = register seed (lfsrF' <$> r)

    We can also build a internal/Galois LFSR which has better timing characteristics. We first define a Galois LFSR parametrizable in its filter taps:

    lfsrGP taps regs = zipWith xorM taps (fb +>> regs)
        fb  = last regs
        xorM i x | i         = x `xor` fb
                 | otherwise = x

    Then we can instantiate a 16-bit LFSR as follows:

    lfsrG :: HiddenClockReset domain gated synchronous => BitVector 16 -> Signal domain Bit
    lfsrG seed = last (unbundle r)
      where r = register (unpack seed) (lfsrGP (unpack 0b0011010000000000) <$> r)

    The following property holds:

    testFor 100 (lfsrF 0xACE1 .==. lfsrG 0x4645)

    Gray counter

    Using the previously defined upCounter:

      :: HiddenClockReset domain gated synchronous
      => Signal domain Bool
      -> Signal domain (BitVector 8)
    grayCounter en = gray <$> upCounter en
      where gray xs = pack (msb xs) ++# xor (slice d7 d1 xs) (slice d6 d0 xs)

    One-hot counter

    Basically a barrel-shifter:

      :: HiddenClockReset domain gated synchronous
      => Signal domain Bool
      -> Signal domain (BitVector 8)
    oneHotCounter enable = s
        s = register 1 (mux enable (rotateL <$> s <*> 1) s)

    Parity and CRC


    Just reduceXor:

    parity :: Unsigned 8 -> Bit
    parity data_in = reduceXor data_in

    Serial CRC

    • Width = 16 bits
    • Truncated polynomial = 0x1021
    • Initial value = 0xFFFF
    • Input data is NOT reflected
    • Output CRC is NOT reflected
    • No XOR is performed on the output CRC
    crcT bv dIn = replaceBit 0  dInXor
                $ replaceBit 5  (bv!4  `xor` dInXor)
                $ replaceBit 12 (bv!11 `xor` dInXor)
        dInXor  = dIn `xor` fb
        rotated = rotateL bv 1
        fb      = msb bv
      :: HiddenClockReset domain gated synchronous
      => Signal domain Bool
      -> Signal domain Bool
      -> Signal domain Bit
      -> Signal domain (BitVector 16)
    crc enable ld dIn = s
        s = register 0xFFFF (mux enable (mux ld 0xFFFF (crcT <$> s <*> dIn)) s)

    UART model

    {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
    module UART (uart) where
    import Clash.Prelude
    import Control.Lens
    import Control.Monad
    import Control.Monad.Trans.State
    -- UART RX Logic
    data RxReg
      = RxReg
      { _rx_reg        :: BitVector 8
      , _rx_data       :: BitVector 8
      , _rx_sample_cnt :: Unsigned 4
      , _rx_cnt        :: Unsigned 4
      , _rx_frame_err  :: Bool
      , _rx_over_run   :: Bool
      , _rx_empty      :: Bool
      , _rx_d1         :: Bit
      , _rx_d2         :: Bit
      , _rx_busy       :: Bool
    makeLenses ''RxReg
    uartRX r@(RxReg {..}) rx_in uld_rx_data rx_enable = flip execState r $ do
      -- Synchronise the async signal
      rx_d1 .= rx_in
      rx_d2 .= _rx_d1
      -- Uload the rx data
      when uld_rx_data $ do
        rx_data  .= _rx_reg
        rx_empty .= True
      -- Receive data only when rx is enabled
      if rx_enable then do
        -- Check if just received start of frame
        when (not _rx_busy && _rx_d2 == 0) $ do
          rx_busy       .= True
          rx_sample_cnt .= 1
          rx_cnt        .= 0
        -- Star of frame detected, Proceed with rest of data
        when _rx_busy $ do
          rx_sample_cnt += 1
          -- Logic to sample at middle of data
          when (_rx_sample_cnt == 7) $ do
            if _rx_d1 == 1 && _rx_cnt == 0 then
              rx_busy .= False
            else do
              rx_cnt += 1
              -- start storing the rx data
              when (_rx_cnt > 0 && _rx_cnt < 9) $ do
                rx_reg %= replaceBit (_rx_cnt - 1) _rx_d2
              when (_rx_cnt == 9) $ do
                rx_busy .= False
                -- Check if End of frame received correctly
                if _rx_d2 == 0 then
                  rx_frame_err .= True
                else do
                  rx_empty     .= False
                  rx_frame_err .= False
                  -- Check if last rx data was not unloaded
                  rx_over_run  .= not _rx_empty
      else do
        rx_busy .= False
    -- UART TX Logic
    data TxReg
      = TxReg
      { _tx_reg      :: BitVector 8
      , _tx_empty    :: Bool
      , _tx_over_run :: Bool
      , _tx_out      :: Bit
      , _tx_cnt      :: Unsigned 4
    makeLenses ''TxReg
    uartTX t@(TxReg {..}) ld_tx_data tx_data tx_enable = flip execState t $ do
      when ld_tx_data $ do
        if not _tx_empty then
          tx_over_run .= False
        else do
          tx_reg   .= tx_data
          tx_empty .= False
      when (tx_enable && not _tx_empty) $ do
        tx_cnt += 1
        when (_tx_cnt == 0) $
          tx_out .= 0
        when (_tx_cnt > 0 && _tx_cnt < 9) $
          tx_out .= _tx_reg ! (_tx_cnt - 1)
        when (_tx_cnt == 9) $ do
          tx_out   .= 1
          tx_cnt   .= 0
          tx_empty .= True
      unless tx_enable $
        tx_cnt .= 0
    -- Combine RX and TX logic
    uart ld_tx_data tx_data tx_enable rx_in uld_rx_data rx_enable =
        ( _tx_out   <$> txReg
        , _tx_empty <$> txReg
        , _rx_data  <$> rxReg
        , _rx_empty <$> rxReg
        rxReg     = register rxRegInit (uartRX <$> rxReg <*> rx_in <*> uld_rx_data
                                               <*> rx_enable)
        rxRegInit = RxReg { _rx_reg        = 0
                          , _rx_data       = 0
                          , _rx_sample_cnt = 0
                          , _rx_cnt        = 0
                          , _rx_frame_err  = False
                          , _rx_over_run   = False
                          , _rx_empty      = True
                          , _rx_d1         = 1
                          , _rx_d2         = 1
                          , _rx_busy       = False
        txReg     = register txRegInit (uartTX <$> txReg <*> ld_tx_data <*> tx_data
                                               <*> tx_enable)
        txRegInit = TxReg { _tx_reg      = 0
                          , _tx_empty    = True
                          , _tx_over_run = False
                          , _tx_out      = 1
                          , _tx_cnt      = 0